• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,513 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

High School Tour at Night

One night, Dustin, Alistair, their gang, and the Mane 8 were sneaking up to a high school, "Well this is it." Dustin began.

"Welcome to Norton High school." Alistair introduced the Mane 8.

"This is where you go to school?" Twilight asked, while looking up at the building with Spike.

"Yeah, well unless you're Dustin he's another case." Elroy explained.

"I teach here, even if it's to guys my own age." Dustin explained.

"So we just came here to look at it?" Rainbow asked, feeling this was a waste of time.

"Yes, but we're looking at it from the inside." Ralph explained.

"But it's locked." Fluttershy motioned to the locked doors.

"Don't worry. I have a key." Dustin smirked, as he pulled out a high tech pen that extended a key.

"But this is breaking in." Applejack said in worry.

"We're not going to steal anything, besides I teach here. It's like my haven." Dustin explained, as he unlocked the door and they all slipped inside, with Dustin closing the door behind them.

They started walking through the dark hall,s as Dustin opened one of the classrooms with his key and they entered, "Welcome to my homeroom class." Dustin introduced, as they looked around the room.

"So this was your desk?" Wild asked, as he plopped into the seat behind the teacher's desk.

"Correct. I'd sit there for countless hours watching students do their assignments." Dustin explained, as he patted the desk.

Ralph looked under one of the desks, "Hey, the gum I stuck under here before school let out is still here."

"Gross." Aria gagged.

"If you peel that off and eat it I'll vomit on your face." Alicia threatened the big boy, who slid away from the desk.

"Come on, there's a lot more we want to show you." Dustin said, as they left the classroom and locked it again.

They led the group through the dark halls, as Jethro spoke, "School sure is different at night."

"Yeah, quieter." Dean added.

Dustin unlocked another door, as they entered the cafeteria that was spacious due to all the lunch tables folded up and put away for the summer, "This is the school cafeteria." Dustin explained, as they walked around.

"A lot of action happened in this very place." Ralph explained.

"What kind of action?" Spike asked as he sniffed around.

"Ok, get this," Elroy began, "First it started off like any ordinary day in the cafeteria with the workers serving us the standard servings. Then suddenly one of the students got pied in the face with cherry pie from the dessert section. Suddenly he called out 'FOOD FIGHT!' and soon everyone was throwing food around the place. It was hilarious!" he laughed with the guys.

"I remember I was taking cover underneath one of the tables." Alice added.

"This whole place had to be really messy after that." Muse said, envisioning the place covered with thrown food.

"Yeah, but the good news was the janitor was being paid overtime." Elroy noted.

"So we did him a favor." Ralph chuckled.

"Although it does bring back disturbing memories, like one for me." Dean said, with a shudder.

"What?" Rainbow asked.

"Well one time during our first semester of freshman year at this place," Dean began, "My grandmother decided to become cafeteria monitor."

"What's so bad about that?" A.J asked, not getting what he was going for.

"She didn't apply for the job to monitor the cafeteria. She did it to monitor me." Dean complained.

"Monitor you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, to make sure I ate all my food, and kept my shirt on, and sat with her!" he explained.

"That was bad." Ralph agreed, remembering seeing Dean being forced to sit with her certain times as she monitored the cafeteria.

"Why would she think you'd need to be made sure to keep your shirt on?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"She said high school encourages that rebellious behavior," Dean explained, "Luckily my dad got her to quit or risk me threatening to drop out from humiliation."

"After a week someone else became the subject of humiliation and Dean was in the clear." Aria added, as Dean sighed feeling glad his days of humiliation didn't last too long after his grandma quit.

"So what else is there you want to show us?" Wild asked.

"Right this way." Alistair said, opening one of the doors of the cafeteria and they exited before locking them.

Dustin went to another door and unlocked it, allowing them inside a room that looked enormous, "What's in here?" Pinkie asked, as they saw it was too dark to see anything.

"Give me a moment." Dustin said, as he went to a wall and flicked on some switches. Suddenly lights on the high ceiling came on revealing to them they were in a gymnasium.

"Whoa." the group gasped.

"This is our school gymnasium." Alistair explained, as he walked onto the court.

"They'd have us run all sorts of exercises in this very place. Stuff worse than Burai and Xever's training." Aria added.

"And you wouldn't believe some of the stuff they'd find to give us an excuse to do push-ups." Ralph added.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Well during our roll call, Coach Mitran made me do push-ups because one of my socks was higher than the other." Ralph explained.

"Seriously?" Applejack asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah." the big teen explained.

"And he did the same to me too," Elroy added, "I had my arms to the side and he saw my right hands thumb was tucked into my fist, while my left hands thumb was sticking out of my clenched fist."

"I'll bet Spitfire would love to take notes from him." Rainbow joked.

"But we did have a lot of fun times in this gym." Alistair said.

"Hey guys!" Jethro called, as he came out from a storage room and held out a basketball, "Remember this guy?" he passed the ball to Dustin.

"Hey old Rusty!" Dustin chuckled as he dribbled the ball.

"Old Rusty?" Wild asked, as Dustin passed the ball to Alistair.

"Yeah, this was our lucky ball," The dark warrior explained, "Whenever we'd need a point, he'd always come through for us. Did ya miss us boy?" he asked the basket ball.

"And when Dustin would have a free period he'd come down here to watch gym class and sometimes partake in the activities." Jethro explained.

"Hey as long as we're here, let's shoot some hoops." Dustin suggested.

"I'm down with that." Dean agreed.

"I'm game." Jade added.

"Count me in." Rainbow approached.

"Me too." Wild added.

"We'll just watch." Twilight said, as she and the other girls sat off to the side by the bleachers.

So Dustin, the guys, Rainbow, and Jade were doing some free for all basketball where there was no team or score. The girls watched as Rainbow was adapting to the sport with her new body along with Wild as they started getting into the game. Eventually they wore themselves out and sat off to the side with the others, "That was some game." Jethro panted.

"No kidding." Dustin agreed.

"It was awesome." Rainbow pumped an arm up.

"You guys sure played hard." Pinkie noted.

"That's just the way we are." Ralph replied smugly.

"If you think their basketball skills are something, you should check out what we can do," Aria said as she brought Alice, Eu, Jade, and Alicia onto the court, "Ready girls?"

"I think so." Alice answered nervously.

"Always." Jade answered confidently.

"What should we do?" Eu asked curiously.

"How about Formation Giga?" Alicia suggested.

"Perfect, Alicia," Aria confirmed, as the four girls took a position, "Music, please."

Dustin turned on his cellphone and it started playing remix music. As the song played the girls were performing dance routines like natural cheerleaders, especially Jade given her gymnastics talent. Twilight and the girls watched in amaze at their performance while Dustin, Alistair, and Elroy were fantasizing about the girls.

As they finished their performance, Twilight and the others applauded, while Dustin whistled, "Fabulous! Absolutely fabulous, darlings!" Rarity clapped.

"Boy howdy that was some performance." Applejack applauded.

"You girls are really good at this." Fluttershy complimented them.

"Thanks, we do practice." Alice admitted sheepishly.

"Yeah, you sure do." Dustin admitted, while looking a tad depressed.

"You ok?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just sometimes it's hard being a teacher at the school your friends are students at," Dustin explained, "I mean I finished my college education at age eleven, and I was made as a sub teacher mostly. Then when I hit thirteen I was appointed as teacher here at the school. It wasn't easy to get students to take me seriously. The girls thought I was adorable and the guys tried to walk all over me. But eventually I showed them I was more than capable of being a teacher even to them. My problem is being attracted to the girls in my class. No offense, girls." he spoke to the twins and Aria.

"We understand." they replied, seeing what point he was trying to make.

"Even though I'm only a teen like the students, the other faculty members treat me as if I've grown up too fast and feel if I dated any girl of the student body it would be frowned upon. I mean a teacher dating his student is something frowned upon in the world of education." he finished.

"But we assured him even if he became a principal of a school he's still one of us no matter what they say." Alistair explained.

"After all, just because he got a career faster than most people, doesn't mean he has to grow up faster." Jethro added.

"And when school dances come I'll be sure to ask him to be my date." Aria put in, but was interrupted by Alicia.

"Not if I ask him first." Aria frowned at Alicia's smugness.

Alice twiddled her fingers together, while muttering under her breath, "I'd like to go to any of our school's dances with him."

"So shall we move onto the next part of the school?" Dustin asked.

"What's the rush, Dustin?" Ralph asked, "Do you know what we can do now that it's just us in the school?"

Dustin looked at Ralph and the others as if they were egging him on, until it dawned on him, "You're right. Let's hit the showers!" the boys cheered in response, while the pony girls raised a brow.

Alicia spoke up, "He's right, after all that dancing and jumping I could use a shower."

"Right, so how about it everyone?" Aria asked, as the girls started agreeing and Aria turned to the pony girls, "Come on you'll love our gym showers."

"It may not be fancy, but it's clean." Eu spoke to Rarity.

"Well I suppose." Rarity accepted the invite.

"Then let's go." Dean said, as the boys started rushing for the locker room, with Dustin picking up Spike.

"Even you can't go into the girls locker room."

"Bummer." Spike sighed, as the boys went to the boys locker room, and the girls went to the girls one.

In the boys locker room, the boys had their clothes in lockers, as they were in the shower stalls washing off their sweat, "You know what I like best about showering here when it's not school?" Elroy asked the guys.

"Not being rushed to shower fast by others who need to use them?" Jethro asked.

"No one using up all the hot water?" Dustin wondered.

"No one stealing your clothes and throwing them out into the hall?" Ralph inquired.

"Well those are good reasons, but I was going for that we don't have to rush our showers to get to class." Elroy answered.

"I hear ya, brother." Alistair replied, as he dried his hair.

Wild was lathering his body up with soap, "Nothing like a good shower after a game."

"Yeah, when we first discovered we had to do this when we entered junior high, we were all nervous about showering in a room of other guys." Dean explained.

"But eventually we got used to it." Dustin added, as they stepped out of their showers with towels wrapped around their waists.

They all looked over at Dean who was smirking, "Now comes the best part about locker room."

"Uh-oh." the boys gasped, as Wild looked confused.

"Uh-oh, what?" he asked, only to get whipped in his chest with a spare wet towel Dean was holding.

"Towel whip fight!" Dean shouted, as the guys started grabbing some spare wet towels to use as whips.

Spike, Domino, and Fievel watched as the boys were whipping each other with their wet towels, "This is seriously what they'd do in these locker rooms?" Domino asked.

"What have we been missing out on?" Fievel asked.

"Doesn't feel like you've been missing much." Spike replied, as he watched the scene feeling disturbed.

Meanwhile in the girls locker room, the girls were in their own shower stalls washing up until they heard the boys shouting and whooping from their own locker room, "What're they doing in there?" Twilight asked.

"Judging from the sounds of their calls, it's a wet towel whip fight." Alicia explained, as she was washing up.

"Wet towel whip fight?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"It's what they do when they take a wet towel and use it as a whip on another," Jade explained, "To them that's entertainment."

"I hope they don't slip in there." Alice said in worry.

"They'll be fine, Alice." Eu answered, as she wrapped her hair in a towel.

"Well this shower may not be classy, but it's decent." Rarity admitted, as she showered.

Twilight looked over at Aria, "You know based off what happened at your slumber party, has Dustin or any of the guys tried to get a camera in here to film stuff?"

"No way. Not even they would be stupid enough to try a stunt like that in this place." Aria assured them.

"Because if they did I'd crush them with my fists." Alicia said, while showing the girls her fist to prove her point.

"I would as well." Rainbow added.

"An I would too." Applejack put in.

Soon they all exited the locker rooms back in their clothes, shut off the gym lights, and continued checking out the high school, "This place you're going to like, Muse." Alistair said as they opened a door and entered.

Muse saw they were backstage behind large curtains, "Is this?" she began.

"Yeah, our school's auditorium." Alice answered, as they walked in front of the stage and looked out at the many rows of empty seats.

"Nice set up." Muse said as she looked below the stage seeing the spot where the band members were supposed to play.

"Our school would put together a lot of plays on this stage, and we'd even have our theater classes in this very place." Eu explained, as she walked around the stage.

"We even had a talent show held on this stage," Elroy added, "I blew the crowds away with my martial arts display." he did some poses.

"Get real, Elroy," Jade cut him off, "My gymnastics were way more impressive."

"On the contrary, Jade," Aria interrupted the girl, "They were more enraptured my by my violin talent."

The two looked at her and groaned, as Elroy spoke to the mane 8, "And that's why she won the contest."

Once they finished their tour of the auditorium they left it and entered their school's library, "Now this is my sanctuary." Twilight said, as she walked around the library seeing the shelves of books.

"Anyplace with books is your sanctuary." Spike said, while rolling his eyes.

"I'd come in her during my free periods to read my comics." Jethro said, as he sat by a table.

"What?" Twilight gasped, quietly having been in a library even if the school was closed, "Reading comics in a library? That's just an insult."

"As long as it's something to read, what's the difference?" Jethro asked pointing out the facts, only for Twilight to let out an exasperated sigh.

"He does have you there, Twi." Spike chuckled, only to receive a glare from her, shutting him up.

Twilight inspected some of the books and saw many literature books ranging from all sorts of famous authors she read about from the boys world, "Oh I wish this library was opened so I could check some of these out."

"Well you can't Twi, because we're in a closed school, remember?" Rainbow asked.

"Right." she answered sheepishly.

"Let's get out of here, being in the library is one thing, but being here when it's lights out is just as creepy." Dean said, as they exited the library, while Twilight made sure any book she took off the shelf was put back in its rightful spot.

As they walked through the halls, Alice spoke up feeling a little edgy, "Doesn't this kind of feel like a horror movie to any of you?"

"I'm getting that kind of vibe." Dustin admitted.

"Yeah, after all this does serve as the perfect setting compared to other cliche stereotypes." Jethro added.

"Ooh like an abandoned summer camp, or a haunted house, how about a boiler room, maybe even a graveyard..." Pinkie started naming numerous stereotype horror movie settings.

"Ok Pinkie, you're scaring my sis and Fluttershy." Alicia warned her, as Alice was cowering behind her and Fluttershy was cowering behind Rainbow Dash.

"Whoopsie." Pinkie giggled.

"But she does bring up a good point," Alistair admitted, as they turned towards him, "A high school at night would serve as a perfect setting."

"And who knows, there could be someone lurking about," Ralph began, as he crept slowly to the entrance of another hall, "Right...around...the corner!" he jumped to the entrance of the next hall shocking the group with his dramatics, but they saw nothing was down the hall but darkness.

"Ralph, that wasn't funny." Applejack scowled.

"It kinda was." Rainbow admitted, only for A.J to roll her eyes.

"All right before we start jinxing ourselves with all this talk of horror movies and stuff I say we finish up the tour with our top spot." Dustin suggested, as they walked on and exited the back of the school building and locked it.

They walked through the empty parking lot and reached the area that was occupied by two tennis courts, a track and field course, and finally a football arena with bleachers surrounding both sides. They stopped and sat on the bleachers surrounding the football arena, "This is where we'd watch our school take on rivaling football teams from other schools, and our Norton Hound Dogs would blow away the competition." Elroy explained.

"I once had to fill in for the mascot," Jethro added, "Wearing that costume was freakin' hot inside. And I constantly got itchy on my back and I couldn't reach it due to my arms being unable to reach back there while in the costume. I had to bear with it until half time."

"You guys really like your school don't you?" Twilight asked them.

"Well not to the point where we wish it was everyday, but we like it enough to not not to play hooky." Alistair answered.

"And I have no choice, being a teacher and all I'm required to like it. But when I was at Harvard I wasn't just living it up in the educational field, but in the partying field as well." Dustin chuckled.

"Partying field?" Wild asked.

"Yeah, just because I'm a scholar at a respectable university doesn't mean I have to act like a stiff." Dustin replied.

"Well you can share your party experiences another time. Right now we better get back." Twilight suggested.

"Yeah, I'm bushed." Spike yawned.

"So am I." Domino agreed.

"Likewise." Fievel finished.

"Yeah it is late," Alistair admitted, "Well this concludes our night tour of Norton High school. We hope you enjoyed it." he said acting like a tour guide.

"Come on let's go." Dustin said, as they headed off, leaving the school campus, unaware they were being watched by Felix and his two comrades Johan and Omaddon.

"So that's them?" Johan asked Felix.

"Correct." the Yoko answered.

"And those girls with the bizarre hair styles and colors are the ones with the magic elements?" Omaddon inquired.

"That's right. Already three of them have managed to power up their elements, and if the other three do then we'll stand no chance against them." Felix warned the two.

"Then we'll just have to make sure they don't power up all their elements." Johan said, as he pulled out a whip.

"They'll be plenty of time for that in the morning, Johan," Felix replied, "For now let us head back and rest for tomorrow." he conjured a shadow portal and the three entered it before it vanished.