• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Physical Training and Movie Night

After an introduction to Dustin and Alistair's good friends along with the older warriors who trained them at the training facility, it was decided that they would teach the eight transformed ponies how to defend themselves by teaching them hand to hand combat in order to combat Felix and his shadow soldiers.

In the training facility, the eight were doing all sorts of exercises while wearing exercise clothes. Most of them were doing it perfectly like Rainbow Dash and Applejack, while the other transformed ponies were struggling. Dustin, Alistair, their friends, and the older warriors were supervising them. Xever was currently supervising Fluttershy and Rarity who were struggling to do push ups, "Come on you two, push it up!" he called acting like a drill instructor.

"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked, as she tried harder.

"Well I'm trying!" Rarity cried, as she tried pushing herself up.

"Trying is not the same as doing!" Xever called to her, still keeping the drill instructor persona up.

"Yes, sir!" Rarity cringed, as she pushed up harder.

"Aye-aye, sir." Fluttershy cried, as she worked harder as well.

"Whoa Xever sure is intense." Applejack noted, as she was jogging in place.

"You think that's intense? That's when he's being nice." Belmont warned her.

"When he really goes out, he'll scare you stiff." Valmont added, making Applejack gulp.

Twilight was trying to lift some dumbbells up and down, as Spike watched. Burai walked over and ordered, "Come on Twilight, put some meat on those arms."

"Well sorry if I prefer reading over athletics." She replied, as she managed to lift one of the dumbbells over her head.

"Hey Dustin is a certified genius, and he's got more muscles. He's learned to balance studies and fitness, same for me." Burai explained.

"Don't count Twi out yet," Applejack spoke up, while doing some sit ups, "I mean she placed 5th in the Running of the Leaves just from reading a book."

"Yeah, while we lost." Rainbow added, as she started doing pull ups.

"Well bet you two felt stupid after that experience." Dustin chuckled, while the two face faulted at that memory.

"They sure did." Pinkie giggled.

"Oh yeah feeling the burn!" Wild called, as he lifted some weights.

Meanwhile Muse was on a treadmill. Belmont approached, "Let's speed things up." he cranked it up forcing her to run faster.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy gasped seeing Muse was running harder.

"My feet are gonna fall off!" Muse cried, "You know this reminds me of playing tag with Ven."

"How so?" Alistair asked, while leaning against the treadmill.

She looked at him blankly and spoke flat, "Think about he's a pegasus I'm an earth pony."

"Then he's probably fast to catch you, or he's too fast for you to catch him?" Alistair asked.

"Try both." she answered dryly.

"Well you're not catching him this time, you're working on your legs fitness." Alistair replied.

Muse rolled her eyes, and spoke sarcastically, "I feel so much better."

Valmont was keeping an eye on Applejack, as the girl continued exercising, "You're a definite piece of work, A.J." he admitted.

"Why thank ya, Valmont," she began, "I owe it to the years of working on the farm."

"Yes physical labor is a perfect way to improve physical fitness." Valmont agreed.

"Wanna see?" Applejack offered, as she delivered a kick to Valmont's gut.

"ARGH!" he groaned and skidded back onto the floor.

Aria whistled at the girls move, "Now that was hard."

"For real." Alicia agreed.

"I hope Valmont's ok." Alice said in worry.

"How was that?" A.J asked the teen dark warrior.

"Not bad," Valmont got up and took her arm, "And just for that you get to do fifty more pushups!" he dragged her off.

"Say what now?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Maybe next time you won't show off your skill by using an instructor as a target." Dean warned her as she sighed.

Pinkie meanwhile was working with a punching bag, "Take that you!" she punched it with her right fist and then her left in a repeating cycle.

"Work those iron fists, Pinkie." Dustin instructed her.

"I haven't worked this hard since flight camp." Fluttershy panted.

"Well this ain't no flight camp, Flutters." Xever said, while getting down to her level to intimidate her into working harder.

"I think I prefer it." She replied, while sweating.

"Well tough." He answered.

"Come on Fluttershy, this isn't so bad." Rainbow said, as she exercised with no struggle.

"Easy for you to say." The shy girl muttered.

"With this training lesson, we'll be in perfect shape to defend ourselves against the shadow soldiers," Wild explained, "Granted we could defend ourselves against the Serpentine as ponies, but in these human bodies we need to adapt."

"Especially since we don't have our magic or our wings." Twilight added.

"I'm really missing my wings." Rainbow sighed.

"Hey you're improving on your leg muscles aren't you?" Wild asked his cousin, as they worked out.

"Maybe, but I still wish I had them." She replied.

As the others continued exercising, Muse and Twilight were talking, "How're you holding up, Muse?"

"I'm fine," She admitted, "I guess it's partly due to the fact that Terra gave me some self defense moves back home."

"Lucky you," Twilight replied, "If Shining Armor saw what I'm doing now he'd be laughing his flank off."

"I also have something else on my mind." Muse added.

"What's that?"

"It's about Magic Valor." Muse began.

"Yeah, about what he said." Twilight remembered.

"And this is a major find for my research." The playwright girl added.

"I know what you mean." Twilight agreed.

"I have a theory. Maybe Magic was how the 6th element was made." Muse theorized.

"The element of magic." Twilight noted.

"I had no idea the five had an apprentice. He may have been there during the battle." Muse continued.

"But the legend didn't mention about him." Twilight reminded her.

"I know. If we can solve this mystery we will have rewritten the true history behind King Ebon's defeat."

Xever saw the two had ceased their exercising and went over, "Ladies, are we on a coffee break?"

"We don't drink coffee." Muse answered.

"Then I guess the break is over. Back to work, thank you!" He walked off as the two got back to exercising.

Spike watched with the animals, as the group continued exercising, "This is actually funny watching them work out this hard, especially Twilight." He chuckled.

"I'll say." Domino agreed.

"I can imagine Princess Celestia and Cadence would be having a laughing fit if they saw their youngest fellow princess engage in such a physical exercise." Fievel added.

Afterwards, the eight were lying on the floor exhausted while covered in sweat. Rarity was especially so worn out she didn't even care she was covered in it, "I can't feel my legs." Muse panted

The younger spirit warriors looked onto them as Alicia spoke, "That's pathetic, you girls can't even take a little exercise."

"Well why don't you try going through what we just went through?!" Rarity challenged them.

"FYI, I already did." Alicia reminded her, and she felt defeated.

"She's got ya there, Rar." A.J admitted.

"Oh be quiet." She replied.

Wild spoke to Rainbow, "How're you holding up, cuz?"

"This reminds me of when we got into those little fights growing up." She admitted, while feeling tired.

"No kidding." Wild agreed.

The older boys paced, "Congratulations, you survived your first exercise." Xever began.

"Yeah." Fluttershy said, as she was worn out the most.

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered.

"But you still got a ways to go." Burai added.

The group groaned, as Pinkie the only one not tired giggled, "But rest assured, in time you will get used to these exercises." Valmont continued.

"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered again.

"But for now you can rest." Belmont finished.

Then they heard snoring. They looked and saw all of the ponies turned human minus Pinkie were fast asleep, "Reminds me of us after our first training exercise." Xever chuckled with the older boys.

"You fell asleep too?" Pinkie asked curiously.

They thought together, 'More like we puked from exhaustion.'

"I'm surprised your awake, Pinkie." Aria noted.

"I'm always full of energy!" she admitted, "Besides I foalsit Pumpkin and Pound Cake regularly so I can handle anything."

"Well good work, you keep up your hard work and you'll be ready to defend yourself for sure." Burai answered.

"Thank you, Burai." She thanked him.

Later that day, after the group was rested they showered off their sweat and changed into their regular clothes that were washed and dried. They were at the hotel's outdoor café, "That was brutal." Wild admitted.

"I can't even feel my finger nails." Rarity cried.

Muse stretched, "Well give or take another few lessons and we'll be used to it."

"Although you know, I have been noticing something." Twilight began.

"What's that, Twi?" Applejack asked.

"Well we don't have our horns or wings in this world, but I've noticed we do retain some form of our original talents we've always had," She began, "Like when we were in Central Park, Fluttershy was able to communicate with the animals there."

"You're right. I didn't even think about that." Fluttershy realized.

"And Applejack, both you and Rainbow Dash still retain your physical strength and skill." The bookworm continued.

"That is something." Rainbow admitted.

"So while our elements of harmony currently are inactive." Twilight began, as Dustin finished for her.

"You all retain your regular talents from your world. They may not be much, but they could very well help aid you in the fight against Felix and Ebon."

"Precisely." Twilight confirmed.

"Well that's good for you, but I can't use my magic flames in this world." Spike replied, as he tried spitting fire, but resulted only in spit.

"Don't spit in public." McTwisp lectured him.

"Well what should we do now? I mean the day is still young." Rarity wondered.

Dustin and his friends looked to each other before smiling, "Well we got a solution." The spike head began, as the group looked at him in interest.

Alistair continued, "We've decided to introduce to you some feature films we feel would be just the kind of movies you'd be interested in."

"What're you getting at?" Twilight inquired.

"We're talking movie night!" Ralph declared, as the boys cheered.

"Movie night?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, it's a perfect chance to show you some of the greatest features of this age, and some classics as well." Alice explained.

"Sounds like a plan." Twilight admitted.

"I'm curious as well." Rarity agreed.

Soon the others started agreeing, "Then it's decided. My place tonight." Alistair instructed, and they all nodded. So as they continued relaxing for most of the day, until the sun was going down.

They all went over to Alistair's place, where Xever had everything set up. The teens were gathered around taking seats on the couches, chairs, and the floor surrounding the Savage bros flat screen TV. Jethro and Dean each held a big bowl with some containing chips and another containing popcorn. Rainbow was speaking to Dustin about their first movie, "Trust me Rainbow, our world's version of Daring Do is on the same scale of awesomeness." Dustin assured her.

"You're sure this Indiana Jones is really that awesome?" she asked skeptically.

Xever replied, "Girl you have not seen awesome until you've seen Indy J!"

Rarity studied the titular character's wardrobe on the DVD's case, "Well his sense of style is similar to that of Daring Do." She noted.

"Well all right. I'll give him a whirl." Rainbow said, as Alistair inserted the disk and the movie began.

They sat around watching the feature, and all through it Rainbow watched getting more and more interested by the minute, "Oh my goodness." Fluttershy gasped, as the character was getting through a maze in a tomb.

"Whoo that feller sure knows how to survive!" Applejack admitted.

"That's Indiana Jones for you." Alistair replied.

"Your culture sure does have its similarities to ours." Twilight noted.

"Told ya." Dustin replied.

When the movie ended, the teens waited for Rainbow's reaction, "So Rainbow, what do you think?" Jethro asked.

"That was… Awesome!" she cheered, "Did you see the way he got past all those obstacles and traps? Oh if he and Daring Do teamed up, they'd be the perfect duo!"

"That was good entertainment." Twilight agreed.

"So what's next?" Wildcard asked.

"Next we're going to show you all some features made by one of the greatest animators in history." Jade explained.

"And who's that?" Muse asked.

"Walt Disney," Dustin smirked, "And watch closely Muse, you could get inspired by some of his features."

Soon they were watching some of the first movies made by the great animator, with Fluttershy captivated by it, "This is so beautiful." The girl gasped as the animals watched the current movie about a deer.

"Yeah it does capture the inner child." Xever agreed feeling you'd never be too old to like a film by Walt.

"Wake me when it's through." Rainbow yawned.

"Come on Rainbow not all of the movies made by this company are that goody good," Dustin began, "They have their action and adventure types as well."

"But this one's about animals." Rainbow complained, as they watched the forest animals in the movie interact together.

"Don't sell it short. This one has its traumatizing bits." Xever warned her.

"This has trauma?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. In fact it's coming up." he said as they heard the eerie music in the background.

"Fluttershy, you better cover your eyes." Wild suggested, feeling something bad's about to happen in the movie.

"What do you mean?" she wondered.

"Trust us, you'll be scarred for life after this." Dustin warned her.

Fluttershy paid no mind, until they heard a gunshot in the movie, making the girl cry, "Eep!

"Warned ya." Alistair replied.

"Well that was frightening." Muse admitted, as they watched the sad little deer search for his missing mother.

"This is so sad." Pinkie whimpered.

Alistair mouthed a countdown to the warriors as Fluttershy looked ready to explode. She suddenly let out a scream of fright, "Whoa, she can scream." Xever gasped.

Muse hugged Fluttershy to keep her calm, "It's ok Fluttershy, it's just a movie."

"I know, but it's sad he's lost his mother." Fluttershy whimpered.

"It's not all bad." Alistair began.

"How can you say that?" Rarity gasped at Alistair insensitiveness to Fluttershy's sensitivity to animals.

"Actually he's right," Dustin agreed as they listened, "It's sad he's lost his mother, but this is actually a big step for the deer. He learns that he has to get stronger and he must grow up."

"He's right, he can't remain a kid forever." Xever added.

"So this is a lesson he had to learn?" Twilight asked hoping she got it right.

"Yes. It may not be the most glorious of lessons, but it was still a lesson." Alistair answered, as they continued to watch the movie that still had a bit more traumatizing moments, but with Muse holding Fluttershy she was able to continue watching.

Later, the group was watching a moving featuring John Wayne, with Applejack getting into it, "Whoo-wee, that's showing em boy!"

"You're really getting into this, Applejack." Elroy noted.

"Ya darn tootin, if Big Mac were here, he'd love this too." She noted.

"No doubt, after all John Wayne is said to be the biggest movie star in history." Jethro explained.

"Ok, next one we got lined up is something you could very well enjoy, Rarity." Dustin smirked.

"You really think so?" the fashionista asked.

"You bet." Dustin answered as he put the disk in. They watched the classic tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, with Spike watching on the same level of interest as Rarity. Even Muse was learning so much from it. Wild would take glances at Muse every time the main characters would meet and envisioned him and Muse in their position.

When the movie finished the fashion lover was crying with Spike, "That was so beautiful and so sad!"

"I know!" Spike cried.

"That's why it's a classic tragedy." Aria replied.

Jethro pulled out another, "This one here is gonna rock your magical world, Twilight."

"Say what?" she asked, only for Jethro to put the disk in and watched the movie featuring a boy wizard who learns magic at a magical school.

As the movie played, Twilight was having a pony fangasm at the magic used by the characters and the elements within it. She also saw a bit of herself in the main character even if it was a boy, but mostly associated with the girl character. When Spike saw the main female of the group he felt freaked as if he was seeing another version of Twilight. When the movie ended Dustin spoke to the princess, "So what'd ya think?"

"I think I've found another role model." Twilight gasped.

"I felt the same way when I first saw this series," Eu added, "Though their magic isn't the real thing, the elements used in it does have its similarities in real life."

"You know this movie was first a book series," Jethro noted to Twilight, "I have all the copies, so you can read them yourself."

"She'd finish them in about a few hours tops, maybe even shorter." Dustin noted.

"Believe me, it's true." Spike nodded in confirmation.

Later they were watching a comedic fairytale movie about an ogre, a donkey, and a princess. When it ended, Pinkie was laughing up a storm, "Oh that was so funny. That donkey was a real crack up!"

"You and Donkey would get along just fine." Alice noted.

"Well I get along fine with everybody." Pinkie admitted.

After watching a few more movies it was getting late, "Well this concludes our big movie night, now it's time for you all to head home." Xever instructed.

"Thanks for the fun night, guys." Twilight thanked them.

"No problem." Alistair answered.

"We should do something else like this again." Pinkie suggested.

"That could be arranged, after all it's not like you'll be leaving right away." Dustin noted. The group nodded as all but Rainbow, Pinkie, Muse, and Rarity left the Savage bros apartment. The rest of the Equestria travelers went back with Dustin as the other warriors went off to their own homes.

That night as everyone was in bed, Dustin was turning in his bed until he woke up and saw Alistair, and the Equestria travelers in his room, "Hey what're you guys doing in my room?" Dustin asked, as they all were confused.

"I don't know. How did we get here?" Alistair asked.

"I don't know." Muse admitted.

Suddenly they saw something shining bright outside Dustin's balcony window. Dustin looked up and saw the shine was coming from the moon. He took another look and saw a pony's reflection off the moons surface, "Wait a minute, is that…" he was cut off as something flew down from the moon heading for his balcony. He quickly backed away as everyone in his room gasped before seeing none other than Princess Luna land before them still in her alicorn form.

"Princess Luna!" the group gasped.

"Good evening my little… ponies?" she asked, as she saw Twilight and her friends in a different form.

"I know this form is surprising, believe me we were all shocked." Twilight explained.

"It matters not, it's good to see you all made it to the other universe in one piece." Luna began.

"Hey Princess!" Dustin said as he and Alistair approached her.

"It's good to see you again Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage," Princess Luna began, "I can see you both have changed since I last saw you both."

"Yeah, wish we could say the same about you." Dustin replied.

"How did you get here, and why are you still in your pony form?" Alistair inquired out of her.

"As Princess of the night it's my job to come into the dreams of others to ensure they have peaceful dreams." Luna began.

"Wait so this is a dream, but why're we all here?" Dustin asked looking at the others.

"I have connected all of you into a single dream void to talk to you all," Luna continued, "As for how I look this way, it is because I am within your dreams and not the physical plane."

"And how did you get here?" Twilight asked.

"I had this theory with my sister ever since we learned about this other world from the boys," The princess of the night continued, "We have discovered that while both our universes are different they retain the same sky, the same sun, and the same moon. That is how I was able to cross into this world so easily."

"That does make a lot of sense." Dustin admitted as Alistair, Wild, and Twilight nodded.

"Now then, I've come here on behalf of my sister to inquire your process. Have you found Ebon?"

"No, but we do have a lead," Twilight began, "While Ebon has been here for three years on this world times. He's found an accomplice."

"An accomplice?" Luna asked wanting to know more.

"Yes," Dustin continued, "His name is Felix Fox, and he's an enemy of mine and Alistair's. We're not sure how or when, but Ebon has apparently incorporated him under his rank."

"This is most troubling." Luna replied.

"Well we got more news for you and Princess Celestia." Twilight continued.

"I'm listening."

"Our elements of harmony are undergoing a change."

"A change?" Luna asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we were contacted by the spirit of this other pony known as Magic Valor." Applejack explained, as the princess of the night gasped.

"Did you say Magic Valor?"

"Yes," Twilight confirmed, "Do you know him?"

"I do, but Celestia and I were just fillies at the time over a thousand years ago," Luna began, "Magic Valor was the apprentice of the Five Unicorns who fought along side our parents against Ebon. He was the one who ignited the sixth element and allowed the other five unicorns to fully tap into the magic of their elements to defeat Ebon."

"Well he told us that our elements of harmony needed to evolve to another level if we are to take on Ebon." Twilight explained.

"Another level?"

"Yes, he said to reach that new level we have to understand more about the original six wielders." The princess of magic continued.

"What do you make of it, Princess Luna?" Rarity asked, as they were all curious hoping she'd be more knowledgeable about this situation.

"I feel Magic Valor is onto something," she answered, "While the elements of harmony are indeed powerful Ebon is older even more than my sister and I. Clearly even in his spirit form he will grow stronger, too strong for the current level of the elements to combat."

"He also noted that there were two other elements of harmony to find in order for them to reach their full strength in their new levels." Muse added.

"I had heard of such a legend, but Celestia and I believed it was just a myth," Luna replied, "If Magic Valor says this then it must be true."

"What should we do, Princess Luna?" Alistair asked.

"For now you must follow the instructions of Magic Valor and help the elements of harmony reach their next level," she started, "While you must also find the missing two elements before Ebon gets his full powers back."

"You can count on us, Princess Luna." Dustin assured her.

"Take care of the girls, boys. In this world of yours Tia and I would hate to see danger befall them." Luna instructed.

"You have our word your majesty." Alistair bowed his head with Dustin.

"I'm afraid I must go now. My sister must be briefed about this." Luna noted.

"We'll keep monitoring Ebon's and Felix's moves and when you've decided to come back we'll tell you all we've gathered." Twilight promised.

"Good luck, my little ponies!" Luna announced, as she flew back to the moon and in a flash Dustin woke up in his bed seeing the others weren't there, confirming he did see all that through his dream.

He went to his balcony and looked up at the moon, "Don't worry Princess, we won't let Ebon cause any harm to anyone in ours or your world." He promised before going back to bed.