• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,513 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

The Mane Six vs the Devious Six

One afternoon, Dustin, Alistair, Aria, Eu, Jethro, Jade, Elroy, Blaze, and the pony/human group were running across and jumping some of the shorter buildings of New York, with Blaze leading followed by Dustin, Alistair, and Rainbow Dash, "Oh man, this parkour exercise is just what I needed!" Rainbow cheered, as she ran along side the guys.

"Thanks for suggesting it, Blaze." Alistair thanked him.

"No problem. I'm glad to see how well you guys are at it." Blaze admitted.

"Hey incoming building!" Dustin called, as they all looked ahead.

"Get ready..." Blaze began, "Now!"

And they all jumped off the ledge and reached the other building, with some like Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy rolling onto their backs panting, "We made it." Twilight panted, as Zyphon who was carrying Spike flew in.

"That was awesome, Twilight!" Spike cheered.

"Yeah. You all were amazing." Jethro agreed.

"Not too shabby," Blaze admitted, "Not too shabby at all."

And so the group decided to rest and catch their breath on the rooftop. As they relaxed, a thought crossed Jade's mind as she spoke to Blaze, "So, Blaze. Out of curiosity what was your life like before you actually met us?"

Blaze taken surprise by Jade's question looked at her and the rest of the group who looked just as curious as she was. Blaze looked a little hesitant at first, but knew to build stronger bonds he had to open up. Taking a deep breath he spoke up, "Well what I can say is my life wasn't exactly glorious."

"How so?" Applejack asked.

"Well you all know my parents were two different warriors? My dad was a dark warrior and my mom was a spirit warrior?"

"Yes." they nodded.

"Well when I was seven years old, I began trying to access my dark energy under the guidance of my father; Sonic Shadow who was well known to use his shadow energy to make himself move fast enough to break the sound barrier ten times over."

"Whoa." Jethro gasped.

"That's fast." Rainbow gasped in amaze.

"Yeah. Well he trained me as hard as he could. He was all about discipline and wanted me to measure up. Luckily my mom Spirit Shard was there to cheer me up. Well one day I thought I was accessing my dark energy, but I discovered that day I could also utilize spirit energy. I went to show my dad thinking he'd be proud to see me utilize more than one type of energy, but that was a grave mistake on my end. Upon seeing me harnessing spirit energy, my father tried to kill me."

"WHAT?!" the group gasped.

"Kill you?" Dustin gasped.

"Why?" Pinkie asked.

"Because to him all he saw was a freak. Though there have been halfbreeds capable of utilizing both energies, I found out not everybody was tolerable of them. He continued to try and assault me leaving me beaten, until my mom stepped in and told me to run. But I didn't, I wanted to stop him myself. All my life I wanted him to be proud of me, but he never was. My rage fueled my dark energy releasing a pulse that wiped out ten blocks. I woke up two hours later and saw my father hanging by a whim. He continued to insult me by calling me a freak. Before I could finish him he slashed my face leaving me this X shaped scar between my eyes." he motioned to said scar.

"Whoa." the group gasped.

"When I finished him, I went over to my mother who was also in critical condition," he continued, "I tried apologizing to her and wanted to help her, but what came out of her mouth broke what innocence I had left. She had also called me a freak and that my father was right about me," The girls gasped in horror, while the guys looked outraged, "So to end it all I ended her life as well. In other words... My parents never loved me." he said bitterly.

"Blaze." they gasped in shock.

"It doesn't end there," Blaze replied, "Two years I was on my own training myself to the peak of my strength. Then one day I was confronted by my grandfather Shard Spirit, who also wanted me to die. We fought hard, but in the end I turned his own attack right back at him. I thought it was over, but then my grandfather opened up and told me he was merely testing me, and I passed."

"Passed?" Dustin asked curiously.

"Yes. He also wanted to see if I had what it takes to keep going further even with all the dangers that would follow or find me. I passed and he knew I would make him proud. I buried him soon after he died, and vowed that I would get stronger for his sake and his alone. Not for my dad or my mom, but him."

"Whoa, that's deep." Wild gasped.

"Blaze, we had no idea even you went through so much." Aria gasped.

"Well now ya know." Blaze answered, and suddenly found himself being hugged by Fluttershy.

"You poor-poor boy. You did not deserved to be betrayed like that. I know your grandfather is right. You will overcome any obstacle that challenges you."

"Ok, Fluttershy. You can let go now." Blaze said, as he felt awkward.

"Oh sorry." Fluttershy apologized as she released him.

"It's ok. Point is I moved forward from the bad times and live in the now," Blaze explained, "I mean you guys are in fact the best thing that's ever happened to me. And believe me I say that with a lot of sincerity."

The group smiled at his claim, "Well we're glad to have made a friend out of you as well." Twilight admitted.

Blaze smiled and thought to himself, 'You were right, gramps. These guys are the best friends I could have ever made.'

That night at Felix's HQ, Felix was pacing, while Johan, Omaddon, and Clyde were asleep. Ebon noticing he was awake spoke up, "Felix, I didn't think you'd still be up."

"Well I'm on edge, Ebon," Felix admitted, "Five of those elements of harmony have gotten stronger. If the sixth one does I fear we may be out of our league."

"Do not despair," Ebon replied, "I still need a bit more fear energy from the norms of this city to regain my full form."

"Well as long as Dustin, Alistair, and their gaggle of allies are around, we'll still have problems." Felix reminded him.

"Not to worry," Ebon countered, "I have just come with a plan that will make the girls unable to step outside the sanctity of their dwelling."

"What do you mean?" Felix asked curiously.

"Summon six of your shadow soldiers." Ebon ordered.

Confused by his order, Felix obeyed the command and summoned six shadow soldiers, "Now what?" he asked.

"I may not have my full magic in this form, but I have just enough to do something like this!" Ebon announced, as dark magic was coming out of the mirror and surrounded the six shadow soldiers.

"Hey, what're you doing to them?" Felix demanded.

"Patience." Ebon ordered, as his magic was dying down, and Felix looked seeing where his shadow soldiers stood now stood the Mane six, much to his shock.

"Whoa, what'd you do?" Felix gasped.

"I have transformed these six shadow soldiers into mirror replicas of the elements of harmony's human forms." Ebon explained.

"How is that any different from their normal camouflage disguises?" Felix asked not seeing the big difference.

"Your regular camouflage may have fooled them before when the wielder of Loyalty's element wasn't evolved. However this more powerful camouflage will be able to fool them and their elements of harmony's magic. They won't be able to tell the difference between each other, and neither will those spirit warriors or dark warriors. Plus my magic has them them stronger."

"I see." Felix smirked seeing it sounded ingenious.

"Listen up!" Ebon addressed the transformed Shadow Soldiers, "You will go out into the city and cause as much trouble as you can, and come the morning the elements of harmony will be hated all throughout the city."

"Yes, King Ebon." the six transformed shadow soldiers answered in the girls voices.

"Well what're you waiting for?" Felix asked them, "Away with you!" The six nodded, before fading into a shadow portal.

The very next morning at Dustin's place, Dustin ran to Twilight's guest room and shook her with Domino pecking Spike awake, "Twilight! Twilight, wake up! Wake up, this is an emergency!"

Twilight groaned as she woke up, "What is it, Dustin?"

"Yeah I'm not an early riser." Spike groaned, as he rubbed his head from all of Domino's pecking.

"We got trouble on our hands." Dustin dragged her out of bed, and into the living room where the rest of her friends that were bunking at Dustin's.

"He woke you up to?" Twilight asked them.

"Yeah. I don't know what the hub-blub is about." Applejack noted.

"Yeah, Dustin. What's going on?" Wildcard asked.

"Check it." Dustin answered, as he turned on the news for them to watch.

The girls looked on the screen and to their shock, saw footage on security cameras displaying themselves robbing places last night, ranging from banks, stores, anywhere, "Oh my goodness." Fluttershy gasped.

'But how, why, who are?" Twilight was lost for words.

"It's us." Applejack gasped.

"But that can't be you." Wild noted.

Suddenly the door to Dustin's place busted opened, and entering was Alistair and the rest of the pony/humans, "Can you believe this?!" Rainbow shouted to them.

"They saw it to?" Dustin asked Alistair.

"They saw it." he nodded in confirmation.

"Is this is some kind of joke? Because I am not laughing!" Rarity said in outrage.

"Yeah, even I know this isn't funny." Pinkie added.

"Do you think Felix is behind this?" Spike suggested.

"No doubt about it." Twilight confirmed.

"But how'd he do it?" Muse wondered.

"Shh, look." Dustin said, as a news anchorman appeared on TV.

He was in his late thirties and had brown eye, and short brown hair, "I am news anchorman Vernon Slaton on the topic of today's big news 'Crime Girls.'!" he announced, "Who are these six teenage criminals? I'll tell you what. They're troublemakers that's what! This city's faced problems right from left with these dark beings that have popped up for years, but this is ridiculous. Just look at them!" he continued as each of the girls appeared in a side screen stealing money, "Devious!" he motioned to fake Fluttershy, "Deceitful!" he motioned to fake Applejack, "Insane!" he looked to the fake Pinkie, "Disgusting!" he turned to the fake Rainbow, "Vile!" he motioned to fake Twilight, "And most importantly, 'Bad choice in fashion'." he finished by turning to the fake Rarity.

The girls who were already agitated by the newsman's bashing on each of them, saw Rarity was turning red in the face with rage more than the time Blueblood used her a shield against a cake projectile, "BAD CHOICE IN FASHION?!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Whoever these six miscreant girls are, one thing is for sure they are a menace to this city!" Vernon continued, "But I promise these six juveniles will be caught and faced with the maximum punishment. So look out girls, because your numbers up!" he declared smugly, before Dustin turned the TV off having heard enough.

"Excuse me," Rainbow began, "I have to go RING THAT GUY'S NECK!" she tried storming off, only for Wild to pull her back.

"Easy, cuz. The last thing we need is to give that guy the satisfaction." he warned her.

"That guy deserves to have his mouth washed out with soap." Pinkie frowned at what Vernon said.

"Ya got that right." Applejack agreed.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"If you girls step outside then you'll be caught and thrown in jail." Dustin warned them.

"So what do you suggest?" Rainbow asked, feeling opened for suggestions.

"We have to find these fakes and deal with them." Dustin explained.

"But there's still a problem, Dustin," Alistair spoke up, "Even if we defeat those six impostors, the girls still won't be able to step outside or the people will think they just returned."

Dustin sighed having missed that, "You're right."

"Well we can't stay inside all day." Rainbow said.

"What can we do?" Twilight asked.

Alistair spoke up with a plan, "We'll have to go on a patrol around the city to see if we can find them."

"Well we can't let you guys go alone." Wild said.

"Yeah you need us." Pinkie added.

"But if you come with us you'll only be putting yourselves in danger." Dustin warned them.

"It's a risk we have to take." Applejack replied.

The boys looked at each other and sighed knowing there was no arguing with them, "Ok, but you'll need disguises."

"I fully agree." Rarity agreed, as she was prepared to go into fashion mode.

About half an hour later, the group was walking through New York with Twilight and her friends wearing hoodies with some having their hoods up, while others wore hats to avoid suspicion, "Everything looks quiet." Twilight whispered to the group.

"And that's what scares me," Dustin admitted, until they saw Blaze peak around the corner, "Blaze?" they went around the corner to meet him.

"Thank goodness you're here." Alistair said.

"I came here as soon as you texted me." Blaze answered.

"Anything on your end?" Wild asked.

"Nadda." Blaze admitted feeling ashamed.

"Guys!" a voice called shocking them. They looked seeing Dean, Jethro, Zimmer, Aria, Eu, Alice, and Alicia.

"Don't do that!" Twilight said in agitation.

"Sorry." Zimmer apologized sheepishly.

"We may have found a lead." Eu began.

The girls gasped, "What was it?" Rarity inquired.

"We heard a group matching your descriptions were terrorizing the mall." Alice explained.

"Let's go." Dustin ordered as they hurried.

At the mall, the fake elements of harmony were causing troubles at the mall, "You think this will bring them coming?" Fake Rainbow asked Fake Twilight, as she destroyed a vending machine.

"It should." the Fake Twilight answered.

"Look." Fake Applejack said, as they saw Dustin, Alistair, and their warrior allies.

"So you've come." Fake Fluttershy said with a smirk.

"You're giving our friends a bad name." Alicia warned them.

"So we want you to drop the framing and slandering." Dustin added.

"Try and make us." Fake Pinkie challenged them.

"Very well." Blaze answered.

"Come on!" Alistair called, as they went into battle against the six impostors.

As the group fought, the six fakes were holding up against them, while making sure to take every opportunity to continue slandering the good images of the girls. Watching from around a corner were the girls, Wild, and Muse, "Oh man, we can't just let them fight alone." Rainbow groaned.

"Rainbow's right, we gotta do something and now." Applejack agreed as they were about to jump in, only for Johan and Omaddon to appear.

"Gotcha!" the two attacked them, and removed their disguises in the process.

"Time to split!" Johan ordered Omaddon, as they faded into a shadow portal, along with the six impostors vanishing as well.

"Oh no, girls we gotta!" Twilight called, until a man shouted.

"It's them!"

"The deviant girls!" a woman shouted.

Mall security started swarming to the area, making sure to cut off any retreat, "Oh no, I don't wanna get arrested." Wild groaned.

"You're surrounded!" one security guard called, as they all drew their guns, "Hands where I can see them!"

The girls and Wild with no other option raised their hands, while Dustin and the others didn't know what to do. Suddenly a shadow portal appeared below the pony/humans and they fell through, surprising the security guards. Taking the chance the teens left the mall and saw them in an alleyway across the street with Xever, "Bro!" Alistair called as the group went to the alley.

"Thank goodness I was here." Xever told the girls, who were grateful to him.

"Is everyone all right?" Blaze asked them.

"We're fine." Twilight admitted.

"That was a close one." Muse noted.

"And that didn't go so well back there." Alice added.

"You can be sure this is gonna make the afternoon news." Dean put in. The group sighed.

Meanwhile at Felix's HQ, the yoko, Clyde, and the duo were rolling around in all the money stolen by the six impostors, "Oh yes, thanks to the six doppelgangers we're gonna be on easy street!" Clyde chuckled insanely while clutching dollar bills in his hands.

"Knock it off, you four!" Ebon bellowed to them, "There is still much to be done. The six still need to collect more fear from the humans here in order for me to reform."

"No problem," Felix answered, "They've already turned the city against the bearers."

"He's right on the button." Johan agreed.

"Regardless," Ebon answered, "I will not allow anything to get in the way of my plans now that I'm come this close."

"Yes, Ebon." the four answered, as the six stood by awaiting the next command.

Back at Dustin's place, the group was watching the afternoon news. They watched the footage play out with the fighting leading up to the girls being surrounded by mall security before Xever activated his portal and saved them. Vernon Slaton then appeared to deliver his story, "And once again we have been proven I was right about these six juvenile girls. It's bad enough they steal from our cities banks and what not. Now they're making a day at the mall seem like a prison riot! Well the police have informed me that there will be an increase in patrols, and guarantee that these miscreants will be caught!"

Dustin turned it off knowing they heard enough, "So now what?" Blaze asked.

"Yeah if this keeps up, you girls will be labeled as worldwide criminals." Dean added.

"Thanks, Dean. We just needed to hear that." Applejack said in sarcasm.

"Oh this is so bad," Twilight sighed, "If I had my element of harmony working then I'd be more help to you all."

"Don't start talking like that, Twilight." Spike warned her.

"Spike's right, you've lasted this long without your element and you've done just fine." Rarity added.

"But this time my best isn't enough. I wonder if I even had my magic, would it be enough? I just don't know anymore." she sighed. Suddenly her backpack glowed, and coming out of it was her crown. Before Twilight could say anything it landed on her head and she passed out on the couch.

"Twilight!" the girls gasped.

"It looks like it's her time." Wild said.

Suddenly Zyphon approached, "I'm afraid I have bad news everyone."

"What's the trouble?" Dustin asked.

"I've just pinpointed the six fakes with the shadow soldiers in the park." Zyphon explained.

"We gotta go." Alistair stated.

"But what about Twilight?" Muse asked.

"Spike and I will look after her." Dustin answered.

"Xever, go get Burai, Mitsukai, and the Balitons," Alistair ordered his bro, "Dean, get the rest of the guys."

"Right." Dean nodded, as he and Xever left to round up their closest friends.

"Dustin, Spike, look after Twilight." Alistair ordered the two.

"You can count on us." Spike saluted.

"Come on, I wanna teach that fake that no one is better than the original Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow said, feeling pumped.

"Let's go!" Aria called, as they left the house leaving Dustin and Spike to watch Twilight.

Meanwhile in Twilight's mind, the girl woke up and found herself outside what appeared to be the original castle of Celestia and Luna's parents, "What? But this is..."

A familiar voice finished, "The castle of the Rulers of Creation." Twilight looked around, until she saw none other than Magic Valor who first appeared to her and her friends when they aligned the elements of harmony the first time when they arrived in the boys world.

"Magic Valor!" Twilight gasped in shock.

"It's good to see you again, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Magic greeted her.

"Well it's good to see you again, too." Twilight admitted.

"We have much to talk about. Follow me." Magic led her into the illusion of the castle.

Meanwhile, after Xever and Dean rounded up the rest of their pals. They all headed to the park seeing the six fake girls with multiple shadow soldiers causing trouble, "There they are." Aria stated.

"Let's get them!" Rainbow called as they landed before their enemies.

The six fake elements of harmony posed as Fake Applejack spoke, "Howdy, partners."

"Nice of you to join us." Fake Rarity added.

"Now the party can really begin." Fake Pinkie smirked.

"Because you're our guests of honor." Fake Fluttershy put in.

"It's gonna be awesome for us." Fake Rainbow rubbed her hands together.

"Because we're gonna take you down." Fake Twilight finished.

"Not likely." Applejack replied.

"Because we're gonna take you down first." Burai added, as he summoned his spirit dagger.

"Attack!" Fake Twilight ordered, as the two sides fought.

Each of the pony girls fought their respective doppelganger, while Fake Twilight fought Wild and Muse. As Pinkie fought her fake near Applejack and her fake, she spoke, "Don't you feel like this is the Canterlot Wedding all over again?"

"Actually, yes." Applejack agreed, as she blocked a punch from her fake.

As the group fought, Vernon Slaton and a cameraman pulled up in a news van and saw what was going on, "There they are!" Slaton gasped, and suddenly looked shocked, "What's this there are two of them each?"

"Doesn't look like all of them have two." The cameraman said as he noticed only one Twilight.

"I don't know what this is about, but I smell a scandal, and I'm gonna cover it," Slaton said, as his cameraman got ready and started filming him, "I'm Vernon Slaton on the scene in Central Park, where apparently the six juvenile girls are on the scene accompanied by the plagued evil soldiers. But if you'll look closer you'll see that the girls have a counterpart fighting them. I find this very scandalous."

Back with Twilight, in her mind, Magic Valor led her through the illusion of Celestia and Luna's parents former castle, "I could feel it you have become doubtful of your own magic." Magic explained.

"Oh the situation is horrible, Magic," Twilight explained in worry, "Ebon's created a doppelganger for me and the rest of my fellow bearers of harmony. They've already seemed to have turned the city against us. I just don't know if I really have the magic to fix this."

Magic smiled, "You know I was lot like that when I was younger."

"You were?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Oh yes," Magic nodded, as he turned and Twilight saw a flashback of Magic during his training years with several other unicorns, "Compared to several of my fellow students I was ranked last in the group, mostly due to the fact I was doubtful of my abilities."

"Really?" Twilight was surprised.

"That's right. I was at the bottom so deep I felt ready to drop out, until the five came to see me," he motioned to a scene of a young Magic being visited by the five unicorns, "They talked to me and told me I was actually said to possess very impressive skill with magic, but my fear and doubt were what was keeping me from reaching my full potential. They taught me that by believing in myself and not having doubt I would be able to go far in terms of magic. So I practiced and trained even harder for the final exam where I put all my heart and skill into my abilities. And I passed. That's how I became the apprentice of the five."

Twilight watched the memory seeing Magic Valor stand side by side with the Five Unicorns, "Amazing."

"Indeed," Magic nodded, "Now Twilight, I leave you with this advice. Never doubt in your own abilities. For as long as you believe then anything is possible."

"Yes, I see that now," Twilight nodded, as her crown glowed, "I will protect my friends with my magic!" the scene illuminated.

Suddenly Twilight woke up, surprising Dustin and Spike, "Twilight!"

"Spike, Dustin, where is everybody?" Twilight looked around.

"Your duplicates came out to cause some more wild ruckus, and the others went to deal with them." Dustin explained.

"Well they can't do it without me." Twilight declared, as her crown glowed as she was surrounded by her magical aura, and her wings grew from her back.

"Twilight." Spike gasped, and was picked up by her.

"Let's go, guys!" she ran out the front door, with Dustin following.

Back at the fight, Blaze with his dual spirit and shadow keyblades and Alistair with his Spirit Buster were slicing some of the shadow soldiers up, but the girls were getting evenly matched by their duplicates, "The girls need our help." Alistair noted.

"Let's go!" Blaze said, as they tried to get to them only for them and their friends to be blocked by more incoming shadow soldiers.

"I don't think I can last much longer." Fluttershy panted, as she was starting to get tired.

"Oh, we could really use Twi right about now." Applejack groaned, as she grappled with her fake.

"Well wait no longer!" a familiar voice called, as they looked up seeing Twilight descend to the ground, with Dustin carrying Spike.

"Twilight!" the group gasped in joy.

"What?" Fake Twilight gasped.

When Twilight landed on the ground, Slaton turned to his cameraman, "Get a close up on that one!" the cameraman did so.

Twilight looked to her friends duplicates, and her own fake, "You leave my friends alone!"

"And just what're you going to do about it?" Fake Twilight challenged her, with the rest of the duplicates at her side.

"I'll fight you," Twilight answered, "With my friends at my side!" her friends stood side by side with her, "Because we make up the real elements of harmony, and no amount of transformation can make you any better than us."

"Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Rainbow pumped a fist.

"Let's teach these carbon copies a lesson, girls!" Applejack suggested.

"Yeah!" they called as the six fought their duplicates, while Dustin joined his friends in eliminating the shadow soldiers.

With all six girls fighting side by side, and their elements of harmony at their peak they were putting the pain on the fakes, until all six nailed their doppelgangers putting them into a pile, "Say goodnight, girls. Because the real elements of harmony are here to stay!" Rainbow declared, as their necklaces and Twilight's crown each fired a colored beam that combined into one blast that engulfed the screaming fakes.

The six fakes started losing form and were just regular shadow soldiers again no longer protected by what magic Ebon bestowed upon them, "We got them!" Twilight called, "Now let's finish them!" their magic finally vanquished the six shadow soldiers, while the others were defeated as well.

The six powered down, as Twilight spoke, "And now to erase the memories of those who witnessed all that our fakes have caused." she flew up into the sky and activated her magic. It released a shock wave that spread all throughout the city if not the world, erasing the memories of Vernon Slaton, the cops, and just about everyone who watched or witnessed the news footage of their fakes committing the crimes. Even the recorded footage from security as well as the footage recorded on the cameraman's camera vanished as well leaving no trace.

After the process, Vernon and his cameraman looked around seeing that no one was around, "What're we doing here in Central park?" he asked the cameraman.

"I don't know, sir." he answered.

"Well if there's nothing going on here that's news worthy, let's go." he ordered, as they packed it in.

Later on the roof of the Mikael hotel, the group was cheering and whooping in victory, as the six bearers of harmony group hugged, "Twilight, you were so awesome!" Rainbow cheered, while putting on her best excited face.

"I can't believe you managed to get your element of harmony back into power." Rarity added in joy.

"Well I had a good talk with Magic Valor." Twilight admitted.

Suddenly their elements of harmony glowed and each fired a beam into the center and appearing once again was an astral form of Magic Valor, "Greetings once again, bearers of Harmony."

"Magic Valor!" the pony/humans gasped.

"So that's him." Mitsukai asked Dustin, who told her about him.

"Who's that?" Blaze asked.

"Magic Valor; the apprentice of the five Unicorns," Alistair explained, "He was also the guardian of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Magic Valor smiled, "I am pleased to see the six of you have successfully powered your elements of harmony up to the next level. Now you are more than prepared to face Ebon and his threat."

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow cheered.

"However," Magic continued putting them in concern, "You still must discover the remaining two lost elements."

"How?" Twilight asked.

"They will reveal themselves as they have to all of you." he answered.

"But we don't even know whose really destined for them." Rarity noted.

"Have faith, my little ponies. For I know you will find the answers that you seek!" Magic declared, as his astral form faded.

"Magic!" Twilight gasped, seeing he was gone again.

"Well yall, looks like we're that much closer to putting an end to Ebon." Applejack stated. Everyone smiled and nodded, while looking out into the city knowing no matter what they'll all be ready for the inevitable dangers that await them.