• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

The Duo of Chaos

That night as the guys were walking back from the school, Spike spoke, "Well that was quite a tour. I'm exhausted from it all." the pup yawned.

"Oh, Spike." Twilight said, as she picked her number one assistant up and carried him.

Dustin walked by them, and scratched Spike's head, "I know you had a long night pal, but tomorrow we're taking you and our animal friends someplace really special."

"Where is it this time?" Spike asked, only for Domino to speak up.

"Trust me on this one, Spike. Where we're going tomorrow you'll have the time of your life."

"I'll take your word for it since you and the guys introduced me to scraps." the dragon/dog replied.

"Introduced you to what?" Rarity asked curiously, while Twilight wondered what he meant as well.

"Never mind." Spike answered, not wanting to tell them he ate garbage.

The very next morning, the group was walking with their animal familiars who were all looking excited, "Oh man I can't wait till we get there." Salem said, in excitement.

"Feels like it's been a very long time since we've went to it." McTwisp added.

Spike rolled his eyes getting tired of all the vagueness they were passing around, "I wish one of you would tell me exactly where we're going."

"Yeah you're saying it's someplace Spike would enjoy?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Oh yes. It's an animal's paradise." Alice explained.

"So then where is this paradise?" Rainbow asked, while also getting annoyed by the vagueness as much as Spike.

"Right here." Aria said, as they stood outside a place with a sign reading 'Becky's Pet Pampertorium.'.

"Becky's Pet Pampertorium?" Muse asked, while reading the sign.

"Oh yeah. Becky and her workers got the magic touch for animals." Dustin explained.

"It's like heaven on earth." Tricera said in awe.

"Come on in." Alicia said, as they entered the building.

They approached the desk and saw a girl in her late twenties behind it. She had short brown hair, green eyes, and a mole on the side of her lip. Her attire included sneakers, jeans, and a blue top, "Becky!" Dustin and the boys called.

The girl looked seeing the entourage, "Hey, there are my favorite guys!" she spotted the newcomers, "And who're the newbies?"

"Becky, allow us to introduce to you some old friends," Alistair began introducing, "This is Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Muse, and Wildcard. Guys this Becky Zacarski, owner of the Pampertorium."

"Very nice to meet you, ma'am." Twilight greeted her.

"Let's not be formal, call me Becky," she replied as Salem, Domino, McTwisp, and Fievel got on the desk, while Tricera put his paws up on it, "Hi, guys. I bet you're all looking forward to a relaxing time aren't you?"

"Honey, you know it." Salem answered, shocking the pony/humans.

"Uh, did you know Alicia's good at throwing her voice?" Twilight asked sheepishly, while the others glared at Salem who wasn't intimidated.

"Relax you guys. Becky's a spirit warrior too." Dustin explained.

"She is?" They asked.

"Yeah, and this place here is specifically for the familiars of Spirit Warriors, Dark Warriors, and even mages." Becky explained.

"What happens if someone with a regular pet comes in that isn't any of the above?" Wildcard asked.

"We send them to room two." Becky answered.

"Clever." Twilight admitted.

"So the usual with you guys?" Becky asked the owners of the familiars.

"Yeah, and we brought another for you to give the royal treatment." Dustin added.

"Oh?" Becky asked curiously, as Twilight picked Spike up and placed him on the counter. At the sight of the puppy, Becky's eyes lit up, "Oh, my goodness! Who is this adorable sweetie?" she cupped Spike's face.

"That's Spike." Twilight introduced her.

"Oh what a cutie pie!" Becky nuzzled with Spike, who started enjoying it.

"Don't be fooled though. He wasn't always a dog." Alistair warned her.

"What do you mean?" Becky asked curiously.

"He's actually a baby dragon." Dustin explained.

"A dragon?" she looked at the puppy.

"Yeah, wild huh?" Spike asked.

"That's incredible. But how does a dragon turn into a dog?" she inquired.

"Well our friends here are not from around here," Domino explained, "They're from another world populated by ponies."

"Ponies?" she raised a brow.

"Yeah, in fact that's what they really are." Dean added, while motioning to the group.

"So why would ponies from another world be here?" Becky asked curiously.

"It's a long story, but right now you got a job to do." Dustin reminded her.

"Of course." Becky nodded, as the guys picked their familiars up and followed Becky around back.

When they reached the back, the girls and Wild gasped. It was like Ponyville's spa only it seemed made for animals. Several animals ranging from dogs, cats, birds, and vermin/rodent type creatures were being treated and served, "Wow." Spike gasped.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Tricera asked.

"So you'll take the usual royal treatment?" Becky asked.

"Sure, and an extra for Spike here since it's his first time." Dustin replied.

"All right come with me, guys." Becky instructed the animals to follow her.

"Guys!" they turned and saw Eu who was already there.

"Hey Eu, I was wondering where you were." Alistair said, as the two kissed.

"But why did you come here?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Yeah did you decide to meet us down here?" Applejack asked.

"Actually my own familiar needed this." Eu explained.

"You got a familiar, since when?" Rainbow asked, knowing they hadn't seen her with a pet or anything since they met her.

"Always. He's been on business with others." she explained.

"So where is he?" Twilight asked.

"Over there." Eu motioned to a ferret that was getting his fur groomed.

The other animals saw him and Fievel cheered, "Calem, my chum!" he jumped onto the table where the ferret known as Calem was being treated and the two paw bumped, "I didn't expect to run into you today."

"Fievel my compadre, a joy as always," he spotted the rest of the animal entourage, "Ah Domino, Tricera, Salem, and McTwisp. You all look spiffy today."

"So do you granted you're getting the treatment before us." Salem noted.

"Too true," Calem admitted, and spotted Spike, "Who's the new guy?"

"This is Spike, our 'dragon' friend we told you about." Domino explained.

Calem eyed Spike before speaking, "Oh the dragon from the pony land. Well nice to meetcha, Spike. I'm Calem McGreggory; Magical Ferret elf to the benevolent witch girl Eucliwood."

"Nice to meet you too, Calem." Spike greeted him back.

"Ok guys, you can take some spots while we get ready." Becky instructed, as the animals each got on a massage chair.

As the animals were getting their treatment, Twilight spoke to Eu, "So you did have a familiar?"

"Yeah, he's been overseas dealing with personal business." Eu explained.

"He's a very cute little weasel isn't he?" Pinkie asked them.

"Actually Pinkie, I believe he's a ferret." Fluttershy corrected her.

"Correct," Eu began, "Calem's been with me ever since I finished my magic training. He's very resourceful and knowledgeable in legends, history, and magic."

"He also had a possessive streak." Alistair grumbled.

"What was that?" Rarity asked.

"Oh don't mind him," Eu replied, "He just has old issues because Calem would always try and keep him away from me."

"He tried to bite my finger off once." Alistair said, as the girls couldn't help but chuckle.

"So how'd he finally come to accept you?" Wild asked.

"I convinced him that trying to keep me away from Eu, would make her sad," he explained, "And her happiness is important to him."

"Clever." Twilight admitted.

Soon each of the guys familiars were enjoying their relaxation. Tricera was lying down and getting his nails clipped, while eating from a bowl of dog food. Domino was getting his wings washed while he was picking bird seed from a feeder. Salem was getting his fur brushed, while sipping from a tuna martini. Fievel was soaking in a little jacuzzi, while eating some cheese. McTwisp was munching on a carrot, while getting his back massaged. Spike was standing in a tub as water was poured on his back and he was getting covered in suds, "This is a bath I can enjoy." Spike said, as he was being washed, while recalling the last bath he was given was traumatizing.

"Oh yeah, this place was sent by heaven." Fievel replied in delight, while enjoying his jacuzzi soak.

"If Clara stepped into this place, she'd go all out on every critter." Salem said with a shudder.

"And that's a fact," Tricera agreed, "Hey Gustav, top me off with another bowl will ya?" he called to a male worker, who gave him another bowl of dog food.

"So what were you doing overseas?" Domino asked Calem.

"Had to take care of some family business," Calem began, as he sipped some water, "My Uncle Albert was arrested by the ferret society."

"For what?" Fievel asked feeling puzzled.

"He poured itching powder into the barracks of the ferret soldiers." Calem explained, as Fievel rolled his eyes.

"Why am not surprised?" Fievel asked rhetorically.

Meanwhile at Felix's HQ, Johan and Omaddon stood before Ebon's mirror as Felix and Clyde stood on each side of it, "Johan and Omaddon," Ebon began, "The time has come for you to prove you're valuable as Felix states you are. Cause as much chaos as you can and feed me the fear in these lowly worms hearts."

"As you wish, Ebon." Johan answered.

"Yeah, we're off." Omaddon finished, as the two exited through a shadow portal.

As the animals kept getting one type of treatment after another, Applejack spoke, "I'm sure Winona would love to come to a place like this."

"As would my darling Opal." Rarity added.

"Angel would as well since McTwisp seems to love it here." Fluttershy noted.

"I should've brought Gummy with me." Pinkie pouted.

"You think they'd even do animals as big as Saba?" Muse asked the boys.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Alistair answered.

Suddenly Dustin's watch beeped and they all looked curiously, as the spike head clicked on it as an image of Zyphon appeared in the watch, "Zyphon, what's up?"

"Master Dustin, we got an emergency," Zyphon spoke from the communicator, "I just checked the monitor, and I just pinpointed two unknown dark warriors causing a riot."

The group gasped as Dustin spoke, "Where's the location?"

"It's coming from the Grand Central Terminal train station." Zyphon explained.

"Oh no." Alice gasped.

"We gotta do something." Elroy spoke.

"But what about them?" Twilight asked, while seeing the animals weren't finished with their treatment yet.

"We'll let them enjoy themselves," Dustin explained, before calling Becky over, "Becky, listen we gotta step out right now, but we'll be back soon. Don't tell Domino and the others, ok?"

"Sure thing." Becky nodded.

"Come on let's go." Dustin ordered the group, as they stepped outside.

Soon Dustin and his group were leading their friends through the city, "Zyphon said they were unknown dark warriors. Guess we can cross Felix and Clyde off the suspects list."

"So where is this Grand Central Terminal?" Rainbow asked, as she ran along side Dustin and Jethro.

"Not too far from here." Aria answered, as they picked up the pace and could see civilians were running away from the direction they were heading in.

"There it is up ahead." Ralph called as they hurried.

They pried their way through the crowd before reaching the inside, and saw the shadow soldiers causing trouble, "Hey boys!" Dustin called grabbing their attention, "If you missed your train ride then you should do the smart thing and wait for the next one."

"Levity gets you nowhere." one of the shadow soldiers answered.

"Whatever, now why don't you guys take a hike?" Alistair suggested.

"We got a better idea," a voice spoke, as the shadow soldiers slid aside making a clearing for Johan and Omaddon, as Johan continued, "How about you guys surrender now and spare yourselves a bone crushing defeat."

"And bone crushing's what I do best." Omaddon chuckled.

"Who're these guys?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"They're ghastly." Rarity gagged at the sight of their styles.

"I don't know who these guys are." Dustin admitted in worry.

"I don't either." Alistair added.

"Who are you two?" Alicia demanded.

"We are the Chaos Duo," Johan began, "I'm Johan the sadist."

"And I'm Omaddon the bone cracker." He cracked his knuckles.

"Looks like you got some competition, Ralph." Elroy whispered to Ralph, who nodded while surprised.

"And why're you here?" Alistair demanded.

"Our old friend says there was some bugs in New York that needed squashing, and I'd wager you're those bugs." Johan answered.

"Ugh, how dare you refer to us as insects!" Rarity gasped in mortify.

"You varmints say old friend?" Applejack inquired.

"Yeah," Johan replied, "Felix said you were all giving him a hard time."

"So we came all this way to teach you what happens when you mess with our pal." Omaddon finished.

"You teach us?" Alicia asked in deadpan.

"We'll see about that." Dustin said, as he and his friends summoned their weapons, while Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy dawn their elements of harmony.

"Let's go guys!" Alistair called, as they charged.

"Get them!" Johan ordered the shadow soldiers who charged.

Dustin used his saber to slice two in half and they dissolve into smoke, "Too easy."

Applejack was dodging the attacks of one, before she spun kicked it knocking it backwards, "Take that yellow bellied varmint!"

Eu twirled her magic staff and unleashed lightning upon some of the shadow soldiers, "Shocking isn't it?" she tried to make a funny.

Pinkie was bouncing around the shadow soldiers confusing them, before she jumped up high and pullet out a large mallet from behind her back, "HAMMER TIME!" she screamed, before slamming it down on two shadow soldiers making them go poof.

"Where'd you get that mallet?" Jethro asked in confusion.

"It's easy. I reach behind my back and it appears and I put it behind my back and its gone, see?" she asked, as she placed it behind her back and pulled her arm back revealing it was gone. This just gave Jethro a headache trying to find an explanation.

Rainbow and Wild were running around the shadow soldiers dodging their grips, as Rainbow spoke, "Hey cuz, boost me up!"

Wild spun and held his hands out together. Rainbow Jumped onto his hands and he boosted her up higher. She landed downward with her leg out and kicked one dark warrior knocking more down dominoes.

Johan and Omaddon frowned seeing the shadow soldiers being eliminated, before they decided to take it to the offense, and charged into battle. Johan summoned a whip made from his dark energy, while Omaddon summoned spiked gauntlets made from his dark energy, "Bashing time!" Omaddon called, as he started attacking Ralph who was using his spirit energy enhancing his muscles to block some of Omaddon's punches. Omaddon finally found an opening and slugged Ralph in the chest sending him flying backwards and crashed onto a bench.

"Ralph!" Pinkie screamed in worry.

"I'm ok!" Ralph called, as he got up.

Johan started cracking his whip, "Get back!" he snapped the whip trying to hit Alice who jumped back.

"Spirit gun!" she fired her attack at Johan, who extended his left hand conjuring a shadowy crystal shield that repelled the attack.

"Whoa!" Dustin and Aria gasped.

"Nice try girl, but against a duo like us you're all out of your league!" Johan called, as he powered his shield down and was firing shadow gun blasts at them.

They all started dodging, as Elroy spoke to Fluttershy, "Flutters, can't you give them a stare down like you did last time?"

"Sorry Elroy, I'm terrified beyond anything to do it." Fluttershy admitted in fright.

"Come on guys, we can't give in!" Dustin called, as they all started attacking the duo.

Rainbow and Applejack tried to kick Omaddon, but the dark warrior brute caught both their legs and threw them over his shoulders. Alice attacked with her spirit lance, only for Omaddon to duck from the attack and punch her away, "Alice!" Alicia called.

Eu frowned and aimed her staff at Omaddon, "Taste ember!" she shot fire from her staff, as Omaddon used his shadow gauntlet covered fists to punch through the fire shots.

Johan smirked, as he used his whip to ensnare Twilight's feet and trip her up, "Ok, that was stupid." she groaned.

"You leave Twilight alone!" Pinkie tried to attack, only for Johan to stick his leg out and her trip, "Oof!"

Ralph tried to throw a punch at Johan, only for him to duck and elbow him in the gut. The duo plowed through them all and threw them into a pile, "These guys are tough." Wild said.

"I know, too tough." Dustin added.

Johan and Omaddon snickered to each other, "Now let's finish them and take these elements of harmony Ebon's been talking about." Johan ordered, as they approached the group, they were blasted from above by spirit and shadow gun shots.

"Hey whose firing on us?!" Omaddon demanded, as the blasts were aimed at his feet forcing him to do a dance.

Everyone looked up above seeing Burai and Xever standing on top of higher ledges of the station, "Bro!" Aria and Alistair called.

"Just in time." Dustin smirked.

"We're coming down!" Xever called, as he and Burai jumped down and somersaulted through the air before landing on their feet.

"You guys did good in holding them off. Now we'll take it from here." Burai said, as he summoned a spirit dagger and Xever summoned his shadow switchblades.

"Johan, who're these guys?" Omaddon asked cautiously.

"I think these might be the ones Felix told us about," Johan answered, "His former friends."

"That's right," Burai began, "I'm Burai Sanzo."

"And I'm Xever Savage." Xever greeted them.

"A pleasure, but it's a shame we must crush you." Johan said, as he and Omaddon got ready.

Xever looked to Burai, "So which one ya want?"

"I'll take the one with the whip." Burai answered, as Xever smirked and replied.

"That leaves me with big and ugly." So the two charged at the Chaos duo, with Burai striking at Johan's shadow aura shield with his spirit dagger, while Xever was using his switchblades against Omaddon along with his martial arts moves.

"So you're Felix's new crowd?" Burai asked Johan, while dodging his whip strikes.

"Yeah, he changed up when he left you losers." Johan said, as he blocked a punch from Burai.

"Changed up?" Burai asked, in a mock laugh, "More like he lowered his standards."

"Are you saying we're beneath you?" Omaddon asked, as he foolishly left himself wide open for Xever to shoot a shadow shot at him knocking him backwards and crashed into some lockers putting a big dent in it.

"Omaddon!" Johan called and growled, as he fought back against Burai,determined to avenge his partner.

"Sorry man, but it's time for you to bow out!" Burai called, as he fired a shotgun at Johan sending him flying backwards and he crashed onto Omaddon.

The two saw Burai and Xever stand proud and tall over them as Johan called, "Time to bail!" he opened a portal for the two to escape in.

"That's game!" Burai declared.

"That's what I'm talking about." Xever replied, as they fist bumped. They turned and saw their younger siblings and their friends get back up and got themselves together.

"Are you guys ok?" Burai asked in concern.

"Don't worry we're all right." Dustin answered, as they each started shaking off the bruises and such.

"Here this will help." Burai said, as he extended his hands out to them as his spirit energy shined over them causing their cruises to heal.

"Wow, I feel totally rejuvenated." Wildcard gasped.

"Thanks, bro." Aria thanked Burai.

"You're welcome." he replied.

"What was up with those guys, though?" Alistair asked, as he and Eu straightened themselves out.

"Yeah, they were on par with Felix." Dustin added.

"Obviously those two are on Felix's level and very well our level." Xever theorized.

"What now?" Twilight asked.

"Xever and I will go to Darius and dig up some more dirt on those two. In the meantime shouldn't you guys be somewhere?" Burai asked.

"He's right, we got to get back to the pet salon." Aria remembered.

"Right, thanks for you help guys." Dustin said, as the group ran out. Burai and Xever looked at each other smiling knowing their work was done, and they left through another exit.

At Felix's hideout, Johan and Omaddon presented themselves before Ebon's mirror, Felix, and Clyde, "We had them on the run honestly we did." Johan pleaded to them.

"But then those two showed up and spoiled everything." Omaddon added.

"Silence!" Ebon bellowed, making the two recoil, "You two had a simple job to steal the elements of harmony from them and you turn up empty handed."

Felix spoke up, "Ebon, I know they failed but don't send them away because of this mishap."

"Silence Felix, and let me finish," Ebon ordered, as Felix hesitantly stood down as the dark unicorn continued, "However, you two managed to stir up more and more fear in the hearts of these humans. That fear has empowered me even more. With just the right amount more I will be able to resume my bodily form. So I shall overlook this mishap." Felix and Clyde looked joyed while the duo sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Lord Ebon." Johan thanked him.

"Next time we will not fail. I promise." Omaddon promised him.

Ebon squinted his eyes, "If you break that promise you two will be the first I take prisoner once I regain my body." the duo shivered at the vibes he was giving off from his mirror and bowed their heads.

Back with the guys, they returned to the pet salon, "We're back." Dustin said, as he groaned still recovering from their fight.

"You take care of what you needed to do?" Becky asked.

"Yeah, piece of cake." Ralph replied.

"So how are they?" Twilight asked.

In response, Spike, Domino, Calem, Fievel, Tricera, Salem, and McTwisp were brought out, "We feel magnificent!" McTwisp cheered.

"Better we've felt in years." Tricera added.

"How about you, Spike?" Twilight asked her number one assistant.

"It was amazing!" Spike cheered as he did a little jump.

"Well we're so glad for you," Rarity said, as she scratched behind his ear, "Now we need a little treatment of our own." she sighed.

"Don't worry, I know a place for us." Eu replied, as the pony girls looked at her curiously.