• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

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Harmony Unites

Last time, with Ebon fully restored to his physical form he took Felix and his group far from the guys to perform a new task. Using their elements of harmony, the girls and their friends trekked through the city while going through two trials which in turn revealed the two lost elements of harmony known as Hope and Light, with Wildcard and Muse as their embodiment's. With all of the elements together they went bravely forward to find Ebon and end his reign.

The group proceeded in the direction of Central Park, while prepared for anything. Suddenly as they got closer, ten shadow soldiers appeared, "Look out!" Dean called, as he summoned his spirit colt weapon and started shooting the shadow soldiers until they vanished.

"Up ahead, look!" Jethro called, as they saw the ritual set up Felix and his boys made by order of Ebon.

"What's going on over there?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but it looks like we're about to find out." Twilight answered, as they continued charging.

At the spot, Felix had used his blue fire to light the altar torches, "Yes. Well done, Felix." Ebon smiled proudly at him.

"So what now?" Clyde asked.

"Now it's show time." Ebon answered, as he was about to activate his magic until a voice called out.

"JAMBALAYA!" jumping onto the scene was Alistair, followed by Dustin and the rest of the group.

"The jig is up, Ebon!" Dustin declared.

"We're here to stop you!" Twilight added, as she stood by Dustin's side with her friends behind her.

"You're too late!" Ebon declared in retort, as he activated his magic and sent multiple magic blasts at the altar fires that spread to the chalk pentagrams on the ground making them all glow.

"What's happening?" Alice gasped.

"Looks like a summoning ritual." Mitsukai noted.

"It is." Burai agreed.

"And look what he's summoning." Wild gasped, as they saw rising up from the shadows were dark stallions a little shorter than Ebon. They had black coats, mane, tails, and glowing red eyes. On their bodies they were wearing gray armor.

"Whoa, dark warriors; pony version." Jade gasped in shock.

"Ebon." Felix gasped seeing what was summoned.

"You wanted a strong army, well you got one." Ebon answered.

"Excellent," Felix smirked, "But just to be safe." he summoned his own band of shadow soldiers.

"Ok everyone, this is it." Dustin began.

"Are you all ready?" Xever inquired.

"I was born ready." Rainbow confirmed as hers and the other elements of harmony glowed powering them up.

As Wild's element of Hope powered up his wings grew out of his back, while Muse gained her earth pony strength from her element of Light, "Oh yeah I missed these babies." Wild said as he looked at the wings on his back.

"I feel like the old me as well." Muse agreed.

"Take them all!" Felix ordered his and Ebon's soldiers.

And so the two sides went into battle with the groups fighting either the shadow soldiers and shadow stallions, while some like Mitsukai, Blaze, Dustin, Burai, Alistair, and Xever went for Felix, his group, and Ebon.

"Even as defeat stares you in the face you guys still think you have a shot?" Felix asked, as he fought Burai and Xever.

"We don't think, Felix." Burai answered.

"We know." Xever put in.

"Well know this, I'm gonna stop you!" Felix conjured blue flamed fireballs in his palms and launched them.

"Look out!" Xever called, as the two back flipped as the spots they stood on were incinerated leaving two burned spots.

Dustin, Alistair, Blaze, and Elroy were blasting and striking at the soldiers and stallions who poofed into smoke, only for Ebon to summon more in their place, "We'll never get rid of these things as long as Ebon keep summoning them." Dustin said.

"So we gotta go straight for him." Alistair replied.

"Easier said than done!" Blaze reminded them, as he used his spirit and shadow keyblades to strike at the soldiers and stallions.

Rainbow was using her speed to fly around some shadow soldiers, before delivering a spin kick nailing five in the face, "Oh yeah! Who's awesome?!" she cheered.

"You're awesome!" Alicia called.

"Ya got that right!" Rainbow smirked.

"Hey girls!" Applejack called, as the punched one stallion and then a soldier, "Less rantin and more fightin!" the two nodded and resumed fighting.

Rarity was using her magic to blast at some shadow soldiers before an idea came to mind, "You know boys, I know a fitting look for you to try." she used her magic again on them and suddenly the soldiers stood in dresses, wigs, and had make up on their faces. When they saw what Rarity did to them, they screamed in a panic and ran around in hysterics, while the girl giggled in amusement.

As Alice and Fluttershy were attacking some stallions, Alice was knocked aside and the stallions were ready to surround her, until Fluttershy called, "Hey!" they looked to her seeing the girl/pony was glaring daggers at them, "How dare you hurt my friend Alice. You all should be ashamed of yourselves! Why I have the right to show you what happens when you pick on my friends!" the shadow stallions intimidated by the infamous stare cowered, as Alice got up and smiled.

"I got to learn how to do that." she said, as Fluttershy smiled sheepishly.

Pinkie Pie was bouncing around like a lunatic before whipping out her mallet and started swatting the shadow soldiers with it, "That was fun."

"Pinkie, look out!" Muse called, as she threw a soldier aside.

Pinkie looked and saw two shadow soldiers attempting to jump her, only for Ralph to jump in and using his spirit energy through his arms made them look Hulk size. He grabbed the two soldiers and clonked them together making them vanish. The big guy landed on the ground and pumped his giant arms, "I'm gonna wreck 'em!" he declared, making Pinkie giggle.

As Valmont, Belmont, Twilight, Wildcard, and Aria were facing Johan and Omaddon, the group were getting forced back by the duo's teamwork, "Let's finish them, Omaddon." Johan told his partner.

"Way ahead of ya, Johan." Omaddon agreed, until a voice called out.

"Spirit Gun!" a spirit gun larger than most ones almost nailed the duo.

The explosion from it knocked the group off their feet, "What was that?" Twilight asked, as she got up.

"Look!" Belmont called as they saw flying down to them were Roswell and Darius.

"Dad! Master Darius!" Dustin called.

"Sorry we're late." Roswell said.

"Would've been here sooner, but you know in my age." Darius joked.

"How'd you know to come here?" Valmont asked.

"Well when you have senses at our levels we can tell where to go." Darius answered.

"And we had some friends show us the way." Roswell added.

"Twilight!" Spike called, as he and the rest of the animal familiars who had been at Dustin's place raced over.

"Spike!" Twilight cried.

"And they're not the only ones!" another voice called, as Zyphon flew down to them in his regular robotic body.

"Zyphon!" Dustin cheered.

"And I brought help of my own." Zyphon explained, and flying to his side were about fifteen more robots who were all actually other bodies Zyphon uses when one or more of his bodies were being repaired.

"How's he controlling all those bodies if he's not in all of them?" Wild asked Dustin.

"Zyphon has a built in controller that can control all those other bodies like puppets," Dustin explained, before looking up at his assistant, "You realize if you or all your bodies get messed up I have to make repairs."

"I know." Zyphon answered smugly, knowing how he likes getting tune ups.

Felix frowned at the sight of Darius, "You shouldn't have come here, old man."

"Felix, I'll say this once again," Darius began, "Come back to our side where it's safer for you."

"I'd rather burn in hell!" Felix answered defiantly.

Darius sighed seeing he once again could not get through to his former student, and got ready to fight. Roswell noticing Ebon looked surprised, "Whoa. That's one big pony."

Ebon noticing the newcomers spoke, "You shouldn't have stuck yourselves into my affairs. Now you will go just like your pupils."

"We'll see about that." Darius said, as he got ready.

"Go!" Ebon ordered his army, as the fighting continued.

"Get them, boys!" Zyphon called, as he and his other bodies took off and started blasting at their enemies.

So Ross and Darius joined in the fighting, taking out more soldiers than the younger ones were. As they fought Rainbow spoke to the guys, "Whoa. Darius may be old but he fights even harder than you guys."

"That's Master Darius for ya." Topher replied.

As the fight continued on, Burai landed near Mitsukai and spoke, "Hey, Mitsukai?" he blocked a shadow soldiers kick and punched it.

"Yeah?" Mitsukai asked as she blasted a shadow stallion.

"I was wondering and I know this isn't the best of times, but if we survive this... Will you marry me?!" Burai called, as everyone present heard his question and looked shocked. However no one was more shocked than Mitsukai who shouted.


"Just in case I forget to ask later." Burai answered, as they went back to fighting and Mitsukai rolled her eyes.

Zyphon sighed at the situation, "Humans."

Pinkie was dodging blows from Felix, and asked him, "Hey Felix, there's something I've always wanted to know and you seem just the guy to ask."

"What?!" Felix asked in aggravation.

"Well, what does the fox say?" Pinkie inquired.

"Huh?" Felix was taken back by the question, only to get kicked in the back by Rainbow Dash making him groan, "DOH!"

"Doh, that's what the fox says?" Pinkie asked while rubbing her head curiously, while Rainbow shook her head.

As Clyde was battling Eu, the witch girl was using her magic against her former family servant, "Mistress Eucliwood, you would be much better off fighting at my side instead of the side of these mortals."

Eu frowned, "I'd never betray my comrades. Especially Alistair!"

"Then allow me to end the new heiress to the Belthio name!" Clyde called, as the two continued fighting, with Clyde turning his arms into bladed weapons and started striking her.

Eu dodged some of the blows, but left herself open and got her arm cut by one of Clyde's blades, "AH!" she cried as she clutched her arm seeing a bit of blood leak through the gaps between her fingers. Eu frowned as she used her magic to make a bandage appear and wrap around her wound.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Clyde mocked the girl.

"I'll show you what hurts!" Eu called, as she used fire magic on Clyde, who jumped aside but got part of his pants on fire, before he rolled on the ground putting the flames out.

She then raised her arm and thunder fell from the sky and onto her hand as she blasted him with the thunder magic. Clyde rolled across the ground feeling paralyzed from the shock. Eu looked at her family servant and pulled out a bottle, "My family will deal with you when this is over." she popped the cork and aimed it at Clyde. From the opened bottle emitted a blue spectral aura that caught Clyde in it's hold.

Clyde started feeling like it was pulling him in, "No! Wait! This can't be happening! HELP!" he shouted as he was assimilated into the bottle. Eu corked the bottle up and smiled.

"Clyde!" The Chaos Duo called in shock.

"What happened to him?" Ebon inquired out of Felix.

"The witch girl captured him." The dark warrior yoko answered.

"And we'll be doing the same to all of you." Dustin declared as he, Alistair, and Twilight got past Felix, and the duo to fight him.

Ross was fighting along side Zyphon and his robots, "Ah like old times." he smiled as he blasted a shadow soldier.

"Master Roswell, look out!" Zyphon called as five shadow soldiers tried to attack Ross from behind.

"Shotgun!" Darius called, as he blasted the group of soldiers destroying them. Ross turned to Darius who laughed in enjoyment, "Oh, I should get back out like this more often."

"Hey live your life to your fullest even in your old age." Ross replied, as the two went back to fighting.

Wild and Muse were forced back to back, until Ebon noticed they were in the line of his fire. He smirked and spoke, "I'll take you two out first!" he shouted as he conjured a sphere of dark magic from his horn and launched it at them.

"Cuz! Muse!" Rainbow cried.

The two looked and saw the dark sphere engulf them. The two struggled inside the sphere as black mass was covering their bodies, "I can't move!" Wild called.

"Me either!" Muse cried as they struggled.

"Muse, whatever happens I love you!" Wild cried.

"I love you too, Wild!" Muse cried, as they reached for each other and did what they believed would be their final kiss. When their lips connected their elements of harmony started glowing. The glow was getting brighter and brighter and the mass that was covering them retreated. The two looked at each other in confusion but held onto each other.

Outside the sphere, everyone noticed it was getting illuminated, "What's going on?" Thatch gasped.

"I hope it's good." Zimmer hoped.

Suddenly the black sphere burst revealing Wild and Muse both looking unharmed, and were glowing with a colored aura. Black for Wild and white for Muse. The two looked at each other before looking at themselves, "My love, we've surfaced." Muse spoke with a mix between her voice and an echo sounding one.

"Yes. And at a good time too." Wild spoke with an echo in his voice as well as he looked at the battle.

"Wild, Muse? Are you two ok?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

Wild spoke, "Wildcard isn't available right now, dear Fluttershy."

"And neither is Muse," Muse added, "But rest assured they're are perfectly unharmed."

"What?" The ponies asked in confusion.

"Not Wild and Muse?" Xever asked.

"How's that possible?" Blaze asked in equal confusion.

Ebon looked horrified, "No! It can't be!" he gasped grabbing everyone's attention.

'Wild' looked to Ebon with 'Muse' before speaking, "Hello again, brother."

"Brother?" the spirit and dark warriors asked in shock.

"Wait a minute," Twilight began as she looked at her friends and put two and two together, "Are you King Dusk and Queen Dawn?"

The two smiled and nodded their heads at the princess. Dustin and Alistair's eyes were as wide as saucers, as Dustin spoke, "My mind is officially blown right now."

"Mine too." Alistair agreed.

Ebon continued to question, "But how? You vanished centuries ago!"

Queen Dawn overshadowing Muse chuckled, "For your older brother, Dusk, he's not as smart."

"Agreed, Dawn. So I'll enlighten him," King Dusk overshadowing Wild began, "You see, brother. Though the magic from our guards destroyed your body the magic had also turned us into non-physical forces of the universe that we have been watching over since then maintaining order."

"And in our place came the six elements of harmony which we left to our unicorn guards to give to our daughters as a symbol of hope that light will always shine on Equestria, even in its darkest hours." Queen Dawn continued.

"Our sixth unicorn guard Magic Valor studied the six elements and attempted to make two of his own using a combination of his own magic and the magic of both Celestia and Luna. However the elements were too unstable and were destroyed. But the magic they held were released and scattered throughout Equestria and helped maintain harmony in the land and beyond like this world. Until these two worthy wielders showed they represented the elements of Hope and Light better than anypony in Equestria throughout the years." King Dusk finished.

"Inconceivable!" Ebon gasped.

"And now that all of us are together we will protect this land from you!" King Dusk/Wildcard declared as he, Queen Dawn/Muse, and Twilight attacked Ebon head on, as the dark king continued to use his magic to protect himself and attack his enemies.

"Whoa, look at them go!" Elroy gasped.

"That is so cool." Jade gasped in equal amaze.

Ebon was struggling to fight the three even with Felix aiding him. Suddenly he saw Dustin and Alistair were opened. He frowned knowing if it weren't for them and their own meddling he wouldn't be in this situation, "I'll finish what the Serpent King failed to do!" he unleashed another blast of magic at the two.

"Dustin!" Alicia cried in worry.

"Alistair, look out!" Eu cried.

Dustin and Alistair looked and saw the attack was right on top of them and they couldn't move away in time. What threw them for a loop however was Blaze jumping in front of them and took the blow himself. When the attack died down, Blaze fell to the ground on his side groaning in pain, "BLAZE!" Dustin and Alistair cried in shock.

"YEAH!" Felix cheered, while Ebon scowled in disappointment that he missed his designated targets.

Alistair got down and rolled Blaze on his back, "Blaze? Blaze, speak to us."

"Blaze, can you hear us?" Dustin asked frantically.

Blaze groaned as he opened his eyes while clutching his torso that had a hole in it, "Oh that hurt like a SOB."

"Stay with us Blaze, we'll get Burai to heal your injury." Dustin comforted him.

"Sorry, but it's too late for that." Blaze answered weakly.

"Don't say that man, there's always hope." Alistair reminded him.

"That hope must be reserved for you guys in defeating Ebon." Blaze replied.

"Blaze, why'd you take that blow for us?" Dustin asked in confusion.

"You guys are my first real friends," he began with a smile, "If I couldn't do anything to help my friends I couldn't call myself your friend in return. I did my part in this event. Now the rest is up to all of you." he groaned, before he finally gave out and went limp.

"Blaze!" Dustin and Alistair cried as their tears landed on Blaze's body.

Everyone their was stricken with sadness over the loss of their comrade. Suddenly the sadness of the spirit warriors and dark warriors shifted into rage that was focused on Ebon, and his allies, "You took our friend from us!" Dustin shouted as his spirit energy was maximizing up.

"And we will make you pay!" Alistair declared as the spirit and dark warriors charged up on spirit and dark energy started plowing through the shadow soldiers and shadow stallions making them poof away.

Once the dark minions were defeated, they started clobbering Johan and Omaddon who were taking too many hits for comfort. When Xever and Belmont nailed the two they crashed into a fountain with the water pouring on them, "I've had it with all these beatings!" Omaddon cried, feeling freaked out at their opponents craziness.

"Me too," Johan agreed, "Hey Felix, Ebon! Omaddon and I quit!"

"What?!" the two gasped in shock.

"Later!" The duo called as they vanished.

"Hey!" Felix shouted at his cohorts fleeing in the middle of a battle.

"Get back here you cowards!" Ebon ordered.

"Your army is diminished, Ebon!" Twilight called.

"And we're ready to blow you away!" Aria called as she, her fellow spirit warriors, and the dark warriors were powering up their biggest attacks.

"If they hit us we're doomed!" Felix cried in worry.

"My spell will shield us." Ebon declared as he created a protective barrier around him and Felix.

"All together guys!" Dustin called as he and his spirit warrior allies announced, "SPIRIT FORCE!"

"SHADOW FORCE!" Alistair and the other dark warriors announced.

Both the spirit and shadow forces were launched and fired from the group of warriors as either blasts of energy or energy shock waves. The combined powers of their most powerful attacks nailed the protective shield shattering it, and whatever force Felix and Ebon took from the attacks sent them flying backwards before landing on the ground, "That could've hurt a lot worse." Felix groaned to Ebon who scowled.

The two looked up and saw Twilight and her seven pony friends stand together, "Your power is strong, Ebon. But when pitted against the powers of harmony not even you stand a chance!" the elements of harmony empowered them as they announced their signature element.








"And Magic!"

The eight levitated up into the air above them as the rainbow aura surrounded them, with their eyes glowing. Ebon seeing this knew trouble was upon them, "Felix, get us out of here!"

Felix turned to Ebon and answered, "Sorry Ebon, at times like this it's every man for himself!" he used his energy to vanish.

"FELIX!" Ebon screamed, seeing he was left alone and vulnerable. The rainbow aura was launched from the eight bearers and aimed down at Ebon, who screamed in panic as the aura engulfed him releasing an explosion of light leaving the end results for another time.