• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Their Next Objective

Last time, the ponies arrived in the human world, and had taken on the appearances of humans, with Spike becoming a dog. After running into their old friends Dustin and Alistair, the boys introduced them to their master Darius Mikael and showed them around the city. As they reached Central Park, they were attacked by dark warrior Yoko Felix Fox and his shadow soldiers. Without their elements of harmony or their pony abilities, the group was forced to watch their two friends fight Felix and his army. The two were eventually overpowered, until the arrival of another dark warrior who they believed was on their side.

"A party and I wasn't invited?" the newcomer asked.

"Bro!" Alistair called.

'That's Alistair's brother?' the others minus Dustin thought.

"Xever!" Felix growled, "As always you can't resist sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

"On the contrary, compadre. When you rough up my brother and his friend it calls for my attention." Xever answered, as he maneuvered his shadow switchblades in his hands.

Alistair and Dustin got up as the spike head spoke to his dark warrior friend, "He always shows up when we need him."

"That's Xever for ya." Alistair replied.

So the group watched as the two older dark warriors engaged in combat, while Dustin and Alistair fought the shadow soldiers. Soon enough Felix was being overrun by Xever and the shadow soldiers were dropping as well, "I guess I will have to plan another day to acquire the elements of harmony, but I'll be back." Felix declared, as he vanished in dark flames, while the shadow soldiers vanished as well.

Xever sighed in relief, and turned to the boys, "You two ok?"

"Never better, bro." Alistair answered.

"We could've handled him without ya though." Dustin added, while trying to preserve their pride.

"Could've, would've, didn't," Xever noted, making Dustin scowl. The older dark warrior looked over and noticed the others, particularly the girls. He whistled and looked to the younger boys, "Whoa, did you two raid a spirit camp and not tell me?"

"Not exactly." Dustin answered.

"Well whatever you did you both picked up some winners. Do Aria, Eu, Alice, and Alicia know about this?" he teased the younger boys.

"Xever, it's not like that!" Alistair snapped at his thoughts.

"These girls are old friends of ours we haven't seen in three years." Dustin explained.

"Three years?" Xever asked, while raising a brow.

"That's right," Rarity began, as she approached him and shook his hand, "You must be Xever Savage; Alistair's older brother. We've only seen your image in a picture, but Alistair's said nothing but wonderful things about you."

"Thanks, and you all are?" he asked.

"Well Xever, my name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduced herself.

Within a second Xever burst out laughing, while falling onto the grass clutching his sides, "Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but that name it's hard to not find it funny!" he cried through his laughs

"What's wrong with my name you humans find so funny?" Twilight asked in irritation.

Dustin spoke to Twi, "It's a long story."

Finally Xever stopped laughing, and got to his feet, "Ok I'm done. Please continue."

"I'm Spike." Spike greeted him.

"Ah nice dog." Xever rubbed Spike's head, as the dragon turned dog enjoyed it.

Pinkie came over and was popping all around him, "My name's Pinkie Pie, nice to meetcha!"

"Is this one on sugar high?" he asked his little brother.

"No that's her being sane." Alistair answered.

"My name's Fluttershy." The shy girl greeted the older boy.

"Well nice to meet a sweet little lady like you." Xever greeted her with a kiss to her hand, making her blush.

"Name's Applejack partner." She shook his hand.

"Well a Texan in the big city, it must be an experience for you."

"Texan?" A.J asked wondering what that meant.

"Relax Applejack, that's not an insult." Dustin assured her.

"Name's Rainbow Dash." R.D greeted Xever who eyeballed her colorful hair.

"Is that your natural hair color?" Xever asked.

"Of course it is." She answered proudly.


"And what's wrong with the color of my hair?!" she shouted, as Wild and Fluttershy was holding her back.

"Rainbow calm down, he obviously doesn't know the full story." Wild explained.

"I am Rarity or Miss Rarity if you prefer." Rarity greeted the older Savage brother.

"Quite the sophisticated girl, aren't ya?" Xever asked.

"Well I do have a reputation to uphold." The girl replied.

"I'm Muse, nice to meet you." Muse greeted him.

"And I'm Wildcard, game master by title and reputation."

"Not very modest are ya?" Xever asked.

Rainbow spoke, putting an arm around her cousin, "Modesty's not in his dictionary."

"You know you all have very unusual names." Xever noted to each of them.

"That's because they're not of this universe." Dustin explained, as Xever was confused.

"Bro, we have a story to tell you." Alistair explained.

"I'm listening, but perhaps you and I should switch looks?" Xever suggested.

"Uh right." Alistair agreed, as he and Xever shifted into their normal human looks.

So the young boys told the older one the whole story leaving Xever shocked, "I know you told me this before, but I thought you guys were just jerking my chain at the time."

"We were telling the truth, bro." Alistair replied.

"In fact Rarity made that suit he wore." Dustin added.

Xever turned to the girl in surprise, "You made that ruby encrusted suit my bro wore for his school dance?"

"But of course," Rarity answered proudly and turned to the younger brother, "I'm thankful you still held onto it and wore it."

"Yeah well unfortunately I grew out of all my clothes I wore back then, including my suit." Alistair explained, regretfully.

"Oh dear. Well don't you worry I'll just make you a new one. A suit more fitting for a boy your age." She smiled at Alistair, who blushed.

"So you came to this universe because some villain from your worlds past escaped to here?" Xever asked Twilight.

"That's right and apparently your enemy Felix is working with him." The princess explained.

"That does make a lot of sense now," Xever began, "Felix has been busier than he has been these last three years."

Dustin checked his watch and gasped, "Hmm it'll be dinner time soon."

Alistair spoke up, "That reminds me. Now that they're in human bodies they should have no problems eating..." Dustin clamped his hand over Alistair's mouth.

"They may have human bodies like us now, but I'm more than certain they retain their vegetarian diets." Dustin warned him.

"Yeah even though we have the bodies of omnivorous mammals I still shudder that the concept you eat meat." Twilight explained.

"So what's your pop's dinner plan tonight?" Xever asked.

"Well we were planning on eating out tonight." The spirit warrior explained.

"Ernie's?" the Savage brothers asked.

"Ernie's." he nodded.

"Awesome! We'll have to join you." Xever said in excitement, while Alistair was equally excited.

"Um may we join you?" Fluttershy requested.

"Of course, you all are like our family now. Plus I need to introduce you to my dad. And I'm sure Zyphon's gonna be surprised to see you all again." Dustin added.

"Sounds awesome." Rainbow admitted.

"Well come on, there's a lot more to cover." Dustin said as they continued the tour.

"Well lead on." Muse answered.

So Dustin and Alistair continued, while Xever joined in. They continued showing more of New York, until Dustin approached a cemetery and looked over, "Small detour, girls."

"Is something wrong?" Muse asked curiously.

"Just something I gotta do." he said, while walking into the cemetery.

The group looked to the brothers as Alistair spoke, "He does this every chance he gets."

Dustin approached a tombstone, kneeled before it and prayed. They watched him, until he stood up and patted the stone. He approached the group with a smile, "I'm done."

"Are you ok?" Fluttershy asked hopefully while the others were concerned.

"Yeah. I do this every chance I get. It makes her happy," he looked back at the tombstone he was by while the group knew what he meant, "Well let's go." Dustin said leading them on again

As they continued, Muse spoke up, "I got to say I'm really impressed with your city and civilization."

Suddenly Fluttershy jumped into Xever's arms when a car honked at the traffic, "Relax Fluttershy, it's just a car horn." Dustin assured her.

"But it was so loud," She answered, only to realize the situation she was in with Xever. She quickly got out of his arms and apologized, "I'm so sorry for that."

"Relax it's no trouble." He assured her.

A.J looked around seeing the traffic and loads of people walking around either littering or trying to scam others out of money, "Guess this is why you meant Ponyville was like a paradise."

"Yeah though New York has drawbacks, it's still home." Alistair admitted.

"Well I better take you girls to my place and introduce you to my old man." Dustin suggested.

"You think he'll take your story better than the others have?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Actually my dad believed us." Dustin replied with a smile.

"Seriously?" Rainbow asked, wondering how his dad could believe them, but not Darius.

"I know it surprised me that he would and not Darius. My dad told me that he knew I had my mother's honesty." Dustin explained, while Applejack smiled seeing his mother was known for honesty.

"So do you think he'll react better when he sees us not as you've described us?" Wild asked curiously.

"He might, but only one way to find out," He explained as they approached a house and opened the door, "Hey dad, I'm home!" he called.

The girls entered and saw who they recognized as Dustin's father Roswell Bowers sitting in an armchair reading the paper, "Hey Dustin, welcome back."

"I hope you don't mind but I brought some guests." Dustin began, as Roswell looked over recognizing Alistair and Xever, but was surprised as the seven girls and one boy joining them.

"Well who have we here?" Roswell looked at them.

"Dad, you know the pony friends we made three years ago in that other world?" his son began.

"Yes those magical ones, and?" Ross wondered where his son was going with this.

"These are them." Dustin explained.

"Really?" he asked in surprise.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bowers." Twilight greeted the adult.

"Your son's told us all about you. You really must be a great guy!" Pinkie cheered.

"Ah yes the famous Elements of Harmony my son's talked out. Don't tell me let me guess," He began pointing them out, "Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Muse, Wildcard, and that dog there must be Spike."

"That's me." He answered.

"My son's told me so much about you. It was hard to imagine him fighting in a land of talking equines."

"Well it happened." Muse assured him.

Ross smiled and looked to the group, "I want to thank you all for looking after my son."

"Not a problem, Mr. Bowers." Applejack replied with a smile.

"Hey Zyphon, come in here!" Dustin called.

Suddenly walking in was Zyphon; Dustin's robot assistant. However Zyphon's body looked remarkably different. His torso, arms, and legs were thinner and less bulky which allowed him to fit through most doors easier, "Oh Master Dustin, you're home."

"Yeah, and look who we ran into." Dustin showed them the group.

Zyphon's robots eyes widened, "Oh my goodness. Miss Twilight everypony! Is that really you?"

"It is Zyphon, or in some form." Fluttershy explained.

"Zyphon, you look thinner." Rainbow noticed his torso wasn't as wide and round.

"Well over the three years Master Dustin has made some improvements on my body and systems, along with giving me some new bodies, while my other ones are being worked on. Right now this is my model TF283. It's thinner, lighter, and has better servos." He explained.

"The girls are here on a mission from the princess that requires our attention." Dustin explained.

"Feeling up for assisting us?" Wild asked, as the girls looked hopeful.

"As always." Zyphon bowed his head making the girls smile.

"Well it'll be dinner time soon and I assume you would all like to join us?" Ross asked the group.

"If you'll have us, Mr. Bowers." Twilight answered.

"Well the more the merrier and I'm eager to get to know you all." Ross admitted.

"As are we to you." Rarity added.

Soon the group left that night, and approached a place known as Ernie's Pizzaria, "Ernie's Pizzaria?" Twilight asked as the group looked up at the sign.

"Yeah remember the dish we had you try back in Ponyville? Well the guy who owns this place makes them even better." Dustin assured them.

"Ooh I can't wait." Pinkie replied acting jittery.

"Well let's go in." Muse said.

As they entered they looked over the counter seeing a man with short brown hair, and was wearing a Hawaiin shirt, brown pants, and a white apron, "Yo Ernie!" Dustin called.

"Dustin, Roswell, Alistair, and Xever," he began, "It's good to see you guys. And who might these young ladies be?" he asked seeing the group with them.

"Some friends of ours we met three years ago," Dustin explained, "Girls and Wild meet the Pizza man himself; Ernie."

"It's very nice to meet you." Twilight greeted the man.

"Likewise. I love seeing new faces here." He admitted.

"And Ernie we'd like you to meet Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Wildcard, Muse, Rarity, and Applejack." Alistair introduced them.

"A pleasure to meet you all. I assume you'll all want the big table?" he asked the men.

"You assume correctly, Ernie," Xever answered, "Follow us guys." He led them all to a big table.

"I got to say the decor is a little rustic and yet charming." Rarity said, while checking out the décor of the restaurant.

"It's awesome." Rainbow added.

The eight looked at the silverware on the table in confusion, "How do we use this stuff?" Wild asked.

"Right you mostly eat with your mouths." Dustin chuckled.

"Well in this world your new hands will be used to help get food into your mouths." Alistair explained.

The waitress brought over numerous breadsticks and cheese sticks, "First up appetizers." Dustin explained.

The group looked at them as Pinkie picked up a cheese stick, "I'll try it," She took a bite out of it, and smiled, "Cheesy!"

Seeing Pinkie Pie thought it was good, the others dug in, "These are good." Applejack said, as she ate a breadstick.

"Yup. The perfect appetizers though save some room for the main course." Ross said with a smile.

"I can't wait," Rainbow said excitedly. Soon pizza was brought over with plain cheese and some with green peppers for Xever and Roswell, "Oh delicious." She cheered holding a slice.

"So you introduced this to another land?" Xever asked curiously.

"Yeah, I mean with no meat there we had to rely on something we could all possibly enjoy." Alistair explained.

"I never tasted such a delicious dish before." Wild explained.

"It did become quite a hit in Ponyville." Twilight explained that they introduced it to everypony like they said they would.

"Well everyone let's chow." Roswell said, as they began eating

As they ate, Dustin looked at Muse seeing she was a little down, "You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking…" she answered.

"About what?"

"Just thinking of my dad." She answered.

"Your dad?" Dustin and Alistair gasped, until they remembered Crystal Stone from the Crystal Empire.

" Yeah Princess Cadence allowed one of the royal doctor's to see if our theory was right..."

"And?" they asked curiously.

"Crystal is my father," she answered, "We both had a feeling, but we kept it under wraps until we got done with the serpentine. It meant that Magic Flower was pregnant with me when she fled."

"Seriously?" they asked seeing Crystal was right.

Muse nodded, "After that my dad told the story to Princess Celestia who was appalled by my father's family actions. They were punished and I think my mother can rest in peace now."

"That's a relief." Dustin sighed in relief as did Alistair.

"Parent troubles?" Ross asked curiously.

"You could say that." Muse answered, while feeling Wild's hand on hers.

"What's happened has happened." He assured her that it was ok now.

"Yeah, sugarcube," Applejack began, "The important thing is that you and Mr. Stone are reunited for good."

The human ponies smiled at her comfortingly as Xever thought, 'Alistair and I know exactly how she feels.'

"But there's another thought that entered my mind. It's the elements," Muse began as they looked at her, while she elaborated, "I mean the elements of harmony aren't working. How're we expected to defeat Ebon if they don't work here?"

"That is strange." Dustin admitted.

"And the colors they've become seem familiar." She added.

"How so?" Pinkie asked, as the others were curious as well.

"Well those colors remind me of the five unicorns." She answered, as the others started thinking on it before recognizing them as well.

"You're right." Fluttershy agreed.

"But take a look at mine." Twilight began showing them her crown glowing Magenta.

"Why's it glowing?" Wild asked.

They looked seeing Ernie or no other customer was looking, as Ross spoke, "Is it reacting to something?"

"It must be." Applejack believed.

"Any idea what this is about?" Wild asked Muse, hoping she had an answer or a theory.

"Maybe the element wants to tell us something." She suggested.

"Tell us what, exactly?" Alistair asked.

"And how?" Dustin wondered.

Muse thought carefully as she looked at the elements, "Maybe we have to put them together in a certain way. Hey Dash, remember a part in Daring Do she had to do something similar?"

"Oh yeah," Rainbow remembered as she told them a part from her favorite book, "In one of the books there was this puzzle that had to be solved for Daring Do to enter the next chamber of the temple she was in. In fact they added the puzzle to the book, so the reader could try it themselves. It was so awesome."

"So how did it work?" Xever asked curiously.

"They had to be arranged in a specific order." The rainbow haired girl answered.

"Order… OF COURSE!" Muse shouted, while jumping out of her seat surprising her friends and the customers.

The group scowled at her for starting a scene, as Xever spoke up dismissing the customers, "Nothing to see here go back to whatever it is you're doing." He sat back down, as Muse looked sheepish and spoke.

"Sorry." She blushed in embarrassment.

"So what order do you mean?" Pinkie asked as the others listened.

"Well part of the song for the unicorns describes something like that," She began, "Always in front the color of bravery and determination the color red, followed by blue yellow and pink and lastly waiting at the end is the color green."

"Sounds logical." Twilight replied going along with what they have.

"Maybe we should try that elsewhere. Too many people here." Rainbow suggested.

"Agreed." Dustin agreed, as they continued to eat.

Soon after dinner they went back to Dustin's. They gathered in the living room and took out the elements, "Ok, let's match them up." Dustin ordered.

"Ok, so red should be first." Muse instructed as Rainbow put hers first.

"Check." Rainbow confirmed her.

"Ok Fluttershy you're next," Muse continued as she placed hers following Rainbow's, "Rarity you place yours next to Fluttershy's and Pinkie yours is behind Rarity's." The two did so as Muse finished, "Finally A.J, put yours on the end."

Applejack did so and they watched the lined up elements, but noticed nothing was going on, "Nothing's happening." Rainbow started thinking it was a failing theory.

Muse sighed, "I thought it would work…" she was cut off as the elements started moving and formed a circle.

"Whoa." They gasped, as Dustin looked at Twilight's crown and spoke.

"Twi, put your element in the middle." Twilight did so by putting it in the center.

The gems in the elements started to glow and transferred to the gem in the middle of the crown, "What's going on?" Ross asked hoping this was a good thing.

The elements showed an astral unicorn appear before them. He had a cream white coat a blue mane and tail but had a red streak on it. He had ocean blue eyes and his cutie mark was a sword in front of what looked like twilights cutie mark, "I need to get my eyes checked." Xever rubbed his eyes.

"That's not necessary because we see it too." Alistair replied in assurance.

The unicorn looked to everyone around him and spoke, "Greetings new holders of the elements of harmony. My name is Magic Valor, and I am the apprentice of the five unicorns and protector of the sun and moon." He explained as the group was shocked hearing he was Celestia's and Luna's protector.

"Wow." Rainbow gasped in amaze.

"Whoa nelly." Applejack gasped in surprise.

The unicorn continued, "I had a feeling that this day would come. After all nothing is forever. Ebon is trying to return to his full power, as such not only is Equestria and this world in danger but the whole multiverse as well."

"Multi-what?" Applejack asked.

"A multiverse is a giant band of universes parallel to each other." Dustin explained.

Twilight spoke having an idea of what he meant, "You mean like a tree that has multiple branches, they're all different but stem from one source?"

Dustin nodded as Magic continued, "You have crossed into a world in which not even we back then ever knew about. And it is now in the same state of peril as Equestria once was and if left uncheck all other universes will be as well. The elements can sense this and have decided the time has come to unlock a new stage in their power."

"A new stage?" Twilight asked.

"Yes for the state the elements of harmony are at now they stand no chance against Ebon or the enemies you will encounter," he continued, "Each holder of the element must unlock their power on their own through a power of self discovery of their previous holder."

"You mean we have to find out more about the previous wielders of the elements of harmony?" Twilight asked making sure she had it right.

"Yes you must unlock a part of yourselves to unlock their true potential. Only then will you be able to truly combat Ebon and his new forces," Magic continued, "But I must tell you this now before our link ends..." Magic said, as he started to fade.

"We're losing him." Wild gasped, as they all hoped he could finish his message to them.

"There...are...two...more...elements." Magic Valor explained through static.

"Wait, Magic Valor!" Twilight called, only for the astral unicorn to disappear.

"He's gone." Ross gasped.

"Two more elements?" Alistair asked hoping he heard correctly.

"That's what he said." Twilight confirmed.

"Well this is unexpected." Wild replied.

"But now we have a clue." Muse put in, seeing they were onto something.

"She's right yall." Applejack agreed.

"But how can we find these other two elements?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I don't know." Twilight answered regretfully.

"Looks like our mission here just got more complicated." Rainbow noted.

"Well you all aren't in it alone." Alistair began, as the group looked at him and Dustin.

"Though it's been different lengths of time since we worked together we're still in it together." Dustin assured them.

"No matter what crosses our paths you can count on us." Alistair added.

"Thank you for your kindness, guys." Twilight smiled, as she and the others hugged the two with Rarity squealing.

"And I'll be there in case you need me as well." Ross added.

"Count me in too." Xever put in.

"As always it's an honor to fight by your sides." Zyphon bowed his head.

"In fact tomorrow we'll introduce you to our friends. They can provide additional support." Dustin explained.

"Excellent idea. Though it's very late and you all should get some rest." Ross suggested.

"Agreed. But what about them?" Xever motioned to the others.

"Why don't we have them bunk with us? I take four and Alistair takes four." Dustin suggested.

"It sounds good with me. What about you, bro?" Alistair asked his older brother, who pondered on it before answering.

"Well it would be an invasion on our bachelor pad, but I think I can allow this." He smiled, making Alistair smile back.

"So how're we gonna work this out?" Twilight asked them.

"Why don't we leave it up to you?" Dustin suggested.

So the group talked it over, and turned back with Twilight speaking, "We've reached our decision."

"Alistair, the four of us have decided to bunk with you and Xever." Muse said as she, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie stood together.

"While the rest of us will stay here," Twilight said as she, Wild, Fluttershy, A.J, and Spike stood.

"What do you say, dad?" Dustin asked his father for permission.

"It's all right by me," Ross confirmed him making the group cheer, until he continued while motioning to Dustin, "As long as you don't go try sneaking into any of the girls beds."

"Dad!" Dusitn shouted in outrage, as Alistair and Xever chuckled, until Xever spoke to his bro.

"That goes for you too, Alistair." He warned him.

"Bro!" the girls laughed at the brothers teasing.

Meanwhile, Felix was back at his hideout standing before the mirror, "Why do you not have the elements of harmony?" Ebon asked suspiciously.

"Hey the girls weren't the problem. It was the boys I've been telling you about these last years." He argued.

"I grow tired with that excuse, Felix." Ebon warned him.

"Well why don't you get out of the mirror and face them yourself? Oh wait you can't!" Felix mocked as he put his face to the mirror.

"That's enough!" Ebon boomed.

Felix dropped the mocking and continued, "Well besides you'll be happy to know the girls did nothing. Apparently from what my minions have gathered the elements are useless here."

"Useless? I find that hardly logic." Ebon answered skeptically.

"Then why else would they not use them on me?" Felix asked, wanting Ebon to enlighten him.

"Two reasons. One, is probably you're not worth them being used for," Ebon began resulting in Felix scowling for his mockery, "Second, is there must be something else behind them. Keep a close eye on the holders, Felix."

"As you wish." Felix answered, before taking his leave.

Felix was soon standing on the roof top, as a shadow soldier appeared at his side, "Boss, I don't understand why you're taking orders from this fool. Have you no pride anymore?" he was shushed by Felix, who answered.

"This partnership is only temporary. Until then I will play along, until I get what he promised me. And should he decide to go back on his word. I will do the same," he then thought with a smirk, 'After all there's only room for one baddie in New York. And that's me.'

Meanwhile, Alistair and Xever took their group back to their apartment, and entered, "This is where you live?" Rarity asked them as they looked around seeing their apartment looked like a frat house, with clothes lying around, magazines piled up on their coffee table poorly, and leftover food was left out of the fridge.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't have time to tidy up. I wasn't expecting company tonight." Xever explained.

"I think it's cool. Whew and that's some smell." Rainbow said, while taking a whiff of the air.

"Smells like good cheese and snicker doodles." Pinkie answered.

"That's one way of putting it." Alistair replied.

Muse looked around seeing the mess, "This place reminds me of when our cast parties got crazy."

"Well Alistair and I are bachelors of course." Xever said plopping on a couch.

"Well all this place needs is a little tidying and it will suitable." Rarity admitted.

'If she redesigns this whole place I won't be surprised.' Muse thought, as Pinkie and Rainbow thought the same thing.

"Just make yourselves at home girls." Alistair assured them, as Pinkie plopped into an arm chair and sat sideways while using the arm rest as a leg rest.

"And remember mi casa es su casa." Xever explained confusing them.

"Huh?" Rainbow asked.

"What did he say?" Muse asked Alistair.

"He means my place is your place." Alistair explained.

"Oh, why did he just say so?" Rarity asked curiously.

"It's a different form of expressing." Alistair explained.

"Getting used to this world will be more difficult than I imagined." Rarity admitted, as she sat down on a chair.

"I wonder how the others are doing back at Dustin's?" Muse wondered.

Meanwhile at said place, Dustin was standing before a door, "Be warned you all. Many have come through these doors but some have never came out feeling the same." He began warningly. Fluttershy squeaked as Roswell spoke to his son.

"Son, you're scaring them... one of them at least."

"Dad, you spoiled the moment!" Dustin whined.

"Typical." Domino cawed.

"Will ya just show us what's behind it?" Applejack asked, wanting him to skip the dramatics.

"Killjoy," Dustin grumbled, before opening the door revealing his bedroom with a single bed, a TV, a dresser, a closet, posters all over the walls of sports, rock bands, heroes, and other stuff, a game system, a desk and shelves of comics. He rushed inside and plopped onto his bed, while lying on his side looking at the group, "Hi. Come on in this is my place."

So the girls, Wild, and Spike entered, "Nice set up." Wild admitted.

"Thanks, designed it myself." Dustin admitted as he saw Spike getting comfy on his carpet.

"Man this carpet is comfy." he said curling up.

"My dad has guest bedrooms for you all set up." The boy explained to his guests.

"Thanks again for what you're doing for us, Dustin." Twilight thanked him.

"Hey it's the least Alistair and I can do after all you did for us." He replied.

"So I guess now you're returning the gesture." Fluttershy replied with a smile, seeing him return the same kindness they showed them in Ponyville.

Twilight spoke, while looking at the elements and what Magic Valor said before, "So the elements have to evolve to their next level of magic?"

"How can they do that?" Dustin asked curiously.

"I guess we'll have to find out for ourselves." Applejack replied seeing it was all they could do.

"Also didn't Magic say something about two more elements of Harmony?" Wild asked.

"Yeah, but what could they be?" Dustin asked, while looking at the others who were just as curious as he was.

"I haven't a clue." Twilight answered.

"Well we'll try and figure it out in the morning. Right now you should all get some sleep." Dustin suggested, as Zyphon showed them out of his masters bedroom and to their own guest rooms.

Soon Twilight was in her guest room looking out the window and up at the moon. She wondered if it really was the same moon as in Equestria, but knew in this world the moon and sun were raised and lowered on their own and not by others, "You ok, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Just thinking, Spike. I mean did Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know about this at all involving the elements having two more?" she wondered.

"I don't know, but if this works out you'll be returning to Ponyville with your element even more powerful. You and the others will have found two lost elements that nopony might've known about." Spike explained, to help her see the good side.

"I guess, but we still need to figure out where to find these elements and who they could be connected to." She replied.

"Well we'll worry about that tomorrow. Right now you should get some sleep." Spike suggested.

Twilight smiled, "You're right, Spike." She held her arms out, and he jumped into them as she hugged her number one assistant. Soon she fell asleep in her bed with her dog still in her embrace and was feeling comfy as well.