• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Being Honest with Oneself

One afternoon, the girls and Wild finished their training with the other spirit and dark warrior trainees at the Mikael Hotel's hidden training room. After getting a shower and having their clones cleaned they were meeting with Dustin, Alistair, and their friends on top of the roof of the hotel, "Girls and Wild, we know you've been hard at training since yesterday." Dustin began, as Alistair spoke.

"Which is why tonight, we've all decided to take you someplace really special."

"Special?" Twilight asked.

"What kind of special?" Muse inquired.

"Special as in you're gonna want to bring your best party faces." Dean explained.

"And we don't even have to dress formal for it." Dustin added.

"Oh pooh." Rarity sighed.

"Relax the place we have in mind is gonna be suh-sweet!" Elroy cheered.

"Well we have been working hard since yesterday, and everybody deserves a break." Wild admitted.

"Agreed, so we accept the invite, guys." Twilight answered.

"Awesome!" the boys cheered, as the girls smiled.

"Then be ready by seven, because we're gonna show you how to party New York style." Dustin smirked.

When nighttime came, Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, their crew, the girls, Wild, and Spike who was hiding inside Twilight's bag were waiting outside the Mikael hotel, "What're we waiting for?" Rainbow asked.

"Our transportation." Dustin began, until they heard a horn honk.

"And there it is." Jade finished.

They looked seeing a black limousine with tinted window pull up in front of the hotel, "Wow, this is a long one." Wild noted.

"That's what we of this world call a limousine." Ralph explained.

"It's service is to transport an assortment VIP's to special places." Jethro added.

"Come on," Dustin said, while opening the door, "Ladies." He escorted all of the girls into it, before he and the guys entered. When they were all seated on both sides, with Dustin in the back with Alice and Alicia at his sides, the limo took off.

"This is quite a fancy ride." Rarity admitted, as she relaxed in the seat.

"Ya got that right." Ralph replied, as he took a beverage from the mini bar.

"And check this out," Dean said, as he opened the sunroof and poked his upper body out, "What's up New York?!" he cried out, while throwing his arms up.

"Dean, get back in here before your head collides with something!" Eu called in a warning.

"Oh what're you my mother?" Dean called down.

"No, but I could tell." Eu warned him.

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me." She smirked, as Dean grumbled before coming back down.

"Now before we go to this place, you're all going to need these." Zyphon explained, as he stretched his arms and distributed I.D cards to the girls and Wild.

"Hey our pictures are on them!" Pinkie cheered, while showing them hers.

"What are they?" Applejack asked, while checking hers out.

"Identification cards," Alistair began, "You see not every place in the city will let you in without some form of identification. So we had these fake I.D's made specifically for all of you during your stay here."

"Fake?" Twlight asked.

"Yeah, I mean we can't just take you someplace to get real ones," Dustin continued, "Besides these are very authentic."

"Basically these are lies?" Applejack asked hating that type of action.

"A.J, we understand how taboo lying is to you, but there are two kinds of lies," Alistair began, "There are those that can hurt you, but there are some that are used to protect you."

"Well it still doesn't feel right." Applejack replied.

"We know, but remember in this world of ours harmony is not as pure as it is in Equestria." Dustin said. Taking Dustin's words to heart, Applejack decided to go along with it while still holding onto her honest belief.

"Well we should be arriving shortly. I better slip into something more comfortable." Zyphon said, as his body glowed. When the glow died down, Zyphon had transformed himself into a fourteen year old boy with dark eyes and short black hair. He was wearing black sneakers, jeans, a plain white shirt, and a blue jacket.

"Zyphon?" Twilight gasped.

"Yes?" the robot turned human asked.

"What happened to you?" Fluttershy gasped in wonder.

"Holographic cloaking, another installment to my systems," Zyphon began, "Now switching to another voice drive," He waited, before speaking again in a Brooklyn accent, "What do ya think?"

"Oh it's good." Dustin answered, as the boys gave him a thumb's up each.

Soon enough the limousine parked in front of someplace. The group got out and saw they were standing in front of a dance club that was dome shaped with flashing lights through the clear glass, "Flashy!" Pinkie gasped.

"Welcome girls and Wild, to the Techno Dome." Dustin introduced them.

"Ooh I'm so excited." Pinkie cheered, as she grabbed Ralph's hand.

"Why do they call it Techno Dome?" A.J asked.

"Because it's shaped like a dome." Alistair answered bluntly.

"And you'll find out why its techno once we get inside." Dean added.

"I'm so nervicited!" Pinkie cheered.

"Is that a word?" Ralph asked in confusion.

"Never mind, come on." Dustin said, as they were admitted in, and saw the place was jumping with dancers, techno music playing, flashing lights, and tables and chairs, along with a counter with stools.

"Whoa." Twilight gasped in shock.

"This looks cool!" Rainbow gasped at all the flashing lights from all around.

"There sure are a lot of people." Fluttershy said, noticing everyone else.

"Yeah, this place is always bouncing." Ralph noted.

"Why don't we start things off with a beverage?" Aria suggested, and they all agreed.

So they sat by the counter of the bar, as Dustin spoke to the bartender, "Yo Mike, set us up with a couple of root beers."

"Coming right up, Dustin." Mike the barkeep said, as he filled some mugs with root beer and slid them down the counter as they each stopped in front of each member of the group.

"Mm, looks good." A.J noted.

"Indeed." Rarity admitted.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked, while looking at the fizzy beverage.

"It's root beer you know soda?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I know these we have them in floats." Pinkie noted.

"So do we, but this is without the float." Dustin explained.

"Well let's give it a try." Twilight instructed, as they each took a swig.

They sat their mugs down, as the others waited for their reactions, "This is sooo gooood!" Pinkie cheered.

"It sure is tasty." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah, delicious." Rainbow said, as she drank some more along with Wild.

"It really hits the spot." Aria explained.

"Yeah, I remember one time the guys and I went on a root beer bender and we all woke up in Alistair's apartment looking zonked the next morning." Ralph chuckled.

"We didn't even remember what we did that night," Alistair added, "Luckily we had Elroy's camera."

"We saw we did outrageous things that night in our hyped up frenzy." Jethro explained

"We vowed never to tell anyone else about it, but you all seem fit to know." Dean finished.

"Thank you for sharing that piece of history with us." Twilight said in sarcasm.

"You're welcome!" the boys answered simultaneously.

After they had their drinks, some dance music continued playing grabbing the teens attention, "Oh yeah I love this song!" Dustin cheered.

"Let's get out there!" Aria called.

"Let's dance guys!" Pinkie called as she took Ralph's hand and they all went to the dance floor.

And so the boys and girls were dancing to the Party Rock Anthem, with Dustin and his whole gang teaching the girls and Wild some dance moves. Soon enough they were able to dance to the rhythm with no problem. Suddenly the group noticed Twilight started doing her outrageous dance style by getting down on all fours and kicking her legs and arms around weirdly. The guys looked around noticing Twilight was getting some bizarre looks, so they had to do something, "Well come on everybody don't you know this is the newest dance?" Dustin called.

"Yeah, this is the Pony Pop!" Alistair called out, grabbing their curiosity.

"And we're gonna show you how it's done!" Jade finished, as Dustin and his gang started following along with Twilight. To the groups shock half the other dancers started following along with them.

"What do you know, they actually like it?" Dean asked.

"It could start a new trend." Alice said hopefully.

"You never know." Alicia replied at the possibilities.

And so they partied all night, until it got late and everyone returned home. As Twilight slept in her guest room she and Spike saw a faint glow coming from her bag, "What's going on?" Spike gasped.

"I don't know." Twilight said as she jumped from her bed and opened up the bag seeing the elements were lightly glowing before they stopped.

"What was that all about?" Spike asked in confusion.

"I'm not sure, Spike," Twilight answered, "Maybe they're trying to tell us something, but what?"

"Well I don't know if we can figure it out tonight. We should get some sleep." Spike jumped back onto the bed.

Twilight smiled in agreement, "Right, Spike." She got back into bed and the two went back to sleep.

Meanwhile in Felix and Ebon's lair, the dark warrior yoko was sleeping on a bed mumbling stuff in his sleep, as the mirror glowed with Ebon's reflection appearing, "I can feel the elements of harmony," he spoke to himself, "But their aura feels different now. No I can't let this distract me! I must gain more energy if I'm to return to my physical form." His reflection vanished.

The very next morning, Dustin and the group met up with Alistair and the others in Central Park. They were all kicking back on two picnic tables, "So what's going on today?" Ralph asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's on the agenda?" Elroy asked.

"Well Burai and Xever have given the girls and Wild this day off to relax, so we can do just about anything." Dustin explained.

"Any suggestions?" Alicia asked, while looking at the group who were puzzled.

Alice spoke up meekly, "Well if I may? I hear they got some new exhibits at the Museum of Natural History."

"Museum?" Rainbow asked.

"Was that a bad suggestion?" Alice asked in worry.

"No Alice, not bad at all," Dustin spoke in her defense resulting in her blushing, "The museum is a perfect place for the group to know more about our world."

"Well I'm curious." Twilight spoke up.

"Of course you'd be, Twilight." Spike spoke up knowing her too well.

"Don't worry, the museum has all sorts of exhibits that could be fascinating to all of you." Aria explained.

"Well what the hay?" A.J replied going along with it.

Soon the others agreed, "Well follow us it's on the other side of the park." Dustin said, as the group led them on.

Elsewhere, Felix was entering his HQ with a bag of takeouts, "Hey Ebon, I'm back. Any action while I was out?" he asked, while pulling out a burger to eat.

"Only that I have sensed the elements of harmony in the city," He began, and looked at Felix eating as if he didn't hear what he said, "Put that thing down and get back out there!" he ordered.

Felix sat his burger down in its wrap, "Ebon, a guy's gotta eat." He whined.

"Now!" Ebon bellowed with his eyes glowing.

Defeated by Ebon's forcible bellow sighed, "All right. All right. Jeez and they say moms nag a lot." Felix grumbled, as he put his take outs in a fridge before leaving.

Meanwhile back with the group who were walking through the park, Alistair stopped and looked at something, "Hm?" he walked over to a tree and looked at it sighing.

"Hey sugarcube, what's up?" Applejack asked.

"Oh hey Applejack, it's nothing really." Alistair answered, while trying to cover up.

Applejack not buying his words looked at the tree Alistair was close to. She saw writing carved into the bark and read it, "We swear to get stronger and stronger for the sake of our parents as the years pass. Signed the Savage Brothers."

Alistair seeing she read it couldn't keep it to himself now, "When our parents were alive we'd always come here. When they died me and Xever wrote this pledge here in honor of them."

"Well you are by far one of the strongest... humans I've met." Applejack admitted to brighten his spirits.

"Thanks," He smiled. Alistair looked at A.J and decided to ask her something that had been on his mind ever since he first met the mare three years ago, "By the way A.J, I know back in Ponyville you and your sibs live with your grandmother, but what about your own parents?"

Applejack hearing that bit her lip a little bit before speaking nervously, "Uh maybe we should get on back with the others before we get left behind."

"We can catch up with them easily," Alistair replied, "So are your parents working on another farm in Equestria, or have they moved up so big in a field of farm business they're too busy to see you?"

A.J was still biting her lip and replied, "No well it's…"

"I mean sure farm life is busy work, but everyone should be able to see their kids." Alistair continued.

"Alistair, please." Applejack said, while getting uncomfortable by the minute.

"What, I'm just asking. I mean I shared with you my history." Alistair replied wondering what was up with her.

Suddenly Applejack couldn't bear it and snapped, "Well that doesn't mean I have share mine!" Alistair was shocked at her outburst, when suddenly A.J's element glowed and flew out of Twilight's bag.

"Huh?" Twilight gasped, as it flew back to Applejack and connected to her.

Applejack's eyes dazed, and she fell forward landing in Alistair's arms, "Applejack!" the dark warrior gasped.

The group ran over and saw her state, "What happened?" Dustin asked in worry.

"I don't know. Her element connected to her and she passed out." Alistair explained hoping it wasn't his fault.

"Lay her down," Aria ordered as Alistair did so with A.J lying on the grass. Aria kneeled above the girl and channeled her spirit energy into her hands and held them above the unconscious girl, "Her vital signs are normal."

"So what does that mean?" Ralph asked.

"It means she should be ok." Aria explained.

"So why the pass out?" Dean asked in confusion.

"I don't know." She replied, as Alistair looked at Applejack's unconscious form in worry.

"Applejack." She gasped, as Eu comforted him.

Meanwhile, Applejack woke up and found herself in an apple orchard, "Huh, where am I?" she asked herself, before getting to her feet.

"Welcome to the world in between, Applejack; holder of Honesty." A voice echoed around her.

"Who's there?" she gasped, until she looked ahead seeing a stallion walking over. It was a male unicorn about Shining Armor's size, his coat was green like grass while his mane and tail were green like tree leaves, his eyes were earth brown, and his cutie mark was that of multiple fruits and veggies.

"Hi." He greeted her.

"Who're you?" she asked in surprise.

"Who do I look like to you?" he challenged her smugly.

A.J studied his appearance and gasped, "Wait a minute ain't you one of them five unicorns?"

"Correct. My name is Green Ground the unicorn of Green," He introduced himself, "I could sense your spirit calling out for help."

"You could?" she asked.

"That's right. I sensed you were dealing with much stress in your honesty." The unicorn read her like a book.

"Well last thing that happened was Alistair asking me..." A.J began, until Green interrupted her.

"About your parents?"

Applejack looked down unable to deny it, "Yeah. That."

"Please allow me to tell you a story, Applejack." The unicorn offered.

"About what?"

"This goes back years ago before the battle with Ebon, many years ago when the King and Queen ruled," Green began, "I was mostly a farmer back then. Back then all five of us were orphans." Applejack looked past him and saw Green with four other unicorns, two fillies and two young colts.

"So yall never knew your families?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," Green admitted, "But even with all the happiness I gained I could never forget them.

"Your parents?"

"Yes. I knew I had parents even if I never met them." He admitted.

"Wow." She gasped.

"Even though I didn't know them I knew they would always watch over me. Because of that I wasn't afraid to talk about it," he turned to her, "Now Applejack Bearer of Honesty I give you this piece of wisdom: 'The past is the past, but if you stay in it your future will forever be out of reach.'."

"But how can I do that?" she asked in confusion.

"You can start by being honest to your friend." He answered, as Applejack looked down wondering if she could muster up the courage to come clean about her past.

Meanwhile on the physical plane, the group was still watching over Applejack's unconscious form. Alistair looked down at her looking sad, "Somehow I feel as if this was my fault."

"How's that, Alistair?" Dustin asked, as the others looked at him in confusion.

"I was talking with her and asked about her parents," he began, "She sounded like she didn't want to discuss it, but I kept pressuring her. Then she got upset before passing out. I guess it was something that was too painful for her to speak of."

"Was she biting her bottom lip?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Yeah." He answered in confusion.

"Oh dear." Rarity gasped.

"Ya kinda went a little far there, Alistair." Rainbow warned him.

"How did he?" Elroy asked them.

"Even Applejack has her moments of keeping secrets." Pinkie explained, until she was interrupted.

"Keeping secrets huh? Well I'd love to hear them." Felix's voice was heard, until he materialized before them in blue flames.

"Felix." Aria gasped with narrowed eyes.

Felix looked over seeing Applejack unconscious, "Looks like one of you is taking a nap. This makes it easier."

"You want Applejack you've got to go through me first!" Dustin called, as he blocked the yoko's path.

Aria turned to her fellow warriors, "Guys weapons!" she ordered.

"You got it!" Dean called as he concentrated his spirit energy in the form of a colt revolver.

"Time to get busy!" Ralph called as he concentrated his energy into his arms as the muscles in them increased causing his arms themselves to grow bigger and muscular.

"Spirit Sword!" Aria called summoning a sword from her spirit energy.

"Spirit Bow!" Jade called, as she summoned a bow made from her energy.

"Spirit Staff!" Elroy and Alicia called summoning their spirit weapons that Elroy twirled around like a martial arts master while Alicia pointed hers at Felix.

"Spirit Chucks!" Jethro summoned a pair of spirit energy nunchucks.

"Spirit Lance!" Alice summoned a lance made from her spirit energy.

Dustin summoned his spirit saber while Alistair summoned his shadow buster. Soon the warriors stood weapons ready and Felix snapped his fingers summoning the shadow soldiers. Eu took out her magic scepter, "Beware the magic of which I cast." She warned them.

"You kids are all out of your league against us," Felix chuckled and motioned to his minions, "Guys, bring me the girl." He motioned to Applejack.

They went for her only to be blocked by the warriors who fought them, while Twilight and her friends protected Applejack determined to protect her if the shadow soldiers got past the others. As Alistair sliced some of the soldiers with his shadow buster he thought, 'I won't let them get near Applejack.'

Suddenly A.J's eyes opened up looking drowsy before snapping out of it. She groaned and sat up, "Applejack, you're awake!" Twilight gasped, as the others gathered around her.

"What, what's going on?" Applejack asked rubbing her eyes.

Pinkie spoke fast pace, "Long story short, you passed out and now we got shadow soldiers surrounding us."

Felix spoke looking at the element of honesty around A.J's neck, "The elements got its color again." He gasped.

"My element," Applejack gasped looking down at it as it glowed with its new color.

Suddenly she could hear Green Ground's words echo in her mind, "Unlock the meaning, Applejack."

"Honesty," She gasped and looked over at Alistair who just got some shadow soldiers away from him, "Alistair, I know this isn't the time, but I'm sorry for snapping at ya." She apologized.

"You obviously had your reasons." he replied understanding, while slicing a shadow soldier as it poofed into smoke.

Applejack started to cry a little, "The truth is my parents are dead too."

Alistair looked at the former earth pony who was crying and spoke, "A.J, why didn't you say so?"

"Cause it was my fault they died!" she cried sadly.

"What?" he gasped while the other warriors were surprised to hear that.

"Oh this is getting good." Felix chuckled, as he listened along with the shadow soldiers.

"It was around the time Applebloom had been born. I got a little jealous cause she was getting all the attention..." A.J began, "I went into the barn where we kept the cows to calm my nerves, but I got so mad that I bucked one of the stalls and a cow got spooked and it knocked over the lantern I had brought with me. The fire from the lantern spread throughout the barn itself. I started to scream for Big Mac and Granny calling out to them to get me out. I wasn't sure if they heard me over the cows. Suddenly the doors opened and ma and pa rushed in. I heard my pa calling my name as ma tried to get the cows out. He found me and as he start to get me out a support beam started to break. He heard ma scream for she had gotten tangled with a rope so he put me on one of the cows backs and pushed us out going back for ma then...then... THE BARN COLLAPSED ON ITSELF!" she cried, as the warriors gasped in horror.

"I ran back to try and help, but he pushed me out of the way as it fell down landing on top of his back keeping him down. Ma told me to run, but I didn't wanna leave them. She nudged me out and I ended up outside. By the time help arrived it was already too late," Applejack continued letting her emotions pour out, "I just remember Granny holding me and Applebloom as the pegasi came to put out the fire. We buried them where the barn once stood...it was all my fault!" A.J cried sadly.

The warriors were heartbroken, until they were interrupted by Felix applauding and spoke to her, "What a very riveting story, Applejack. Childhood just isn't complete without a little trauma am I right?" Fluttershy hugged Applejack, as she continued to cry. Felix seeing they weren't listening mumbled, "Jeez try and start a conversation and you get the cold shoulder."

Dustin frowned at Felix and shouted, "Why don't you do us a favor and shut that mouth of yours?!"

Alistair spoke to the former earth pony, "Applejack, its ok. I know it's hard to lose parents believe me you already know that about me. But it couldn't have been your fault." He reasoned with her.

"But it was!" She replied sadly, "Because of me Big Mac had to quit school to work on the farm full time, and why Applebloom will never truly know them. It was all my fault! If I hadn't spooked that cow they'd still be here!" she cried.

Aria went over to her and spoke, "A.J, your parents died trying to save you. It's a parent's job to protect their children and anyone who needs it. My dad was just the same," A.J looked at Aria seeing she was crying now, "What would they say if they heard you talking like that? Do you really think they would want you blaming yourself?!"

"Well-I…" Applejack pondered, before Aria continued while still crying.

"Be proud that they helped you live on so you could take care of the family."

Alistair smiled while still feeling sad for A.J, "And like my dad used to sing to me whenever I was feeling down," Alistair sang a tune, "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more."

AJ looked up at her friends who were all smiling at her assuring her it was ok, and that it wasn't her fault, "I know it's painful to lie, A.J. What happened in the past happened in the past. We can't change what happened, but we can live for a better tomorrow." Dustin said.

"Guys," Applejack gasped, and she realized that was that Green was telling her, 'So that's it,' She thought and looked at her hat. It was the last thing she had of her pa. It had flown off his head into one of the trees one day and it just landed on her head. Big Mac had told her that pa wanted her to have it since he'd put it on her head multiple times. She smiled at them, "Thanks guys."

She then glared at Felix remembering what he said after she told her story, "So ya find my story riveting, Felix?"

"Of course," he answered smugly, "Such tales are like bedtime stories to us dark warriors."

"Well ah got another story for ya. It begins with ya acting like you're all that, but ends with ya getting a whoopin from us!" she announced, as she and her friends stood by her side.

"Don't make me laugh." Felix rebuffed her threat.

"Ah ain't no joker." Applejack replied glaring at him.

"Yeah everyone knows that's my job!" Pinkie called out.

Felix frowned and motioned to more of the shadow soldiers, "Attack!" and so they went into battle against all of them.

Though the ponies turned humans couldn't attack like Dustin and the others, they were able to defend themselves using the self defense moves, the older warriors had been teaching them. Applejack while defending herself, saw Alistair powered his weapon down and was fighting both Felix and a shadow soldier. She frowned seeing him in a jam, "Get your hands off ma friend!" she demanded as the element of harmony she wore glowed with a green aura surrounding her.

"What's happening to her?" Eu gasped.

"She's unlocked the next level of her element." Twilight gasped in amaze.

Applejack then ran at Felix and jumped up, before delivering a kick at him. Felix took the blow, but back flipped, gaining some distance, "Since when could you do that?"

"Since now," she answered, "And ah sure am sugar gonna protect ma friends from varmints like you!" she stood next to Alistair who was amazed at her confidence returning.

So the shadow soldiers continued attacking, as Applejack fueled by the power of her element was taking the fight to the soldiers with punches and kicks, "Wow look at Applejack go." Wild gasped.

"She's looking so awesome I'm ashamed of myself." Rainbow admitted.

"I wonder if we'll be able to do that." Fluttershy pondered.

Felix frowned seeing his minions get tossed around by a girl from another world, "You may plow through my minions, but let's see how you like getting plowed!" Felix attacked Applejack, who even though was empowered by her element of harmony wasn't able to completely take him and his yoko powers on.

"Applejack!" the girls gasped.

"Hang on, A.J!" Alistair called, as he jumped in and fought Felix while side by side with Applejack.

Felix conjured two blue fireballs in his hands and launched them at the two. Alistair and A.J dodged and attacked Felix, throwing everything they had at him, while the dark warrior yoko was trying to defend himself, 'How is this possible?' he thought to himself, 'I know Alistair is strong, but how can this girl fight like this? Is it the power of her element of harmony?'

Alistair and Applejack threw an arm back each before nailing Felix in the gut sending him flying backwards, only for him to land on his feet and clutch his stomach, "Oh that was a bruiser." He groaned.

"Your army is defeated, Felix!" Dustin began, as Felix realized all his shadow soldiers were defeated leaving him alone.

"So do you think you can take on all of us?" Twilight challenged him.

Felix frowned in response, "As they say, 'He who flees today gets to fight another day'!" he escaped through a shadow portal behind him.

"Coward." Eu frowned at his fleeing.

Suddenly A.J's element of harmony started powering down and the girl took in some breaths, "Applejack, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"Yeah, just tired is all." She admitted with a pant.

"That was totally awesome!" Rainbow cheered at her.

"Darling, you were spectacular there." Rarity congratulated her.

"Yeah, you fought just like one of the original bearers of the elements." Muse put in.

"You go, girl." Dean added.

Applejack smiled as Twilight spoke, "Applejack, you were able to unlock the next level of your element."

"I know, felt great." She admitted.

"And if you can, then the rest of us will be able to as well."

"Though how did you manage to unlock it?" Spike asked curiously.

"Well I learned a little more about honesty with a little help from Green Ground." She explained proudly.

Muse smiled and looked to the other five bearers, "Looks like all of you may get a chance to see the original bearers of your elements."

"I can't wait." Pinkie cheered.

Applejack smiled, and turned to Alistair, "Once again I'm sorry for snapping at ya, Alistair."

"And like I said, you had your reasons." The dark warrior reminded her.

"Still you know what it was like to lose your parents too. I respected that you had the heart to talk about it while I never did," she began, "But now I'm confident enough to move on from the past and go forward. And I have you to thank." She hugged the dark warrior, taking him by surprise.

Alistair smiled seeing it wasn't so bad returned the gesture, "You're welcome."

"And ah know this is something that ah normally don't do, but what the hay?" she pecked Alistair on the cheek taking her friends and Alistair's friends by surprise.

Alistair stood in shock with a faint blush on his cheeks, "Uh well you know…" he chuckled sheepishly as the boys chuckled and hollered.

"Way to go there, studly!" Ralph cheered.

"Nice one man!" Dustin called.

Elroy and Jethro were pushed aside revealing Eu who was frowning with her magical aura surrounding her, "Alistair!" she growled.

Alistair's eyed widened and he trembled and was backing away as she stormed for him, "Whoa! Eu, please don't look at me that way. It wasn't like that. It was just a friendly gesture."

"RAAAAHHHH!" Eu erupted, and started firing magical lightning blasts at Alistair who started running around avoiding the bolts, while pleading for her to stop. Eu continued to chase him still trying to zap him.

The guys and the girls laughed at Alistair's misfortune, as Twilight thought, 'Applejack is the first of us to unlock the next level of her element of harmony. And soon enough the rest of us will too, and that'll bring us much closer to finding the other two missing elements and stop King Ebon.'

At Felix's lair, the dark warrior stood before the mirror of Ebon, "And that's everything, Ebon." He finished explaining.

"I see. So the elements of harmony are growing into a new level?" Ebon pondered, "If they all manage to reach a stronger level my plan will be ruined. I cannot let that happen!"

"Well while you ponder on that, I have a burger with my name on it." Felix said, as he went to the fridge and grabbed his burger from earlier and continued to eat it having not been able to have much of it thanks to Ebon. Ebon face faulted wondering if this dark warrior was seriously the best partner he could ally himself with.