• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 496 Views, 1 Comments

Perfect day - Xgex

Each of the Main 6 experiences the perfect day, Until spike shows up

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Spike's day

Spike's day

The warm sun fills the library as spike wakes up to the sound of trotting hooves. The day started just like any other day, With twilight nagging spike to get to his chores.

"Morning spike, How about a day off" Twilight Sparkle said enthusiastically.

"Well that's weird, Twilight never gives me a day off. " Spike got out of his bed and stared at the princess.

"Whats the catch?" Spike said.

The princess levitated him to the bottom floor and said. "No strings attached, Just have a nice day you deserve it, Relax " Twilight winked and went outside and flew to rainbow's house. Spike soon notices Rarity walking towards the library and nervously went up the stairs hoping Rarity would not see him.

"Spike, SPIIIIKE, Spikey-wikey, Where are you i need you darling. " Rarity said as she went in the library. Spike ran down the stairs with haste. The blushing dragon stared at Rarity.

"Spike i need you to accompany me to the spa to you know, Loosen up" The White unicorn magically handed him a pass at the spa.

"Now i know I'm dreaming" The dragon with the bright red cheeks stepped back to catch a breath.

"y.yes i.i.I'll. .come wi.with yo.ou to.to.to the spa ra.ra.rity" The dragon was at a loss of words imaging himself alone on the spa with his crush.

"Ok its settled you'll come with me to the spa today at 8:00 sharp ok" The unicorn went outside leaving spike amazed at what just happened with the two. The dragon went to the outskirts of town to dig for his breakfast, Gems.

As he walked to the exit he hears faint laughter, As if discord was laughing in front of him. He soon shrugged it off and went to the edge of the everfree forest. As he sings his favorite tune he soon settles on a rocky area.

"She's a gem digger way over town" As the dragon singed he smelled a vein of gems and went to a spot in front of some rocks and started digging. As the Spike digged with his claws he found a pretty large vein of Rubies. As the dragon chomped down on Rubies, He quickly remembered his spa appointment with rarity. "I'm late oh my gosh gotta go to the spa."

The dragon rushed his way to the Ponyville finding the entrance of the spa and saw Rarity was already inside the reception room
"Sorry I'm late Rarity, I ate so much rubies i lost track of time" The panicked spike said.

"Don't worry darling i understand lets go inside the spa now" Rarity said calmly.

"She didn't shout, That's not typical of her" The two went inside the spa to find a note left by the spa patrons .

Dear customers.
We twins have went to the spa seminar at Trottingham.
Feel free to use the sauna and bath while we are gone.
Be right back in three days or more.
Leave bits or coupons at the counter please.

-Lotus and Aloe.

"Well Spikey-wikey lets use the sauna, I've been DYING to get a hooficure but a sauna can do, Hope you're okay with us being alone spike." Rarity headed to the sauna while spike slowly followed her.

" Alone with rarity. BEST DAY EVER." The dragon excitedly followed her when suddenly.

"hehehe hilarious hahahha" The unknown voice resonated around the abandoned spa.

"Rarity this place is giving me the creeps, lets get out of here." Spike nervously said.

"Nonsense darling its all in your head, come in the sauna room dear." The White unicorn went towards the smoke and dissapered. leaving spike alone.

"RARITYYY" Spike rushed to the room to find himself covered in smoke.

'Rarity? Are you there?" Spike said in the smoke filled room. As sweat dripped in his scales he heard Rarity.

"Ever been alone with somepony spike?" Rarity asked. He noticed a change in Rarity's voice from high to low .

"No.....Rarity" Spike finally gave up his search and sat in a bench.

"I've always fantasized me being alone with you spike, in a empty room" Rarity stated.

"Spike why can't i find my special somepony, You know why?" Rarity continued.

"Well......" Spike went silent with rarity as he thought of things to comfort her.

'Maybe because it's not a somepony but a somedragon" Rarity said in a flirtatious manner. Spike's heart Raced when He heard that. The dragon nervously took a step back towards the exit

"Spike.....Are you ok. We are friends right?"Rarity said in a worried tone.

'No Impossible Rarity's into stallions not dragons.....NO. I can't handle this" The confused and crying spike ran out of the room went out of the spa and went to the outskirts of town.

Outside he saw rainbow dash, twilight and pinkie talking, When they noticed him they chased the crying dragon and tried to comfort him."Spike whats the prob?" "spike stop running" "spike where are you going?" As his friends tried to comfort him he just ignored them until he reached the edge of the everfree forest. He entered the forest trying to find a secluded spot to cry in. As he mindlessly ran to the everfree forest he found Black holes in the sky, ground and trees. "What the?....." Spike began hearing distorted sounds and seeing deformed trees..

GO BACK TO PONYVILLE DRAGON!!! A booming voice shouted, But the persistent spike still ran and found himself on a cliff leading to darkness.

"This isn't right the old castle should be here" Spike peeked into the abyss and saw nothing but darkness "The end of the world" As he went to investigate the mysterious voice when Spike tripped on a holey branch and fell into the abyss.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Spike flailed his arms and legs as he fell and soon found himself sleeping in Canterlot Throne room.