• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,515 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

The Human World

In a city's alley, a group of groans were heard, as it came from the eight pony friends, "Everypony ok?" Twilight asked her friends.

"I reckon I'm in one piece." Applejack answered, as they all voiced they were ok.

"Girls, Wild, you should look at yourselves." Spike's voice spoke up.

They all looked and saw Spike who was no longer a dragon, but a purple coated puppy with green floppy ears and wore a collar with a heart symbol as a necklace.

"Spike, you're a dog?" Twilight gasped.

"Yeah, you think this is something? you should look at yourselves." Spike replied, as the group looked at their hooves seeing they were now hands, just like Dustin and Alistair's. They realized just what happened to them.

"Girls, Wild, I think we've become… Humans!" Twilight gasped.

And indeed they were. Each of the eight had been transformed from ponies to humans. Each of them retained their hair styles and colors, along with eye colors. Some of them even retained certain facial features like Applejack's freckles and Rarity's long eyelashes. What was shocking was that they were all dressed in different outfits. Twilight was dressed in a light blue blouse and a purple skirt with sparkle patterns symbolizing her cutie mark, and purple and pink legwarmers with black dress shoes.

Applejack was wearing her trademark hat, a white collared shirt with a bit of green by the collar area, a denim skirt with two pockets, with a belt that had an apple logo on it, and cowboy boots with more apple designs. Rainbow Dash wore a blue vest, a white shirt with black lining on the collar and bottom, her shirt had an image of her cutie mark on it, a pink and white striped skirt with black leggings underneath, blue boots, rainbow socks, and a rainbow bracelet on each arm.

Fluttershy wore a white top, a green skirt that had a white, a pink, and a dark pink butterfly on it, with no belt and pink and white layers under the green, green boots that looked like glass slippers designed at the bottom, pink socks with white polka dots, and a butterfly barrette in her hair. Rarity wore a light blue fleecy shirt, a purple skirt with her cutie mark symbol on it and a purple belt surrounding it, a golden yellow bracelet around her arms, fuzzy purple boots with fuzzier tops with a diamond on each boot, and a three diamond hair clip in her hair.

Pinkie had a blue vest with a white shirt with purple lining and a pink heart in the middle of it, a big pink skirt with her cutie mark design on it with a purple bow that acted like a belt, blue boots with a pink bow above the laces, and blue bracelets on both arms. Muse was wearing brown slip on shoes, knee socks, short pink shorts, and a tan shirt with the two drama masks on it that looked like human masks instead of masks for ponies. Wild was wearing his trademark black and white checkerboard styled vest, but also wore red sneakers, blue jeans, a yellow shirt with an eight ball on it, and around his neck was a necklace of three dice, "Wow you're right, we are." Wild gasped, while flexing his arms around.

"Where did we get these clothes?" Muse asked, while looking at herself. They tried getting up and saw their reflections in a window, realizing what they all really looked like.

"Wow, these look really nice." Twilight said, while admiring her duds.

"I look simply fabulous!" Rarity beamed in joy.

Rainbow spoke, while looking at the skirt she was wearing, "Not what I would prefer, but this style does look cool enough for me."

"So this is what it's like having fingers." Applejack said, as she flexed her fingers around.

"You guys are so lucky. I mean look at me!" Spike barked, "A dog, seriously?"

"Oh Spike, don't be so down about it." Twilight comforted him.

"Yes, you look so cute." Fluttershy said, while cupping his face and admiring his cuteness.

"Really?" Spike asked curiously.

"Oh yes, indeed," Rarity said, as she lowered herself down to Spike's level, "In fact I think you're adorable." She started scratching Spike behind the ears.

"Oh, oh yeah." Spike panted in enjoyment, as he got his ears scratched.

Wild and the others started losing their balance as they held onto a lamppost, "Oh man walking on two legs is hard." Wild groaned. The girls were also having problems while trying to keep their balance, except Twilight who seemed to have it down.

"Strange it doesn't feel that hard." The princess admitted, as the girls rolled their eyes figuring it's never impossible for their bookworm princess

"I think ya better take a good look around here, yall." Applejack said, as they looked around seeing all the buildings, traffic, and pedestrians walking around the city.

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped.

"This place looks like Manehattan." Muse stated, while taking in her surroundings.

"Dustin and Alistair weren't pulling our legs when they said our worlds were different." A.J said in wonder.

"Speaking of them, how do we find them?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"I'll try the same way as before by honing in on their energies," Twilight started concentrating, but nothing happened, "Wait. My magic isn't working."

"Neither is mine." Rarity gasped.

"Well it makes sense since you two don't have your horns." Spike noted.

"That's right." Twilight recalled, as she looked back at her reflection in the window.

"And our wings are gone!" Rainbow cried in fright, while looking at herself, Fluttershy, and Wild who were just as shocked.

Twilight opened her bag and looked inside, before letting out a scream of fright, surprising her friends, "What, what is it Twilight?" Applejack asked, in worry.

"The elements look at them!" Twilight gasped, as they saw their elements of harmony in the bag, but noticed the gems had no color.

"What happened to the color?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"Oh my stars, what's going on?" Rarity gasped in worry.

"I don't know, but maybe if we find Alistair and Dustin they can explain it." Twilight answered confidently.

"Which brings us back to our problem, Twi," Applejack butted in, "How do we find them in this big place?" she looked around.

Twilight answered with a regretful sigh, "I have no idea."

Meanwhile, on top of a skyscraper's roof top were Dustin and Alistair sparing in hand to hand combat. The boys had looked about the age of fourteen now. Dustin was wearing black and neon green sneakers, blue jean shorts, a green shirt with the image of a dragon on it. He kept his hair in its usual spiky style and continued to wear his trademark sunglasses. Alistair wore black sneakers, black jeans, and brown shirt with a pirate ship design on it. What was different about Alistair was that his long mullet had been trimmed so that it only went to his shoulders but was still in a wild fashion.

When they finished their spar, they toweled off, and Dustin spoke, "Oh man what a work out today, huh Alistair?"

"Yeah," Alistair agreed, "Hey ya wanna grab a root beer and a slice at Ernie's?"

"If you're buying buddy," Dustin answered, resulting in the two of them chuckling. Before they could leave Dustin froze as if feeling something, "Hold up, Alistair. I'm feeling something stirring in my spirit energy."

"Hey now that you mention it, I'm feeling something too." Alistair agreed.

"Want to check out?" Dustin suggested.

"Might as well." Alistair answered, as they ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off before flying off into the city.

Back with the mane 8, they were all still having difficulty with walking, "This is getting ridiculous." Rainbow grumbled, as she struggled to keep on her feet by holding onto a mailbox.

"I've lost count at how many times I've fallen." Fluttershy added.

"Hey in Equestria walking on two legs was no trick," Spike barked, "And you should count yourselves lucky. I would've wanted to become a human."

"At this rate we'll never find the guys." Muse sighed, until the group looked seeing a bunch of punks gather around them. The sight of them made Fluttershy worry, while the others were concerned and nervous.

"Well hey there cuties," one began, "Whatcha doing around this side of the city?"

Wild took charge and spoke up, "Hey back off!" he was cut off as another grabbed him and threw him in a dumpster.

"Wild!" Muse called, before going over to her colt friend, who popped his head out of the dumpster with a banana peel on his head and frowned.

"Garbage. Oh this is terrific. I come to a new world and what do I get? Garbage!" he grumbled in sarcasm at his humiliation.

Rainbow glared at the jerks, "Nopony does that to my cousin!"

"Relax, that was just our way of greetings." another replied while smirking at her, while Rainbow was not impressed.

Twilight knew this would get worse, so she had to try and get her friends out of this, "Look gentlemen, we don't want any trouble." She tried reasoning with them.

"Well neither do we," the lead said, while eyeing Twilight up, making her feel uncomfortable, "How about you girls come and have a cappuccino with us?"

Rarity spoke, as the group was trying to leave, "Much appreciative of the offer boys, but we really should be somewhere."

The lead and his group blocked off their retreat, shocking them, "Come on just a half an hour. We'll make it worth your wild."

Fluttershy was already starting to get more terrified than she already was, until a voice called out, "HEY!" they looked seeing Dustin and Alistair approach as the disguised dark warrior spoke, "Can't you take a hint skunk pits? When the lady says 'no', she means 'no'."

The girls, Wild, and Spike were surprised as they recognized the boys who looked much older than when they last saw them, and that Alistair looked like a normal human. They recalled that while out in public in the boys world Alistair would use a charm to make his body look like an average human, "Oh really?" the lead asked, "Guys, I think it's time we taught these little twerps a lesson," Dustin and Alistair smirked as they did some martial arts kicks and punches with a few grunts, turning the punks terrified, "On second thought, maybe we'll teach you another time. Move!" they bolted like cowards.

"Yeah, you better run you dirty little rats!" Dustin called, and finished with a proud laugh.

Alistair and Dustin turned to the group, as Wild was helped out of the dumpster thanking himself it didn't smell bad, "You gotta be careful around these parts. There are guys like that at just about anywhere." Alistair warned them.

"Yeah, we'll remember that." Twilight replied, until they noticed Dustin eyeballing them through his sunglasses.

"There's something different about you eight. Don't tell me. I got it it's your hairstyles! Been doing some new touch ups, huh?"

Rainbow yelled at him, "We're humans you numbskull!"

"Honestly how could you not see that?" Rarity asked in surprise.

"I knew that." Dustin chuckled, for he was pulling their legs.

Alistair looked down at Spike, "Spike, why're you a dog?"

"That's what I'd like to know." Spike answered with a grumble.

Rarity getting a good look at Alistair gasped, "Oh my stars, Alistair! Whatever happened to your magnificent mullet?" she saw how it only went past his shoulders.

"I got it cut," he admitted, "It got too long for my taste so I cropped it. But trust me, its better this way."

Twilight noticed Dustin was eyeing her and the other girls up, which was starting to look disturbing, "What're you doing?"

"Sorry girls, but I got to be honest with you. Your human looks are making me really excited." Dustin answered, only to get elbowed into his arm by Alistair.


"Hey come on, don't tell me you're gonna deny the girls are gorgeous as humans." the spike head argued.

"I won't deny that fact, but come on we haven't seen them in awhile and this is what you start off saying to them?" Alistair asked, only for them to be interrupted by Twilight who cleared her throat, "Sorry."

"Ok first off, it's great seeing you all again," Dustin began, "Second, what're you doing on our turf?"

"It's a very long story, but I really doing think we should explain things out here in the open." Muse explained.

"Do you guys know someplace we can go that's quiet?" Wild asked hopefully.

"Yes we do. Follow us," Dustin ordered, until the boys looked back seeing all but Twilight was having trouble walking, "Well this is certainly a sad sight." He face faulted.

"Sorry, we're just not used to this." Fluttershy explained as she got back onto her feet.

"Guess we better give them a hand." Alistair said, as Dustin nodded.

The two went over to the other seven and got them to their feet, "Ok, it's simple. You just put one foot in front of the other and vice versa." Dustin explained, as he demonstrated slowly.

"Put one foot in front of the other." A.J repeated and tried it out, seeing she didn't fall.

"Hey this is easy!" Pinkie cheered, as she tried it out. So the others were trying it and soon had no problem with standing and walking on two legs.

"Ok, now you can all walk." Dustin applauded.

"Now let's get going." Alistair said, as they started walking.

"By the way boys, how is it you look so much older now?" Muse asked curiously, as were the others curious as well.

"Well it's been three years since we've seen you all." Dustin explained like it was obvious.

"Three years?!" Twilight gasped in shock, as did the others, "That doesn't make any sense. We fought the Serpentine only three months ago."

"Months?" Alistair asked in confusion, before looking at Dustin who he thought might have an answer.

"I guess time moves differently in both our worlds." Dustin suggested.

"Obviously." He agreed feeling it was the best theory to go with.

"And why is it we turned into humans here, but you didn't become ponies in our world?" Wildcard asked curiously.

"The cosmos works in mysterious ways." Dustin answered.

"Plus it's sort of easier for humans to walk in Equestria in their regular forms without looking too awkward. Talking ponies in the human world on the other hand is another story." Alistair added.

"Well guys, this is it." Dustin said, as the group looked up seeing they were outside a giant building.

"What is this place?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's so big and tall." Pinkie gasped, while trying to look all the way up, but fell on her back from leaning back too far.

"Welcome to the Mikael hotel." Dustin welcomed them.

"This is a hotel?" Muse asked.

"Oh yeah," Dustin nodded, "Please follow us and stay close." Dustin ordered, as they walked inside with Twilight holding Spike in her arms.

When they arrived inside, they gasped in amazement. Inside the building were beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, long red carpets on the floor, wide support beams to hold up the ceiling, etc, "This place is absolutely beautiful." Rarity gasped in nostalgia

"And shiny." Pinkie added.

"You haven't seen everything yet." Dustin said, as they entered the lobby where they saw some workers doing their jobs.

"Now I definitely feel like I'm in Manehattan again." Applejack said, while feeling dejavu.

"Well this is New York city, A.J." Dustin replied.

"Hey there he is." Alistair motioned up ahead to an old man dressed in a black Armani suit, and red tie. He was walking around checking in on the workers progress.

"Darius!" Dustin called over.

"Darius?" the group asked, until Twilight spoke to them.

"Of course! Darius Mikael from Dustin and Alistair's photo album. He is the one who helped train the boys." Twilight explained, as the group started recalling.

Hearing his name, the old man approached, "Why good afternoon boys. What brings you here?" he spotted the girls and Wild, "And who are these charming young ladies and this strapping young lad?"

"They're friends of ours, sir." Alistair answered.

"Well I am charmed and delighted to meet you, my dears. I am Darius Mikael owner of Mikael hotels." He greeted them.

Twilight bowed her head and spoke, "A pleasure, Mr. Mikael. I am Twilight Sparkle."

Darius looked oddly confused, "Quite an unusual name for a girl."

"Uh master these girls aren't exactly from around here," Dustin whispered to him, making the old man curious, "Do you remember the story we told you a few years ago?"

"The one about the magical land and talking ponies?" Alistair asked.

"Oh yes. Oh boys, I still say you were having one of your wild fantasies again." The old man answered with a chuckle.

Rainbow spoke up, "Hey pops, what they told you is true."

"Twilight, show him the elements." Muse suggested.

"Ok." She answered, as she opened the bag and showed them the necklaces and the crown. Dustin and Alistair were confused seeing the gems representing the elements lost their color.

"Hmm," Darius observed them, until he could feel his spirit energy aura reacting to them, "Oh good heavens." He gasped.

"Now do you believe us?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"This is very strange. Please let's go up to my private suite and talk some more." Darius suggested.

"Good idea." Dustin agreed, as they followed the old man into the elevator that took them to the top floor.

Soon inside Darius' private suite on the top floor, the girls were making themselves comfy, while Rarity was marveling at the luxurious décor and taking notes, "Such style and brilliance. I should definitely consider some remodeling for my boutique."

"Could ya save it for later, Rarity?" Applejack asked, as the fahsionista took a seat on a couch with the others, and Darius sat in an armchair before them.

"Now then start from the beginning." The old man instructed.

"Darius, we told you it all before," Dustin began, "We were transported to a world where ponies inhabit the land, talk, fly, use magic, control the weather, etc."

"And these two helped save our world from a dangerous threat." Twilight added.

"We even showed you the scars we got." Alistair put in, remembering the time they showed them their scars.

"And that sword we gave you for safe keeping?" Dustin finished until Wild spoke up.

"You left the Orochi Sword here?" he asked remembering Princess Celestia entrust the boys with the Orochi Sword feeling it would be safe from the Serpentine in their world.

"It was the safest place we knew." Dustin answered.

"Ok, so you got my attention on it. So why is it you've come here to our world?" Darius asked the eight.

"Not more snake trouble I hope." Alistair said in worry.

"Not exactly," Muse began, "Um Alistair, did you happen to feel any extra darkness around you since you returned here?"

"No, nothing. Why?" Alistair asked in confusion.

"It looks like he unlatched himself off Alistair." Wild explained to the group, who sighed in relief thinking their target wasn't listening in on their conversation.

"He, he who, he?" Dustin asked not liking the sound of it.

"Think back guys. Do you remember the play?" Muse asked hoping to spark their memories.

"Muse, you made countless plays during our time in Equestria." Alistair answered dryly.

"How about this then, it was the play that featured the elements creation?" Twilight asked, hoping she cleared things up.

"Oh that one." Dustin answered casually, until he and Alistair suddenly realized what they were getting at.

"Wait a minute, you don't mean…" Alistair trailed off as Muse answered.

"Yeah, Ebon."

"WHAT?!" the boys cried.

"But how?" Dustin asked in confusion.

Pinkie spoke, as she showed them a chart with bad drawings that looked like they were made by a five year old, "Well supposedly when the five unicorns and the rulers beat him all they destroyed was his body. His spirit was forever imprisoned into the earth, but when the giant serpent rampaged around, the spirit absorbed all the fear and terror from the ponies making it strong enough to resurface. When you guys went through the portal back to your world, Ebon's spirit latched itself onto Alistair and now he ended up here."

"Holy snap!" Dustin gasped as he felt like his mind was blown away.

"You mean I brought to our world possibly the most dangerous of creatures in all of Equestria?" Alistair asked in horror.

"It ain't your fault, sugarcube." Applejack patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"He sensed your darkness and latched onto you." Wild explained.

"Not even Princess Celestia or Princess Luna could feel his aura on you." Twilight added.

"Will somebody please explain to me what is going on here?" Darius asked feeling just as confused as he already was.

"It's a very long story, but introductions are in order." Dustin began, as he motioned to each of the group as they introduced themselves.

"You've already met Twilight." Alistair began as Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"Names Rainbow Dash; the fastest flyer in all of Ponyville... Well I was." she motioned to her now wingless back.

Darius was confused, as he looked at Dustin hoping for an answer, " She was a Pegasus in Equestria." He explained to his master.

"I'm Pinkie Pie party thrower extraordinaire." Pinkie introduced herself excitedly.

"Trust us she throws a mean party." Alistair added.

"Hey they're not mean." Pinkie pouted.

"Pinkie, haven't you learned anything about the slang we taught you years ago or in your case months?" Dustin asked.

"Oh right. Silly me." Pinkie giggled.

"Names Applejack, sir. A pleasure making your acquaintance." A.J shook Darius' hand.

"My name's Fluttershy." The shy girl greeted in her regular shy tone, making Darius raise a brow before chuckling.

"Fluttershy sounds about right. Reminds me of a girl I once dated."

"And we don't need to hear about your love life." Dustin dismissed it.

"I am Rarity, or Miss Rarity if you prefer. I must say Mr. Mikael, you run a very lavish hotel here. Everything about it is just wonderful." The fashion girl greeted him.

"Why thank you, Ms. Rarity." He thanked her.

"She's the one that made me that suit I showed off." Alistair explained.

"Really?" Darius asked, "I must say my dear based off Alistair's suit you have a marvelous talent. Mixing rubies in even mens outfits. I didn't think it was possible."

"Well it's something I worked hard for." She admitted.

Wild spoke up, "Let's move on. My name's Wildcard, sir. I'm known in Ponyville as the Game Master. When it comes to card games and bets I always win."

"Not pushing your luck are you boy?" the old man asked sternly about the boys, overconfidence.

"Oh no. You see I have this giant gift of good luck." The lucky guy answered.

"It's true." Dustin and Alistair assured him.

"And I'm Muse. I'm a playwright for an acting troupe."

"Well it's lovely to meet you all." Darius replied.

Twilight spoke, as she held up Spike for him to see, "And this here is Spike. He may be a dog here, but in our world he's a dragon."

"A dragon?"

"Oh yeah and proud of it!" Spike answered, which surprised the girls to see Darius didn't react in shock.

"What? I'm also a spirit warrior," he explained, "Talking animals aren't surprising to me even dragons aren't. I've seen things in my years that for all we know could be just the same in your world."

"So then why didn't you believe us back then?" Dustin asked in irritation.

"Well you have to admit your story sounded very ridiculous at the time." Darius replied, making the two boys face fault.

"Well anyway," Twilight continued, "About Ebon, to know about him you'd need to hear the tale of Equestria long before any of us ever existed."

"I'm all ears." Darius said getting comfortable.

So the group told Darius the full story, "And that's everything." Twilight finished.

Darius was surprised, as he answered them, "This story you told me in unbelievable."

"It's the truth." Pinkie assured him.

"So you're saying the elements aren't working?" Dustin asked, making sure he and Alistair got that part down.

"Afraid not." A.J answered.

"And without our wings we can't fly." Rainbow added on behalf of herself and fellow Pegasi.

"And if we can't use the elements we have no way of defending ourselves." Rarity put in.

"That is a problem." Dustin admitted.

"Well we haven't seen or heard word of this Ebon around the city." Darius explained.

"According to Princess Celestia he would require a lot of fear and terror to make himself stronger." Twilight explained.

"And you think with enough of that he'll gain a bodily form?" Dustin asked.

"It's our best guess." Wildcard answered.

Alistair looked out the window of the suite, 'Three years we've had an evil as old as time itself lurking in this city and we haven't known about it.' He thought.

Meanwhile inside an abandoned building, a mirror was set up in the center of the room. A shadow appeared in the reflection and called out, "Felix! Where are you? I need you now!"

A shadow appeared on the ground, and rising up from it was a teenage boy about age nineteen who was a dark warrior wearing black and red sneakers, blue jeans, a red vest over a black shirt, he had short red hair, blue fox ears, whisker markings on his face, and from his behind were four blue fox tails, "What's going on, Ebon?" he asked with a smirk.

The shadow in the mirror began taking form in the shape of Ebon's pony head. His mane looked like it was made of white flames and had blood red eyes. The dark unicorn spirit spoke, "I have just sensed power has descended upon this city. Power I have not felt for centuries."

"And that would be?" Felix inquired.

"The Elements of Harmony… the creations of my rivals followers." Ebon explained in bitterness.

"Aren't those the six gems that wiped you out and turned you into nothing?" Felix chuckled amusingly.

Ebon angered by the dark warrior's mockery, spoke in a tone similar to that of the Royal Canterlot voice, "Silence! You will not speak in such a tone to me!"

Felix recoiled from the vibes sent from the mirror, "Ok-ok take a chill pill, Ebon."

Ebon ceased his booming voice, before speaking in a normal tone, "If they are somehow in this world then that means they've caught onto me," he motioned to Felix, "I'll need you to monitor this city and scope out anything suspicious."

Felix scowled at the spirit in the mirror giving him orders, and replied, "Look Ebon, you may be the most powerful unicorn in ancient Equestria, but those days don't matter to me. I'm my own dark warrior, so nobody tells me what to do like a boss. Lest we forget you need me as much as I need you." He smirked.

Ebon expecting such a reaction replied, "But you yourself admitted that one dark warrior alone cannot bring an entire city to its knees. That's where I come in." he reminded him back.

Felix's smirk toned down, and spoke, "Yeah, you promised me an army greater than the shadow soldiers if I help gather enough fear energy to reanimate your body."

"Exactly. So you'd do well to hold up your part of our bargain," Ebon continued, "The Elements of Harmony are a symbol of hope and peace; something that stands in both of our ways. So what will it be, Felix?"

Felix tapping a finger to his chin as if thinking, answered, "Hey I'm a reasonable guy. I know when there's something I can't handle alone."

"Then be sure to keep an eye out in the city." Ebon instructed him.

"Hey you got it, Ebon," Felix replied, "No Elements of Harmony are gonna be getting past this fox." he chuckled, while Ebon watched him with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Dustin and Alistair were standing before the group outside the hotel, "All right you ladies listen up because I'm only gonna say this once!" Dustin began speaking in a drill seargent tone, while pacing around them like they were soldiers.

"Why're you acting like that?" Wild asked in confusion.

"It's for hype," he answered and continued, "Now then while you're on our turf you're going to have to follow our lead."

Alistair continued, "You all know of our speaking habits and other human habits you've picked up from watching Dustin and I in Equestria."

"So remember on our turf things won't be easy." Dustin added.

"Okey Dokey Lokey." Pinkie answered.

"So you'll all do well as to not make spectacles of yourselves." Alistair instructed them.

"What's the worse we could do?" Rainbow asked.

"Plenty." The boys answered, resulting in the rainbow haired girl scowling.

"All right time for a grand tour!" Alistair announced.

"If you're going to be here for awhile you're going to need to know the city." Dustin added.

"Will we run into more nasty humans like before?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Alistair began, "There aren't guys like that everywhere in the city. But getting a good look at you girls and you Wild, don't be surprised if you get looks. Judging from your appearances you all appear to be sixteen, that's two years older than us."

"This is gonna be fun, us leading older teens around." Dustin whispered to his pal.

"So we getting this show on the road or not?" Applejack asked.

"Of course, follow us." Dustin instructed, and the two boys led the group off.

As they walked around the city, the group looked around marveling at the huge city, the automobiles moving around in the streets, the trains, everything, "This city is astounding." Twilight gasped.

"That's New York City for you." Dustin replied.

Wild looked at a Mercedes that was parked, "What is this thing?" he asked poking at it.

"They're called cars, and don't poke at it. The owner would get mad if he saw you do that," Dustin said, while dragging Wild away, "Cars are one of major forms of land transportation for us. There are also busses and taxi cabs."

"You don't have carriages?" Rarity asked.

"Not unless you live in England or something." Dustin answered, as they walked around a suburb area of the city, and were passing a house. Suddenly Dustin froze looked at the house they were passing, while looking nervous.

"What's wrong, Dustin?" Muse asked.

"Quiet! I don't want to be heard." He whispered in fright.

"Heard by who?" Twilight asked, until Alistair answered.

"This is her house."

"Her?" the group asked.

"Look through here." Dustin motioned them to come closer, as they looked through a creek in the fence, and saw a ten year old girl wearing a red dress and had short brown hair, was playing in the sand with a pail and shovel.

"Who's the kid?" Rainbow asked.

"Clara." Dustin shuddered.

"What's the fuss about? She's just a kid." A.J said in confusion.

"Kid? That's not a kid! That's Godzilla with bangs." Dustin explained in terror.

"I don't get it." Spike replied, only for Dustin to bring him up to his face, seeing how horrified he looked.

"Be glad you are on this side of the fence, Spike," he began, "You step on that side your life is over."

"You're gonna tell him the story?" Alistair asked his friend.

"I'll have to," he replied, and spoke to the group, "See the thing is this girl and I have history, dark history. It all started years ago when I was still eleven. Alistair and I were just minding our own business, until I stepped into the mens room and all of a sudden I transformed into a dog."

"Transformed into a dog, how?" Muse asked in confusion.

"Someone spiked the drink I was having with an animal formula. Because of this nobody besides animals could hear my voice. I tried to get to Alistair, but the sight of a cat activated my new canine urges and I chased it with Domino following me." He explained.

"Whoa nelly." A.J gasped.

"Soon I was lost in a side of New York I didn't go around much. I tried sniffing out Alistair and it brought me to that backyard where I saw that girl in the same position. I thought it would be a fun idea to see how much attention I could gain as a dog thinking I could get some pats on the head and some scratches behind the ears... as it turns out, it was a fatal mistake."

"A mistake?" Wild asked in concern.

"I presented myself to her and she looked at me curiously for a few seconds... Then she grabbed me by the throat and cuddled the life out of me, while calling to her mom claiming she found me labeling me as a stray dog."

"Oh dear." Fluttershy gasped.

"It gets worse," Dustin continued, "She tied me up by a rope leash at the neck to a fence. Domino tried to free me, only to get caught by Clara who put him in a birdcage. She came back out saying her mom approved of her keeping me. She named me Rex and then the horrors began." He started trembling as the memories came flowing back.

Alistair rubbed his friends back, and spoke, "Are you sure you can go through with telling them this?"

"I told you the story, didn't I?" Dustin asked.

"Good point."

"Anyway she started grabbing me while shaking me around, choking me, and sending me crashing back into the fence, all while dancing around stupidly and singing a song that plagues me to no end." He shuddered.

"Sounds like she treated you more like a toy than a pet." Muse noted.

"No kidding." He agreed.

"What kind of song was she singing?" Twilight asked.

"You don't wanna know, it's too horrible." Dustin answered, like talking about it was taboo.

"Come on how bad could it be?" Rainbow asked, while wanting to know what could be so bad.

"She sang a song about the two of us having something called Fundamental Friend Dependability, which was basically about us relying on each other. It wasn't just about that, it was all the constant rhyming of words, as if she had that song prepared ahead of time. It was so horrible I felt like my ears were gonna bleed."

"Whoa." Wild gasped, at how bad it was to him.

"After her stupid dance number, she dragged me inside her house and proceeded to give me a bath. A horrible traumatizing bath."

"How could it be traumatizing?" Twilight asked not getting it.

"She forcibly scrubbed every part of my body washing me like I was on a laundry washboard. I never felt so violated in my life."

"Please tell me this story has a happy ending." Rarity hoped, while feeling more scared as he continued.

"It's not even close to the ending," Dustin continued, "After that bath she brought me in her room and dressed me in drag, while setting up a tea party. She was still dancing and singing stupidly while pouring my cup she ended up over pouring it and some got on the dress I was wearing. She scolded and blamed me for the stain and proceeded to spank me!"

They started seeing Fluttershy started developing a small aura of anger as the story went on. Dustin continued, "After I tried escaping, she scolded me for roughhousing and grabbed me by the ear putting me back outside. She continued to scold me, claiming I was the one raising commotion when it was her stupidity that started it. She told me in order to keep me she'd have to take me to the vet claiming I needed a dozen shots and planned to have me fixed. So she walked me there, but upon entering I started some more commotion and got free. I went back to the house to save Domino and right when we were almost free she had returned with a leash. A chase went on through the house as she was persistent. But when she had me I managed to dunk a fishbowl on her head trapping her inside it. With her disoriented, Domino and I bolted. Thankfully I managed to get to my friends who found a way to change me back. But I never felt the same. Every time I walk around here and see her I relive that horrid memory. The good news is she doesn't know me, but I unfortunately can't forget her," he looked back through the fence watching the girl act so innocent, when deep down she was certifiably insane. He suddenly realized the angry aura around Fluttershy, "Fluttershy?"

The shy pegasus finally erupted into an angry rant, "No animal deserved such treatment, even if you were transformed into one! You don't act so rough with an animal you intend to keep for a pet and inflict pain on them! Furthermore blaming a pet for your own mishaps and punishing them for no reason it outright cruel!" the group was shocked, until Fluttershy grabbed Dustin and hugged him with his head in her chest, "You poor thing. I had no idea you've endured such trauma." She stroked his hair.

"Well it was troubling, but I pulled through." he said, while secretly enjoying her treatment.

"I would let him go now, Fluttershy. He seems to be enjoying your show of affection a little too much." Alistair warned her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, still holding Dustin's head to her chest.

"Just stop hugging him!" Alistair ordered. Fluttershy did so, as Dustin shot Alistair a glare for ruining the moment.

So they continued on checking out the sites, as Dustin spoke to the group, "So what's your take on New York so far?"

"I got to say this city is by far cool." Wild admitted.

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome." Rainbow added.

"Sure is different from Ponyville." Applejack finished, while unknown to them, a group of shadow soldiers had been watching their every move, while waiting for the right moment to strike.

The group wandered into Central Park, where Fluttershy felt like she was in paradise, "This place is beautiful." She marveled.

"That it is." Alistair agreed.

"It seems almost out of place here with all the tall buildings." Muse added.

"Well Central Park is one of the more peaceful sections of New York." Dustin explained.

Fluttershy looked at the birds and spoke, "There are a lot of sparrows around here."

"Well they're a common bird in the city. Next to doves of course." Dustin explained.

She spoke to one of the sparrows who touched down, "Well hello little friend." the sparrow landed on her finger, and chirped.

'Fluttershy still has her ability to tame animals.' Twilight thought in surprise, while wondering if they haven't lost all of their abilities in this world.

Fluttershy continued speaking to the sparrow, "This tree has your nest in it?" she looked up seeing it, "I think it's a perfect place for it." The bird chirped in response as if thanking her.

"Incoming!" a voice cawed, as Domino swooped in and crashed into a tree, "Missed that!" he cawed and flew into another tree, "Missed that one too!" he flew before crashing on the ground, "Ooh burn!"

The group was shocked at Domino's arrival, as Twilight spoke, "Domino?"

Domino stood up on his talons, "Who calls me by name? I demand who calls me by name!" he goes into exaggeration, until he saw Twilight, "Wait a minute," he flew up to her and studied her appearance ranging from her face,t he color o herf attire and even her hair, "Twilight! Look at ya, look at ya! There's something different!"

"I already did that, Domino." Dustin explained, as the crow dropped his head seeing his partner beat him to the joke.

The crow noticed all the others were humans as well, "What is all this?"

"It's a long story, Domino, but short version is we're here on a mission." Muse explained.

"You don't say?" the crow responded.

"Domino!" Fievel called, as he scurried across the grass, "How many crashes this time?"

"Three." Domino admitted.

"Hmm, new record," Fievel admitted, until he looked up seeing the others and gasped, "I mean uh, squeak-squeak."

"Fievel, come on don't you know who these guys are?" Alistair asked.

Fievel studied the group until it dawned on him, "Hey, it's our Ponyville friends!"

"Nice to see you too, Fievel." Twilight smiled.

"Hey guys." Spike approached the two animals.

"Spike?" they asked as Domino spoke, "Whoa the years have not been kind." He joked.

"Oh stop it, Domino," Spike barked, "Traveling to this world did this to me. And in our world it's only been a few months since we've seen each other."

The girls giggled at the animals conversation, until Twilight noticed something in her bag was glowing, "What the?" she opened it up and they saw the Elements of Harmony were glowing, but the gems had changed colors. Applejack's was a green, Fluttershy's was blue, Pinkie's was pink, Rarity's was yellow, Rainbow's was red, and Twilight's was glowing magenta.

"Uh why're our elements changin' colors?" Applejack asked.

"This is bizarre." Wild gasped, as they were all getting confused.

Suddenly the shadow soldiers popped up, and surrounded them, "Alistair, why're you summoning these guys now?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"That's not me. I didn't summon them." The dark warrior answered, in equal confusion.

"But I got a feeling who might've." Dustin added, while the group looked at him curiously.

One of the soldiers pointed at the bag and spoke, "Give us the Elements of Harmony!" he demanded.

"Twilight, don't listen to him." Dustin warned her.

"I won't." she replied.

"If you refuse to give us the Elements of Harmony we will be forced to take them." A second shadow soldier warned them.

Alistair dropped his disguise and took on his dark warrior appearance, which they all recognized being his real form, "All of you get back. Dustin and I will handle these chumps." He instructed the group.

"What? We can't let you two fight them on your own." Rainbow said, but Twilight stopped her.

"We don't have a choice, Rainbow Dash. Our pony abilities and our elements don't work here."

"She's right. We'd only be in their way." Muse agreed, while Rainbow Dash stood back much to her chagrin.

Dustin and Alistair engaged the shadow soldiers in combat. As Dustin knocked one of the soldiers away, he spoke to the group, "Take notes you guys. This is what we've been doing before we met you."

"Noted." Pinkie confirmed.

"Wow they still have fight in them." Wild gasped, as the boys were fighting even better than when they fought the Serpentine.

"I could do this all day!" Alistair called, as he blasted two shadow soldiers with his shadow gun blasts.

The shadow soldiers looked at the two as the one leading them spoke, "This is getting us nowhere," He put an index finger to his ear and spoke, "Master, we need your help."

A voice spoke to him, through his thoughts, 'Can't you do anything right?!' Suddenly appearing in a swirl of bluish flames was Felix, "What's happening, yo?"

The group was shocked, while Dustin and Alistair scowled, as if expecting him to arrive, "Who is that?" Muse asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Felix Fox. And you must be the wielders of the Elements of Harmony."

"How do you know about us?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"Yeah Felix, how could you know about them? They just got here." Dustin added, wanting answers.

"Well Dustin, three years ago I made an interesting friend who told me quite a story." Felix explained.

"You know this guy, boys?" Wild asked the two.

"Yeah, Felix Fox has been causing trouble for a long time now." Dustin answered.

"He was in fact friends with our senior student Burai and my brother Xever when they were younger." Alistair added.

"All that's in the past." Felix replied, while feeling irritated about old memories being brought up.

"Why in tarnation has he got fox ears and four tails?" Applejack asked.

"Felix is a Yoko," Dustin began, "A mythological fox spirit. He was taken in and trained by Master Darius at a young age. But as he got older the more competitive he got with everyone, determined to prove he was the best and that no one could top him. Eventually he fled from New York for awhile and came back as a dark warrior Yoko."

"Wait you said 'friend'? Who told you the story about us?" Twilight asked the Yoko.

"Oh he's quite a guy actually," Felix continued, "Or in his case, pony."

The nine out of the world travelers realized it, "Ebon!"

"Correct. Guy's a bit of stiff about revenge and all, but he's proven to be quite an ally." Felix explained.

"This is a new low even for you, Felix. That guys bad news." Alistair warned him.

"I know. My kind of crowd."

"Well then we're just gonna have to take you down so Ebon doesn't have any help." Dustin warned Felix.

"Take me down?" Felix laughed in amusement, "In all the times I've known you boys you've never come close to taking me down."

"You forget we keep getting stronger and stronger." Alistair reminded him.

"Here's a newsflash for you... Al. So do I." he attacked the two with the shadow soldiers.

"Guys." Muse gasped, seeing the boys were fighting harder than before like when they'd fight the Serpentine generals.

"That guy's more dangerous than Pythor." Spike noted, while cowering behind Twilight's legs.

"No kidding. Those boys look like they won't hold out too much longer against them varmints." Applejack added.

Suddenly Dustin and Alistair were getting tossed around by Felix, who knocked them to the ground, "Stay down, boys. Like the losers you are." He mocked them.

None of the girls or Wild knew what to do, until a voice called out, "No one dissess my brother!" flipping into action was another dark warrior the same age as Felix, who had long athletic built legs and was using those legs to deliver a helicopter spin of kicks at Felix knocking him back, as the newcomer landed before him, while maneuvering switchblades made of his dark energy in his hands, "A party and I wasn't invited?" he asked, taking the whole group by surprise.

Author's Note:

To clear something up. The girls and Wild have normal skin coloring and not ones that match their coat colors.