• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,515 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Slumber Party

One afternoon at Alistair's apartment, Alistair and his crop of the group were relaxing. Pinkie was enjoying a bag of cheese balls, Muse was reading a book off the shelf, Rarity was working on her nails, and Rainbow was playing videogames with Alistair. The two were engaging in a fighting game, with Alistair dominating Rainbow Dash. Rainbow gawked, seeing her avatar lose for the fourth time, "Oh rematch!" Rainbow declared.

"It'll take you a long time before you can actually beat me at this, Rainbow." Alistair smirked, as they continued playing.

"Well I happen to be a fast learner." Rainbow boasted, as she played.

Muse eyed what they were doing, and spoke to Rarity, "And once again Rainbow has found something to be competitive over."

"Well at least she's not being too sore about it." Rarity answered.

"Yummy-yummy cheese balls!" Pinkie cheered, as she popped some in her mouth and ate them.

"Pinkie, chew with your mouth closed. Honestly." Rarity lectured, as the party girl did so with a pout.

Suddenly Alistair's cellphone rang, startling him. Because of this he messed up and his avatar was defeated by Rainbow's, "Hah! Score!" the rainbow haired girl cheered.

"That doesn't count. I was startled!" Alistair argued.

"Don't pawn your loss off on your phone." Rainbow replied smugly.

Alistair rolled his eyes, before finally answering his cell, "What is it?"

"Yo Alistair, you and the girls meet us by the bridge in the park. I got something fun for us to do today." Dustin's voice came on the other line.

"Well better than being inside during the summer," Alistair answered, "Ok, we'll see ya there." He hung up.

"What's going on?" Muse asked curiously.

"That was Dustin. He says he's got plans for us to do today." The dark warrior answered.

"Did he say what?" Rarity inquired.

"No, but he's always been full of surprises." He answered.

"Oh I love surprises!" Pinkie cheered in excitement.

"Well we better go and see what it's about." Rainbow said, as they halted their game and left the apartment.

Meanwhile in Central Park, Dustin, Zyphon, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Wildcard were waiting by the bridge, until they saw Alistair and the others approach, "Hey guys!" Alistair called.

"There you guys are. We were wondering." Dustin said, as he got off the bridges ledge.

"Well we're here, so what's this idea you got for us to do today?" Rainbow asked, as she leaned up against the bridge ledge.

"Well I've decided that we should do something that Alistair and I haven't done since summer started a month ago. Something that both of our worlds have." Dustin began.

"And that is?" Wild asked, wanting him to get to the point.

"We're going bowling." He smirked.

"Bowling?" they asked.

"Yeah," Dustin answered, "I know it's a sport found in Equestria as well, but trust me you'll find bowling with hands is much better than using your muzzle."

"I'll take your word for it," Rainbow replied, as she twiddled her fingers, "I've gotten accustomed to using hands for stuff."

"So is it a 'yes'?" Dustin asked, until he saw Alistair give him a thumb's up, and the others looked interested, "I'll take that as a yes. Well come on I promised the others we'd meet them there." And with that, they followed Dustin's lead.

Soon they were at the bowling alley, with Dustin and Alistair's pals. Some of them were doing a few bowls, while others like Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight were sitting around and keeping score. Alice picked up her ball and tried rolling it, but only got four pins, "Oh well." She sighed, as the rest of the pins were all scooped up.

"Hey no one's perfect." Alicia patted her sister's shoulder in comfort.

Dustin took his ball, and approached a lane, "Watch this." Dean said to the pony girls.

Dustin gained some distance before going a bit down the aisle before launching his ball forward rolling for the end. The girls watched in anticipation, while Dustin maneuvered his hands a little to the right wanting his ball to move a little in that direction and sure enough the ball's trajectory moved a bit to the right getting in the center before nailing all the pins, "Yeah!" Dustin cheered with Zyphon.

"A perfect strike!" Elroy called.

"Wow," Wild gasped, "And I thought I had luck."

"Way to go, Dustin!" Ralph cheered, as the boys put their thumbs to the sides of their heads while waving the rest of their hands up and down like ears. As they did so they were making unusual cheering grunts and rants.

The girls watched feeling awkward, until Aria spoke to them, "This happens every day."

"They're such animals." Eu added.

"They're just being boys." Alice reminded them.

"Now that girls is the way to bowl." Dustin boasted, while Alicia and Aria rolled their eyes.

"That was perfect!" Pinkie cheered.

"You weren't using anything spirit energy related to make that strike, were you?" Twilight asked suspiciously, while sporting her hands on her hips.

"Twilight, you think so little of me," Dustin answered while feeling hurt, "Do you honestly think I would stoop to such a low?"

"I was just asking." she replied.

"Trust me, Twilight," Alistair began, "Dustin's been doing this for years. He's worked hard on his skill."

"Come on let's keep at this." Dean said, as they continued playing.

Ralph picked up his ball and rolled it managing to get half the pins, "Oh yeah do I rock or what?"

"You rock out loud!" Pinkie giggled, as Ralph blushed.

Aria had just finished her turn as her cell rang, "Hold on," she answered it, "Hello? Oh I see. Yes I understand. No don't worry I'll figure something out. Ok love you, bro. Bye." She shut her phone off.

Seeing it was from Burai, Jade asked her, "What's the buzz from the bro?"

"Well Burai has to work the night shift at the hospital tonight." She explained.

"So then you'll be by yourself tonight?" Alice gasped with Fluttershy.

"Yeah. Unfortunately mom is still in Japan checking her new line of outfits." She answered.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Eu asked hopefully, while Twilight looked eager to help as well.

"Actually yeah you girls can help me," she began, "Twi, A.J, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Muse, how would you guys like join me and the others at my place to night."

"You mean like a sleepover?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yup, just us girls." Aria answered.

"That sounds great. We haven't had a chance to do something like that since my first time." Twi admitted, while A.J and Rarity rolled their eyes at the memory.

"I'd love that!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well I guess I could." Rainbow agreed.

"So could I." Muse added.

"Then it's decided girls." Jade said, while gathering them together.

"A sleepover? Now that could be fun." Spike smirked, until Twilight spoke up.

"Sorry Spike, but you'll be spending the night with Dustin."

"Oh man." He grumbled.

Overhearing them was Dustin, who smirked before gathering his boys and Wild together, "Guys, I know exactly what we're gonna do tonight." he snickered softly.

"Are you thinking of?" Jethro began, only to be cut off.

"Why yes, Jethro. I am."

"That's devious. I like it!" Dean smirked, as slowly the others started agreeing.

Later that night, the girls had walked to and entered Aria's house. The place looked like a mix between regular American rooming with a Japanese touch to it, "Nice place." Rainbow admitted, while looking at a dragon statue.

"Thanks. Most of these antiques come from Japan." she explained.

"You sure are into your culture." Twilight admitted, as she looked at a shoji lamp.

"I'm proud of both heritages on each of my parent's side." She answered.

So the girls got comfy as Jade spoke, "Sodas check."

"Snacks check." Eu checked it off.

"Pizza ordered." Alice said, while hearing the doorbell ring.

"Only one last thing to do," Aria began, before looking at Tricera, "Beat it boy."

"All right. I know when I'm not supposed to be here." he left the room and headed elsewhere.

"Good, now we can officially begin." Alicia said, as the girls cheered.

"What do we do first?" Twilight asked, as the others awaited the word.

"First we eat, you all must be starting." Aria believed.

"I'm famished." Applejack admitted, as Alice went to get the pizzas.

Unaware to them, Fievel had snuck himself into the vent and had a mini camera strapped to his head so he could record it. It traced back to the Savage bros apartment, where Dustin, his pals, Wild, Zyphon, and Spike were watching everything Fievel was recording on Alistair's TV, "It's begun." Alistair gasped.

"Oh, I can't believe we got a front row seat to the greatest event this summer." Ralph said, while feeling gitty.

Wild spoke to Dustin, "I can't believe you got Fievel to do this."

"That mouse will do anything for a handful of cheddar." Dustin replied, as he kicked back.

"We could make a documentary based off this footage," Jethro began, as he watched the girls eat and share a few laughs, "Girls in their natural habitat."

Dean responded, "More so we can finally get some juice on them."

"Yeah, maybe hear things they don't want us to know about." Elroy added.

So after the girls had their food, Aria spoke up, "Ok girls, time to play a game of Truth or Dare!" The girls gasped as they gathered around, "Now this game is a bit different from regular truth or dare."

The pony girls were confused, "Different, how?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well it's like the normal game, but those who refuse to tell the truth or take the dare will be punished by stripping an article of clothing." She explained.

The girls gasped, while the boys were watching started trembling, until Dean spoke up, "Dudes set phasers to happy place."

"What?!" Rainbow gasped, "Why would we do that?"

Eu replied, "It's a way to ensure you go through with whatever dare or truth no matter what."

"But is that really wise?" Alice trembled at the thought of losing all her clothes.

"Alice, you can relax we're all girls here." Jade reminded her.

"Yes, I know." She calmed down, as the boys watching it were smirking.

"So then let's get started." Aria began, as she took a bottle and sat it in the middle of their ring and spun in. The girls watched it spin around before it started slowing down.

Finally it stopped landing on Jade as they looked at her, before she responded, "Looks like I'm the first."

"Ok Jade, truth or dare?" Aria asked.

"Dare me." she answered boldly.

"Ooh, bold one," Aria smirked, as she got an idea for her to do, "Ok I dare you to balance on top of a mountain of books using only your hands."

Jade looked at her blankly, "Is that all? You forget I'm the acrobat?"

Aria spoke, while taking out a blindfold, "Then I guess you won't have any problems doing it blindfolded, while balancing two glasses of water on your feet?" she sweetened the dare.

Jade was surprised at this addition, but wasn't going to back out, "Ok, if that's what you want."

And so the mountain of books was stacked, as Jade got on it with her hands. Alice and Alicia placed the water on both her feet before Aria blindfolded her, "Now you need to hold it for five minutes." She instructed.

"Nothing to it." Jade answered, while keeping still.

They watched as Jade kept still, but were worried about her slipping up. Soon Alicia called, "Time!"

"Ok Jade, you passed your dare." Aria said, while undoing the blindfold.

"Nothing to it," Jade answered, as she bounced the glasses of water off her feet, and caught them in her hands before drinking them.

"Ok Jade, your turn." Alicia noted.

Jade spun the bottle and they watched as it landed on Twilight, "Ooh, ok Twilight truth or dare?"

"Hmm, truth." She answered.

"Ok, have you ever done something so embarrassing you felt your life was over?" Jade asked.

"Uh well, yes I've been there." Twilight answered, while recalling so many times she's been in that predicament.

"Then share with us your worst experience." Jade requested of the bookworm.

Twi bit her lip, feeling nervous knowing just about any of her embarrassing experiences would be embarrassing for her, "Well you see…"

"You think she's gonna do it?" Applejack asked the girls

"I don't know." Rarity answered, as the others watched her.

Twilight was hesitant to tell her one of her worse times before answering, "I can't! I'm sorry, but I just can't do it."

"Then you pass?" Jade asked if it was her final answer.

"Yes." She winced.

"You know the penalty." Aria reminded the princess.

"Where do I start?" she asked nervously.

"Well since you're starting it out, we'll go easy, but no more freebies. Start with your feet." Aria instructed.

So Twilight removed her shoes and her socks exposing her bare feet. The boys watched the monitor in awe, "Fievel, zoom in." Alistair spoke on a little mike, which transferred back to a little mike piece Fievel had on him. So the camera zoomed in a bit as it focused on Twilight's bare feet.

"Look at that." Ralph gasped.

"Those are some cute feet." Dustin added, as they saw Twilight wiggle her little toes.

"Oh yeah, I'm saving this memory for future reference in my mind." Dean said, as he fixated his eyes on the girl's bare feet.

'I like this new rule in truth or dare game.' Spike thought, as he hoped Rarity would pass on a dare or telling the truth.

Twilight spun the bottle and it landed on Fluttershy, "Eep." The shy girl gasped.

"Ok Fluttershy, truth or dare?" Twilight asked.

"Well I'll take dare no maybe truth." she started rambling, feeling unable to make up her mind

"Fluttershy relax, it's not a big deal. Just choose which ever you feel more confident with." Aria assured her.

"Well ok, I'll pick truth." She answered calmly.

"Ok have you ever regretted anything you've done?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy spoke, "Well there are a few. One thing I've regretted was the way I tried desperately to befriend the animals in the castle garden."

"But I thought Dustin said you had natural magnetism for animals." Alice replied, remembering all Dustin told them about the ponies.

"I do, but with woodland creatures or our pets. The animals in the castle garden however must've been bred to not need special help." She answered, still recalling how she went crazy.

"Well said, Fluttershy." Aria said proudly at how she was able to admit it.

Fluttershy spun the bottle and it landed on Muse, "Oh sorry Muse, I didn't mean too." She apologized.

"It's ok Fluttershy, and I'll pick dare." Muse requested.

"Fluttershy daring?" Rainbow Dash asked, feeling this wasn't going to be exciting

Fluttershy thought, as Eu whispered something in her ear, 'Oh dear, well if this will help,' she spoke, "Ok Muse, I dare you to tell us what you really think about Wildcard."

At the apartment, the boys gasped seeing it was getting into that kind of talk. They saw Wildcard was blushing as he got closer to the screen, "This is getting good." Dean smirked.

Wild shushed him, "Quiet."

Muse began explaining, "Well I guess Wild is a great colt. He's very street smart if you want to know and he's been a good coltfriend."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah common knowledge. Where's the good stuff?" Rainbow demanded, taking Muse by surprise as well as the others.

"Well if you girls really want to know…" Muse began as she explained, "I think he's the absolute wonderful colt in the world. When we go on our dates he'd always make sure everything's perfect, and when something goes out of line he always goes to make sure whatever's wrong is right." she spoke like it was a mathematical formula similar to how Fluttershy explained her critique on her Gala dress to Rarity. This made the girls surprised while Wild was blown away.

"Wow." Dustin gasped.

"I had no idea," Wild said, before smirking, "Score one for the game master." The guys high fived him.

"Well that's better than what you said before." Rainbow admitted.

Muse spun the bottle it landed on Aria, "Well Aria it's your time. Truth or dare?"

"Hmm dare me." She requested. The boys watched with amusement.

"Okay, I dare you to tell us a story from your childhood." Muse dared her.

Aria was surprised, but smiled, "Well there was this one time I made Burai have a tea party with me."

"What?!" they gasped.

"Oh yeah, I tricked him into joining me. I made him put on a dress and everything," she explained, "The best part my mom recorded it we can watch it if you girls want."

"We'll save that for later." Jade replied.

With the guys, Dean spoke, "Man these girls will do or say anything."

"I know I wanna see something more come off, from any of them!" Elroy ranted.

"Chillax Elroy, there's no way they can do everything they're told." Dustin assured him, as they continued watching.

"Ok your go." Pinkie said to Aria, who spun it until it landed on Rainbow Dash.

"Ok Dashie, truth or dare?"

"Dare me." She replied eagerly.

"All right," Aria began, "I dare you to let us give your feet a little massage." Suddenly Rainbow paled

Wild smirked, "She's got her. Dashie has very ticklish hooves, or in this case feet."

"Wonder what she'll remove?" Alistair smirked, as the other boys gathered around.

"Well when she does I'm averting my eyes." Wild replied.

Rainbow Dash was nervous as Aria went to take the girls shoes off before she pulled her legs back and hugged them to her chest, "NO! I don't like others touching my hooves or feet, or whatever!"

"Then you have no choice." Alicia warned her

"So what do you want of me?" Dash asked with a sigh.

"Well we can't keep having all of you remove your shoes so let's have her do something else." Alicia suggested.

"Agreed. Dash, lose your shirt." Eu instructed.

Rainbow looked around at the others watching. She reached for the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up, but stopped right as she exposed her navel. She suddenly noticed something in the vent, "Why is there a little light blinking in your vent Aria?"

"Huh?" she asked as the girls looked in the direction while the boys were nervous.

Aria climbed up and looked inside seeing Fievel, "Uh, hi." Fievel said nervously.

"Come here!" Aria called, as the mouse screamed as he tried to get away, only to get caught by Aria who showed him to the girls.

"Fievel?" Fluttershy gasped.

"What're you doing here, and in that vent?" Jade asked in confusion and suspicion.

"Sorry, but I must've made that wrong left turn at Albuquerque." He answered sheepishly, hoping they'd buy it.

Aria spotted the camera on his head, "What is this?"

"It looks like a camera." Alice noted.

"Huh, is that what that thing is?" Fievel asked playing ignorant, "I thought it was a hat."

"Why would Fievel have a camera strapped to his head?" Twilight asked, until it dawned on the girl warriors.

Aria growled and yelled into the camera, "DUSTIN!"

The boys gasped as they saw the up close of Aria's face on the TV, "Secrets out!" Dean cried.

"What should we do?" Jethro asked frantically.

"I don't know." Dustin panicked along with the others, who didn't know whether to leave the apartment or hide.

"Eu, do you know a teleportation spells?" Aria asked with a smirk.

"Just one." She answered, while holding her scepter.

"Uh-oh." Alistair gasped fearing the worst.

"Do it!"

Eu spoke, while holding her scepter out, "Teleportro!"

Suddenly they saw on the screen was their backs, "Guys!" they turned seeing Fievel.

"Fievel!" they called as Alistair held his familiar up.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but why did they teleport me here?" Fievel asked, until they looked around seeing someone was missing.

"Dustin, where are you?" Ralph asked nervously.

"He's gone." Jethro gasped.

"You don't think they…" Elroy trailed off.

"Maybe they did." Wild answered in worry.

Back at Aria's, Dustin appeared before them, "AH!" he shrieked seeing he was surrounded.

"Tie him to the chair!" Aria ordered the girls, who looked ready to oblige.

"You'll never take me alive!" Dustin made a run for it.

"Not so fast, pal!" Rainbow grabbed him and dragged him back over.

"Make sure it's nice and tight we don't want him to squirm for this." Aria said sinisterly.

He sat on a chair and was tied to it as the girls stood before him, "No this is not what it looks like." Dustin pleaded to them.

"Dustin, why?" Alice asked in surprise.

"Alice, please I'm not what you think I am." Dustin continued to plead for his life.

"We think you're a spy." Rainbow accused him, while putting her face into his, making Dustin cringe.

"We love you Dustin, but you have to be punished." Alicia said stoically.

"Me alone, what about the guys? They're just as guilty!" Dustin argued about being punished alone.

"We'll take care of each of them later," Aria promised him, "Girls I was saving this for ourselves but I figure this is a good punishment" Aria took out a makeup kit.

"Ooh that's very good." Rarity admitted, with a smirk at Dustin.

Dustin began sweating as they turned back to him, "Any last words before we begin our revenge?" Jade asked.

"I'm out of here!" Dustin screamed, as he started jumping the chair up and down, while bouncing away.

"He's getting away!" Pinkie called, while holding lipstick.

"Get him!" Twilight called.

Dustin continued bouncing away from them and saw the door up ahead, "Almost there."

A.J slid in front of the doorway, "Hold it right there, varmint."

"Oh snap!" he spun his chair to bounce back the other way, only to see the others cornering him.

"Let the makeover commence." Aria said, as the girls readied the supplies.

"WAIT!" Dustin screamed freezing them in place, "Don't I get a last request?"

The girls looked to each other in concern until they reached a decision with Eu answering, "Well why not, it's only fair."

"Let me at least do something fun for you." Dustin said, as he was allowed free and went to the stereo and put on music. As the music started playing he went to the center of the room and started dancing with a few foot taps and started moving his arms around to the front and back.

The girls watched as he danced to the rhythm, "This is his last request?" Twilight asked Aria.

"He likes doing this." She answered, while remembering the fun times he'd dance to this song.

As Dustin continued performing, the girls continued to enjoy it. He wrapped it up and announced, "Tequila!" The girls applauded, while Dustin smiled with hope.

"That was wonderful, Dustin." Alice clapped in amaze.

"Nothing's too good for my friends." Dustin replied.

"That was very entertaining." Aria admitted, as the girls agreed.

"Why thank you, Aria. Well you all look tired so I'll just get out of your hair now," He started sliding his way to the door. Suddenly he was lassoed by A.J, "Hey!"

"Not so fast, partner." She tugged him back over to the group.

"I give you a show and you're still looking to punish me?" Dustin asked in outrage.

"Sorry Dustin, but no amount of entertainment can make us forget." Alicia answered.

Dustin sighed, as he was put back in the chair. He looked as the girls once again surrounded him, "Girls, I enjoy a good treat at Ponyville's spa, but this is over the line."

"You allowed Lotus and Aloe to do your nails and hair, so why should this be any different?" Rarity asked.

"Those two didn't come at me with makeup in hoof." he answered.

"Well tonight you don't have Lotus and Aloe to tend to you, you have us." Pinkie beamed.

"Oh joy," Dustin answered in deadpan, before he went back to shock as they got closer, "Go easy on the hair and face!" he cringed.

About an hour later, the girls were looking at each other while standing before their captive, "What do you think?" Aria asked them.

"Um well it's..." Fluttershy stammered.

"Maybe we overdid it." Alice suggested.

"Ya think?" Dustin asked with make up on his face.

"Oh Dustin, don't be such a drab. I think it's a work of art." Rarity showed him a mirror.

Dustin looked at it, before chuckling to himself, "You know if you did some work on my hair and moisturized my skin I'd probably still look like the ugliest girl in the world," Just then everyone started to laugh at his claim, "So does this mean I'm off the hook now?"

"Yes, but be sure to tell the boys they have a surprise coming to them as well." Aria answered.

Dustin saw Aria's face and knew she wasn't lying to him, "Yes Aria, now can I clean my face?"

"Go ahead." She answered, as Dustin went to the bathroom and washed the make up off and came out.

"Well it's been fun, but I have to go," He was suddenly lassoed again, "Hey what gives?!"

"Sorry Dustin, but before we let you leave we've decided to give you a little parting treat to show there's no hard feelings between all of us and you." Aria answered, as he was once again bounded to the chair.

"What do you mean?" Dustin asked in worried tone, before he saw the girls sashay over to him, "Girls, what're you doing?"

"Giving you a little reward for giving us entertainment." Alicia answered, as she and Alice each plopped into his lap from both sides and draped their arms around him.

"I hope you don't mind." Alice said hopefully.

"Honestly, I don't know what to think right now." Dustin answered, with a pant.

"Then don't think." Alicia replied, as she caressed his face. She started running her hand down his cheek, before pulling him into a kiss, which he graciously returned.

When their lips parted, Alice caressed his face and turned him to face her, before she planted her own lips onto his. She gave him an equally satisfying kiss that her sister gave him. When they parted Dustin gasped, "Wow."

"How was that?" Alice asked in concern.

"Beautiful." He answered.

"Boy, you haven't felt anything yet," Aria said, as she got into Dustin's lap and pressed herself into his chest making him pant, "Out of all the boys in our training class, I always felt you were the best." She whispered softly into his ear, before laying her head onto his shoulder and kissed his neck.

'Hickey. I'm getting a hickey!' Dustin thought in joy.

She then raised her head up and kissed him square on the lips, as the girls watched as how bolder she was getting in her kissing. When she released his face he was wide eyed, "How'd ya like that, big boy?"

"I'm a happy boy." He answered, like a love sick goofball.

"Well you got a lot more coming." She motioned to the other girls.

"I shouldn't do this. I have Wild." Muse said nervously.

"Relax, we're not going to do anything on the degree they did to him." Eu reminded her that they don't have to kiss him.

Muse feeling a little relieved at that, approached with the other girls, as they each flirted with the bounded Dustin. They ran their hands through his hair, stroked his face, or tickled his chin flirtatiously. When it was all done, Dustin looked ready to explode from so much flirting, "Now remember you don't tell any of the boys what happened to you here." Aria warned him

"Are you going to do the same to them?" he asked.

"That's for us to decide, and you not to know." Jade answered.

"I understand." He replied.

"Good. Eu, send him back." Aria ordered.

Eu nodded, and did the reverse teleport spell on him and he vanished from the bounded chair, "Well that was interesting." Twilight admitted.

"It was fun." Pinkie replied.

"Yeah, did you see his reaction?" Rainbow laughed.

"I can't wait to do it to the others." Jade chuckled.

"Well we'll plan on them later. Right now let's get back to the slumber party." Aria suggested, as they all agreed.

Meanwhile Dustin was poofed back into Alistair's apartment, surprising the guys, "D-man!" Dean called, as they gathered around him, "Are you ok?"

"What happened?" Wild asked in concern.

"It was a nightmare guys!" Dustin cried not wanting to give anything away, "Just so you know, you're all gonna get punished sooner or later."

"All of us?" Spike asked in worry about what Twilight will do when he sees her tomorrow.

"I'm afraid so. I don't know how, I don't know when, but you guys are on their hit list." Dustin explained, as the boys held onto each other while trembling.

Fievel approached, "Hey regardless what happened a deal's a deal, so fork over my promised cheddar."

"Right. Zyphon, give him his cheese." Dustin ordered, as Zyphon presented him with his cheese.

"Yeah!" Fievel jumped into the cheddar, and started scarfing it down.

Back at Aria's, the girls sat around the TV as they watched footage from a video camera play. They saw a child Aria sitting at a play table in her room, "Come on Burai, you promised you play with me before class!" Little Aria complained.

"Oh do I have to?" a younger Burai asked with a groan.

"You promises now keep it or I'll tell daddy." She warned him.

"Fine." He sighed, as the camera cut to young Aria dressed up like a princess, while Burai wore a ballerina tutu. They had their tea party while Burai looked on the verge of dying of embarrassment.

The girls rolled around while laughing hysterically, "That's so funny!" Pinkie laughed.

"Oh I can't, I can't!" Rainbow tried to hold back her laughter, but couldn't.

"Oh this reminds me of a little stunt I pulled on my brother once." Twilight laughed.

"I got to say Aria, this slumber party was a great idea." Applejack said.

"Oh yes, and we're glad to have come." Rarity added.

"Thanks girls. Well it's getting late and we could all use some shut eye." Aria said as they got comfortable and eventually fell asleep.

Meanwhile at Felix's HQ, the yoko and demon stood before the mirror as Ebon spoke to them, "Felix, your assistance alone has proven to be insufficient, and Clyde here is not enough. How many others do you currently know who would be willing to join my cause?"

"Well it's not easy, Ebon," Felix began, "I mean some of the guys I met during my dark warrior training won't just easily come to join us…" he saw Ebon giving him a stern look, as if hinting that he doesn't want to hear any of his excuses, "But I may happen to know some guys who'd be willing to come to New York and aid us."

"And who would that be?" Ebon inquired.

"Just give me some time to find them, and I'll pop right back as soon as I can." Felix said, as he opened a shadow portal and entered it.

Ebon sighed and spoke to Clyde, "Would you happen to know who he's going to find?"

"Unfortunately no," he answered, "We've met a lot of dark beings and malevolent types out there. There's no telling which of them he's going to find." Ebon once again sighed at his employees cryptic explanations.