• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,519 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

The Kind Hearted Lesson

Last time, after an attack by Felix and his minions, Applejack was able to tap into the next level in her element of harmony thanks to a little pep talk from the elements previous owner Green Ground. With one of the girl's elements at the next level the others will eventually reach their next level as well.

After Eu stopped trying to blast Alistair with her magic, the group continued onward until they reached the Museum of Natural History. With Spike, Domino, and Fievel hiding in either Twilight's bag, or in Fievel's case Alistair's pocket, they walked around the artifacts exhibit seeing numerous antiques or artifacts on display, "Huh, isn't this place awesome?" Dustin asked the girls hopefully.

"Yeah, awesome." Rainbow answered, with dull eyes and sour expression.

"Oh come on Rainbow Dash, there's a lot we can learn from this place," Twilight tried to make her friend buck up as the princess girl looked around at some more artifacts, "Wow, some of these things date back longer than the formation of Equestria."

"That's right." Alistair answered.

Pinkie Pie was darting all around the exhibit, "Ooh you know what girls this could serve as the perfect setting for a super hero series."

"Superhero series?" Dustin asked, as Applejack and Rarity rolled their eyes.

"Yeah, like one something that could be stolen by a thief with mystical powers only to be confronted by this dark robed vigilante." Pinkie explained.

"Uh Pinkie, where did you get that idea?" Dustin asked in confusion.

"It just came to me," she smiled, before seeing swords on display behind a case, "And this sword looks like it could belong to a warrior from another dimension whose spirit resides inside it as another acquires it and becomes the new warrior."

"Again where do she come up with this stuff?" Dustin asked the girls.

"That's just Pinkie being Pinkie." Twilight reminded him.

"Still how does she get these ideas?" Dean asked them.

Pinkie answered him, "Why they're actually from the one doing this whole bit with us at this moment."

"Doing this whole bit?" Aria asked in confusion.

"Yeah the author and his girlfriend whose helping him with a couple things, duh." Pinkie added, doing her traditional fourth wall breaking.

"Author?" Ralph asked looking in front of where he was standing.

"My head hurts just listening to her." Alicia groaned.

"Just smile and nod" Rainbow suggested her.

Applejack noticed all the stuffed animals on display in diorama habitats, "Boy howdy, it's almost like an actual forest."

"Were these actually…" Fluttershy trembled, while looking at the stuffed animals on display.

Before Elroy could answer, Dustin covered his mouth, "Not all of them, in fact more then half of them of fakes made from very talented people," he whispered to Elroy warning him about her sensitivity to animals, "She does not need to know about taxidermists." Elroy nodded.

"Well that's good to know." Fluttershy said feeling relieved, but still felt uneasy seeing the animals looked too real.

They walked through the gems and minerals hall, and Rarity was marveling at all the collection of gems on display, "Oh my stars, these gems look absolutely marvelous! But to have them on display like this is such a crime. They should be shown off with glamour and pizzazz!" she said like a fashion diva.

"They also look delicious." Spike poked his head out of Twilight's bag, and started salivating.

Dustin whispered, "Spike, remember you're a dog in this world, not a dragon. If you tried eating those your teeth would shatter." Spike realizing that, grumbled about a stupid dog body before pulling his head back into the bag.

When they found themselves in the dinosaur exhibit, the girls were in shock, "Whoa, what are these, the bones of dragons?" Twilight asked curiously, while looking at one skeleton, and Spike trembled at the thought.

"Not quite." Eu answered.

"These are dinosaurs." Alice explained to the bunch.

"Dinosaurs?" Muse pondered.

"What're those?" Wild asked curiously.

Jethro went into his theory mode, "Well girls, there have been theoretical beliefs and stories that dinosaurs were in fact what came before dragons."

"Before dragons?" Rainbow asked.

"Correct. Dinosaurs were in fact some of the first creatures that walked our planet billions and billions of years ago, long before mankind existed," he continued, "However due to change in the landscapes, harsh weather, volcanoes, and meteors the entire species of dinosaurs died out and became extinct leaving behind only fossils or bones of themselves buried into the earth."

"This is not sounding like a good story." Spike said, while taking it very seriously.

"Anyway, some people believed that some dinosaurs had survived the meteors and harsh weather, and evolved into what the people of medieval times referred to as dragons. Of course this is only theoretical." Jethro finished.

"Will this ever happen to me?" Spike asked himself as he looked at a Tyrannosaurs' bones and envisioned dragon bones followed by trembling.

Suddenly he felt Twilight scratch behind his ears to calm him down, "Don't worry Spike, nopony would dare set up your bones anywhere to be displayed."

After seeing the museum, the group left and started heading for home. When Dustin and his group entered his house, they saw his father watching the news, "Ah welcome home son, and how was your day?"

"We got a lot to say, dad." Dustin said, as they gathered around and told him everything that went on.

"Well it seems like you're off to another start in getting your elements powered back up again." Roswell noted.

"Yeah, but knowing Felix he'll only strike back twice as hard next time around." Dustin feared.

"Not to worry, Sugarcube," Applejack began, "With mah good ol' element of harmony back in power I'll fight twice as hard with you guys."

"Remember Applejack, don't get overconfident." Twilight warned her.

"Wouldn't even think of it, Twi." The cowgirl replied.

"Well we better get to bed. It's another big day of training tomorrow." Dustin reminded them.

"Can't wait." Wild replied sarcastically.

That night out in the city, an adult man was walking past an alleyway until he heard a moaning sound. He looked down the alley and spoke, "Hello, is someone there?" he walked down the dark alley cautiously, until he looked ahead seeing someone lying on the ground lifeless, "Oh my God! Hey are you all right?!" he raced over and helped the individual up to reveal it to be a nineteen year old boy with short black hair, and was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a white short sleeved collared shirt that was unbuttoned all the way exposing his bare torso, "Hey kid, hey are you ok?"

The boy groaned before his eyes shot opened revealing to be red, and his weakened look was replaced with a look of maliciousness, "Gotcha!" suddenly the man gasped, as his eyes widened and blood poured out of his mouth and torso due to being stabbed in the stomach with a giant blade that seemed to have come from the boy.

The blade was pulled out revealing it to have been the boy's right arm before it converted back to a regular arm. The man fell onto his side dead, "They fall for it every time," the young man said, as he reached into the dead man's pocket and pulled out a wallet. He opened it up and saw multiple twenty dollar bills, "Score!"

"Don't you ever get tired of the same old tactics?" a voice asked, as the young man looked around before spotting Felix sitting on top of a dumpster.

"Felix, haven't seen you in months." The figure said.

"I've been busy lately. What about you, Clyde?" Felix addressed the guy, "Still playing the victim to snatch easy money?"

"Hey these are hard times Felix, especially for a demon on the run. You know that better than anyone." Clyde said, as he dragged the corpse and laid him against the wall of the alley.

"True, but listen I need your help." Felix said, as he slid off the dumpster.

"My help?" Clyde asked in surprise.

"Correct. You see my current employer has some bugs he would like to get squashed," Felix began, "And these bugs are harder to squash than others."

"And you require my assistance to squash them?" Clyde asked, while crossing his arms.

"Exactly." Felix answered.

"Before I give you an answer I will need to meet with this employer of yours." Clyde requested.

Felix squinted his eyes at his request and spoke, "Very well, but be warned he's unlike anyone else we've ever met."

"This is coming from the dark warrior bent on dominating the New York region?" Clyde asked dryly.

"Trust me, there's more to this guy than even I expected." Felix warned him, as he opened a shadow portal.

"Well I look forward to meeting him." Clyde said, as the two entered the shadow portal.

The next morning at the Mikael hotel's hidden training room, the group was going through their exercise drills from the older warriors. Burai, Xever, and the Baliton's heard of Applejack's success at strengthening her element of harmony and noticed she was going through the exercise drills better than she did before starting out like the others.

When training ended the girls and the guys were relaxing, "Whew doggy, that was some work out today. I feel pumped!" Applejack said, as she pumped her right arm up.

"That's surprising since you normally get tired after a whole day of orchard bucking." Rainbow stated.

"Well since ah last used mah element, ah do feel in better shape than I've ever been." A.J admitted.

"Well it's good to see you've all have been improving on your fitness, so I hope you enjoy the rest of the day," Burai instructed, "Now if you'll excuse me, Aria and I have some stuff to do today." He said as Aria joined her brother. Fluttershy watched seeing the Sanzo siblings leave, and almost looked as if ready to shed a tear, which hadn't gone unnoticed by Jethro who was confused.

Meanwhile at Felix's HQ, he and Clyde were standing before the mirror as Ebon looked at them, "So you understand, Clyde?" Ebon asked.

"Of course," he answered, "So if I help you and Felix in taking out these girls and their elements you'll reward me gratefully?"

"Of course. You won't live like a rat scrounging to make ends meet." Ebon explained.

"What do you think, Clyde?" Felix asked curiously.

"I think it's a win-win," he answered, "All right, where can we find these elements of harmony?" Ebon snickered, and Felix smirked at his old chum.

Back with the others, they went to Alistair's place to hang out and relax, but Fluttershy went to the roof top and looked out into the distance of the city. She appeared melancholy and let out a sigh, until a voice spoke, "Fly in your soup, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy jumped before spinning around seeing Jethro leaning against the doorway leading back down into the building, "Oh Jethro, it's you."

Jethro approached the shy pony turned girl and spoke, "So what's got ya down?"

"Hm, oh it's nothing." She brushed it off shyly.

"Uh-huh, sorry but I don't buy that," Jethro answered, as he turned to her, "Come on, I know you don't know me as much as you know Dustin and Alistair, but hey I'm a good listener."

Fluttershy looked at him, and remembered about how Applejack was depressed when she tried to bottle things up to Alistair. She wouldn't want to hurt on the inside the same way she had been, "Well you see Jethro, I'm a little jealous of Aria."

"Jealous of Aria, why?" Jethro asked in confusion.

"Not of her exactly, I'm jealous of how close she is to her brother Burai." She explained meekly.

"Why would you be jealous of something like that?" Jethro was getting more confused at her reasons.

"Well I've never said this to Dustin, Alistair, or the girls, but I also have an older sibling."

"You do?" Jethro asked, as he took a seat on the ledge of the building to get comfortable.

"Yes. Her name is Angel Wing."

"What do you not get along with her?" Jethro asked trying to understand her.

"Oh no, it's not that it's just… I've always been the neglected filly." She explained in sorrow.


"Yes. Angel Wing's always been confident, intelligent and a great flyer, unlike me," Fluttershy continued, "Our parents would constantly praise and fawn over her, while I always stood in her shadow. A part of me has always been jealous of her. Eventually she moved away and I haven't seen her in years."

"You haven't?" he gasped.

"No. She would send me invites to something, but I always turned them down. I was so afraid I might show her an unkind side of myself brought up by my jealousy, or perhaps that she was so successful the only reason she sent me those invites was because she felt obligated to rather than wanting too."

"You don't really believe that do you?" Jethro asked in surprise.

"I don't know what to believe." She sighed.

"Fluttershy," Jethro began, as he reached over and put a hand on her shoulder, "Now I may not have a sibling, but I do have relatives my age and slightly older. Some of them are more successful than others, but that doesn't mean they think they're better than the rest. And on terms of actual sibling relationships, Burai and Aria and even Alistair and Xever may be close, but even their sibling status isn't perfect. I mean no relationship is. But no matter how many times they may get on each others nerves, they'll always love each other. Because that's what being family is."

"Jethro." Fluttershy gasped at his speech.

"I can't exactly say I know the full relationship between you and your sister, but no matter how successful she gets she's always going to be your sister, just as you will always be to her. Think about what I said, Flutters." Jethro said, as he went back down to join the others in the Savage bros apartment room.

Fluttershy was left alone again to ponder on what Jethro had told her, "Being a family is about loving each other no matter what?" she asked herself, "But still, would we ever be the way Twilight is with Shining, or Applejack is with Big Mac and Applebloom, or Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Alistair and Xever, Muse and the trio, Aria and Burai, even Rainbow and Wildcard? I don't know." She sighed.

Back in Alistair's apartment room, Twilight's backpack started glowing, "Twilight, look!" Spike gasped.

Twilight and the others looked and opened up the bag, as Fluttershy's element levitated out and flew out the open window going upward, "That's Fluttershy's element." Twilight gasped.

"It must be going to her." Muse believed.

"But she's on the roof!" Jethro called, as they bolted out of the room and were heading up for the roof.

On the roof, Fluttershy suddenly saw her element fly up to her, and took her by surprise, "Eep!" she cried as it attached to her neck and suddenly she fell to the floor unconscious.

The door to the roof flung opened as the group ran over, "Fluttershy!" they cried, until they saw her passed out, "Fluttershy!"

They ran over to her, as Jethro held her up, "Is she all right?" Alice asked in worry.

"Look her element is glowing." Rarity gasped.

"Just like it was with me." Applejack noted.

"So what's going on with her?" Alistair asked.

"She's probably meeting with the original holder of the element of Kindness." A.J explained, while remembering her experience.

"How long will she be out of it?" Rainbow asked.

"It's hard to say. She won't come out until she learns more about the element she represents." A.J answered.

"And there's no telling how long it'll take." Dustin realized.

"So what can we do?" Pinkie asked.

"Let's look after her for now." Twilight suggested, as they did so bringing her back down to the apartment room.

As Fluttershy was lying down on Alistair's sofa, deep in her subconscious she was in the world in between like Applejack was. Through her vision it appeared to be a garden with a huge fountain in the center with water shooting out through the mouth of two pony statues, "Where-where am I?" she gasped in worry.

"Welcome to the world in between, young Fluttershy; holder of Kindness," a female voice spoke out to her. Suddenly appearing before her was a unicorn about Cadence's size. She had green eyes, a light blue coat, and her mane and tail were dark blue. Her cutie mark represented an ocean.

Fluttershy gasped before speaking, "Who're you?"

"I am Blue Fountain, the unicorn of Blue."

"Unicorn of blue?" she gasped, "Then you're one of the unicorns?"

"Correct. I could feel you were in distress so I've come to offer you my words." Blue Fountain explained.

"You mean you know what I was thinking about?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, and I have much to tell you." Blue Fountain said, as she comforted the girl.

Meanwhile back on the physical plane, the others continued to keep close vigil on Fluttershy. Suddenly, Dustin's watched beeped. The others were confused as Dustin clicked on it, "Dustin here. Go Zyphon."

Suddenly Zyphon's voice came from Dustin's watch, "Master Dustin, the scanner in your lab's picked up a disturbance in the city!"

The group gasped as Dustin spoke in worry, "Think its Felix?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Zyphon replied.

"Well feed me the coordinates, so we can get right on it," Dustin ended the transmission, "We got work to do."

"But what about Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"Well we can't bring her with in her condition." Alistair answered.

"He's right, she'd only be vulnerable." Twilight answered.

"I'll watch over her." Jethro offered.

"Thanks, Jethro. Come on everyone, let's go!" Dustin called, as they bolted out the door.

Meanwhile out in the city down at Time Square, Felix, Clyde, and the shadow soldiers were causing havoc all around. Pedestrians were running in fright, while the cops were unable to stop them, "Oh I missed doing this stuff!" Clyde said in excitement as his left arm morphed into a laser gun and was firing laser blasts at some cars.

"Just keep at it, Clyde," Felix began as he launched blue fire blasts at some vehicles, "They're bound to be showing up any moment now."

"Spirit gun!" a few voices were heard as Felix was almost blasted with multiple spirit guns.

He jumped away and landed besides Clyde and the shadow soldiers. He looked ahead seeing the group with Applejack wearing her element to help power her up, "Right on time." he smirked.

"Party's over, Felix." Dustin warned him.

"But it's just gotten started!" Felix called, "I even brought a guest." He revealed Clyde.

"Clyde!" Eu growled.

"Mistress Eucliwood." Clyde snickered.

"You know this guy, Eu?" Twilight asked the witch girl.

"He's a demon of the netherworld that once served under my family for centuries." She explained.

"Then how is it he looks so young?" Wild asked in confusion.

"Demons have very long life spans, but they're not immortal," Eu explained, "Five years ago he finally broke free from his contract with the Belthio's and has been on the run ever since. Surprise you've come out into the open. Now I guess it'll be up to me to take you down, when my family wasn't able to." She gripped her scepter.

"Up to you, seriously?" Clyde asked sarcastically, "Girl, I've existed long since even before the spawn that gave birth to the spawn that would result in you."

"Then I guess I'll be the spawn that puts an end to you." Eu said smugly, as Alistair stood at her side with his shadow buster.

"How about a little help? Not that you need it." Alistair suggested.

Eu smirked, "If you were anybody else I'd say no." the two stood ready, as the others were prepared as well.

"Take em, boys!" Felix ordered, as the shadow soldiers took off.

Dustin, Applejack, Elroy, and Dean went after Felix, while Ralph, Alice, and Alicia led Twilight and the others against the shadow soldiers. Felix was unleashing his blue fire attacks and dark warrior attacks, while Dustin jumped away and fired his shotgun attack, only for Felix to jump high before delivering a flying kick on Dustin, knocking him to the ground, "Oh that hurt." Dustin groaned.

"I got him!" Applejack pulled out a lasso from inside her hat and used it, catching Felix my the leg, "Gotcha varmint!"

"Not quite." Felix called, as he blasted the rope with his shadow gun allowing himself to get free.

"Dagnabbit." A.J groaned seeing what he did to her lasso.

Over by Alistair and Eu, the two were facing off against Clyde who morphed his right arm into a chainsaw and his left arm into a laser blaster. Alistair was using his shadow buster to hold Clyde's chainsaw arm back, "Persistent demon filth aren't you?" Alistair mocked.

"I'm a sucker for a good time." Clyde replied smugly, as he was starting to overpower Alistair.

"Leave him alone!" Eu started blasting lightning from her scepter at Clyde, who jumped away to avoid the attacks, ending his stalemate with Alistair.

"Good try, but not good enough!" Clyde started shooting lasers from his blaster converted arm.

"How is he doing that?" Twilight asked about Clyde's power.

"Clyde has the power to convert his arms into weaponry," Eu explained, as she was trying to avoid Clyde's laser blasts while unleashing lightning magic, "It's his demon shtick." Clyde attacked Eu head on, while the others were fighting off the shadow soldiers.

Meanwhile back at Alistair's apartment, Jethro continued watching over Fluttershy, when deep in her mind she was still in conversation with Blue Fountain, "So you see, that's why my kind self has been feeling down." Fluttershy finished explaining.

Blue Fountain smiled and held the girl close, "My dear girl, allow me to tell you of a story of how I was just the same."

"You were?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"Oh yes," she began telling the story, "Many years ago next to my fellow unicorn Echo Wind I was the only other female of the five unicorns. Many stallions would flaunt to Echo right from left. I was more tomboyish, but I couldn't help but be jealous of her..."

Fluttershy started relating to her seeing they did have much in common, but listened as the unicorn continued, "But she told me this "Beauty is only skin deep.". The colts were attracted to her look never truly got to know her and said I was the one who was most beautiful..." she smiled with a hint of tears in her eyes at the memory. She turned to Fluttershy who was very moved by how close the two were even when one was preferred over the other she still cared about her, "I leave you with this advice, young Fluttershy... Believe in yourself only then can true happiness be obtained..." she started fading away.

"Blue Fountain!" she called, as the void vanished and Fluttershy woke up with her element of harmony glowing.

"Fluttershy!" Jethro gasped, as he went over to her, "Are you ok?"

"Jethro, what happed?" she saw it was just them, "Where is everyone?"

"They picked up a disturbance in Time Square and went to check it out," Jethro began, "I stayed here to look after you."

"Well thank you, but our friends need our help." Fluttershy said bravely.

"You're right, but are you sure you're up for it?"

"I am." She nodded in confirmation.

"Well all right," Jethro agreed, until Fluttershy hugged him, taking him by surprise, "Uh, Fluttershy?"

"I just want to thank you for what you told me up on the roof Jethro, and you're right," She began, "No matter what Angel Wing and I will always be sisters. And when I get back to Equestria I'm going to visit her like I should've done."

Jethro smiled, "Good to hear." He suddenly saw her element glow again, and in a flash of light Fluttershy stood with her old wings on her back.

When Fluttershy realized this, she gasped, "My wings, they're back!"

"Wow," Jethro gasped, "Come on let's fly!" he grabbed her arm and dragged her to the open window.

"Wait, I'm not one for flying from this high UUUUUUUPPPPPP!" Jethro jumped out the window with her as he flew off with her in hand, as her wings kept her airborne.

Back at the fight, the warriors and the pony groups were being overrun by Felix and Clyde, but weren't backing down, "We got them now, Felix." Clyde smirked.

"Yeah, now let's finish them off." Felix answered, as the two closed in on the group.

"What do we do now?" Alice asked in worry.

"Make way for me!" a voice shouted, as they looked up seeing Jethro fly in with Fluttershy next to him, while he twirled one of his spirit chucks on his other hand and flung it at the two who jumped back avoiding the attack.

Jethro and Fluttershy touched down as Twilight gasped, "Fluttershy, you're awake!"

"And you got your wings back!" Rarity gasped.

"No way!" Rainbow Dash gasped in shock and amaze.

"What is this, a latecomer?" Clyde asked Felix.

"Nothing to worry about," Felix began, "This one's a shy pushover."

"I see, well then this shouldn't be so hard." Clyde smirked, as he and Felix advanced forward.

Jethro was willing to protect Fluttershy, only for the shy girl to extend an arm to block his path. She signaled to him she could do this, so he stepped back. Fluttershy stood tall and approached the two approaching enemies, "Aw, look she's coming right up to us." Felix mocked, followed up by a laugh from the two.

Fluttershy frowned at the mockery before speaking, "Normally I don't use this on humans or ponies, but in this case I'm willing to make an exception" Fluttershy said, and went into stare mode with her eyes glaring daggers into them.

Upon coming into contact with the stare master, Felix and Clyde suddenly froze in place, "Hey what's going on?" Felix asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but for some reason I'm feeling petrified all of a sudden." The equally confused demon answered.

Fluttershy started stomping up to the two forcing them to back away from her nervously, while keeping up the stare and speaking in a disciplinary tone, "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Frightening countless lives, endangering this whole district, and worse picking on my friends!" she started, as the two started stammering as if trying to reason with her.

"What's she doing?" Alice gasped.

"She's lecturing them into submission?" Dean asked.

"That's the Stare Master for you." Dustin smirked.

"Stare Master?" Ralph asked in confusion.

"Yeah. No animal can stand up to her when she's like that, and I guess it's even too much for those two to handle." Alistair noticed Clyde and Felix.

As Fluttershy continued to discipline Felix and Clyde, the two were getting more and more terrified of her, "And if you ever pick on my friends again, I will make you wish you never did. Do you understand me? I said do you understand me?!" the two nodded nervously, while on the verge of soiling themselves, "Good, now get!" she finished, as the force of her order pushed them back before they spun around and bolted while screaming in terror. They zigzagged while running before they ran into each other and fell into an open manhole.

The group looked at Fluttershy who looked back at them with her innocent smile, "Fluttershy," Rainbow began, "That…was…AWESOME!" she and the others ran over to Fluttershy congratulating her.

"Way to go Fluttershy, you scared those two right off." Dustin congratulated her.

"You sent them packin'." Applejack added.

"It was nothing." She answered humbly.

"And you got your element to the next level along with your wings," Twilight added, "But how did you do it?"

Fluttershy smiled, "I got a little lesson about kindness." She then removed her element of harmony, and her wings vanished.

"Guess your wings can't only be active while you're wearing your element of harmony." Muse deduced.

"You mean I have to wait until my element reaches the next level in order to fly again?" Rainbow complained.

"Hey enjoy life on the ground, Rainbow," Wild began, "I know I am." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Fluttershy giggled at Rainbow's reaction, but noticed Elroy, Dean, and Ralph standing before her before dropping to their knees and bowed repeatedly, "WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!"

Fluttershy was confused at what they were doing, while Alicia rolled her eyes before muttering, "Idiots."

Later that day back at the abandoned building, Felix and Clyde stood before Ebon's mirror while being covered in sewage from falling into the sewer after Fluttershy scared them off. They had finished telling Ebon the story, and needless to say he wasn't pleased, "Imbeciles! I give you two a simple job and you come back in failure!"

"Hey you wouldn't believe what that shy girl did," Felix began, still in shock, "It's like her stare peeled right through my flesh!"

"And I thought my fellow demon folk were scary, but that was traumatizing!" Clyde argued as well.

Ebon growled, "So far two of the elements have reached newfound strength. If the other four succeed as well, my whole plan will be spoiled!"

"We hear ya, and next time we'll do better." Clyde assured him.

"See that you do." Ebon replied.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we gotta get a good long shower and wash all this sewage off." Felix said, as they two went to find a place to shower inside the building.