• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

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King Ebon Reborn

One morning at Dustin's place, Dustin was bringing the group of pony/humans, Alistair, Aria, Alicia, Alice, Dean, Ralph, Jade, Elroy, Eu, and Jethro into his garage, "Welcome girls and Wild to my lab." he opened the garage door, and they entered to see the interior of the garage was designed like a science lab, complete with a construction table, tools lying around, and a huge computer monitor where Zyphon was seated at.

"Whoa nelly." Applejack gasped.

"Amazing." Twilight gasped, in nostalgia.

"This is where you work?" Rainbow asked Dustin, as she looked at a few robot parts.

"Yeah, I would've wanted it to be in my basement, but my dad says he needs it for his own stuff." Dustin chuckled.

"You might say this is my birthplace." Zyphon added, as he motioned to other prototype and model bodies that he uses when one needs repairs.

"Quite a small place," Rarity noted, as she ran a finger across a table before checking her finger, "Still it's clean."

"How often do you work in here?" Fluttershy asked Dustin.

"Quite a number of hours when I'm not too busy with the guys." Dustin admitted.

"We'd come here a lot as well to see if he invented anything new we could take advantage of." Dean explained.

"What kinda of things have you made here?" Pinkie asked eagerly.

"Well for one thing I invented this," he grabbed a watch device from a shelf of inventions, "My morph watch."

"What's a morph watch?" Spike asked curiously.

"By wearing this I can transform myself to look like others," Dustin explained as he strapped it onto his wrist, "Behold," he clicked it and suddenly he transformed into human Applejack, "Howdy." he spoke in her voice.

The girls gasped as A.J spoke, "Ya turned into me!"

"And this isn't all," Dustin/Applejack answered, as he activated again and transformed into Rainbow Dash, "I'm Rainbow Dash, and I'm so awesome!"

Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity giggled, while Rainbow scowled, "I don't talk like that."

Dustin took on each of the girls appearances, until he became Pinkie Pie. Pinkie gasped and started making weird faces and poses, that Dustin was compelled to copy just to humor her. After a number of minutes of playing mirror, Dustin stopped and turned back to normal, "Oh this was a great invention." he put it back on the shelf.

"What else ya got?" Wild asked curiously.

"Well second to Zyphon this is by far one of my more effective creations." he pulled out a bag of pink dust, which made Aria, Alice, and Alicia's eyes widen in shock.

"What is that?" Muse asked.

"See for yourself." he put some of the dust in his palm and turned to his three female admirers and blew it at their faces. Aria shielded herself, but Alicia and Alice got it in their eyes nostrils and looked at Dustin with blushes on their faces.

"Dustin." they gasped and started swooning.

"What's with them?" Rainbow asked the others, until the twins lunged at Dustin and draped themselves over him.

"Dustin, you are so cute." Alice cooed, as she nuzzled into his chest.

"And so very hot." Alicia panted, as she ran her fingers through his hair, as the teen stood proudly.

"What did you do to them?" Rarity gasped.

"Lust dust." he answered with a smirk.

"Lust dust?" the pony/girls asked.

"Oh yeah a little love inducing dust I invented a year ago." he explained.

"Why in tarnation would ya make that?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Just to see if it would be possible to work?" he shrugged his shoulders.

"You should've seen his field test," Ralph began, "He used it on our schools cheer squad."

"They were all over him like a band of monkeys fighting over one banana." Jethro added.

"I also used it to help Alice here express her love to me more without any worries of humiliating herself," Dustin put in, as Alice continued to nuzzle him, "Worked like a charm. Even a better affect on Alicia here."

"I told him if he ever tried that stuff on me I'd strangle him." Aria told the girls, making Dustin cringe.

"Well can you snap them out of it?" Twilight asked Dustin.

"Yes I can." Dustin said as he grabbed another batch of gray dust and blew it at the twins, snapping them out of it.

"Oh Dustin, I know you do it to help me but I feel uncomfortable when you use it." Alice said with a pout.

"Sorry about that."

"Dustin," Alicia began firmly, "You know I hate it when you do that."

"Couldn't help it." he smiled sheepishly.

"So any projects you're currently working on?" Twilight asked, as she looked around the lab with Spike.

"Well there's one," Dustin admitted, as he rolled out a metal archway, "Ever since our adventure in Equestria three years ago, I've been wondering if there would ever be a way for us to get their on our own and not get teleported through magic. So I've been creating my own portable portal generator. Still not finished yet. Needs more work to it. Though when it's finished we'll be able to visit you all any time we want and vice versa."

"That would be perfect." Twilight gasped at the splendid idea.

"But first we have to get through the crisis here." Alistair noted and they all agreed.

Suddenly the monitor started ringing, and the group went to it, "What's going on, Zyphon?" Dustin asked the robot, who typed in a few keys before pulling up on the screen Felix, Clyde, Johan, and Omaddon causing problems.

"Those four again." Zyphon sighed.

"They just won't quit." Alistair rolled his eyes.

"Where's their location?" Eu inquired.

"At the skate park." Zyphon answered.

"Then let's go!" Jade pumped a fist and they all agreed before heading off.

Meanwhile at the skate park, Felix, his group, and the shadow soldiers were terrorizing the local parks skaters, "Rake it all in, boys. Ebon needs his fear juice and he's gonna get it." Felix chuckled.

"Hope he appreciates how much we're stirring up for him today." Johan said.

"He better." Felix replied.

"Yo!" a voice called, as Dustin and his group dropped in.

"Sorry to drop in without an invite." Ralph said.

"No invite is needed." Clyde humored him.

"You think you'd learn by now." Applejack spoke up.

"What can I say? We're persistent." Felix replied.

"Let's get in the game!" Alistair called, as the group went into battle against their opposing side.

Twilight and her friends fought the shadow soldiers, while Dustin and his group took on either the remaining shadow soldiers, or the evil quartet themselves. With all six elements of harmony powered up they were plowing through the shadow soldiers like they were nothing. As Ralph was using his enhanced strength to punch Omaddon, the muscular dark warrior fought back as the two reached a grappling stalemate.

"The field is even, Omaddon." Ralph warned him.

"You may have enhanced strength, but compared to me all this makes you is a very strong mouse!" Omaddon mocked him, as he started overpowering Ralph.

Dustin who just knocked Felix away, saw what was happening to Ralph, "Hang on, Ralph!" he ran for the two, before jumping up and landed on his hands on top of Omaddon's back.

Omaddon seeing Dustin landed on his back looked up wondering what to do, until Dustin jumped off his back. Ralph seeing his opponent was distracted smirked, "Gotcha!" he delivered an uppercut to the dark warriors jaw, sending him flying backward and crashed into a wall leaving an imprint.

"Omaddon!" Johan called, as Dean and Jethro were tag teaming against him.

Omaddon got up and rubbed his sore jaw, "Oh that smarts."

"I got a lot more where that came from." Ralph warned him.

Felix frowned seeing the shadow soldiers had gotten eliminated and spoke up, "Pack it in!" he jumped into a shadow portal.

"See ya!" Clyde vanished.

"We don't wanna be ya!" Johan called as he went to Omaddon and the two vanished.

"Got away again." Twilight sighed.

"So what else is new?" Rainbow asked rhetorically.

"Man and we didn't get to lay as much smack down on them as I wanted." Elroy groaned.

"The experience wasn't a total lost." Dustin replied.

"How so?" Alice asked curiously.

"Because I got this." Dustin answered, as he held up a tracking device with a blinking red dot beeping.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"My tracking scouter." he answered.

"And is that?" Alicia gasped.

"Oh yeah. Omaddon." Dustin smirked.

"Omaddon?" Twilight gasped, "But how? When did you..." she realized when he landed on Omaddon's back he must've planted a homing beacon on him, "Clever."

"Indeed." a voice said startling her, as she saw Blaze next to her.

"Blaze? How long were you here?"

"The whole time." he answered.

"You were here and you didn't help us?" Rarity asked feeling appalled.

"You guys looked like you were handling it fine on your own." Blaze answered.

"He has a point." Applejack admitted.

"Good move there, Dustin." Blaze congratulated him.

"Thanks. And now that we have Omaddon bugged, we can trace him back to their hideout." Dustin explained.

"And Ebon as well." Twilight added.

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go!" Elroy called.

"Not so fast, Elroy," Jade held him back, "If we're gonna go after them then we'll need extra back up."

"Agreed," Dustin spoke u,p and turned to Aria, "Aria, get Burai and Mitsukai."

"Yeah." Aria nodded as she flew off.

Dustin looked to Alistair, "Alistair, round up Xever, Valmont, and Belmont."

"Right." he nodded and took off as well.

Finally Dustin turned to Eu, "Eu, find Zimmer, Thatch, and Topher."

"You got it." Eu nodded as she used magic to transport off.

Soon enough the older warriors and allies arrived with Aria, Eu, and Alistair, "We came as soon as we could." Mitsukai said.

"So you finally have a lock on where Felix and the others are?" Xever asked.

"Yeah, and hopefully Ebon as well." Dustin added.

"So let's get going!" Rainbow called.

"Right," Twilight nodded, "It's time we put an end to him."

"Dustin, lead the way." Burai ordered.

"Got it!" Dustin nodded as he led the way following signal on his tracker, with the others following him behind.

The signal led them through the city all afternoon, while they were on high alert in case a shadow soldier were to come their way. As they walked Wild spoke up, "Guys, I just realized while we may be looking for Ebon I need to remind you that we haven't even found the last two elements."

"We'll have to make due without them for now." Twilight answered, seeing they've come this close.

"Guy's it's getting stronger," Dustin said, as he checked the tracer, "It's right up ahead."

They looked ahead and saw the abandoned building where Felix had been dwelling, "This is the place?" Blaze asked.

"Looks like it." Dustin confirmed.

"How do you wanna do it?" Valmont asked the group.

"Let's go from above." Burai suggested.

"Good idea." Xever agreed, as the warriors flew up, while Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight using their wings given to them by their elements of harmony flew up. Twilight used her magic to levitate Applejack, Wildcard, Muse, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.

When they reached the top floor of the building looking at it, Eu spoke, "No traps. Not ones my magic can detect."

"Still we should move in carefully." Blaze said.

"All right. Let's go." Dustin said, as they flew in and saw a broken window that was opened wide enough for them to each slip in.

They were silent so not to give themselves away, as they continued to follow Dustin who was checking the tracker. They entered the main room but saw it was empty, save for the mirror in the center of the room, "Nobody's here." Alistair said silently.

"But why would they leave a perfectly good mirror in a room with nothing else?" Rarity asked quietly.

"Dustin, are you sure we're in the right place?" Thatch asked.

"Positive." Dustin answered as they crept in, until suddenly party poppers popped and confetti fell from the ceiling.

"What the?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

Pinkie gasped in amaze, "It's a party!"

"How right you are!" a voice called, as Felix, Clyde, and the Chaos Duo appeared.

"We were waiting for you to show up." Clyde said, as Omaddon held up the homing beacon in his hand before crushing it in his palm.

"Looks like we walked into a trap." Mitsukai sighed.

Felix seeing the girl gasped, "Mitsukai! I didn't think I would be seeing you here."

Mitsukai scowled, "Felix, I liked you better when you were just a yoko."

"Well I didn't like me the way I was. I wasn't a spirit warrior or a dark warrior, and that's how I discovered it was the only way to be the best, by becoming one of the two."

"You're wrong." Burai answered.

"Becoming a dark warrior only made you more twisted!" Xever chastised him.

"Shut up!" Felix shouted, "I could never be the best while fighting at your side so I went and became stronger in a new sense. And now me and the rest of my boys are going to become stronger now thanks to our employer." he smirked, as he turned to the mirror that started glowing with a dark aura, making the group shiver at the sensation, along with the elements of harmony glowing in response.

"Girls, I think we found him." Twilight gasped.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and ponykind," Felix began, "Allow me to introduce to you the baddest of the bad in the land of Equestria and it's rightful ruler. King Ebon!"

Appearing in the mirror was Ebon's reflection, "Welcome everypony and everybody."

"That's him." Muse gasped in shock.

"King Ebon." Twilight gasped in equal shock.

"Correct, Princess," Ebon replied, "I can feel your magic is strong. No wonder my brother's eldest daughter would choose a former unicorn like you for an apprentice, but sadly she was mistaken in entrusting you with this task as my brother was mistaken in thinking he could get rid of me!"

"Don't you dare doubt Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted.

"I say we blast that mirror to pieces." Dean suggested, as he was prepared to power up a shotgun.

"Sorry, but you're already too late," Ebon began, "While you were trailing Omaddon's signal to here, Felix had the shadow soldiers go out and collect more fear energy and now that I have received it I feel complete. I'm ready to take form!" he bellowed, as the mirror glowed, blinding them all.

Suddenly a large hoof stepped out of the mirror followed by the rest of the body. There standing in the room was King Ebon restored to his physical form. The pony/humans, Dustin, Alistair, Domino, and Fievel gasped seeing King Ebon looked like the one actor in costume during Muse's play, but this time they were seeing him in person.

Ebon's full bodily form was about the size of King Sombra, and his coat was blackish gray with his mane and tail white and looked fiery, a black unicorn horn that looked sharp at the tip, his eyes were crimson red, silver metal cuffs around his front and back hooves, and gray torso armor like a knights with a pentagram shaped badge on the center of it, and his cutie mark was of the same pentagram symbol on his badge. The king looked at himself before letting out a sinister smirk, "Yes. I live again!" Felix, Clyde, Johan, and Omaddon feeling shaken by his presence, bowed to him as a sign of welcome.

"Welcome, King Ebon." Clyde welcomed him.

"We've been waiting." Felix added.

"It's good to be back," Ebon admitted, as he licked his lips, "And now that I have returned it's time I got back to my roots."

"Hey remember our arrangements?" Felix spoke up as he rose to his feet, grabbing Ebon's attention, "Before you move onto Equestria, you promised us our fee and help us in conquering our world."

"So I did," Ebon nodded in remembrance, "Very well I shall first cast eternal darkness across this land!" he declared as his horn glowed as magic was shot up through the roof and aimed at the sky. Suddenly the afternoon sky started turning pitch black and the sun was being blocked out.

Out in the city, everyone was in a panic seeing the sun suddenly get blocked out. Some thought it was an eclipse, but others were screaming about it a sign signaling the end of the world. Not feeling safe people started taking cover in their homes or the nearest place close to them.

Back at the building, Ebon laughed maniacally, as Felix and his group smirked seeing they were getting what they were hoping for, while the good guys watched in horror, "Guys, I got a feeling 'Game Over' is waiting to be declared for us." Zimmer said in worry.