• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,125 Views, 66 Comments

Of mercenaries and.... Ponies? - Lion Tale

RED and BLU gets hired by two new rivals, but it isn't what they have ever encountered before.

  • ...

Welcome to My House Party!

Her Pinkie Senses told her about his. The moment of all things, the time that she had put her name-sake at test, the time she puts all her talents all on the line. Either she puts all on the line, or she’s going to fall down hard. She said the only thing was the most reasonable, most expected, wanted thing that she had thought of.

“This calls for a party!” Pinkie yelled after the jumping furiously for about ten seconds. “And everypony in Ponyville is invited!” The pink mare then smiled the biggest she can.

“The problem is Pinkie,” Twilight started. “There isn’t enough room to fit everyone inside Sugarcube Corner. You do know that right?”

“Of course I do silly!” Pinkie was almost literally glowing by now, making Celestia a bit jealous. “That’s why I took the trouble of decorating the park just for this exact situation!”

“Um, Pinkie, how did you do this while everypony was here? Surely somepony must have seen you gone.”

Pinkie replied by putting her hoof at Twilight’s mouth, and then booped her nose. “I did it beforehand, my Pinkie Senses told me.”

The lavender unicorn rolled her eyes.

“Alright everypony,” Pinkie yelled through a megaphone, which to pop from somewhere. “Now follow me to the party!”

Every human looked at each other, then back to the pony, and finally shrugged, deciding that they had nothing else to do in this newfound world.

Once everybody/pony got to the site of where the pink pony was talking about, a white unicorn with blue, shaggy hair walked up to a stand that was surrounded by speakers and subwoofers. “Kick it Vinyl!” Pinkie yelled.

Vinyl had started to flip the record to her best songs, until she noticed the crowd of humans that walked along the throng of ponies. Maybe I shouldn’t play this song, maybe something that everypony should like. Vinyl thought twice about this, but she knew that it was probably best for her and everypony else.

She inserted a song that was given to her by Lyra, who said that this musical artist was one that apparently ponies in the ‘human’ world love to listen to. So if the ponies love it, then these ‘things’ must love it to, right? My logic is the best of anypony’s! Hay, I might be a genius! It’s time to get start this party of ours then, starting with this song. The unicorn popped in a vinyl record of what appears to have a red letters in graffiti-style writing. Vinyl then started to spin the turntable and out of the speakers, came a song that most of the humans know as one the most very disco songs that ever existed in their world.


Soldier started to dance, he didn’t care what the others thought, whatever he did, and that was his own business. No matter how many other people hated this song, he still loved it.

Scout thought he had gone insane, he’s pretty sure everyone else had as long as well. Even though Soldier looked like he’s having the time of his life. He took a look at the ponies; they seem to be enjoying this song fairly well. He took a long breath, looked around, and decided to raid the drinks and snack bar. He hasn’t had anything to eat since lunch hour, which contained an apple, sandwiches, a can of Bonk! (Who knew they actually produced these for just average human consumption?), and something made by his mother. Not sure what it was though, it was made up of something black, crunchy, and bitter.

Scout took a long look what was on the stand; there were chips with some dip, fruit punch, apple cider, muffins, cupcakes, and some cheese pizza. He grabbed a plate of chips and some punch. He started to get annoyed by the song, he didn’t usually listen to this song, but he didn’t hate it; just disliked it. The best introduction into a different place is getting Rick Roll’ed.

The young man sighed, it could’ve been worse. Then he took a look at Pyro, who happened to play with the smaller ponies. I didn’t know the Pyro liked kids. Well, assuming the smaller ones are kids. Scout shrugged it off. But then he almost dropped his plate after noticing what the Pyro did next. No. Freaking. Way. His jaw dropped in a comical sense and while he stood there gaped, Scout wished he didn’t witness it; it had changed his life for better or for worse.


Pyro watched the fillies gather around her, wondering what was under the suit. After a while of the fillies asking questions, she pulled out her flamethrower. When she pulled it out, a small white colt with brown spots started to play with the nozzle of the weapon, after a moment of him playing with it, Pyro lifted up the flamethrower into the air and then used the air blaster to shoot him up into the air. The fillies gasped, but then sighed in relief when Pyro caught the colt with her hands. She beckoned for the next foal to come up, but they were eager and had rushed so much, Pyro used the blast to protect herself from the overwhelming crowd. But it was useless against the giggles of the youngsters. They wanted more, but she didn’t allow it because she started to reach towards her back.

When she reached the zipper, she pulled it down and then started to remove the suit. She had clothes on, but it was an undershirt and long orange pants. She was skinny, but not scrawny, and then she tied up her long, brown hair into a ponytail. Finally after a few moments of silence, Pyro spoke in a serene voice. “Now, where’s the food? I’m starving my life out, almost literally.”

(… … )

Soldier kept dancing; it looked like he no longer gave a care about anything. Until he turned to see what everyone was looking at; if love at first sight was true, then it didn’t exist in his world –until now. She was stunning in his eyes, but he knew that this too good to be true. He tried to find out where she came from, until he saw the lifeless pyro suit. Impossible! I would’ve known if he was actually a female! Let’s see if I can’t get my charms working. The American grinned, no woman never failed to fall for him. He started to walk, but with a little bit of swagger, as to make him look a bit more ‘hip’.

When he approached the snack bar where Pyro was standing, he leaned over and then spoke. “Hey, so you must be Pyro. Listen —“

“Look,” She interrupted. “I know you’re trying to hit on me, but I’m going to keep this simple and just say no.“

Soldier’s smile quivered. “Did I just hear you right? You said no?”

“Did I stutter?”

“Well, n-no.” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing! Nobody ever rejects Soldier, nobody.

“Good, then that means leave me be. I’m starving and I’d rather not be mad at the moment.” Pyro left with a cup of punch, leaving the disappointed American standing there.

While Scout was watching this, he took note that maybe he should make a more careful approach, a lot more careful than the reckless Soldier. As long he didn’t get Pyro mad at him, he was in the clear right?

Suddenly, he was attacked by a random pony from the behind, which latched on his back and then whispered in his ear, “Hey, did ya’ miss me?”

Scout’s eyes widened when he heard this. Please, don’t tell me it is ‘Rainbow Pony’. Cuz’ if it is, kill me now. I beg of you! He grabbed the pony and held it in front of him.

“Hey there, my name’s Rainbow Dash, what’s yours?”

Scout nearly dropped the sky coloured pegasus, but he kept his cool and spoke, “My name’s Scout and,” Say something smart, maybe she’s not into smart people. “I love my ball.”

“You love your ball?” Rainbow Dash snickered. “Then where is it? Also, it would be great help if you put me down, it’s not every day that I get picked by a creature that looks like you.”

Scout placed the pegasus on the ground. Now would be the worst time that I have a breakdown, especially in front of all of these people! Got to escape quickly!

“Listen, maybe we can talk about this later,” he said. “You seem pretty fun and all, but I’m just not in a talking mood.”

“Maybe you’re done talking to Rainbow Dash, but not me.” Scout turned to where the voice had come from, and standing there was another pegasus that was a grey-ish blue with an off white mane. “The name is Cloud Kicker, and maybe instead of her to talk to,” She glared at Dash. “You should have a talk with me; we could talk more than just friends here.” She winked.

“No! I’m sick and tired of you coming and stealing the shots!” the sky blue pegasus snapped. “At least let me have it once in a while!”

“No, it’s not my fault I can’t control myself! Maybe you should take him before I do next time!”

“Fine I will!” Dash growled. “But this one’s mine! What do you think?”

Dash turned to where Scout is standing, well, was standing. “Look what you did Cloud Kicker! You scared him away!”

“Once again, it’s not my fault!”

The two mares kept arguing while Scout made it back to the tables, away from the mass of ponies that seems to get on his crazy side. He took a look around the wooden, round tables. There was Demoman laughing and drinking like the usual, but with a purple pony with a darker purple mane. They had two tipped over barrels with a couple of empty bottles of vodka, tequila, and whiskey. But what seemed to stand out was that the label on the bottles said, ‘Applejack Daniels’ instead of just Jack.

Scout then turn to the opposite site of the crowd of tables to see Heavy munching down his trademark sanviches. But once again, he was with a mint-coloured pony that had a two toned mane of white and the coat color. They were having an eating contest on who can eat the most sanviches.

But as Scout looked around more, he noticed everyone was enjoying themselves, even soldier, who was still bummed about being rejected. So why was Scout so lonely in this situation? Was it just the fact that his one fear had just hit on him? Or was it that two girls were fighting over him. Oh wait, he’s supposed to feel happy about that, but Scout just seemed to mope around. You know, I’m just going to go to the dance floor and not give a single frak about what’s happening! He thought.

As the runner stood up, his boss appeared on the stage and then all the ponies stopped and bowed. So, is this person an emperor or something? Scout pulled up a chair. Oh this is going to be good.


Princess Celestia thought for a second, she had to choose her words correctly, or this would end up being total mayhem. Although this is the first time she ever done this kind of a situation, Celestia was pretty sure she can handle this. What’s got to lose? It’s a win-win situation! Besides, she is the boss. Oh this power feels great! Why have I never felt this way before? No! Stop! Don’t let this get to your head. It would only end for the worse. I better not keep them waiting on me.

“Good afternoon my little ponies,” Good starting line, should say that more often. Oh if only Twilight had good speaking skills, then I would have her doing this instead of me. Celestia continued, “As you may know, we have a newfound group of creatures with us today. The species are called ‘humans’, but please be polite and call them at which they wished to be called.”

The white alicorn looked at the group of humans. “Now, I know that your old contracts said that you had to keep your name under secrecy, but under mine, you may use your personal and official names; rather than names that described your occupations.” She noticed that the humans looked a bit confused under such circumstances, but they shrugged it off and kept a mental note about it
“Also,” She continued. “You may know that Nightmare Moon also has a team that looks very similar to our team. But do not worry about it; they are to be placed in Cloudsdale. You may wonder how they are able to live on the cloud, but they were handed a spell in which they know how to use and can walk on clouds as long they are living.”

“The final announcement is that of which concerns me the most,” Do, not, buck this up! The whole town of Ponyville rests on your shoulders. Please mother of me, let luck be in my hooves! Celestia’s smile quivered, but luckily nopony noticed, “The current human team shall be in need of living quarters.” Why am I so worried about this? This should just be a snap! “So that’s why I’m proposing that the humans shall live with the residences on this list.”

The alicorn levitated a small scroll in front of her, and then started to call out names. But before she did, the human with a helmet stood up. “Where is our living quarters Ma’am?”

“You are to live with Elements of Harmony for the time being.” Buck! Why did I have to blurt that out? I’m losing my touch.

“No way, are you serious?” Twilight gasped. “Are you sure? Because we don’t know what they eat!”

“I do!” Said the mint coloured pony that was eating with Heavy.

“Pray tell, what do they eat?” Twilight replied.

“They are omnivores! They eat both veggies and meat!” A yellow pegasus gasped at the mention of meat.

“Wait a second!” The human with bandages on his hands spoke. “What about being clean? I mean am I one of the only ones that actually brought a toothbrush? What about clothing and washing ourselves?"

A blue unicorn gasped. “Don’t tell me that you guys forget to brush your teeth!”

“Oh look at me, ahm Scout, and me mother packed me bags fo’ me,” Demoman said

“Shut up!” Scout yelled, and then said under his breath. “At least she cares.”

“Oh, ye talkin’ ‘bout me mother eh? Well, I’ll show you!” Demoman put up his fists.

“Boys stop! You’re just like little kids!” Pyro said. “Didn’t your mothers tell you how to behave?”

Well, this escalated fairly quickly, a lot faster than Discord’s rise. Celestia thought, and then spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice.
She missed using it due to people getting scared, but it she might just have to use it here. “Stop your bickering, NOW!”

Suddenly, every being turned and then looked at the alicorn, the ponies then shrank away a bit in fear that might as well have been sent to the dungeon for a few years. The humans were a bit shocked, but then were embarrassed that they acted like fools. It was like a mother finding their children inside the cookie jar before bed.

“Now, before I continue this announcement, I must ask The Element of Generosity for assistance of clothing,” Celestia looked in her direction. “Is it possible that you can do such tasks they ask of?”

The white unicorn pondered over her options. “Of course I may; besides, business is a bit low recently. Not to mention I need to figure out their uniform sizes.”

“Whoa, who said anything about uniforms?” Scout said.

“What is your name human?” Celestia asked.

“The name’s Scout.”

“No, the name that your parents given you.”

“It’s Richard. Why do you ask?”

“Well Richard, if you need to look different than the other team, you’re going to need a uniform that makes you my team, got it?” Celestia looked fiercely at him.

“Alright,” Scout sat back down, for the sake of making the alicorn less mad.

“Now, does anyone else have a comment that should be said, hmm?” She looked around the crowd of people. “I apologize that it had to come to this, but please calm down for the sake of me finishing this.”

The alicorn cleared her throat before continuing. “Now, who is the town’s dentist?”

“I am!” the blue unicorn with a mane that looks like a popular toothpaste brand.

“Are you able to provide these people with the oral treatment that they need? Oh, and while you’re at it, can you tell me what your name is?”

“My name is Colgate your majesty, and yes I am able to provide the treatment, but I cannot allow it to be free though.” She replied.

“No need to worry, I will pay you for the trouble, you just worry about getting the job done.” Celestia finished. Finally, at least someponies are willing to cooperate. “Now, I heard that a spa is here, may I talk to the managers?”

“Right here your highness.” A pair of mare of similar colors appeared, one was pink with blue hair, while the other is, well, vice versa.

“Are you willing to provide the treatment of handing out cleansing supplies, as in shampoo and soap? No need to worry about money, I’ll handle it.”

“Well, my name is Lotus,” Said the blue pony with a pink mane. “And when you put it that way, I’m pretty sure we can handle it. Is that right Aloe?”

“Yes we can,” Aloe responded. “Possibly a special treatment if they wanted it.”

“Now that we got that covered,” Celestia said. “We just need somepony in case of medical emergency. Now, Nurse Redheart, do you—“

The tall slender human with specs stood up. “My name is Arvin, and before you go any further, I will be one that will provide medical support. I do so on and off the field.” He snickered. “Even though I’ve gotten my medical degree four times removed, I’m still able to do so. Besides, it would make more sense if a human doctor healed another human.”

“Is that so?” Redheart replied. “Then, how would you help somebody whose blood is literally pouring out of their veins, they would need medical emergency, but I don’t see you prepared for such.”

“That’s terribly too easy,” He said. “You obviously know that, the answer would be to use my new medical technology that’s highly advanced, even by your standards.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“No I’m not,” Medic then pulled out his medic-gun. “This thing right here can heal any wounds.” He got closer to the nurse’s ear. “But it can’t heal ribs unfortunately.”

“So, show me,” Redheart turned to Spy. “Now, take that knife, and then stab yourself in the stomach.”

Spy looked at her in way that she might be mad. He sighed, “If you wish.” As he lifted his butterfly knife, Arvin turned on the medic-pack on his back, signaling Spy that he would be safe from harm, no matter what he would do. Spy let knife plunge deep into his skin, So that what it feels like to get stabbed. It hurts, badly.

He let go of the knife and then fell towards the ground, barely breathing. Medic then removed the knife from the injury, lifted him against a chair, and flipped the switch on the medic-gun.

As this was all happening, Nurse Redheart was shocked that Spy actually did what she had intended. But she wasn’t alone in this shock, all the other ponies where too. Well, except the humans, they knew what their fellow team member could do.
Celestia knew she had let it gone too far, but she really wanted to know what Richtofen was capable of.

Medic then raised Spy’s shirt, muttering an apology at the fact that they had to see the healing process, and then let the gun do its job. As the trails of red plasma reached Spy, the wound started to close up. Skin reaching skin; blood becoming nothing but water as they go back inside the body; muscle fibers becoming intertwined once again like a stitch in clothing; and colour again reaching Spy’s face again, it was like watching how things are made, or how paper is created.

The doctor then turned off the gun and the pack, then spoke after a long silence. “You can get up now Spy, now’s not the time to be sleeping, we got an audience. Besides, I don’t think you need to pretend anymore.”

“It’s called acting,” Suddenly, all the ponies gasped at this mystical ‘magic’ that this human had. Spy continued, “Now if you’ll excuse moi, I’ve got to go and get something to eat, I’m hungry.”

He walked away from the awestruck group of ponies. Even Celestia knew that she doesn’t have the magic to do what Arvin had done. Healed somepony from what seemed to be basically a near-death experience? Even I cannot do so, although I am nearly there.

“So, this means that the healing capabilities are done. Now Arvin,” She looked at the doctor, who seems to be drinking out of the gun with a straw. I’m not sure if that’s healthy or just plain stupid. It’s like watching a filly trying to drink from a sixty-four ounce cup at the movies. She giggled. It’s cute watching him look so innocent like that. Wait, what am I thinking? I don’t have a crush him, do I? No! Stop, don’t too attached, they are my employees, and not close friends.

The sun goddess continued, “Now, will you be able to show how you created this technology and possibly heal the needed until we are able to create such a thing?”

“I have one problem with that statement ma’am.” Medic replied

“Which is?”

“I do not hand out my ideas for free; besides, it’s too highly advanced and could possibly cause many problems money-wise. It charged me about one hundred billion, two hundred thousand dollars just to create the backpack for this.” Medic pointed towards the pack. “But, most of the items for this were company issued; meaning some of it was not created by me. Like the gun for example.”

Disappointed, Celestia decided that maybe this was just out of league for the ponies, but one day, she hoped, that they would be able to have more than just the Rainbow Factory. Unfortunately, the Factory had to be placed under a heavier control due to ‘mysterious disappearances’ around it, and ‘unsanitary’ conditions. Never again will she ever let that happen again.

Demoman stood up, and after a few minutes of wobbling side-to-side, he said, “ye kno’ what me thinks ‘bout this?”

“What is it?” the alicorn asked. “I hope it can bring good will for all to use.”

“No, not that mate,” Demo then walked next to Celestia, almost fell a couple of times in the process. The Scottish man then lifted his right leg, and then did what nopony should ever do to anypony else, especially the sun goddess.

He farted the biggest that he ever done. So loud, that he might need to change his pants later on. It lasted for about three minutes long, non-stop. Demoman don’t care, he was drunk and happy, if he was to die, then this would’ve been the best memory to date.

Everypony stood there shocked, even the victim of the attack just stood there, trying to fully understand what had just happened. Then she finally came out the trance when she took a whiff of what happened to be the worst smell her nose could muster. It was enough to knock out a full-grown dragon, minotaur, twenty ponies, three griffons, and a hydra. All at once and still have enough room to fit a baby dragon. But Celestia knew better, Luna was basically a goddess in pranking, she could conjure up a stink bomb so badly, that it was about three-fourths of the strength in this one. So Celestia did the best an alicorn could and just held her breath as long as she can. The goddess could usually last for about an hour, but she had been out of practice for so long, she could only last for about fifteen minutes, not long enough to have the smell gone.

Meanwhile, the smell spread and it reached all ends of Ponyville, from the library, to the farm, and to the Everfree forest; in less than five minutes. The humans did nothing but just sat there, fortunately, they grew used to the smell of Demoman’s farts. But unfortunately, that meant nearly every day of it, virtually everywhere! It was worse in the bathroom! To this day, the teams are still wondering how they are still alive.

The ponies nearby suddenly had gasmasks on, it’s like they had come prepared. But sadly, they still smell it pass the filters, but just not as strong and it was endurable. Celestia was almost out of breath, until the weather team decided to use the wind to blow the stink away, preferably towards Canterlot on accident.

Once the air was no longer contaminated, Celestia exhaled and took a deep breath. Good, at least I survived it. “Now, once that was gone, can we at least continue with the assigning of living quarters? I want to get this done before I have to raise the sun tomorrow. It’s already midnight.”

“So, let’s get started then,” she looked to see in any of her guards were around, but the stink was so bad and unexpected, that it had knocked them out. Looks like I need to sleep somewhere here later on. “So, as I propose here, with Twilight Sparkle in her house, would be Soldier and Sniper. With Rarity would be Spy. With Applejack, would be Engineer and Heavy. With Pinkie, would be Pyro. With Fluttershy, would be Arvin,” Celestia paused, there had been a scratch off of where Fluttershy would be for Demoman, but in its place was Berry Punch. She shrugged, how Demoman acted while drunk, she hoped that this person was up for what was coming. The alicorn continued, “Demoman with Berry Punch. Finally, with Rainbow Dash, would be Richard.”


He couldn’t hear what she said, so he stood up and spoke, “I’m sorry, but did you just mention Rainbow Dash with me?”

“Yes I did,” Celestia replied. “Is that a problem? I could place you with Derpy or Cloud Kicker.”

Rainbow Dash was first to reply, “No problem ma’am! I’m pretty sure he’ll be okay with me.”

Of course I’ll be okay, when I’m on the ground crying my eyes out. Scout mentally replied.

“Good, because I’m not sure if these options failed that I had to send him to be with Discord. But then again, it does sound like a decent decision.” The goddess replied, but then after seeing the expressions on their faces she said, “Gotcha!”

What they didn’t know was that she ulterior motives in which they were assigned. She knew that Applejack and Engineer would become good friends due to accent. Fluttershy would be perfect friends with Arvin, reason being is because she’s going to be the medic of the team. So why not have two similar people learn of each other’s trick of the trade? Nightmare Moon already told her about the profiles of the team members, so she took that into consideration for this. She also told by her treacherous sister that there was a tenth person along, but she didn’t see the human. So was she telling her lie? Or was she trying to tell her that it’s in plain sight?

Celestia once again took a look at the group of humans; they seem to be playing cards, Rummy by the layout. Then she saw a dog, it looked like an average dog, but it had brown fur and black spots; like that of a Germane Shepard. Could this be the tenth person? If it was, then who did it belong to? If not, then why does it have a uniform similar to the rest? These questions filled the alicorn mind, but then she lost all care when she just thought that it happened to be just a mascot for the team.


Scout was worried, he knew that he had to get some sleep, but with the pony that absolutely almost makes him drop bricks whenever he took a look at her. He might as well try and get over the fear, would be no good if he suddenly broke down whenever he saw her, especially if it was in the middle of battle.

“Hey Scout, can I talk to you for a second?” He turned to see who the voice belonged to and found Pyro standing behind him.

“Yea, what’s up?” He replied.

“I know about your fear,” Pyro started. “It must be torture for you to live with her, is it not?”

“Of course it is, but I might as well deal with it, it’s either her or getting raped by Cloud Kicker.”

“You mean the one that tried to hit on you after Dash?” Pyro asked.

“Exactly,” Scout thought about Pyro’s situation. “So what do you think about the cotton candy one? She seems like a copy of you, except in pony form.”

“Oh you mean Pinkie Pie?” She said. “Yea, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be fun. It’s isn’t every day that you see a talking pony, except with Pyrovision.”

“Yea, I’ve been meaning to ask you, how does that thing work?” Scout asked.

“It basically gives me the feeling that I’m just having fun, once in a while I can see past the vision and all I see is fire instead of bubbles. It makes me happy that I know I’m having fun, but it is worse when you find out you’re the one causing the pain for the others. It sometimes scares me and leaves scars, but you can’t fight what you have to do. I can’t talk to anybody, well, mainly because of the obvious. I can’t talk past the filters, but the Pyrovision makes me feel better; knowing that the worse is better kept behind the curtain.”

After a moment of silence, the younger one spoke, “That was deep.”

“Of course that was. What do you think I do whenever I just sit and shoot flames?”

“You laugh,” Scout said sheepishly.

“Now that’s like more than half the time.” Pyro replied, having them two laugh it out. Pyro wanted to know her team more, but maybe one at a time. Soldier is most likely one of those people she wouldn’t talk to for a while, for how he treated her. Afterwards, they started talking like old friends who found each other after twenty years.

About an hour later, Scout thought to himself once everybody/pony left the park to head home, Looks like I need to face my fears
and deal with it. Now, where does this pony live? He saw the rainbow pegasus and then yelled her name.

A few seconds later, she came up to him, “Yea, what seems to be the problem?”

“I’m about to pass out. Can you tell me where I’ll be sleeping?”

“Well, that’s the problem; I need to know the spell for you to walk on clouds.”

Why do I need to walk on clouds? It’s not like I’m going to be flying, am I?

“If you looked up,” Dash said. “You see that my house is a cloud.”

Scout did as he was told and saw that the house a tiny bit high. “Huh, so how do I get up there?”

“I’ll carry you; you look light enough for me.”

“Here you go Dashie,” a lavender unicorn appeared. What was her name? It was Twilight; at least I think it is. Oh well, might as well try.

“You’re Twilight, aren’t you?” Scout asked.

“Yes I am, and you must be Richard. Pleased to meet you,” The unicorn replied. “Now, I’m going to use a spell in which—“

“I don’t need you to use it, just teach me.”

“How are you going to do that? You don’t have a unicorn horn.”

“Of course I don’t that’s why I brought my copy of Casters Quaterly with me.”

In less than ten minutes later, Scout found himself at the porch of the sky house. Once he was let in, he fell on the couch and didn’t wake up for the next eighteen hours.

Author's Note:

Originally, Medic's name was supposed to be Richtofen, then I remembered CoD and decided not to.
Also, can you guess who Pyro was based off? Kudos to the pony who can get the person, and the original reference.
Finally, I lied about having a few chapters like this.
All chapters from now on will be at least 3,500 words.

Up Next!
Will Scout become friends with his fear?
Will Cloud Kicker ever get some?
Will Celestia ever confess that she has a crush on Arvin?
"It's not a crush!"
Right, tell that to the guy that's looking at me.
"That's a mirror."
Of course it is. *Gets thrown against the wall by Celestia's rage*