• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 7,268 Views, 62 Comments

A Mothers Past, A Daughters Future - Redbook

Twilight finds out that she is the child of Luna. There are some things that are passed down in a family.

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Part Two

Twilight looked down at her chest as a blade of pure light thrusted out. She looked back up to the sky as the rain started to stop. The sound of somepony crying came to her ears. The lavender mare slowly turned her head to find the person who stabbed her. Princess Celestia looked at her while tears rolled down her face. Celestia’s grip on the handle of the sword tightened like if she even loosen up at all, Twilight would die right then.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I wished there was something else we could have done.” Celestia’s voice was steady, but Twilight could hear the sadness she was trying to hide.

“Please, don’t be sorry. I let it win over me and it caused me to do something I can never take back. Now, I must pay the price for it. So, I should say thank you.” Twilight smiled as blood slowly ran down mouth and ran down Celestia’s blade.

“Luna would be proud of you.” With that, Celestia slowly pulled out her blade from Twilight as more blood spilled to the ground. The young mare turn around to face the white alicorn. Twilight pulled Celestia into a hug.

“Celestia, can you do something for me?” The younger alicorn whispered into the older one’s ear. Celestia nodded. “Please, tell my mother that I love her?” Before Celestia could say anything, Twilight faded away. The white mare throw her hand into the lavender mist that blew away. Celestia cried openly now as she tried to understand what her old student had ask of her.


Twilight looked at the blade she had summoned. It flickered in the light as she tried to change the sharpness of the blade. It was a weird feeling as she could feel the change, like it was happening to her, as well. Celestia and Luna did say that the swords we summon are part of them, that they could feel what the sword feels.

The pillars around the garden were placed there for Twilight to train with. The young mare looked up to the pillar in front of her. She set her mind on the blade, so she could make sure it was sharp enough to cleanly cut the pillar. In a flash, Twilight had made her slice. The pillar slid apart where she made the cut.

“Very good, daughter. You are getting better at changing the state of your sword. Tomorrow, we will train you to have it phase through the pillars.” Luna patted Twilight on the shoulder as she smiled down at her. “Now, go rest. You did a wonderful job, today.”

Twilight got up and nodded her head. “Thank you, Luna. I think I will go rest. If anypony needs me, I shall be in my room.” She slowly got to her feet and turned to walk away. That was when the whispers started.

‘Twilight.’ It was like nails on a chalkboard. Twilight placed a hand to her head as she tried to suppress the voice she had had for the past few weeks.

‘Twilight, you know you can’t suppress us forever.’ The voice was chilling, as it knew she could only keep it quiet for only so long. Not wishing to have other see her talk to somepony that wasn’t there, she teleported to her room.

“I may not be able to keep you suppressed, but that doesn’t mean that I have to listen you.” Twilight had grown tired of the voice trying to convince her to let it give her that weird power that almost killed her mother.

‘Come on, Twilight. You have such potential for great things. You know that there is some knowledge that you can’t get without great power.’

“I don’t care. I won’t let what happened last time happen again. I will not be tricked by your lies again.” Twilight took a seat position on her bed as she tried to focus hard on shutting up the voice.

‘We would never do such a thing to you, Twilight. We just want to see you become what you are truly meant to be. You can become anything you want, but you just let them keep you down. Celestia and Luna may be training you, but, they won’t show you how to use the power buried deep within you. But we can.

“I don’t care if I could be queen of the whole kingdom. It’s just not worth what I would lose.”

‘What would you lose? A mother who left you to grow up with some random ponies? A princess who would hide the truth from you all your life? We think that it would be better if you were rid of them. And just think of it, with them gone you could learn spells they have hidden from you.’

“They are only trying to protect…”

‘From what? Yourself? They just don’t want you to take the throne from them. They know the power you could hold and they wish for you to never learn of it.’

“They wouldn’t do that to me. They want me to live up to my full potential.” Twilight closed her eyes as she keep trying to rid herself of the voice.

‘Are you sure of that? How can you know for sure? Have you tried to reach into yourself for the power?’

“Well, no, but why would I? I might not be ready. If I was ready, they would show me.”

‘Try it. We can help you, Twilight. We can give you access to the power still waiting to awaken within you.’

“How can I be sure you won’t do what happened last time?” She wanted to prove the voice was wrong about her mother and her aunt.

‘You can’t. You must take our word for it. We know you want to prove us wrong, Twilight. So, let us in and awaken your power. Trust us. You will love the power and the knowledge it shall grant you.’

“Fine, prove me wrong.” Twilight let out a sigh. She had given in, too tried of the voice talking to her. She just wanted to leave. Then, the worst pain she had ever felt flooded her body. It was like having a million burning coals pumped into your veins and then having water from the coldest lake poured over your body. The whole time her body spasmed on the bed, she could feel somepony else in her head.

Soon the feeling of the second pony faded. Slowly, she got up and looked at her hands before she let out a chuckle. “Oh, it was right. I did kind of like that. I wonder how powerful I have become.”

Twilight held out both hands and in a blink of an eye, two swords appeared. She had a hard time just keeping even one sword from disappearing, but she had two and they hadn’t flickered out, yet. She couldn’t even feel any pull on her magic. She got rid of one of them and, then, with the other, she swung down on her arm and it just went right through. It didn’t cut her. It just passed through her. A wicked grin spread across her face.

“That was just too easy. Maybe they were right. I think my dear mother and aunt have been hiding things from me.” The young alicorn gave a chuckle. “I bet I can learn all kinds of new and powerful spells, now.” The sword she was holding vanished as a lavender glow came over her hand. The spell was a simple location spell, the kind you use to find a missing set of keys. With the amount of power she was putting into it, she guessed the spell could locate anything she could think of.

Twilight found what she was looking for. Luna was still in the training field and Celestia was flying away to some town to do what royals do, greet and talk to ponies. This made her smile. Now, she could have some one-on-one time with her dear mother and not have her aunt stop her like the last time. With that, she faded away from the world.

The young mare reappeared behind the Princess of the Night as she was taking a quick break from her own training. Luna was unaware that her daughter was right behind her until a hand lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

“Hello, dear mother.” Twilight’s voice was different to Luna. It was colder. She jumped up and turned to see something that shocked her to the core. The mare that stood in front of her looked like her daughter, but her coat was many shades darker than usual and the pupils of her eyes were no longer round, but were instead dragon-like slits. Her mane and tail took on a free flowing cosmic form like her’s and Celestia’s.

“Who are you and what have you done to my child?” Luna growled at the thing in front of her.

“Is that any way to talk to your only child? Of course I’m your child. I was just shown the truth about what you and aunty Celestia are doing. I won’t let you or her keep me from what is truly mine.” Twilight held out her right hand and in a flash there was a sword the same color as her new coat.

Luna followed suite and was at the ready for her daughter's attack. “What do you think we are keeping from you that is truly yours?” Twilight just grinned and faded away, but Luna wasn’t fooled. She quickly spun around just in time to block a strike. Holding out her free hand, she casted a quick wind spell to send Twilight flying across the field.

“You know what you two are keeping from me! You want to keep me under your feet and not let me have my true power! You don’t want to fully share the throne with me!” The young mare charged at the older mare at full speed. The sword in her hand started to glow and she swung the sword. A wave of pure magic surged to the Princess of the Moon.

Luna dropped her sword and used both hands to summon a shield. “What has been feeding you these lies? We have done nothing of the short. If we ever hide anything from you, it is to protect you.”

Twilight chuckled and slowly walked toward Luna. “You know that nightmares never die, Mother.” Luna’s eyes grew wide with fear. She had thought that it was gone, that the Elements of Harmony rid the world of it. But, there it was walking toward her.

“Nightmare.” hissed Luna. Without hesitation, she forced a large amount of magic to her hands as she threw them to the ground to cast a spell. From the spot she hit the ground, a wave of blackness spread around area around them.

“You think this will help you.” Twilight laughed as she looked around her. She was surrounded by nothingness and stars.

“I just thought that something familiar would make you feel right at home. Would you like to tell me how you are in Twilight or how are you still alive?” Luna started to walk around Twilight.

“Oh, my. Does mother not know? Did you not know that grandmother was the first or that it’s passed down to each mare in the Night family.” Twilight followed Luna around and chuckled as horror flashed across the older mare’s face.

“You speak lies. Mother was never a monster like us!”

“Oh, but she was. Just like how ponies forgotten Nightmare Moon, they forgot Nightmare. She had such simple teates. Nightmare, it just rolls off the tongue like water off a duck’s back. But, yes, grandmother was the first.” Twilight grinned and a sword flashed in her hand as she charged in.

Luna’s sword flashed in just in time to block. That was all she could do as she was pushed back. Her mind raced as facts flew through her mind, and as she tried to come to terms with the idea of her own mothers succumbing to the nightmare. Twilight did not let up on her strikes. Each one was stronger than the last. If her daughter wasn’t trying to kill her, she would be proud of how good she had gotten.

Luna jumped back, horn aglow as she started to cast another spell. Two points of light near Twilight appeared before chains shot out of them and started to warp around the young mare. Luna may be the Mare of the Night, but she did know some spells.

The lavender mare tried fighting free of the chains of light. That only caused them to get tighter with each movement she made. “Please, stop moving, Twilight. They will only get tighter when you fight them. And, I don’t my only daughter squeezed to death.” Luna let out a sigh. She now had a chance to think about what was going on and how she could fix it.

Twilight stopped moving, but chuckled. “How long do you think you can keep me chained up, Mother? How much magic do you have left? I think you don’t have enough to keep the chains and the field up.” Luna growled, knowing that she was right. She couldn’t keep up both of the spells. The world of the garden slowly came back around them.

Luna felt the strain on her magic lessen and Twilight just grinned. “What are you grinning about?”

“Nothing really, just that it’s amusing that you think this chains will hold me. As we talk away here, I have been building up the magic.” With that Twilight’s body glowed a lavender color and the chains around her broke apart. She looked at her outfit and sighed. “You dirtied my nice dress.”

“If you are worried about a little dirt, then I shall clean it up for you.” Luna smiled as she prepared a little weather spell. The local weather patrols wouldn’t be happy with her, but it would be worth it. She needed more time and a little rain may slow things down just a bit to give her that time. Magic flowed from her horn and into the sky above. Dark storm clouds started from above them, as a heavy downpour came down.

Twilight just glared at Luna for a few minutes. “You think you’re very funny.” She held out one hand and summoned a sword. “This is starting to bug me, Mother. So I think I shall end it.” Luna barely had time to summon her weapon in time to defend herself. This felt like a different fight now. It was like Twilight was toying with her before and now she just wanted to go in for the kill.

Each strike of their swords sent waves of power everywhere. Luna held her ground for a while as Twilight started to pick up strength and speed.

“Give up, Mother. We both know this will only end when you die by my blade.” Twilight’s horn lit up as a critical spell formed beneath Luna and ribbons of black shot up and started to wrap around her limbs. Luna closed her eyes and her body took on a white glow. The ribbons that had wrapped around her were ripped to pieces.

“I would have thought my daughter was smarter than that, but it seems that I was wrong.” Luna charged at Twilight. The younger mare was caught off guard as Luna pushed her attack. The two kept at a pace that would put the Royal Guards to shame. The fight went from a battle of skill to one of endurance.

Luna slided to the other side, panting, and looked over to see that Twilight was in better shape than she was. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep it up. The sword in her hand flickered and she closed her eyes to steady herself. When she looked back up, Twilight wasn’t where she was before. That was the moment she felt a stabbing pain running from her back to chest.

“I’m really sorry, Mother, but I really don’t wish to waste anymore time with you.” Twilight slowly pulled her blade from Luna before she flicked the blood off it. “I think I will be nice and let the other Twilight see you before you move on from this world.” Luna gasped as she dropped to the ground and looked up to see Twilight’s coat go from its new, dark shade to its normal lighter one.

There was a clap of thunder, a flash of light and the rain started to fall down harder on the two mares. Twilight dropped to her knees as she looked up at the sky. Tears mixed with the raining falling on her face. The sword in her hand still dripped with red. It fell into a pool of bloody water before fading away. Luna laid on the ground only a few feet away, slowly breathing.

“Twi… Twilight, please don’t be sad. You must not give into the sadness. Don’t let it win. You must be strong.” The mare coughed up blood and spit it on the ground. Twilight looked down to the mare and rushed over to her. The mare smiled warmly as Twilight’s tears fell on her face.

“Luna, please don’t die. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Please, don’t die.” Twilight’s head landed on Luna’s chest, crying harder as the midnight mare’s breath slowed. One of Luna’s hands shakily tried to move Twilight’s head to look at her. Twilight’s eyes were bloodshot as she keep crying, looking into Luna’s eyes. Luna looked at her with the same warm smile.

“I love you, my little star.” Luna eyes slowly closed as her breathing slowly stopped. Twilight sat up, looking down at Luna. Tears slowly stopped falling, as there were none left for her to shed. She leaned down and gently kissed Luna’s forehead, before whispering into her ear.

“Love you too, Mother.” She gently placed Luna’s head on the ground before she rose to her feet. Her mind was racing a thousand miles an hour as she tried to think of how she could defeat herself.

“Luna!” came a cry of a voice Twilight knew all too well. She dogged, moving to the side as a blade of solar energy thrusted at her. In front of her stood a white mare with anger written all over her face. Twilight knew she didn’t have energy to fight Celestia long enough to explain what happened. Choosing the only option left to her, she teleported far away from place she called home.

Celestia dropped to her knees and let out a primal cry before she dropped down and cried into Luna’s chest for what seem like hours to her.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Princess Glitzy for their help in editing this chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it so far.