> Perfect day > by Xgex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike's day The warm sun fills the library as spike wakes up to the sound of trotting hooves. The day started just like any other day, With twilight nagging spike to get to his chores. "Morning spike, How about a day off" Twilight Sparkle said enthusiastically. "Well that's weird, Twilight never gives me a day off. " Spike got out of his bed and stared at the princess. "Whats the catch?" Spike said. The princess levitated him to the bottom floor and said. "No strings attached, Just have a nice day you deserve it, Relax " Twilight winked and went outside and flew to rainbow's house. Spike soon notices Rarity walking towards the library and nervously went up the stairs hoping Rarity would not see him. "Spike, SPIIIIKE, Spikey-wikey, Where are you i need you darling. " Rarity said as she went in the library. Spike ran down the stairs with haste. The blushing dragon stared at Rarity. "Spike i need you to accompany me to the spa to you know, Loosen up" The White unicorn magically handed him a pass at the spa. "Now i know I'm dreaming" The dragon with the bright red cheeks stepped back to catch a breath. "y.yes i.i.I'll. .come wi.with yo.ou to.to.to the spa ra.ra.rity" The dragon was at a loss of words imaging himself alone on the spa with his crush. "Ok its settled you'll come with me to the spa today at 8:00 sharp ok" The unicorn went outside leaving spike amazed at what just happened with the two. The dragon went to the outskirts of town to dig for his breakfast, Gems. As he walked to the exit he hears faint laughter, As if discord was laughing in front of him. He soon shrugged it off and went to the edge of the everfree forest. As he sings his favorite tune he soon settles on a rocky area. "She's a gem digger way over town" As the dragon singed he smelled a vein of gems and went to a spot in front of some rocks and started digging. As the Spike digged with his claws he found a pretty large vein of Rubies. As the dragon chomped down on Rubies, He quickly remembered his spa appointment with rarity. "I'm late oh my gosh gotta go to the spa." The dragon rushed his way to the Ponyville finding the entrance of the spa and saw Rarity was already inside the reception room . "Sorry I'm late Rarity, I ate so much rubies i lost track of time" The panicked spike said. "Don't worry darling i understand lets go inside the spa now" Rarity said calmly. "She didn't shout, That's not typical of her" The two went inside the spa to find a note left by the spa patrons . Dear customers. We twins have went to the spa seminar at Trottingham. Feel free to use the sauna and bath while we are gone. Be right back in three days or more. Leave bits or coupons at the counter please. -Lotus and Aloe. "Well Spikey-wikey lets use the sauna, I've been DYING to get a hooficure but a sauna can do, Hope you're okay with us being alone spike." Rarity headed to the sauna while spike slowly followed her. " Alone with rarity. BEST DAY EVER." The dragon excitedly followed her when suddenly. "hehehe hilarious hahahha" The unknown voice resonated around the abandoned spa. "Rarity this place is giving me the creeps, lets get out of here." Spike nervously said. "Nonsense darling its all in your head, come in the sauna room dear." The White unicorn went towards the smoke and dissapered. leaving spike alone. "RARITYYY" Spike rushed to the room to find himself covered in smoke. 'Rarity? Are you there?" Spike said in the smoke filled room. As sweat dripped in his scales he heard Rarity. "Ever been alone with somepony spike?" Rarity asked. He noticed a change in Rarity's voice from high to low . "No.....Rarity" Spike finally gave up his search and sat in a bench. "I've always fantasized me being alone with you spike, in a empty room" Rarity stated. "Spike why can't i find my special somepony, You know why?" Rarity continued. "Well......" Spike went silent with rarity as he thought of things to comfort her. 'Maybe because it's not a somepony but a somedragon" Rarity said in a flirtatious manner. Spike's heart Raced when He heard that. The dragon nervously took a step back towards the exit "Spike.....Are you ok. We are friends right?"Rarity said in a worried tone. 'No Impossible Rarity's into stallions not dragons.....NO. I can't handle this" The confused and crying spike ran out of the room went out of the spa and went to the outskirts of town. Outside he saw rainbow dash, twilight and pinkie talking, When they noticed him they chased the crying dragon and tried to comfort him."Spike whats the prob?" "spike stop running" "spike where are you going?" As his friends tried to comfort him he just ignored them until he reached the edge of the everfree forest. He entered the forest trying to find a secluded spot to cry in. As he mindlessly ran to the everfree forest he found Black holes in the sky, ground and trees. "What the?....." Spike began hearing distorted sounds and seeing deformed trees.. GO BACK TO PONYVILLE DRAGON!!! A booming voice shouted, But the persistent spike still ran and found himself on a cliff leading to darkness. "This isn't right the old castle should be here" Spike peeked into the abyss and saw nothing but darkness "The end of the world" As he went to investigate the mysterious voice when Spike tripped on a holey branch and fell into the abyss. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Spike flailed his arms and legs as he fell and soon found himself sleeping in Canterlot Throne room. > The real world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The real world As spike woke up to see that he is in canterlot. He saw Celestia, Luna and the royal guards sleeping. He remembered that he delivered a message personally for the princess but found out that discord has snapped and done it again. As the sisters and discord argued he snapped his fingers then everypony slept including him. Discord teleported in with a flash of light and saw spike awake. "How did you get out of my spell spike? Is the fantasy too exciting or too boring" Discord said smiling. "Too bad i was getting amused with your attempts to comprehend love" Discord showed him a picture of spike crying and drooling on the floor "Why you.....What did you do?' Spike demanded. Discord warped a diaper into spike and mocked him. "Big talk for a baby dragon" Discord said. "I just merely helped the citizens of equestria by letting them live their perfect day, Until you woke up" Discord flew to spike and whispered "I'll give you a chance to wake them up,To add excitement to the game, what do you say deal?" Discord offered, Spike gulped and said. "And what if i dont wake them up?" Spike said nervously. "You'll be living in your worst nightmare" Discord said . "(GULP)........Deal" Spike stepped back to see discord using princess Celestia's body as a pillow "I'll tell you the rules of our game, dragon. But only in my way" Discord flew around spike in a circular fashion "In pony's dreams you will appear." "I will try to hinder you, Cause fear" "Go ahead change it's course, Steer' "When they wake up, you will win" "If not, prepare to see ruin" Discord always liked playing games with ponies. Gives him a rush of excitement to see ponies faces bewildered. "So you're telling me that i have to wake up all these ponies?" Spike asked "Only your friends.......So Lets start" Out of nowhere discord grabbed popcorn and teleported them to a cloud on top of ponyville. "Who's first, I prefer The white unicorn's dream it's just so funny" Discord laughed as he is showing Rarity sleeping in her boutique. "Rarity, What ever happened in that dream is not real....Not real". Spike sat down for a while to think, When he remembered that twilight might have a spell to wake up the Ponies "After all she's a princess" . "I choose the twilight's dream" Discord laughed as he snapped his fingers and teleported spike to Twilight's library. The two saw twilight sleeping on the floor drooling and smiling. "Your choice" Discord left a chuckle as he snapped his fingers to start the spell. "Enter the dream and Persuade her to wake up, Remember its HER perfect day, try not to laugh all the time" Discord levitated spike and snapped his fingers blacking out spike's vision. He heard one final whisper as he entered the dream "Let the game begin" > Twilight's day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike found himself on the the entrance of Ponyville. The dragon quickly ran to the library to see another spike cleaning the house. "A copy of me?' The dragon saw twilight trotting down on the stairs to find spike belching out a letter from the princess. The dream spike waved his hand signaling goodbye to twilight as she went out of the house. Spike gave chase when suddenly he saw discord in the distance. The draconequse smiled as he snapped his fingers. The trotting twilight was stopped, When a herd of cows stampeded near her. The infuriated spike tried to find a way to get past those cows as they block the way. "Discord why you.." Spike's cursing was stopped when he found the hot air balloon flying in the distance " I got it" The dragon climbed on the loose rope. He found pinkie pie piloting the balloon. The pink pony was sporting a grin as she piloted the balloon. "He,he,he Ready to go far away spike" The sinister pinkie made the balloon fly higher away from twilight. "What are you doing Pinkie?' Spike said in protest. The pink pony Transformed into a puff of smoke as discord rose out. "Too bad twilight's on her way to the crystal empire for a tea party, and you're not invited." The god of chaos flew out of the balloon and poked it with his sharp chicken claw. Making a hole it in an instant. The courageous dragon jumped out of the balloon and landed in a large bale of hay. The Balloon flew far away as spike rushed to the train station. "One ticket please." The lavender alicorn bought a ticket to the crystal empire to see her brother and sister-in-law. As she entered the train the conductor pony shouted "ALL ABOARD" as he went inside.As the train ran spike managed to hang on to a railing of the train. "I wont let discord win, I WONT." The dragon finally managed to grab on to the window as the train went to the crystal empire. He opened the doors one by one to find twilight and finally found the Very important pony carriage. He found finally found twilight sipping tea on the train. 'TWILIGHTYOUHAVETOLISTENDISCORDHASYOUASLEEPTHISISADREAMALLADREAMWAKEUP" The dragon shouted as twilight stood up to say "Spike say it slowly" Twilight said calmly "Ok twilight discord has captured you and put you in a spell so please wake up" Spike said "C' mon spike what did you eat, this is just nonsense, Discord is reformed and will not harm a pony" Twilight stated Spike kneeled on twilight. "This is not real all of this is not real, All of this is made by discord to fool you into submission" Spike still stubbornly kneeled on front of twilight as two armored crystal stallions entered the carriage. "Princess Twilight come with us, We are the royal guards of the crystal empire please come with us to ensure your safety against evil beings!" The two escorted spike out of the room "HELP! DON'T BELIEVE THEM TWILIGHT YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!" The dragon was kicked out of the VIP section and into the Coach carriage. Spike tried to knock on the door but was answered with silence. "Nooooo, Discord why even bother to let me play your game when you know you'll win" Spike gave up on the knocking and sat on a chair. He pondered on how to make twilight realize that this place is a dream. The train went to a halt as they finally arrive at the crystal empire. The dragon slipped out of the train to find twilight. The dragon thinking the princess went to the castle he quickly departed to the castle grounds immediately ************************************************************************************ "Flash sentry do you really have to accompany me to the throne?" twilight asked "No twilight its my duty to guard you." The two arrived at the throne room as Twilight reread her invitation Dearest friends Sister-in-law I invite you to Cadence's and shining armor's foal shower Meet at crystal empire throne room at 10:00 Don't be late (I'm referring to you Luna) - Princess Mi Amore Cadenza "Been so long since i seen those two, They already have a foal too, I wonder what's his/her name?" Twilight's pondering was interrupted by faint laughter. Discord, Maybe Spike was right, but those guards told me he was a changeling." "Here they come" A mare whispered in the crowds. As fanfare played Cadence and Shining Armor went out carrying their baby on the traditional saddle ************************************************************************************** "Huff, Puff C' mon Spike where is the darn crystal empire throne room" The dragon has been running round the castle when he saw a blur in the hallways. He investigated the hallways and found it to be endless like an optical illusion. Spike grabbed a loose scale and used it mark pathways a he walked and walked on the illusions he found his scale. But there is one problem he just went straight meaning discord cast a infinite loop spell on the castle leaving spike wandering the maze. "Wait a doorway' The dragon rushed to the door but was blocked by a huge hole in the castle. The same one in the forest. if i fall here i wake up.......WAIT if twilight fell down here she will wake up from this dream but the question is how?" The door was in spike's reach but one wrong step leads him to live his nightmares. A rainbow enveloped spike's eyes as he hoght AN OPTICAL ILLUSION this hole is an illusion" Spike threw his scales on the hole. Some fell some stayed put as if the pathways followed a certain pattern. Luckily for spike it was shedding season so he loosened some scales and sprinkled the hole with his scales. The scales float similarly to the shape of Twilight's cutie mark as Spike solved the puzzle he entered the door and saw twilight ,cadence ,shining armor ,flash sentry and other crystal ponies as they sing a traditional foal shower song. "STOP!! Twilight come here and wake up" the song was interrupted but twilight followed spike anyway. "I know this is a dream, discord, Cadence and shining armor would never engage in foal making, While the REAL flash sentry is deployed in canterlot AND a foal of an alicorn and a unicorn is a UNICORN not an alicorn." Twilight galloped to spike when the the Royalty and Crystal ponies began to deform and wither. "'StaY witH Us fOrEveR" The ponies began grabbing twilight's hind hoof and dragged her to the altar. "NO TWILIGHT." Spike grabbed twilight's fore hoof and pulled with all his might. Twilight cast a teleportation spell leaving spike to be devoured by the deformed ponies "JUMP INTO THE HOLE AND LEAVE ME HERE" Spike shouted with all his might until he was devoured by a wave of deformed ponies "No DoNt LeAvE Us TwIlIgHt SpAhCkLE" The voices screamed Twilight jumped into the abyss ending the nightmare once and for all The purple alicorn woke up with spike on her side. "Good job buddy' Twilight congratulated Spike for sacrificing his life to save her "Where's discord? Spike asked "I'm here "SNAP" Too bad twilight isn't a part of our game" On a snap of a finger twilight was turned into stone by discord "But....But...She woke up" Spike embraced the stone twilight "She's okay, i can assure you ........Well one down feel proud of yourself?" Discord teleported spike into a room with doors labeled loyalty, kindness, magic, honesty, laughter and generosity. "I choose" > Pinkie's day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie's Day Hmm Rarity....NO, Applejack....Nah, Rainbow......Kinda obvious, Pinkie.......Yes Pinkie pie is always random. making it easy to wake her up." After minutes of thinking, Spike finally made his choice. "Laughter....I choose laughter" Spike went to the pink door and opened it. The door led to sugarcube corner where pinkie is apparently sleeping on the counter. Spike nodded when discord appeared and snapped his finger's and everything went black. "You'll enjoy this Spike.....heheheheheh" The draconequus said before going into the dream. "AHH Bright so bright." The baby dragon woke up on the roof of sugarcube corner to see pinkie skipping to the party supply store. "Typical of pinkie pie" The dragon tried to get down but tripped and fell down humorously. The dragon went inside to sugarcube corner to see pinkie's schedule. "First i have to find the hole" The dragon saw the large piece of parchment riddled with lists of parties. Parties for everypony in town. He checked the list hoping to see his name and found nothing. "Oh hiya spike need anything." Pinkie suddenly went carrying tons of streamers on her saddlebag. "Pinkie you are just dreaming, would you please come with me?" Spike said calmly. "This isn't a dream silly, My dreams are filled with......CUPCAKES!" Pinkie blurted out randomly. Spike made a facepalm when a knock on the door disrupted their conversation. " What's discord up to now. Like pinkie will listen to us." The cross-eyed mail pony handed a letter stamped with a cutie mark. Pinkie signed her remarks and sent the mail pony away. "Well............Open it i dont have fingers Spike." The pink mare gave spike the letter. Spike opened it revealing a letter from one of pinkie pie's closest friends Spike handed it to pinkie wand watched her face beam as she read it. Dear Pinkie Pie Hello I'd like to invite you to collaborate with me on a party at Manehattan. My cheesy sense was-a-tingling, It said i need to throw a party with you. It would be the most SUPER-DUPER-EPIC-PARTY EVER. So wanna come. You can only bring one friend as im throwing a party for a bigshot celebrity. Who's it you ask......Secret. so come over here I'll be waitin. -Cheese Sandwich "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!, IM INVITED TO DO A PARTY WITH CHEESE SANDWICH" The Pink pony Pranced around spike excitedly. "Can i accompany you?" Spike asked. "Of course not, I'm bringing boneless." Spike did another facepalm as he heard that statement. "It's an inanimate object pinkie, AN INANIMATE OBJECT!!" Spike sat down on the waiting chair as pinkie stared at spike sadly. "How, bout gummy?" Pinkie sat down with spike. "Nope he's a critter of course he's not allowed." "Then I'll bring you then Spike, Be my assistant for the day." The dragon's face lit up as he heard those words. "Okay lets go then." Pinkie grabbed her saddlebag and carried spike to the train station "Where's Discord? Did he give up? I wont let my guard down, I need to find the hole and i know its in Manehattan " The two bought tickets and went inside the train. Spike let pinkie roam the train as he went to the room. "A 2 hour journey well even though this is a dream I'll get some rest". The dragon looked outside to see Discord waving his hands at spike before snapping his fingers and telepoting. Spike thought it was to mock him. Spike was yawning when the train moved. as to boredom he soon surrendered to sleep. ********************************************************* "Ooh......Ahh.......Ohhhhh.." The Pink pony was looking out the window with the sleeping spike at her side. Amazed by her surroundings she just stared at the trees for the whole trip. But everything changed when the train suddenly stopped. Pinkie curiously went out leaving spike alone in the room. She went to the engine room and saw the conductor has vanished. As assistant detective to twilight she looked at the floor for hoofprints.The floor was filled with oil and bits of metal when you stepped on it you would easily notice that somepony has been there. She followed the hoofprints until she saw that it leads outside. She still followed oil stains on the grass as she went alone on the forest. "Whee lets play find the conductor." Pinkie saw the the oil tracks end near a cave and she enters it.. "CONDUCTOR......CONDUUUUUCTOR.. COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE." As she went further and further Discord laughed at the distance as he believed he'd won, Spike was asleep and pinkie was lost. Discord soon felt a sense of sportsmanship with spike and decided to wake him up. "Spiiiiike. spiiiiikkeee. " The god of chaos pulled out a megaphone and shouted "WAKE UP!." The force of the shout humorously threw spike to the window. Discord snapped his fingers and teleported them out of the train and into the entrance of the cave. "DISCORD!! What now." Spike said in protest when Discord gestured his hands to the cave and teleported away. Assuming he tricked pinkie into going in he decided to enter the cave. He found a sign saying. KEEP OUT!!!! "What's discord up to now?" The dragon went in to find Pinkie bouncing up and down. "Pinkie! what are you doing here? Its dangerous. Spike hugged pinkie when he found something strange about her fur. The fur slowly deteriorated into scales and her pink mane dissapered. It wasn't pinkie he was hugging a changeling. The dragon screamed as he ran away from the changeling. The cave was almost endless as he ran. He was soon stopped by a hole in the ground. "This is it, Pinkie must fall here " The dragon turned around to find changelings surrounded him. He soon tried to make a fire breath and burned one changeling. The multitude of changeling's took a step back for they are flammable. "Step back or be burned." The dragon was shot by a changeling and was covered in green goo. The green goo hardened leaving him immobile. The army of changelings carried him to their nest and he found out that Pinkie was there too. The nest has thousands of pods containing unborn changeling's and captured ponies. He was soon brought to the giant menacing pod. "Who are you and how did you find us?" A deep voice echoed through the cave. "I'm Spike I'm just finding a friend, I swear " Spike said weakly. " Prepare to be eaten by the hive, Resistance is futile for I am king PUPA." A Giant Changeling soon came out of the Pod revealing its body. "A Dragon!!" The king flew upwards in fear that he will be burned. The king thought to eat him but he was bound by ancient changeling law to eat a being more powerful than them. "Who is the friend that you speak of?" The king said. "Pink earth pony, Bouncy, Name's pinkie pie." Spike said in return. "Very well, Release the Loud one." The changeling's flew and took a pod containg a pink glow. The pod opened revealing pinkie pie. " Go and leave, never to come back." The changeling's removed their binding's and escorted them outside the nest.Pinkie hugged spike in thanks but in return the king saw that their love was strong. The king took action and ordered his minions to capture the two again. Spike hopped on pinkie and pulled her mane. "Run, Pinkie, Run" Pinkie galloped with all her might and reached the exit of the hive. The changeling's pursued them while spike released his breath burning a lot of changeling's. "Jump to the hole in this cave." Spike commanded. Pinkie nodded and tried to find the hole. Spike still fired at the changelings burning half of the pursuers. A earthquake trembled as they heard the king screaming. "SSSPPPPIIIKKKEEE. I WILL EAT YOU!!!" The giant king said angrily and dug through the rocks as an attempt to chase Spike. "RUN FASTER PINKIE!" Spike said worried about his life. The remaining changelings fled as the king opened his mouth swallowing everything in his way. Spike embraced despair as they are going to be devoured by the king "Too late. Just jump in the hole" Spike jumped away from pinkie firing his last fire breath at the king's mouth. Effectively stopping the king but Spike was swallowed by the king. The pink pony found the hole and jumped hoping that this nightmare would end. "Spike? " Pinkie woke when she realized she was sleeping in sugarcube corner. Spike rose as he Gasped for air. "HEAH, HEAH, HEAH, we won." The dragon hugged pinkie as Discord teleported in front of them. "Okay time's up "SNAP" Time for round three spike." Pinkie turned into stone as discord teleported spike out of the room. Spike was met by another set of doors with laughter and magic crossed out. "Why turn them into stone discord?" Spike asked "They are not part of OUR game, That's why i turn them into stone. So they could not interfere with OUR game!" Discord said with a hint of annoyance. "FINE, I'll finish your game......" Spike said. "(GULP) I'll choose.......Loyalty.". > Rainbow Dash's day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's day Spike opened the cyan door labeled loyalty. He saw rainbow dash sleeping in a tree just outside her house. The tree was her favorite spot to nap while on the job. The dragon saw discord flying in the distance. He landed on Dash's house and snapped his fingers. Spike began seeing black when discord whispered. "This one's boring if you ask me." Spike woke up on a branch and fell down. The dragon went to ponyville to make twilight cast a cloud walking spell on him. He soon noticed the Cider Season Banners on the entrance of town. "Typical" The dragon saw three stormy trails of smoke heading to Sweet Apple Acres and decided to follow it. He noticed that the whole town was deserted and he assumed that everypony is at the farm drinking cider. He ran towards the farm and saw himself in the distance. He followed his imposter and saw that his clone was speaking to Twilight. "Dash is going to cloudsdale and we are coming with her. Right?" The Dream spike said "Yes, we are attending Dash's Wonderbolt's tour" Twilight answered "Call our friends spike so i can cast a cloud walking spell, Wouldn't want them to miss Dashie's debut as a Wonderbolt." Twilight continued "Be right back" Spike walked away from Twilight as she trotted to the hot air balloon station. Spike went to the flower shop to get Noxious Lily. The flower shop was closed so he went up the balcony to get to the danger garden. He climbed up the suspicious blue phonebox owned by Roseluck's Friend, Doctor Whooves. The dragon went inside and saw the hazardous sign on the second floor greenhouse. Once inside he saw poison joke, Everfree vines, A Plant named Audrey and Noxious Lilies. He wore a gasmask and grabbed a stem. He went down the stairs and unlocked the doors. He saw the mane 4 trotting towards the hot air balloon. He saw the dream Spike entering the library while the others continued. He went in the library to knock out the dream spike. "Freeze Spike!'. The Real Spike was wearing a gasmask so he could not be knocked out by the noxious lilies. He threw the stem leaving the dream Spike unconscious. The Real Spike grabbed the book dream spike was carrying and went out. He removed the masked and ran towards the hot air balloon. :"Spike you're late, Give me the spellbook we are running out of time" Twilight said. Spike handed the book and Twilight cast the spell. The five entered the hot air balloon and departed for cloudsdale. The Balloon went up and up until they saw the city in the distance. Applejack threw her lasso to the rainclouds and parked the balloon at the cloud. The five went towards the plaza and saw many pegasi has gathered at the clouds. "Hang on.....Fluttershy get ready" Twilight and fluttershy carried the two earth ponies while spike rode twilight. The five landed on a cloud to view Rainbow's Debut performance. The crowds roared as Spitfire made the opening flight as Soarin and Fleetfoot followed forming three lines in the sky. The three circled forming a tube like cloud. Rainbow finally appeared and flew upwards.On the top of the tube Rainbow flew down the tube at top speed until. BOOM WHOOSH BOOM WHOOSH BOOM " A TRIPLE RAINBOOM, SHE DID IT, SHE DID IT" Fluttershy shouted. "WHAT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE" Spike stared at amazement but soon realized that this whole thing is just a dream. How am i gonna find a hole at the city of cloudsdale?. The wonderbolt's took their bow and went away the plaza. The five friends went to the Wonderbolt's Academy to congratulate Rainbow Dash. Spike found this as an opportunity to find the hole in the building and decided its time to split up. "Hey girls I need to go to the little dragons room. " Spike ran away holding his crotch and left the four in the entrance. Spike roamed the academy for a while.He saw spitfire in the distance and decided to greet her. "Hey spitfire where's rainbow dash?" Spike asked with a grin "She's preparing for a mission you may find her in the briefing room" Spitfire left Spike as she flew away from him. Spike ran to the briefing room but was stopped when he saw a giant grey thundercloud in he distance. 'Nightmares of Rainbow Dash.......A Squall?" Spike followed the signs to the briefing room and saw dash zipping up her suit. "DASH, where are you going?" Spike paused to catch his breath. "Spike get out of here it's dangerous. A squall is heading towards cloudsdale and it will devour the whole city!" "I'm going with you.....To face your nightmares" Spike drew a tear as he saw Despair in dash's eyes. Dash sat down to ease the tension "I....Just can't do it...Spike.....The whole city is counting on me to destroy the squall......and i just can't do it" Dash said crying "Yes you can ...Are you loyal to the city?" "Yes" Dash said "They trusted you to destroy the squall ,yes?" 'Yes" Dash stood up to look outside the window. She saw screaming pegasi and griffons. She took her goggles and mounted spike on her back "You're right spike. The city of cloudsdale trusted me to save them. And that's what I'll just do!" "Lets go Dashie! " "Still no hole......" The Pegasus flew top speed to attempt a sonic rainboom. BOOM The powerful shockwave opened a gap to the squall and Rainbow Dash went in to see the source of the storm. Once inside she saw nothing but a dark void filled with despair of the pegasi. Laughter echoed around the space. As hundreds of eyes popped out to see the two shaking in fear ' LOOK, THIS ONE'S STILL FILLED WITH POSITIVITY!" 'Yes, and filled with determination too!" " Let us feed ON YOUR SADNESS and pain, AS WE destroy YOUR TOWN" "Who are you?" Rainbow Dash asked " WE ARE GREMLINS!!, destroyer of harmony and peace" " DON'T even try TO FIGHT US, We ARE LEGION" The multitude of eyes slowly went closer to the two "Spike..........RUN!" Rainbow Dash fell from the cloud as the legion of gremlins pull out the cloud she was standing on. "CEASE TO EXIST' The cloud released a red thunderbolt frying spike and rainbow in the distance. The Pegasus fell Fast towards the Everfree forest. Spike took hold of the unconscious dash's and steered her cold body towards the forest. Spike spotted the hole and quickly tried to push dash into the hole. He only found one solution. Steer dash towards the hole. As they reached the point near the bottom. Spike has failed to push dash to the hole and decided to cushion rainbow. to make sure the impact doesn't crush her. He hugged her and braced for impact. "Another sacrifice..." Spike was crushed by rainbow dash and crashed into the hole. "HACK, COUGH, HACK, Hahaha I'm still alive" Spike stood up dancing to see Rainbow Dash waking up and falling from the tree. "Spike? what happened?" Rainbow stood bewildered. "Dream. A dream." Spike still rejoiced. "SNAP" "Cmon spike time for round four" Rainbow dash turned into stone as Spike was once again in the room. "Will you keep doing this discord?" Spike asked. "Of course, I'd like to remind you of OUR game. Besides they are freed, they are just.......Stone" Discord pointed the three doors still unlocked. "NOW CHOOSE" Discord said smiling