• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 3,451 Views, 55 Comments

The Pony and the Hurt Changeling - Ugly-Duckling123

Fluttershy get's captured by the Changelings after being separated from her friends

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Chapter 6 Fluttershy's not so Great Escape

After Fluttershy had did her best on re-bandaging her wing, she went over to the 'gifts' to see if any could help her get out and escape the cell and Hive.

Most of the gifts were rare desert flowers, but there were also strange looking blankets, stories written in an unknown language to Fluttershy, some jewels of some kind, and some thing that looked like it was suppose to be food, although she hadn't tried it yet and didn't feel like wanting to.

Sighing in slight defeat, Fluttershy went over to the door just to look out of it. As she got there Fluttershy saw.... it wasn't shut properly. Looking down the side of the door, Fluttershy found the wedge the nurse placed there, feeling guilty for what she said to her first Changeling 'friend'. Looking down both ways down the corridor, Fluttershy opened the door, and ran as fast as she could away from where she was not knowing where she was going, but knowing anywhere was better than where she just was. Except here...

Up in the sky over the Badlands, Rainbow Dash and Meep were looking for any sign that the Hive's doors were open.

All the sudden they spotted a rock being rolled back revealing a tunnel of some sort, and ten Changelings, all wearing armor of some kind flew out of it causing Rainbow Dash to land behind a rock letting Meep off her back.

"I take it that's the entrance then Meep?" Rainbow Dash asked getting a nod in return.

"That the entrance to the Hive," Meep said looking around the rock. "There are normally four soldiers guarding each side, and there's a net work of tunnels that go on after that."

"Wait so if there are eight soldiers all together at the gate," Rainbow asked thinking, "How did you get out?"

Smiling for the first time since Rainbow had found her Meep said, "Sometimes it's good to be small..."

"Rainbow Dash!" a voice called out behind them making Meep jump and shake with fear.

Turning around Rainbow Dash saw Applejack, Braeburn, and a rather upset looking Little Strong Heart running up to her.

It was Applejack that called out, but upon seeing Meep stopped in her tracks and looked questionably at Rainbow.

Then thinking for a minute asked "What position did we both take, after our first Running of the Leaves?"

"Last," was all Rainbow said. Then turned to Strong Heart and asked. "What colored gem stones did you give Spike, the night me and Pinkie first came to your village?"

Little Strong Heart looked up at Rainbow Dash and answered "Turquoise." Then they all embraced in a hug of friendship and quiet laughter.

Breaking away, Rainbow then asked "Where are the others then AJ?" seeing her other friends weren't there.

"Back in Appleloosa, trying to work out what's wrong with the weather." Just as Applejack had said it puffy clouds made themselves at home in the sky cutting off the sun.

Meep had stopped shaking with fear and looked up to the beings in front of her.

"Oh yeah," Rainbow said smiling. "Meep, this is Applejack, Braeburn, and Little Strong Heart... Guys this is Meep..."

Applejack looked from Rainbow to Meep and then back to Rainbow with a look in her eye saying 'Did you hit your head or something Dash?'

"I'm fine guys," Rainbow said placing Meep on her back. "And so is she... In my opinion she reminds me of Scootaloo." she said smiling.

"HEY YOU!" a louder voice called out above them.

All looking up, they saw at least four Changeling Scouts hovering above them fangs bared and horns lit. Then seeing who was with them the leader said, "727 What are you doing here? You're suppose to be digging tunnels with your same day siblings."

"I slipped out of the Hive for some fresh air 121, and got shut out when you and your idiots shut the door to the Hive not noticing I was missing." Meep called up standing on Rainbow's back who had her wings flared her eye twitching slightly.

"That's disobeying orders 727," the leader said looking only at Meep. "That's three days in the holding cell, and four more for insulting us Scouts."

"Oh quit your punishing you parasite and give us back Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said stomping her hoof.

Looking at the others Scout 121 smiled. He felt love coming from the Buffalo and the stallion, anger hinted slightly with determination and love from the Pegasus and slightly less anger, but as much determination from the Earth Pony. Then it hit him.

"Well, it seems you're not as worthless as the colony thought 727," the scout leader said grinning wickedly. "After all you've bought us two more Elements of Harmony," he pointed to Rainbow and Applejack "and a snack we can give the Queen..." he pointed to Braeburn and Strong Heart.

Then mentally addressing the others told them to only stun the ponies and Buffalo.

As Rainbow was hit all she could her was Meep calling to her and a voice in the back of her head saying 'Well you'll be able to get inside now...' before her world went black.

Fluttershy looked around herself and saw about seventy Changelings either hovering, standing in front of her, or clinging to the walls. She knew if she used her infamous 'Stare' on the Changelings she might have a chance of escaping. But she was too scared to preform it and just curled up and started crying.

Slowly the Changelings hovering above her came to the ground. But that didn't stop her. Chatter whispers and buzzing reached her ears. But that didn't stop her either. Then one of the smallest Changelings slowly came forward and tapped her on the leg, causing her to jump away in fright scaring the Changeling away to hide behind the bigger ones who glared at her.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said looking around for the child "I didn't mean to scare you... Please I... I just want to go home." she said tears in her eyes.

Being creatures that could feel emotions, all the Changeling felt that she was truly upset. Then one step forward. "Would it make us your friends if we helped you get out of the Hive?" it asked.

"Oh yes very much," Fluttershy said smiling.

"She's not going anywhere!" Chrysalis's voice echoed though the room everyone jumping and bowing when she appeared at the front of the room blocking the door, horn flaring fangs bared. "Besides Fluttershy, you wouldn't want to leave with out your friends now would you?" she asked smiling her wicked smile.

"My.... My friends?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes... Loyalty and Honesty, I don't know their names I didn't pay that much attention at the Canterlot wedding." Chrysalis smiled sensing worry and confusion coming from Fluttershy. "My scouts also found the Buffalo Princess and some stupid stallion letting out love to each other. Don't want to leave them behind do you?"

Speechless, Fluttershy just sighed in defeat and looked away from Chrysalis tears in her eyes.

"Take her back to her cell," Chrysalis said "And make sure she stays there understand?" she looked over the Changelings saw some of them nod in response, before she left.

"Three down, three to go..." Chrysalis said to herself ginning her most evil smile.

Back in Appleloosa Twilight was with the Sheriff in his office trying to work out how to get a message to the Princess and ask about the weather.

While Rarity and Pinkie, even though they had their minds set elsewhere, were doing the best to help with the wedding planning.

Pinkie was going around helping the bakers to make their Apple apple treats, fritters, pies, turnovers, caramel apples, etc... and of course the wedding cake.

While Rarity was giving the designs measurements and mild instructions on how to make the dresses for Little Strong Heart and her brides maids (Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash). Also making a dress for Applejack who was going to be Braeburn's Best Mare.

At one point, Pinkie came to see Rarity.

"Rarity," she said in her deflated voice. "Do you think every pony's alright?" she asked.

This got Rarity to stop and look up seeing how upset Pinkie was. "I don't know Pinkie, but I'm sure their fine After all now Fluttershy's got Rainbow and Applejack to find her. And they're the two strongest out of all of us aren't they."

"I guess..." Pinkie said trying on her simple bridesmaids dress.

Suddenly the windows flew open and gale force winds banged them against the walls. Using her magic, Rarity shut them (with a bit of difficulty). "Trust me dear. I think we're in a bit more danger here than they are there..."

In the Sheriff's office Twilight and Silver Stars were trying to work out where all this rouge weather was coming from.

"The weather only seemed to start to go wrong when we came over to Appleloosa Silver Stars," Twilight said looking down at the map. "So the Pegasi must have a weather station somewhere over here as well."

"But the only main ponies in Appleloosa are Earth Ponies, Miss Sparkle," Silver Stars explained looking over the map as well.

At that moment one of the ponies came in her mane all pushed back and her face bright red from pushing against the wind.

"Sheriff, the weather's out of control..." she said "One moment it's sunny, next it's thunder and lightning, then it's cloudy, and now it's windy... What's wrong with the weather Sheriff?"

"I don't know Apple Bumpkin, but we're trying to work it out." Silver Stars said motioning to Twilight who hadn't see Apple Bumpkin come in.

"If it's true that there aren't any Pegasi consistently living in Appleloosa Silver Stars..." she said carrying on with the conversation they had just been having, "The closest Pegasi to it are in Las Pegasus." Twilight said looking to the left of Appleloosa on the map. Then thinking "How long does it normally take weather to get here Silver Stars?"

"Around a week..." Silver Stars said wrapping a blanket around Apple Bumpkin to keep her warm. "Why Miss Sparkle, did you find something?"

"Well the last place we went to was Cloudsdale, and that's about a standard six to seven days airship away..." she said not looking up from the map. Then remembering what Rainbow had said about her and Fluttershy's parents asked. "I know you haven't been here that long Sheriff, but can you remember stuff like this ever happening before?"

"Around fifteen years ago," Silver Stars said straight away "The news papers said it was an out of controlled weather machine. Why?"

"Because I think there might be another one, somewhere above Appleloosa." Twilight said looking out of the window now seeing large hail stones hitting the ground.

"Um... Twilight," Apple Bumpkin spoke up "How are we going to find out and or fix it, if no one here can fly?"

"I... I don't know..." was all Twilight had to say.