• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,119 Views, 66 Comments

Of mercenaries and.... Ponies? - Lion Tale

RED and BLU gets hired by two new rivals, but it isn't what they have ever encountered before.

  • ...

The New Contracts

“Hello Madame, how can I help my favorite customer today?” A store clerk grinned at the sight of the woman who usually appears every Saturday. She usually appears at about 3 in the afternoon every time. It would spook anyone else but to him it was just another loyal customer.

“I would like to buy some wood, a couple of flares, and a new propane tank,” She appeared to be a tomboy, but in actuality, it just happens to be some lazy dressing; a blue hoodie with a pair of jeans.

“Ahh,” the clerk sighed. “So that would be the usual order then? Well, I’ll tell you what, since you happen to be a loyal customer, I will just reduce the usual price by fifteen percent.”

“You don’t need to do that,” The woman waved her hand in rejection. “Just because I’m usually here, doesn’t mean you need to do that.”

“Well,” the clerk’s voice changed slightly. “A girl like you shouldn’t be treated like such, but I digress. So be it. The price is twenty dollars.”

The woman handed the clerk twenty dollars and left the store. I guess being a girl is good at times. At least my team doesn’t know that. If they did, would their perspective change on me? She paused for a moment. I doubt it, but I’m not sure about Scout. He seems to be looking at me more than usual. I ought to keep an eye on him.

Little did she know that as she got into her car, if she would’ve looked to the left towards a park, she would’ve seen that same very Scout getting chased by a dark blue horse with a horn and wings.


His heart was pounding, his legs were burning, and he couldn’t stop running. He thought he had seen all the weirdest stuff ever, but this! This has topped the chart of all things strange and scary. It even topped the Pyro!

“Come here you human, I got something for you…”

He thought he just at least have one casual week with his brother at the park. But noooo, this wisp of dark-blue smoke had to appear and then materialize in front of him. He told his brother to run back home while he distracted it, but Scout just had to do things the hard way.

“It’s something you always wanted…”

At that remark, Scout paused for a moment, only to remember what he was being chased by and decided to run again. If it knew what he wanted, then it can just disappear, right?

Scout stopped, turned around, and saw nothing.

“So it can disappear just like that? I wonder what I was being chased by anyways.” He felt a tap on his shoulder, and then turned to see who it was.

“By me! Of course I can’t just disappear like that!” The creature exclaimed.

And then nothing more.


A man slammed the door into his kitchen, he ran upstairs, started to bang on his mother’s door.

“Mom!” the boy said. “Scout is being chased at the park!”

Only silence.

“Mom?” the boy was starting to become worried.

“Are you there?” He tried the door handle, only to his disappointment that it was locked.

“Hel-“ He was cut off when the door opened to reveal a tall slender man walking out of the room, buttoning his shirt, and straightening his tie.

“What seems to be the problem?” the man spoken after a moment of silence.

The guy started to explain, but was cut off again by the front door being opened and closed. He ran downstairs to see who it was and found Scout lounging on the couch.

“Bro!” the boy startled Scout who got up and hugged him. “What happened?”

“It’s ok, nothing bad happened, to me that is,” Scout patted the boy’s head. When Scout looked up to see who was coming down the stairs, he saw the tall slender man coming down. To him, Scout thought he looked familiar, the suit, tie, and even the color. He glared at him.

“Who are you?”

“You know me.” The man smirked.

Suddenly, the realization hit him. No wonder why he was so familiar. He grabbed his bat that was lying beside the couch, and then started to swing. The Spy quickly dodged the bat –smashing a vase –and then pulled out his Kunai. At the next swing of the bat, Spy caught it, giving the Scout a quick gasp of surprise. Spy then used the Kunai to give a cut to Scout’s leg, knocking him down and drop the bat.

“Had enough?” Spy then straightened his tie and started to walk out.

Scout just lain there on his back, thinking about what else could make this day anymore worse. But then he noticed that he smashed his Mother’s precious, expensive vase. He started to think about what would happen if she found he did it. But his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” the Scout’s brother asked.

“It’s for the person with the codename Scout.”

He got up from the floor and then opened the door. “What can I do you pretty lady?”

“It’s about your contract,” The woman started

This day just got a whole lot worse than it already has. Maybe she’s here to kill him after breaking a rule! Maybe she’s here to cut the contract and then kill him! Or maybe-

“You’re being assigned to a new company other than Mann Co.”


Scout just stood there, not sure if his emotion is actually being shown, or he’s just standing looking dumb, but the woman handed him a clipboard she was carrying.

“You and you’re team are going to ditch your week off, and start packing instead, you’re most likely not coming back from this again.”

Those words almost paralyzed Scout from the inside out. “W-w-what do you mean?” He never felt fear like this ever before. Never coming back? But, he has his brother and his family to be with!

“It means you better sign it or you’re going to be terminated.” The woman looked at him with a stern and serious glare.

Scout signed the documents saying he is now the property of this new “company”. As the lady was starting to leave Scout asked what he would need to pack.

“A toothbrush, change of clothes, and your life, that’s it.” She got into a black sedan driving away from the house of the now saddened young adult.

Scout chuckled, “At least I don’t have to worry about that vase.”

(In the universe where the opposite is supposed to be happening.)

“Hey Twi, It’s been four years since Nightmare Moon disappeared.” The orange mare said. “Jes’ forget it. If she’s really gonna do something, it’s gotta be bigger than you becoming a Princess.”

“I know,” Twilight replied. “That’s what I’m worried about, if she appears again, would she stronger than before?” She looks around the library they were in. It looks a bit on the messy side.

“Ah’ wouldn’t worry about it if ah’ were you. For now, let’s jes’ worry about you, bein’ you.”

“Thanks Applejack. Got an idea on where Spike is at?” Twilight asked. He really needs to be here and clean up the place a bit.
“Ah’ think he’s with Rarity. Probably doing nothing but admiring about her.”

“You noticed that too?” Applejack looked surprised at the lavender unicorn.

“You mean to tell me that you haven’t noticed this til’ now?”

It was the unicorn’s turn to be shocked. “Wait-wait-wait, how long has he been doing this?”

“About the whole four years he’s been here.” The orange mare replied with a smug.

If the two ponies looked out the window of the library, they would’ve seen the same very pony (Or dragon in this case) running away from a group of three fillies with a dress for him to try on.

Author's Note:

It sounds like the Pyro has an admirer, maybe then she can-

*gets hit by her Backscratcher*

"Maybe you can shut up."