• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

The Lost Two Elements

Last time, after a scuffle with Felix and his cronies, Dustin managed to attach a tracker on one of them which would lead them to their HQ. Though they arrived, they merely walked right into a trap and watched as Ebon received the last amount of fear energy and was able to emerge from the mirror in his solid unicorn form. With the former dark King of Equestria back and stronger than before, the girls and their allies will really have their work cut out for them.

Ebon stood with Felix and his cohorts at his side feeling proud that everything's gone according to plan. Rainbow frowned, "Come on girls, let's get him!" she activated her element and tried to fly at Ebon, only to be repelled by a magical shield brought up by his dark magic.

"Rainbow!" Twilight and Wild called, as they caught her.

"That didn't hurt." Rainbow groaned.

"It is futile for you to attack me," Ebon began, "Even with all your elements of harmony empowered, you still lack the final two elements. And without them you will never hope to actually defeat me."

"We'll stop you, after coming this far there's no way we're turning back now!" Dustin called.

Ebon frowned at Dustin's claim, "You simple minded fool. You think you can beat me? Me the king of all that is evil in Equestria!" he boomed with his dark magical aura surrounding him.

"Whoa, it's like the whole area's gone cold." Alistair gasped at how intimidating the kings aura was.

"No kidding." Blaze agreed, feeling the overwhelming magic himself.

"Oh, let's thrash them now!" Omaddon cheered in excitement, only for Ebon to use a hoof to block him from stepping further.

"No, you fool. We have more pressing matters to attend to and cannot waste time on such a trivial matter." he explained.

"What do you mean?" Felix inquired.

Ebon looked to his partner, "I promised you an army greater than you could ever imagine. Well I intend to hold my end of the bargain. But we cannot do it here."

"Then where do you have in mind?" Clyde asked curiously.

"Stay close to me." he instructed, as he and his four followers were surrounded by dark magic and suddenly vanished, but not before leaving a squad of shadow soldiers behind for their enemies.

"They're gone." Fluttershy gasped.

"And they left these guys for us." Dean said, while motioning to the shadow soldiers.

"Let's take them!" Burai ordered, as the group fought the shadow soldiers, but knew they were prolonging them so that they couldn't find Ebon.

After they finally defeated the shadow soldiers, they started catching their breath, "That wasn't such a chore." Ralph said.

"All right, shadow soldiers eliminated, what now?" Jethro asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We go after Ebon." Rainbow noted.

"Logic but flawed." Wild burst his cousin's bubble.

"Wild's right," Muse agreed, "We have no way of defeating Ebon unless we have the two lost elements of harmony. And even if we did we have no way of finding out where he went."

"Oh bummer." Pinkie sighed in despair, as they all started to lose faith.

"But we can't give up," Twilight spoke up grabbing their attention, "This is what Princess Celestia sent us here for. And we can't let her or Equestria down. The six unicorns wouldn't want it that way." her words got through to her fellow elements of harmony representatives, who nodded and suddenly their elements started glowing.

"What in Sam hill?" Applejack asked.

"They're shining." Pinkie noted.

"But what does it mean?" Rarity asked, as beams shot from all six elements and collided, summoning Magic Valor in his astral form.

"Magic Valor?" the group gasped.

"Hello my friends." he greeted them.

"Oh Magic Valor, we're in a pickle." Twilight began.

"We couldn't stop Ebon from regaining his body." Dustin explained.

"And we don't know where to find him now." Fluttershy added.

"And we can't fight him unless we have the lost two elements, which we've had no luck in locating since we got here." Applejack put in.

"Do not panic, my little ponies," Magic began, "The elements will reveal themselves when they are most needed. As for locating Ebon, the elements of harmony themselves will guide you to him."

"They will?" Twilight asked.

"Correct. But be warned, Ebon is indeed powerful and will not be easy to defeat. It will take all your courage, friendship, and love for each other to defeat his darkness." he warned them.

"You can count on us, Magic Valor." Dustin assured him.

"I know I and the rest of my brethren can. Good luck." his astral form faded away.

"So you can use the elements to find Ebon's whereabouts?" Alice asked the six.

"Apparently." Twilight answered, as their elements of harmony shot out another beam which projected an arrow pointing in one direction.

"Great, we can use it to guide us." Mitsukai smiled in satisfaction.

"Then we better hurry." Burai ordered, as they left the building.

Meanwhile in a bare spot of Central park, Felix, Johan, Omaddon, and Clyde were setting up an area by drawing symbols on the grass with salts, while Ebon was concentrating on his magic, "Are you sure this ritual is going to work, Ebon?" Felix asked.

"Yes, now try not to bother me I'm trying to focus here." Ebon ordered, as he went back to meditating.

"I can't believe we're mere moments away from conquering the city." Johan said, in excitement.

"Yes. But remember in also return we must help him in conquering Equestria." Clyde reminded them.

"I wonder what that world's really like?" Omaddon asked the group.

"Well if all goes well, we'll find out soon enough." Felix reminded him, as they got back to work in setting up the ritual.

Back with the group, they had been wandering the dark streets of New York, while just about every citizen had went for shelter. With the whole city going dark, they thought judgment day was upon them. As the group followed the trail the elements were leading them, they looked around seeing the ghost town of New York, "The city sure looks different when it's deserted." Alice noted.

"Yeah it's like a Zombie Apocalypse hit." Jethro added.

Suddenly they were almost blasted by a shadow shot, until they ducked. They looked to the side seeing multiple shadow soldiers appear, "Oh great more of them." Blaze rolled his eyes.

"I knew it wouldn't be easy for us to just follow the path." Xever said, as he summoned his shadow switchblades.

"Let's go!" Mitsukai called, as they all summoned their weapons and went on the attack.

"We will not let you interrupt the plan of our master and King Ebon." one of the shadow soldiers told the group.

"What plan?" Twilight demanded.

"We're not telling." another replied.

"Typical." Thatch rolled his eyes as he destroyed one.

Soon they eliminated the ambushers, "They're doing whatever they can to prolong our search for them." Eu noted.

"But what could they be up to?" Zimmer asked.

"Ebon said he promised Felix an army." Valmont began.

"And that means they're doing something to summon that army." Belmont finished.

"We gotta find them and stop them before they summon that army." Twilight instructed.

"Well we're on the right trail." Alicia reminded them.

"Right. Let's keep moving." Burai suggested, as they pressed on before coming to a fork in the street.

"Oh great a fork." Jade sighed.

"Where do we go now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Let's use the elements of harmony." Rarity suggested, as they held their elements out, but nothing happened.

"Hey, why isn't it working?" Rainbow asked in irritation.

"This doesn't make any sense." Twilight said in equal confusion.

Suddenly they heard laughter, "Your elements cannot show you the way." a voice spoke up, putting them on defense.

"The only chance you have in finding the true path must be done our way." another voice spoke.

"Where are those voices coming from?" Topher asked, as they looked around.

Suddenly appearing by the fork in the street were two dark blue coated stallions with black mane, both of them wore black capes that covered their flanks, "Greetings. I am Surge." the first one greeted them.

"And I am Sarge." the second one greeted them.

"Nice to meetcha." Pinkie greeted them with a smile, while the others shook their heads at her lack of realization.

"What're you doing here?" Rainbow asked, while glaring her eyes at them.

"We serve as guards, but we're willing to give you a chance to proceed." Surge explained.

"But first you must discover which path is the right one." Sarge added.

"I say we try both!" Rainbow called, as she took the turn Sarge was standing close to on the left, while Jethro took the spot Surge was guarding on the right. Unfortunately both were repelled by a force field, "Ok this is getting stupid." Rainbow groaned at the second time she got repelled by a force field.

"What gives?" Jethro asked.

"We told you," Sarge began, "The only chance you have in finding the true path..."

"Must be done our way." Surge finished.

"How can we decide which path is the right one?" Alice asked in worry.

"Listen to our words, and listen good." Surge began.

"One of of us will be telling you the truth, while the other will tell lies." Sarge added.

"Once we're done it'll be up to you to decide which is the right path, and which is not." Surge finished.

"Oh great, how're we gonna find out which of them is telling the truth?" Blaze asked in irritation.

"Hello, element of honesty here?" Applejack motioned to her element.

"No element of harmony magic may be used." Surge ordered.

"You must rely on your own choices." Sarge added.

Applejack frowned, "Why you yellow bellied..."

"Take it easy, Applejack." Muse calmed her.

"And our final rule, only one of you can take our challenge and make the answer." Surge put in.

The group frowned, "You really are pressing our buttons." Aria warned them, only for them to give off a smug look.

"Now what do we do?" Burai asked them, until Wild spoke up.

"I'll take the challenge for us."

"Wild?" they asked.

"Actually I agree." Dustin put in, "Wildcard is by far the luckiest out of all of us. It makes sense that he should be the one."

"Well ya got me there." Rainbow said in agreement.

"Wildcard, are you up for this?" Twilight asked him.

"The fate of both this world and Equestria hang in the balance, Twi. I'm more than up for this." he answered with confidence.

"Ok," she turned to the two guards, "Our representative will be our friend Wildcard." she and the others side stepped as Wild approached.

"Very well." Sarge began.

"We shall begin the challenge," Surge continued, "You may ask us three questions in regards to what path to take."

"If you pick the right path you may proceed onward, but if you pick wrong you will be lost in eternal darkness." Sarge finished sinisterly.

"Whoa." Wild gasped feeling a bit shaken up, but shook it off.

"Ask your first question now, and we shall answer." Surge instructed.

"Ok. I gotta think this through," Wild said to himself, as he pondered before an idea came to mind, "Ok, which of you is guarding the right path?" the group face faulted at such a simple question.

"I am the one guarding the correct path. Surge's path will lead to nowhere." Sarge answered.

"No, the path you seek is my guarding point. Choosing Sarge's will be your biggest mistake." Surge gave his answer.

Wild squinted his eyes seeing what answers they gave before asking his second one, "Ok, my next question. Which path is the wrong path?" the group face faulted again.

"Cuz, what're you doing?!" Rainbow chided him.

"Yeah man, are you even trying?!" Blaze called.

"Silence, he has asked his question," Surge silenced the two and gave his answer to Wild, "Sarge's path will lead you to a dead end. Only my path can lead you to your destination."

"My partner speaks lies, it is his path that is the wrong choice," Sarge countered, "Choose mine and you will find what you are looking for."

Wild continued squinting as if analyzing their answers carefully, as Alistair spoke up, "Last question, my friend. Don't blow it."

"Uh, but no pressure." Fluttershy spoke up timidly.

Wild looked back and forth between his friends and the two guards, "All right. My final question is this... Can either of you two be really trusted with what answer I will make?"

Sarge spoke, "You have our word, we will be true to whether your choice is right or wrong."

"And now that you have given us your three questions. It's time for you to finally decide." Surge finished.

The group looked nervous, as Wild looked back and forth between the two paths and finally spoke up, "Well I hate to say this but I personally don't trust any of you. So instead I'll decide another way."

"Another way?" the two asked.

"Yes," Wild took out two coins and marked each with one of their names. He held one coin in each and spoke up, "The coin I keep locked in my fist will be the door I decide."

The group looked shocked, as Valmont spoke, "Wild, are you crazy?!"

"I know you take a lot of big risks due to having good luck, but you can't simply rely on it this time around!" Rainbow called.

"Trust me Rainbow, I know what I'm doing." Wild assured her as they all stepped back.

So Wild held out his arms with both his fists clenched with a coin in each. He suddenly opened up his left hand revealing the coin marked with Sarge's name, "Sarge." the group gasped seeing that the one in his clenched hand was Surge's name making it his ultimate choice.

The two guards laughed, making them confused, "You have chosen poorly." Surge called.

"For the path you truly seek was the one guarded by me." Sarge answered.

"Oh no." Alice gasped.

"Wild lost?" Muse gasped as Rarity comforted her.

"Not so fast," Wild interrupted them, much to the ire of the two guards, "I got a feeling if I picked Sarge's door you still would've said I was wrong. I've seen this happen before in multiple card games I've played before where my opponent keeps using reverse psychology to get me to play into their hoof or in this case hand."

"That's why he asked those two questions." Burai realized it as Mitsukai continued.

"He was trying to determine if they were going to get at him using reverse psychology."

"You cheats!" Rainbow called to the guards.

"Of all the..." Aria grumbled at their attempts.

"That's sick." Zimmer added.

"Too bad for you, because Wild has already made his choice with Surge." Sarge explained.

"Once again you underestimate the Game Master of Ponyville." Wild smirked, taking the two by confusion. Wild opened up his clenched palm revealing the one in his hand was also marked with Surge's name.

"What both coins are marked the same?!" the two gasped.

"Yes. I did this so I couldn't lose." Wild smirked smugly at them.

"And now that he's figured out your tricks we can move forward in the right direction." Twilight cornered them, as the right path was uncovered by the force field as was the left path.

"We have been defeated." Surge answered solemnly.

"You may proceed as we keep our word." Sarge added as the two faded into darkness.

Suddenly the group cheered and congratulated Wild on his victory, "Wild, ya did it!" Dustin cheered.

"You really had us worried." Applejack added.

"How did you manage to pull one over on them?" Alice asked.

"Was it all because of your good luck?" Thatch asked curiously.

"Actually, this wasn't about luck," Wild began, "It was all about having hope." he answered, as a glow suddenly appeared before him taking everyone by surprise.

"What is that?" Belmont asked in surprise.

"I think it might be..." Twilight began, as the glow went to Wild's vest and appearing on it was a gold jewel badge in the shape of a dice like Wild's cutie mark, "One of the lost elements." she finished.

"Wow and I'm it's embodiment?" Wild gasped.

"Yes, you are the element of Hope." Mitsukai answered seeing what it represented based off what happened.

"Oh yes!" Wild jumped up, before remembering what was importance, "Now that we got one of them, we still need to get the other one."

"And I got a feeling we'll be finding it soon enough." Alistair added, as they went down the right path and followed it there.

Soon enough they were still walking, until they noticed things were looking darker and none of the street lamps or lights were on, and it was getting darker, "Oh man I can't see a thing." Belmont called.

"Neither can I." Valmont added.

"It's gotten even darker around us." Jade put in.

"Let's trying shedding some light." Dustin suggested.

"Right." Twilight agreed as she and Rarity started using their unicorn magic to make light but it was barely doing anything.

"My stars, it's not enough." Rarity gasped seeing it wasn't doing enough.

"Guys, let's use our spirit energy and really crank it up to it's brightest!" Burai instructed.

"You got it!" the spirit warriors and Blaze called as they powered up their spirit energy to make their bodies glow as bright as they can, but it had gotten so pitch black it wasn't enough.

"I still can't see any of you," Muse called, but got no response, "Guys? Hello! Oh no. We've been separated. Ok I got to stay calm, and think this out... Oh who am I kidding how can I be of any help to any of them in this case?" suddenly she saw a vision from before. It was all the times she was there for the guys when they were facing the Serpentine, and how she held all the knowledge of how to counter each tribe thanks to all her studies under her grandpa, "What am I saying? I am of great help to them. I was there to help them defeat each of the Serpentine tribes. And since then I've always been there for the guys. I feel like a guiding light!" suddenly her body started glowing brighter than each of the spirit warriors spirit energy combined.

Everyone saw where it was coming from and all the darkness around them was extinguished making it no longer pitch black. They looked around seeing they were closer to each other than they thought, "Muse!" Wild called as they raced over to her.

"You're glowing." Eu gasped.

"That's because the lost and final element, is Light!" Muse answered, as a necklace appeared around her neck bearing a silver gem in the shape of one of her drama masks for her cutie mark.

"Muse is also the embodiment of the final lost element of harmony." Twilight gasped.

"Both Wild and Muse?" Rainbow asked as they looked at the two.

"Well how about that?" Applejack asked, while crossing her arms feeling impressed.

"We got the last two elements." Burai gasped.

"Which means we finally have a fighting chance against Ebon." Xever added.

Suddenly the eight elements started glowing and shot a beam in the center creating an arrow that was pointing them in the right direction, "We found our course." Twilight stated.

"And it's pointing in the direction of Central Park." Ralph gasped.

"Then that's where we're going." Dustin stated.

"Right." they nodded.

"But before we go rushing in, we'll have to be prepared for whatever they throw at us." Dustin continued as they nodded, "Let's go and fight till the very end." he finished as they all took off ready to face the evil of King Ebon.