• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 499 Views, 1 Comments

Perfect day - Xgex

Each of the Main 6 experiences the perfect day, Until spike shows up

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Pinkie's day

Pinkie's Day

Hmm Rarity....NO, Applejack....Nah, Rainbow......Kinda obvious, Pinkie.......Yes Pinkie pie is always random. making it easy to wake her up." After minutes of thinking, Spike finally made his choice.

"Laughter....I choose laughter" Spike went to the pink door and opened it. The door led to sugarcube corner where pinkie is apparently sleeping on the counter. Spike nodded when discord appeared and snapped his finger's and everything went black.

"You'll enjoy this Spike.....heheheheheh" The draconequus said before going into the dream.

"AHH Bright so bright." The baby dragon woke up on the roof of sugarcube corner to see pinkie skipping to the party supply store. "Typical of pinkie pie" The dragon tried to get down but tripped and fell down humorously. The dragon went inside to sugarcube corner to see pinkie's schedule. "First i have to find the hole" The dragon saw the large piece of parchment riddled with lists of parties. Parties for everypony in town. He checked the list hoping to see his name and found nothing.

"Oh hiya spike need anything." Pinkie suddenly went carrying tons of streamers on her saddlebag.

"Pinkie you are just dreaming, would you please come with me?" Spike said calmly.

"This isn't a dream silly, My dreams are filled with......CUPCAKES!" Pinkie blurted out randomly. Spike made a facepalm when a knock on the door disrupted their conversation. " What's discord up to now. Like pinkie will listen to us." The cross-eyed mail pony handed a letter stamped with a cutie mark. Pinkie signed her remarks and sent the mail pony away.

"Well............Open it i dont have fingers Spike." The pink mare gave spike the letter. Spike opened it revealing a letter from one of pinkie pie's closest friends Spike handed it to pinkie wand watched her face beam as she read it.

Dear Pinkie Pie

Hello I'd like to invite you to collaborate with me on a party at Manehattan.
My cheesy sense was-a-tingling, It said i need to throw a party with you.
It would be the most SUPER-DUPER-EPIC-PARTY EVER. So wanna come.
You can only bring one friend as im throwing a party for a bigshot celebrity.
Who's it you ask......Secret. so come over here I'll be waitin.

-Cheese Sandwich


"Can i accompany you?" Spike asked.

"Of course not, I'm bringing boneless." Spike did another facepalm as he heard that statement.

"It's an inanimate object pinkie, AN INANIMATE OBJECT!!" Spike sat down on the waiting chair as pinkie stared at spike sadly.

"How, bout gummy?" Pinkie sat down with spike.

"Nope he's a critter of course he's not allowed."

"Then I'll bring you then Spike, Be my assistant for the day." The dragon's face lit up as he heard those words.

"Okay lets go then." Pinkie grabbed her saddlebag and carried spike to the train station "Where's Discord? Did he give up? I wont let my guard down, I need to find the hole and i know its in Manehattan " The two bought tickets and went inside the train. Spike let pinkie roam the train as he went to the room. "A 2 hour journey well even though this is a dream I'll get some rest". The dragon looked outside to see Discord waving his hands at spike before snapping his fingers and telepoting. Spike thought it was to mock him. Spike was yawning when the train moved. as to boredom he soon surrendered to sleep.


"Ooh......Ahh.......Ohhhhh.." The Pink pony was looking out the window with the sleeping spike at her side. Amazed by her surroundings she just stared at the trees for the whole trip. But everything changed when the train suddenly stopped. Pinkie curiously went out leaving spike alone in the room. She went to the engine room and saw the conductor has vanished. As assistant detective to twilight she looked at the floor for hoofprints.The floor was filled with oil and bits of metal when you stepped on it you would easily notice that somepony has been there. She followed the hoofprints until she saw that it leads outside. She still followed oil stains on the grass as she went alone on the forest.

"Whee lets play find the conductor." Pinkie saw the the oil tracks end near a cave and she enters it..

"CONDUCTOR......CONDUUUUUCTOR.. COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE." As she went further and further Discord laughed at the distance as he believed he'd won, Spike was asleep and pinkie was lost. Discord soon felt a sense of sportsmanship with spike and decided to wake him up.

"Spiiiiike. spiiiiikkeee. " The god of chaos pulled out a megaphone and shouted "WAKE UP!." The force of the shout humorously threw spike to the window. Discord snapped his fingers and teleported them out of the train and into the entrance of the cave.

"DISCORD!! What now." Spike said in protest when Discord gestured his hands to the cave and teleported away. Assuming he tricked pinkie into going in he decided to enter the cave. He found a sign saying.


"What's discord up to now?" The dragon went in to find Pinkie bouncing up and down.

"Pinkie! what are you doing here? Its dangerous. Spike hugged pinkie when he found something strange about her fur. The fur slowly deteriorated into scales and her pink mane dissapered. It wasn't pinkie he was hugging a changeling. The dragon screamed as he ran away from the changeling. The cave was almost endless as he ran. He was soon stopped by a hole in the ground. "This is it, Pinkie must fall here " The dragon turned around to find changelings surrounded him. He soon tried to make a fire breath and burned one changeling. The multitude of changeling's took a step back for they are flammable.

"Step back or be burned." The dragon was shot by a changeling and was covered in green goo. The green goo hardened leaving him immobile. The army of changelings carried him to their nest and he found out that Pinkie was there too. The nest has thousands of pods containing unborn changeling's and captured ponies. He was soon brought to the giant menacing pod.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" A deep voice echoed through the cave.

"I'm Spike I'm just finding a friend, I swear " Spike said weakly.

" Prepare to be eaten by the hive, Resistance is futile for I am king PUPA." A Giant Changeling soon came out of the Pod revealing its body.

"A Dragon!!" The king flew upwards in fear that he will be burned. The king thought to eat him but he was bound by ancient changeling law to eat a being more powerful than them.

"Who is the friend that you speak of?" The king said.

"Pink earth pony, Bouncy, Name's pinkie pie." Spike said in return.

"Very well, Release the Loud one." The changeling's flew and took a pod containg a pink glow. The pod opened revealing pinkie pie.

" Go and leave, never to come back." The changeling's removed their binding's and escorted them outside the nest.Pinkie hugged spike in thanks but in return the king saw that their love was strong. The king took action and ordered his minions to capture the two again. Spike hopped on pinkie and pulled her mane.

"Run, Pinkie, Run" Pinkie galloped with all her might and reached the exit of the hive. The changeling's pursued them while spike released his breath burning a lot of changeling's.

"Jump to the hole in this cave." Spike commanded. Pinkie nodded and tried to find the hole. Spike still fired at the changelings burning half of the pursuers. A earthquake trembled as they heard the king screaming.

"SSSPPPPIIIKKKEEE. I WILL EAT YOU!!!" The giant king said angrily and dug through the rocks as an attempt to chase Spike.

"RUN FASTER PINKIE!" Spike said worried about his life. The remaining changelings fled as the king opened his mouth swallowing everything in his way.

Spike embraced despair as they are going to be devoured by the king "Too late. Just jump in the hole" Spike jumped away from pinkie firing his last fire breath at the king's mouth. Effectively stopping the king but Spike was swallowed by the king. The pink pony found the hole and jumped hoping that this nightmare would end.

"Spike? " Pinkie woke when she realized she was sleeping in sugarcube corner. Spike rose as he Gasped for air.

"HEAH, HEAH, HEAH, we won." The dragon hugged pinkie as Discord teleported in front of them.

"Okay time's up "SNAP" Time for round three spike." Pinkie turned into stone as discord teleported spike out of the room. Spike was met by another set of doors with laughter and magic crossed out.

"Why turn them into stone discord?" Spike asked

"They are not part of OUR game, That's why i turn them into stone. So they could not interfere with OUR game!" Discord said with a hint of annoyance.

"FINE, I'll finish your game......" Spike said.

"(GULP) I'll choose.......Loyalty.".

Author's Note:

It was originally going to be Rarity (as she is spikes no.2 gal) But alas spike was emotionally hurt due to his overload at the spa
So who's his third best pony.....Pinkie pie of course

Queen chrysalis is overrated so a king was needed. The king was just a giant fat changeling. Imagine