• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 336 Views, 5 Comments

Two Roomies and their Pest - Vrilix

Silver and Brown are roommates. Silver's a wolf btw. Amethyst lives further down the hall. Am' ship the two.

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Exposition & Explanation

3rd Person

“Hrmm, how’s this?” The teacher asked them, looking down on them with an amused expression on his face.

He had looked forward to this meeting so very much, as he’d anticipated that something might be off with the scrying spell. While it is true that the alteration of spells is a long and tedious process, the academy still expected something better this.

The trio had originally come to him in search of help, and he was happy to help them. That is, he was happy to be around such wonderful celebrities. They were known all around town for their little ‘incidents’.

First there was the whole part of a wolf, a pegasus and a Book working together on a magic project at the Royal Academy of Magic. They had been chosen because all of them had taken a simple test at their local institutions of magic.

None of them knew each other prior to the experiment and were all promised plenty of compensation for any ‘incidents’ it might provoke. The fact that three completely different individuals chose to participate in an experiment that recorded everything that they did was shocking to the public.

This scandal only escalated further when they thought it was a good idea to go to the pools on a date. Not only did they take a pool from somepony else, they also started to eat meat in the pool. When one of the members got injured in a fight that erupted there, public eyes were constantly glued to the trio.

So when the remaining two decided it was a good idea to get drunk on tea from one of the member’s homeland, everypony in miles knew of it. Not because they all watched them waltz into the academy, but because everypony within miles could hear them.

All of these things intrigued the teacher greatly, as he finally had a chance to get his hooves on somepony the public knew of. It had always been easy for him to get his hooves on somepony important in his position, but somepony that the everypony knew and spoke of?

Such a thing had never happened before. So when he looked down upon the two beautiful males before him, he could not contain a certain excitement growing throughout his entire body, albeit stronger in some areas than others.

“What the hell doc?! What is this you’re thinking of us?” Silver asked out, with the latest paper from the device in his paw.

Brown looked over to his fabulous companion with a befuddled expression on his face. “What are you talking about, Silver?”

The teacher, realizing that his thoughts of the two handsome males were now public, began trembling with a mix of excitement and embarrassment. Thoughts flooded his mind as saw the plump and juicy stallion walk over to Silver, ripples spreading throughout his plot with every step.



While Brown and Silver were respectively repulsed and taken aback by the vivid descriptions of the teacher’s thoughts, Amethyst on the other hoof had to concentrate very hard not to laugh out loud at his perverse desires regarding her friends, and their reaction to said desires.

“You boys are taking this way too seriously,” she began, giggling uncontrollably. “It’s normal for a stallion of his position to view young, fresh, and clearly inexperienced males such as you in a romantic fashion.”

Brown looked up from the device that was printing out every uttered word, toward Amethyst intently. “What do you mean it’s natural? We never hear of these things, and while I don’t mind others taking an interest in me, I’d prefer it if they kept those thoughts to themselv--”

“What do you mean inexperienced, my dear pegasus?” Silver interrupted Brown.

Up until this point there had been a constant flow of noise flowing throughout the room. Whether it came from the teacher trying to reorganize his papers, Brown’s constant meddling with the device, or from Amethyst’s constantly poking Silver with her left wing, there was always some noise in the room.

That stopped at the very moment Silver uttered the word inexperienced, as all of the ponies present knew just what he was capable of doing when offended.

It would be worth pointing out that there was a certain possibility that Amethyst Rose didn’t remember what he was capable of doing once offended. That possibility was evident through the smug smile that was slowly spreading across her lips as Silver approached her.

“What’s the matter Silv’? You’re offended that I’m questioning your masculinity?”

Silver stopped up in front of Amethyst, eyes locked to hers, his face void of emotion. “Ever since I arrived here at this academy, you’ve been the only one around to truly show the friendship you ponies are so well known for.”

His head tilted to the side and his gaze wandered off to the other ponies present in the room. “No one wanted to take in the traumatized wolf that was forced to eat ponies and wolves alike in a foreign land.” This caused the said ponies to shakily move about in place, ashamed of the way that they had treated Silver.

He leaned in closer to Amethyst, establishing eye contact.“But you were always there, helping me relax in this foreign land that had only brought me bad memories. You gave me food and rest, as well as medical treatment on several occasions.” He brought a paw up below her chin, lifting her face up to his. “You even got a hold of some Canisbergian tea.”

In that moment, Amethyst Rose most certainly lived up to her name. Not only did she bear the respective colours of her name, she also showed them in a harmonic way. While this was easy to notice for any onlooker, this moment reinforced that effect.

The natural colours of her coat, mane and eyes would normally show off all the colours that her name represented. But the heavy blush that adored her cheeks, along with the half closed eyes and big smile brought out a whole new array of colours.

Because she had almost closed her eyes and started leaning forward towards Silver, she didn’t notice the grin that was rapidly spreading on Silver’s face. “Too bad you’re incredibly ugly.”


The teacher looked up from the device to face the trio before him. “It would appear that the device occasionally does a timeskip.”

Silver briefly lifted the bag of ice cubed off of his muzzle to speak clearly. “What do you mean doc?”

The teacher stood up from his chair and started walking over to the corner of the room. “The device that has been writing everything down so far is defective. It can’t do any of the things we originally planned for it to do.”

He pulled out a few books from the bookcase and turned around. “We wanted it to write down everything that was going on around you three, but so far the only thing we’ve gotten is dialogue and vague descriptions of your surroundings.”

He levitated the books over to the trio, their eyes locked on him. “Furthermore, it doesn’t seem to have written in any type of third-person perspective. It shifted from following each of you, depending on how similar you were to me.”

This earned him a confused look from Amethyst, who up until now had been nonchalant about the whole ordeal. “How similar to you? What’s that supposed to mean?”

The teacher let a smug smile spread across his face, and leaned up against the wall. “While it’s true that I didn’t supply it with the largest amount of magic, or that I’m not the one in charge of this experiment, it was still me who designed the original version of the device. I suppose it recognizes me as its father, and favors those who are similar to me to those who aren’t.”

Brown looked away from the teacher and reached out for the books in front of him. “I didn’t know the device had a mind of its own. When did you plan on telling us this?”

The teacher walked back over to the device and started supplying it with paper. “I didn’t because it doesn’t. The device isn’t a senti--” he was interrupted by the sound of Silver bringing the ice bag back on his muzzle “--isn’t a sentient being. The fact that it ‘recognized’ you is not the same as how you would recognize somepo--egh, someone.”

Brown opened the book and studied the early drafts for the device. “Could you elaborate on that last part?”

The teacher finally sat back down in his chair and let himself relax for just a fraction of a second. “Gladly. As you should know, this device is supposed to mimic the way an author writes, so it was supposed to follow each of you respectively and get ‘experience’ if you can express it that way.

“But instead of following you around and ‘watching’ you, it also recorded thoughts, and went into a 1st-person perspective. It was already known that it could write down thoughts if you addressed it directly.” He turned his head and let his gaze rest on Brown. “Out of the three of you, Brown was the only one who did this, albeit in a different manner than expected.”

Brown put down the book and looked up at the teacher. “When did that happen? I have no memory of using the device.”

The teacher decided that he had had enough of moving around so he teleported over to the device, rather than walking. “It’s written down in the fourth chapter. Here, let me find it.”

Amethyst was surprised at that, and looked around at the ponies in the room with a puzzled expression on her face. “What do you mean ‘chapters’? Doesn’t the device just write down everything that we do?”

The teacher looked up from the stack of papers and teleported over to Amethyst with a small pamphlet. “We expected you to read through this pamphlet that explains everything the device is supposed to do. Instead of writing down everything, it only writes down things that a reader would actually be interested in. Such as your and Silver’s drinking.”

Upon hearing that last part Amethyst shrunk back in her chair, fearing how her family might react. Silver, on the other hand, only gave off a small hum.

The teacher teleported back to the device and decided that he might take a look at the latest things the device had written before going through the other stack of papers. “How interesting, it’s writing down the things that are happening right now!”

Silver removed the bag of ice from his muzzle and turned his head to the teacher. “How does it describe me?”

The teacher laughed at that, and looked him in the eye. “It doesn’t. It only mentions you when you move or speak. Other than that there’s no descriptions of you at all.”

His smile quickly disappeared when he continued to read through the papers that were huddled together in the stack. “In fact, there’s no descriptions at all. The only thing that’s written down is dialogue, and how we move about as we speak.”

His face then filled with shock, terrified at what he just discovered. “It doesn’t even use my name! It only use the terms ‘the teacher’ and ‘him!’ This is unacceptable. We’ll have to redesign the entire device!”

Silver looked back and forth from the mad teacher and the glorious device. “When will we be able to use it again? As in, when can we expect a new ‘chapter’ to arrive?”

The disgusting teacher cut the beautiful device off from its supply of paper, and looked up to face Silver. “I don’t know, it could be week before it’ll be ready for use. At this rate, I have no ide
