• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 3,452 Views, 55 Comments

The Pony and the Hurt Changeling - Ugly-Duckling123

Fluttershy get's captured by the Changelings after being separated from her friends

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Chapter 2 "Where am I?"

Rainbow Dash was the first one out flying up as high as she could to try and scout out the area.

"See her Dash?" Applejack's voice asked, coming out next.

"No," Rainbow said coming back down to help the others out of the balloon.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked looking around rubbing her head, now she knew what her brother meant about holing a shield spell that long gave a pony headaches.

They all looked around and saw buildings off to the distance.

"Wherever we are I think going that way's the best option," Applejack said getting her and Fluttershy's saddle bags and waited for the others to be ready.

As they started walking Pinkie tapped Twilight on the shoulder.

Turning around Twilight saw the party pony's mane had gone flat a bit. "Some... Something wrong Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"Is Fluttershy going to be ok Twi?" Pinkie said tears in the base of her eyes.

Seeing how upset her friend was Twilight hugged her close. "I'm sure she is Pinkie. And as soon as we find somewhere to stop and or some help, we'll go out and find her." she promised mostly for herself than Pinkie.

"I agree, darling," Rarity said looking back to see what was wrong. "Fluttershy's a strong pony remember. Besides with that 'Stare' of hers what would possibly try and hurt her."

Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings, was on her throne thinking up of new schemes to take over Equestria, since the last one failed. All thanks to that stupid purple Unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her dumb friends.

A knock came to the door, that jolted Chrysalis out of her thinking mood.

"What is it?" she asked staring at the the leader of the three Changeling scouts that found Fluttershy. "Couldn't you see I was a little busy here thinking of new ways to take over this stupid kingdom?"

"My Queen, we have found one of the Elements of Harmony, just inside our borders," the Changeling said. "She was falling out of the sky, and seems to of been knocked out but..."

"Oh quit your babbling and just tell me which one it is Scout 121." Chrysalis said. Since there were over a thousand Changelings living at the Hive with more being born every day, Chrysalis didn't bother naming any of her children.

"The Element of Kindness, my Queen," the scout said bowing.

"And where is she now?" Chrysalis asked getting up and readjusting her crown.

"In the prisoner's ward of the Hive my Queen," the scout said letting Chrysalis pass before following her out the door.


In the prisoner's ward, lots of Changelings, young and slightly older, were standing in front of one of the doors trying to look at Fluttershy, who was just starting to wake up.

"Oh my head," she said rubbing her head not noticing the Changelings at the door at the moment, but feeling the pain of a broking right wing.

Suddenly her ears picked up when the Changelings started buzzing in their conversational ways. Turning her head to the door she saw at least fourteen Changelings all with their blue, hinted with green for the older ones, eyes.

"Eepp..." Fluttershy said backing herself into the furthest corner away from the door.

All of the sudden the Changelings ran away giving Fluttershy time to rest for a minute, before Chrysalis came to the door.

"Ah, so it's true," Chrysalis said grinning wickedly. "Nice to see you again Fluttershy, I hope the others are well... Like I care either way." she said loving the fear she was getting off of the small Pegasus.

"Where... Where..." Fluttershy was trying to ask.

"Where are you?" Chrysalis asked looking at Fluttershy with a 'well that's obvious look.' "Why you're inside the Changeling's Hive of course. And once you tell me where the others are, you won't be so lonely in here." Chrysalis said her fangs catching the light a bit.

"I... I'll never tell you where there are. I don't even know." Fluttershy said standing up looking at Chrysalis. "Our airship cashed and I got separated from them."

"Very well," Chrysalis said shrugging off the matter. "If that is your dissension. Oh by the way, if you will allow it I can get one of my nurses to look at your wing and head for you." she said pointing out the broken wing.

"Um..." Fluttershy said knowing not to trust her, but knowing her wing and head wouldn't get tended to any other way. "Yes please..." she said.

"Hold on just a second my dear," Chrysalis said to Fluttershy then turning down the 'corridor' screamed "NURSE 516! COME HERE NOW!"

Fluttershy was on the floor covering her ears and shivering with fear form the noise.

Suddenly a new Changeling came to the door bowing to Chrysalis. "Yes my Queen?" (it sounded like a) she buzzed.

"You Nurse 516 are to be this pony's nurse until she's better. Understand?" Chrysalis asked looking down at the Changeling.

"Of couse my Queen," the nurse said then looked into the cell.

Then telepathically, Chrysalis added... 'And if she says anything about the other bearers, you are to tell me immediately.'

'Yes my Queen,' she answered opening the door to get closer to Fluttershy.

"Well I'll see you later Fluttershy," Chrysalis said leaving.

"Oh... Um... Ok," Fluttershy said turning to the Changeling in the cell with her.

Sensing the fear coming off of Fluttershy the nurse thought of what to do and quickly turned into a pony to comfort her patient.

"Hello Fluttershy," the nurse said. "If you'll let me, I can tend to your wing and head for you." the nurse said calmly getting Fluttershy feeling less afraid, even though it was a Changeling under that mask.

Not knowing what to say, Fluttershy just laid down and let the nurse do her surprisingly good and quick job of bandaging up Fluttershy's wing and head.

On the other side of Macintosh Hills, the rest of the group were just working out where they were.

"Hay this is Appleloosa," Applejack said smiling. "Look there's Sheriff Silver Stars, lets tell him what happened."

Quickly the group went over to the Sheriffs house and explained their story the best they could.

"So what we gonna do Sheriff?" Applejack asked taking her hat off and holding it to her chest.

"Well, from what is sounds like Applejack," Silver Stars said looking at his desked map of Equestria "You were flying over to us when the ship got hit, and walked over to us from around here right?" he pointed to a spot on the map.

"Yes..." Applejack confirmed.

"And Fluttershy was separated from you as you were falling, and you couldn't see her when you looked for her, right Rainbow Dash?" the Sheriff asked clarifying the information he got.

"Do you think she wouldn't be here if I did find her Stars?" Rainbow asked annoyed a bit, between herself, Spike - Twilight's dragon, and Pinkie the Buffalo tribe was really her favorite.

"Rainbow..." her friends hissed glaring at her.

"It's alright ladies," Silver Stars said waving off the comment. "Rainbow can you, err and will you, tell me if you saw these when you flew up." he handed her a picture of some red hills, the tops slightly covered in snow.

"Yeah I saw them," Rainbow said handing the picture back. "What of it? How is this going to help us get Fluttershy back?"

"These are a picture of the Macintosh Hills," Silver Stars explained. "If when you landed, and you couldn't see Fluttershy, and she got separated from you while you were still in the air. That means, she came down on the other side of them."

"But that's next to the Badlands," Twilight said looking down at the map.

"So, we now know where she is, lets get her..." Rainbow said trying to flyaway to find herself being caught in Twilight's magical grip.

"Rainbow Mirrum Dash," Twilight said (using Rainbows almost full name) "Do you know what lives in the Badlands?"

"No... But I bet you're going to tell everypony aren't ya?" Rainbow said sighing.

"How about I give you a hint instead..." Twilight said.

"Oh I love guessing games," Pinkie said some color coming back to her mane.

"They're black, have transparent wings, and tried to ruin my brothers wedding..." Twilight said taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. "Any ideas any pony?" she said looking around the group all seeing the same expression.

"Changelings..." the girls said together just realizing how bad the task has become.