• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 457 Views, 16 Comments

The Haunted Mansion - applejackreturns

The mane six (Equestria 217, a human dimension) decide to spend their last day of vacation in the new theme park that opened outside Ponyville, and into a haunted mansion, but what they don't know, is that nobody can leave the place, alive.

  • ...

There are shadows in the mansion

The carriage was leaving the sleeping Ponyville, and towards Equestria Land, where the nine girls were going to spend their last vacation days. The sun hadn't come out, it was still hiding behind the tall mountains of the East. The birds where still on their nests, the rabbits rested inside their holes, and about every creature in Equestria, slept.

The rocky road where the carriage drove on made it's passengers and the baggage violently bounce, but no one seemed to care, as something else caught their sight, behind a hill, a big tall sign made it's way to the top of the skies, that read


and below it, numerous rollercoasters and buildings and above all, a six story wooden, old looking house, covered a huge place in the landscape . Everyone's eye got bigger and bigger by the second, they couldn't wait to get there.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! There it is, I'm so excited, aren't you excited, cause I'm excited" Pinkie Pie rapidly said, very enthusiastic.

"Ah can't believe they dared to open it when summer is almost over!" Applejack said equaly excited, pressing Applebloom between her strong arms, making her uncomfortable.

"Where are we going first? I vote for The Speed Racer" Pinkie Pie said as saliva poured out of her mouth and onto Sweetie Belle's hair.

"I think we should go to the hotel, leave our things there, and start with The Jungle area, when we clear that out, we can go to The Space Mission, and finally to The Grand Canyon, that way we will be able to visit every ride in the park" Twilight read her to do list.

"And what about the Haunted House?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Haunted Mansion" Twilight corrected her.

"Yeah, mansion, whatever, the thing is that it isn't in any of the before mentioned areas, it is so big that it has it's own area" Rainbow replied.

"Well, I say we visit all the areas and when night arrives, we go there" Twilight said, her eyes fixed on her notebook, writing another task in it.

The driver listened carefully at what they said, but none seemed to notice that. The bumpy road then became a flat street, just as they came close to Equestria Land.

"By the way, I'm going to check us in, your job is to carry the bags in" Twilight said as they neared the park.

As the carriage arrived, the driver suggested he would help them with the bags, but Applejack said they had it all covered.

"But those are a lot of bags, are you sure-?" The driver asked

"Yes, we can handle it, thanks" Applejack interrupted him.

As Applejack turned around to pick up the biggest bag, the driver made a disgusting grimace, and then started walking to the carriage, where Scootaloo was.

"What is your name?" She asked a black pony, the pony then shook it's mane, and Scootaloo smiled "That's a pretty name you got, sir"

The driver then hopped in the cart, and stared at the girl, then he gave her a not very convincing smile "Sorry sweetie, but I have to go"

"Oh no, I'm Scootaloo, Sweetie is my friend right there" She said, pointing at Sweetie Belle

"I mean, err, Scootaloo, the horses are hungry, so I need to feed them" The driver impatiently said, grabbing the reins.

"Ponies, and John, which I think it's an odd name, says he is not hungry" Scootaloo innocently said, smiling

"Ponies don't talk dear" His smile becoming faker by the second "Now move back, I need to go"

Scootaloo did what she was told, and as the ponies started pulling the cart, she waved at them, and they shook their heads.

"How nice are ponies, and what odd names they have, Harry? John? Stephanie?, I have never in my life heard such names" She said, turning around and picking her backpack, and getting in the building.

Everybody carried as many bags as they could, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash carried huge piles over their backs.

"I bet, I can carry the bags longer than you, AJ" Rainbow Dash said, getting inside the hotel.

"This is no competition Rainbow" Applejack said with ease.

"What, you scared to lose?" Rainbow teased Applejack, as she started to feel the weight of the bags.

"Ok fine, but what does the loser get when she loses?" Applejack replied as she held her hand out, as Rainbow shook it.

"To spend to hole night inside the haunted mansion" Rainbow Dash said with a grin, receiving one from Applejack too.

"It, is, on!" They both said in unison, getting their faces close, nose to nose, grining.

"Sooooooo, should we kiss?" Rainbow Dash as she licked her lips.

"You are not lesbian Rainbow" Applejack responded, not breaking their stare.

"I know, but it should be interesting" Rainbow said, closing to her friend, slowly.

"You should try it with Pinkie or Flutter Shy, maybe they would like it" She said, finally breaking the eye contact "We should get going, they are already inside the elevator

"Oh no, we are taking the stairs" She pointed out.

"Let's go then" Applejack said to Rainbow Dash, as she signaled her friends they were going to take the stairs.

The others went quickly up to the fourth floor, while AJ and Rainbow Dash started walking up the stairs. A few dozen of stairs late, RD started sweating. They were both in silence as they ascended, Applejack thought of the fun things that await her outside, Rainbow Dash could only think of the heaviness of the bags.

"I can't, take it, anymore" The words barely got out of her mouth,as her face went read, and sweat poured out of her forehead.

"What did you say?" The bags made her unable to hear what Rainbow said.

"Nothing!" Rainbow Dash squeaked, relieved Applejack didn't her what she said, her arms shook due to the weight of the bags.

"Well, If you need help with it, Ah can--" Applejack, grinning.

"NO! No, no, no! I'm fine, I can handle it" Rainbow Dash quickly interrupted "We are getting close aren't we?" She said trying to avoid any more questions.

"Hmmm, Ah think this is the third floor" Applejack said as she read a sign with the number "3" on the wall "We still have to go up another four floors" She said as she resumed walking up, effortlessly carrying the bags on her back. Behind her Rainbow cursed everything she would come up with inside her head, pressing her lips and holding air.

With her muscles begging for rest and almost all her fluids out of her body, the only thing that gave her the strength to continue, was her heart, and the fear of losing.

"Are you ok sugarcube?" Applejack said as she saw Rainbow Dash's agonizing face "If you want, you can call the bet off, IF you let me tell them you forfeited"

Rainbow chuckled "I'm not even beginning to warm up, why would I surrender?"

"I'm the element of Honesty, I can tell when you are lying" Applejack said "Just give me the bags, and you won't have to sleep inside that spooky house"

The offer was tempting, she had nothing to lose, except her dignity, but she didn't want Applejack to embarrass her in front of everyone.

"I'm not the one sleeping inside the house" She said "I'm not going to forfeit the AHHH!!!!" Her feet missed a step, making her lose her balance, and fall back. With all the bags, she wasn't able to react in time. She was about to fall, when a hand grabbed her shirt and pulled her back up, with both strength and precision, not dropping any bags. She then looked at Applejack, who was a little shocked of what could have happened if she didn't see her friend falling. Rainbow's fingers then ceded, dropping the bags on the floor.

"Guess someone is sleeping inside the spooky house tonight" A grinning Applejack said.

Twilight and Fluttershy got into a ocean decorated suite, with two beds and a night lamp with the form of a shell.

"This room looks beautiful" Fluttershy said as she sat on a bed "So much better than my house that's for sure"

"That's nonsense Flutters, your house is amazing" Twilight said as she sat besides her "It has that wooden floor, and it's full of animals, and is close to the river"

"Yeah no, this place is better" She said laying back and grabbing a glass that was by the lamp, and looking inside.

"Are those soaps?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy pulled a small silver bag out of the glass.

"I don't think so, there is something soft inside" Fluttershy said as she opened the bag "These are condoms" She said with an expressionless face. Both girls stayed like that for a few seconds, staring at the bag and it's contents.

"Should we keep them?" Twilight pulled another out of the glass "You know, if we get lucky"

"We should definitely keep these" She said putting it back in "You never know....."

"Oh darling this is marvelous, look at the beds, look at the sheets, the amazing view!" Rarity said as she got in her suite.

"And the carpets are pink!" Pinkie hopped in the room "We should have a sleepover!"

"We can´t do a sleepover Pinkie, it's just the two of us" Rarity said as she got into the restroom "Do you mind if I shower dear?"

"Go ahead stinky dinky, I'll just tell myself some jokes over here" Pinkie said "Oh look, there is a glass with some bags of soap on the night table!"

"We are so not going to sleep tonight!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"We are going to play games, and tell spooky stories, and do stuff!" Scootaloo said as she sat on the floor, later joined by her friends.

"Maybe not, but today we are going to explore Equestria Land, and maybe we will find our special talent!" Applebloom said as she threw her bags on the floor.

"Oh and, I wanna tell you both something I saw yesterday" Sweetie Belle said as her friends got close to her, curious "You know that I told Rarity I was going out with you both, but I didn´t, right? Well the thing is, I did it because she has been very anxious when I leave home lately, that I decided to investigate, so I went out, and got inside through the window, and I searched for her inside, but I didn't find her, so I went upstairs, and her door was locked! So I peered through the key hole, and I saw Rarity doing, something to herself" Her friends where really close to her "And she looked like, she was liking it a lot, makes me feel like I want to do it too"

"And what was she doing to herself?" Scootaloo and Applebloom asked in unison.

"She was naked, and rubbing one hand between her legs, and the other squeezing one breast" As she said that, her friends looked at the named parts of their bodies.

"Did you do it?" Applebloom asked.

"I haven't yet but, I was thinking in doing it, today" Sweetie Belle "And I thought maybe, you could try it too"

Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at each other, and with a nod, Applebloom pulled her shirt off, then Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle last.

"Wow Applebloom, your breasts are really big!" Scootaloo said amazed.

"It comes from the family, but AJ's are way bigger" She said as she pulled her bra off, her friends followed.

"So we, just squeeze it?" Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh wow, it feels, awesome!" Sweetie Belle said as she squeezed both breasts "We do this and later we do the legs thing"

"I tripped, that doesn't count!" Rainbow Dash said as Applejack laughed and opened the door the their room.

"The bet was to hold the bags the longest, you dropped all of yours" The farmer then dropped all the bags on the floor "And yes, you HAVE to stay inside all night"

"I know I know, but just because I tripped" She said frowning.

"Yes Rainbow, because you tripped" Applejack said grinning "Now where is the menu, I want to order something" Rainbow was busy frowning, so Applejack looked for the menu around the beds "Ah, here you are! Ok, apple... apple... apple... apple pie, yes!" She then picked the phone up "Hi, I want to order some apple pie, yes, no just the pie, ok thanks" After hanging, she then looked at Rainbow Dash "Oh come on Rainbow, I'm stronger than you, so what?" Rainbow didn't move "If it makes you feel better, Ah think you are faster" That raised Rainbow Dash's brow "A lot faster".

"Ok ok, you cheered me up" Rainbow then lied down "But I know I can beat you"

"Yeah yeah Rainbow, you sure can" Applejack said as she waited her pie.

A few minutes later, someone knocked at the door "The pie!" Applejack jumped off the bed and opened the door "Hi, thanks for...."
She froze as she saw the young man's face "Do Ah, do Ah know you?"

The man also froze, staring at Applejack "I don't, know, but I think I have met you" He then got inside the room "If I may, what is your name?" He said almost stammering.

"Rar- ah no, Applejack" She said "What is yours, if I may"

"Max, that's what it says on my name tag, so it must be true" He said with a nervous chuckle "It says I'm Max Beezy, haha, what a weird name"

"I love you, no, I mean, I love your name" She said fuck!!! inside her head.

"I love you too, no wait, I mean your name" He said the same inside his head.

"Yeah, and you have a pie! I love pies" She said sweating.

"If-if you like, you can have it" He said handing it to her.

"Oh no, it's too soon for that, I think we should take it slow" Her brain started failing.

"Yeah totally, slow, maybe we should wait a year or two" His wasn't the exception.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" Applejack blurted.

"I so want to fuck you" He said getting close to her.

Then, from inside the room, Rainbow started snoring, making Applejack and Max's brain work again.

"Oh ah, the pie you requested, miss Apple" He gave her the pie "Have a good night" He then turned around and left

"I love you" Applejack whispered, as she closed the door "I love you Max"

The sun was setting, the last sun beams touched Rainbow Dash's rainbow colored mane, as she stood in front of the place that was going to be her bedroom that night. By her side were five girls, all staring at the giant mansion. Applejack then said:

"Well partner, guess you will be staying inside for tonight, good luck" As she patted her shoulder.

"Come on, it's just a haunted house--" She started.

"Mansion" Twilight corrected.

"Haunted mansion, what's the big deal?" She said, terrified.

"Well, I know this was a bet between us, and that you lost" She put more emphasis in those last words, her friends giggling at that "But as a friend, I'm going in too"

"That's very nice of you AJ, but I rather go through this one alone" She said as she stepped a few yards closer.

"Oh come on, Rainbow, let your pride aside, we know you are scared" Applejack as she got to Rainbow's side.

"I'm not scared, nothing can scare me" She said proudly. Applejack knew she was lying, but she decided to play along.

"Well then, me and the girls are going back to the hotel, see you in the morning!" She turned around and indicated her friends to follow

"No wait!" Rainbow Dash yelled "If YOU are not scared, you will come in"

Applejack chuckled "She is right girls, we should get inside" As she, Pinkie Pie and Rarity walked by Rainbow's side, Twilight pulling Fluttershy.

"All right then, we all get inside" Rainbow was relieved she wasn't getting in alone "Now?"

"Why not? It will be fun, besides there is almost no one else inside the mansion" Twilight said as they all walked inside the immense mansion "Ok then, there are a lot of paths, I suggest we stay together, I don't want to get lost"

They all took the left path, looking for traps or hidden people, surprisingly seeing no one "Where is everyone?" Rarity asked.

"I don´t know, maybe they are letting us think there is nothing to fear, and then, they will attack!" Twilight said as Fluttershy squeaked.

They all walked deeper into the mansion, trying to not get lost, with eyes pealed. The place was foggy and a weak green light came out of the ceiling, the book cases where full of dust and spider webs. They all wondered where were everyone, and as they wondered, the main entrance was loudly shut, making them all jump in surprise.

"What was that?" Fluttershy said as she hid inside the circle of girls.

"Ah think it was the door closing!" Applejack said frightened.

"Ok ok, everyone, calm down, maybe this is part of the routine" Twilight said, trying to hide her fear.

"What was that!?!?" Rainbow Dash yelled as hard as she could.

"What, what did you see?" Rarity asked as they all got closer to each other.

"A shadow, I saw a shadow, a big shadow!" Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed Rarity's shoulders.

They all got closer and closer, terrified, Fluttershy convincing herself nothing happened. As the time passed they all got calmer, to the point of boredom.

"It was probably nothing" Applejack said "I say we keep going" And so, they slowly started walking backwards, trying to focus.

"Ok girls, I think we should find a place where we can sleep" Rarity said turning around, not seeing her friends "Girls?"

"What was that?" Fluttershy said, biting her nails.

"It sounded like Rarity, but she is right.... girls, where is Rarity?" Twilight asked looking around.

"Oh no, she probably took the other path, we should go back for her" Rainbow Dash said as she walked towards the place where they lost her, but as she got near, in the darkness, she saw something moving, stopping right away, to see what it was. The thing then moved, looking like a tall black figure. She then looked back, seeing she was alone with the figure.

She was frozen, and so was the thing, both not moving a muscle, then a lightning illuminated the room, revealing a black figure with a big colorful mask, and in his hand, something shiny. Rainbow Dash started walking slowly backwards, accelerating as she got further away from the creature.

The creature then gave one step forward, then two, and then it was walking towards her, making Rainbow Dash bolt with great speed, the thing following. Rainbow ran for what felt ages, not looking back, twisting and turning around the mansion, until at some point, something stood in front of her, colliding with it.

"What in the tarnation!" A familiar voice said.

"Oh AJ, you are here, where are the others?" Rainbow Dash said hugging her friend, crying.

"Ah got lost, been lost for some time" Applejack said as she stood up.

"Well then, we regroup and find a safe place to sleep" Rainbow Dash said as she looked the hall where she came.

"Safe, what are you talking about?" Applejack asked, puzzled.

"No time for questions, we move!" She said pulling Applejack by her arm and into the fog.

Author's Note:

The name Max Beezy comes from the fimfiction writer MaxBeezy, better check his work, it's awesome.