• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,221 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

64 POV

Little weirdo didn’t even began to describe Spike right now. He was borderline OBSESSED with trying to impress Rarity. He was bragging about how much stronger he had gotten since he had last seen her, which had been about two days. Little shit even started to brag behind my back that he was probably strong enough to take me in a fight.

“Oh Spike, you mustn’t distract me while I’m resizing your suit! You have gotten bigger, but I’m afraid not in the way you have hoped… I’ve had to widen your shirt and jacket quite a bit.” Rarity said, as I tried my best not to chuckle.

“Yeah, well, Twilight says I have to keep eating so I can grow to big a bigger Dragon!” Spike said, trying to puff out his chest to look more muscular. That didn’t sound right to me, because I knew what was really needed for Dragon growth.

“Spike, are you telling me you don’t know what you need to grow bigger?” I asked, breaking my silence as I sat on a table playing Solitaire.

“Yeah, eating like a pony has too. I’ve seen what Big Mac eats and he’s huge!”

I didn’t know who Big Mac was, but based on his name I had to guess he wasn’t small. I shook my head at his answer though.

“No, No, Dragons are fed by a mixture of both Greed and Gems. The bigger their hoard is the bigger they become. It has something to do with your body feeding on the enjoyment of your possessions, which goes back to the instinct you have to hoard valuables. I’m surprised Twilight doesn’t know more about this.” I said, going back to my game on the table.

Spike looked at me with a look of confusion, and promptly sat down in the seat across from, spouting more questions about Dragons. Rarity silently thanked me for getting Spike’s attention away from her and continued to work on both our suits, while I continued to explain what I could to Spike.

If I had my case notes then I probably give a finer explanation, but I did alright on the facts. Dragons were driven by a primal instinct to gather and hoard. The reason for this is that the bigger their hoards are, the bigger they will become. So in reality, Dragons didn’t have a desire to hoard, they had a desire to grow.

Spike’s eyes widened at this, as did Rarity’s.

“Wait, but I’ve never wanted to go and take things for myself! Why haven’t I felt anything yet?!” Spike asked, overreacting to his situation. I chuckled and continued my explanation.

“Well no doubt you haven’t reached maturity yet. So it’s only a matter of time until you start to feel more primal urges. Damn, why do I feel I’ve had this conversation with Ghost?” I asked myself, remember what I explained to Ghost about him maturing.

“Oh, I guess that makes sense…” Spike said, rubbing the spines on his head. I nodded and continued my game of Solitaire, trying to find a Red 8 I could put on a Black 9. Rarity continued stitching and sewing away while Spike seemed to be questioning his own existence.

The hours slipped away as I heard a ringing outside signifying that is was now 7PM, and I was now on my 4th game.

“Damn, it’s getting late…” I muttered.

“Won’t you be needing to get back to Canterlot tonight?” Rarity asked, her hair becoming messier and messier as time droned on.

“No I can stay in Ponyville for the night, I’ll just stay at an Inn or something.” I said, putting the deck of cards away and standing up. Spike was asleep on a couch set against a wall, and kicking in his sleep much like a dog would.

“I think I gotta get this little guy home… Twilight will have my head if he doesn’t get home somehow.” I muttered, picking up Spike and cradling him.

“Oh thank you Darling, he seems to be a bit clingy whenever I take him home.” Rarity said, dragging a comb through her hair a few times to try and tame it, “Do be safe!”

“I will, goodnight Rarity” I said, walking out of her workshop area and heading towards the front door. I noticed that the Rose Ruby I had left her was still sitting in the same spot it was when I left it.

“Holy crap did she not leave that sewing machine at all today?” I thought as I walked out the front door, feeling the chill of the night’s air.

I walked through town as polite waves were directed towards me, as I tried to respond to them with a smile.

I was feeling hungry right now, knowing I hadn’t eaten since I had come back from Trottingham. I knew there wouldn’t be any meat to eat in this pony filled town, but there was always the Whitefire Woods nearby.

I silently pushed open the door to Twilight’s Library and was introduced to one of the strangest sights I had come across in my life, and that was saying something.

“Twilight, why is there an overgrown apple in the middle of the library?” I asked, looking at enormous apple in the room. Looking closer I saw that it was actually hollowed out, looking as if it would serve as a carriage for a group of ponies.

Twilight’s head peeked around the apple as she came out holding a book in her magical grasp.

“Oh! 64, I was wondering when you were going to get home. This is the spell I’ve been working on for tomorrow night, and I was finally able to get it just right!” She said with a large smile, before noticing who had in my arms. “Oh, did Spike fall asleep?”

“Yea, it seems that lusting after one mare for 6 hours in a row can tire a Drake out.” I said with a bit of sarcasm.

Twilight chuckled at my tone. “Well you can head upstairs and set him down in his bed. It’s the small basket with the blue blankey in it.”

I stopped in my tracks when she said that. I had the strongest urge to laugh so loudly I would need to drop Spike. The little gut acted all tough for Rarity, but still slept with a blankey!? Damn I would need to use that against him later.

“Alright thanks for that.” I said with a stupid grin, walking up the stairs and opening their bedroom door. True to Twilight’s word there was a small basket on the side of Twilight’s bed, complete with blue blankey. Again forcing the urge to laugh down I set him in the basket, covering him with the sheet.

“I know he seems a bit old for a blankey but—“ I cut off Twilight before she could continue.

“No, I know. Even for a dragon he’s still a baby. Put how old is he in pony years?” I asked, wondering if Spike was the dragon which I heard about when I was still in the labs.

“In pony years he is still very young, only 6 years old, but Dragons minds mature very rapidly, don’t they? So I feel he needs time to remain a child than grow to be like some of the meaner Dragons out there.” Twilight said, walking back down the stairs with me following.

My stomach quietly growled as I hesitated to ask my next question.

“Hey, uh, Twilight. I was wondering, do you have anything to eat around town? You know, more… omnivorous...?” I asked, waiting for Twilight’s response. She turned around quickly to look at me, a confused look on her face.

I opened my mouth to show her my teeth, more specifically the canines. She flinched when she saw the intimidating teeth, knowing what animals used them for.

“64, you’re carnivorous?!” Twilight questioned, backing away slowly.

“Of course not… I’m an omnivore! I remember nearly dropping dead when all they fed me in the labs was half a carrot every two days! I nearly went insane! After looking at my biology with… her… I discovered that a human needed a lot more than a pony needed to survive, and that led me to the perfect source of nutrition, meat.”

Twilight nearly fainted when I said that last word, obviously not wanting to know that grisly part of my anatomy.

“Look, I can tell this sounds really weird, so I’ll leave you to it. I’ll go see if I can find an Inn to stay at tonight, okay?” I said, walking towards the door.

Twilight nodded as she started to release the tension she had been building up. “Ok 64, but there aren’t any… meat… vendors around town. Ponies are primarily vegetarian. You might find some luck in things like beans, which a mare named Squeaky Bean is famous for here in Ponyville.”

I thought of that. Beans were a good substitute for meat for a while, but I was feeling adventurous tonight.

“Ok, I’ll ask around. Thanks for that Twilight, have a good evening!” I said, walking out the door as I heard Twilight reply a ‘Good Night’ of her own.

Truth was I wasn’t heading for an Inn. I was headed straight for the Everfree Forest, where I knew there were plenty of wild animals for a good hunt. Manticore was often very good, and when their venomous stingers are chopped of and burnt, it often tasted very sweet.

I walked past Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy’s Cabin, straight to the entrance of the Everfree. Night had fallen, and all of the animals could be heard skittering about through the tall grasses. I closed and channeled magic towards my eyes, giving them a red glow and allowing me to see in the incredibly dark place.

There were snakes slithering through the tall grass next to me, which I quickly leapt for and captured. I identified it as a harmless Garden Snake, and quickly deprived it of its head, stuffing it into a small cloth pouch I had.

I walked along the trail scouring the ground for any prey I could find, which ended up being frogs, rabbits, snakes, and squirrels. I decided that it was a good enough dinner and started to make a small fire, gathering up dry tinder from the ground and pulling large branches from trees.

Making a small knife I peeled and skinned all of the animals I had captured, prepping them for my meal. They were all relatively easy to skin, but finding a river to wash them was terrible. I ended up finding a small stream near the forest entrance, but it was a pain in the ass to walk all the way back to the small fire place I made.

“Heh, I wonder what Fluttershy would do if she saw me with this food. She’d probably fly me up to the atmosphere then drop me.” I chuckled, finally arriving to the pile of wood. I lit the flame with my magic and stabbed the pieces of meat onto a small spit I made, placing them into the flame and waiting for them to cook.

I dispelled the magic in my eyes, knowing it was no longer necessary with the fire lighting up the immediate area. I wanted to lie on my back to stare up at the stars in the sky, but the canopy of trees above me blocked Luna’s creations from my vision. I sighed loudly, knowing that Luna often sat in her Court alone while Celestia got a flurry of visitors each and every day.

It made me feel really bad at times, especially if I wasn’t able to watch the stars at night like I had promised her I would. I always tried to watch the stars at night, because whenever I was really far away from Canterlot for a job, Luna would often leave little messages hidden in the stars for me, something I found incredibly awesome.

I heard the crackling sound of meat beginning to become well done, and pulled the small skewers of meat off of the flames. Munching lazily on the various sticks of meat, I laid back down onto my back, ready to fall asleep for the night. Some ponies might say that sleeping in the Everfree Forest was a bad idea, but I’ve slept in a pool of Changeling blood before, so I think a forest will do me just fine.

After a few minutes later the skewers of meat were done, and my stomach was left satisfied. I dozed off after a while, taking in the pleasant sounds of crickets chirping and water running.

3rd Person POV

64 awoke with a few pleasant streaks of sunlight hitting him in the face, rousing him out of his slumber. He was surprised that Luna hadn’t contacted him during the dream he had about skydiving, before realizing he was afraid of heights.

He stood up and cracked his back a few times, knowing that the rocky ground wasn’t the most comfortable thing to sleep on. Rarity said she would be finishing his tux today, so he would need to pick that up today.

“I hope she didn’t literally spend all night working on it. And I pray she didn’t bedazzle the shit out of it…” 64 muttered, covering up the fire by kicking dirt all over it. He made the quick walk back into Ponyville, taking in the scenery he wasn’t offered while working. Hell, even in Canterlot he had to stay hidden within the Palace Walls.

“HEY! IT’S YOU!” A mare’s voice said, as 64 turned towards the direction of the voice. He saw an Orange Mare with a Stetson hat running towards him, along with a smaller yellow coated and red maned filly riding on her back.

“64! It been ages! ‘Ah haven’t seen ya since you rode off with Princess Celestia on that chariot! Ah nearly thought she did you in when ya took off!” Applejack said, as the filly on her back looked part confused and part terrified.

“Uh, Applejack? Your passenger?” 64 said, pointing to Applebloom. Applejack looked slightly confused for a second, before remembering.

“Oh! This here’s mah sister Applebloom! Say Hi Bloom.” Applejack said, putting her on the floor and pushing her towards 64. All Applebloom had seen was a strange creature had come out of the Everfree forest towards Ponyville, and then her sister had ran full speed at it, only to greet it. So her natural reaction was expected.

“Uh… H-Hi? I’m… uh… Applebloom?” She said, slowly backing away. Applejack put her hoof onto Applebloom’s rear, pushing her back forward towards 64.

“Now Applebloom, jus’ because he looks a bit different doesn’t mean ya can just back away from him. Get to know him first before you’re terrified of him.” Applejack said.

“Wow, are you sure you’re not the Element of Harsh Truth?” 64 asked sarcastically, as Applejack waved a hoof at him.

“Ah had heard you were in town, but I hadn’t seen ya till now. What brings ya?”

“I came in to deliver the tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, and to get a nice suit made by Rarity. I don’t have much formal wear, so I decided it was best to get it done by the up and coming Fashionista of Equestria.” 64 said, adding a fake posh accent at the end of the sentence.

Applejack laughed as did Applebloom, now warming up to the strange creature that was so casually conversing with her sister.

“Well, if you’re headin’ to Rarity’s right now, mind if ah tag along? She wanted the girls to head on over to do our makeup or somthin’…” Applejack said, kicking her hoof in the dirt.

“Oh c’mon, can’t be that bad… I hate getting gussied up for these stupid meeting that Celestia always has with clients. It’s always strange to see a stallion all dressed up in a suit asking for a hit out on somepony…” 64 said, looking upwards, muttering that last part to not worry the girls.

“Well, if you say so. Let’s go an’ see her, I just hope we’re not too late…”

“Why would we be late? What time is it? Like 9?”

Applejack shook her head no.

“No, it’s about ta be 11, and Rarity wanted me there by 11:15 for whatever she does…” Applejack said, waving her hoof over to 64 as the two began to walk to town. Applebloom tapped her sister’s leg as they walked.

“Hey sis? Ah’m gonna head back home ok?”

“Ok, make sure to tell Big Mac that the apple’s in the east orchard need buckin’! We missed some of ‘em last Harvest Season!”

Applejack yelled as Applebloom began running home. 64 suddenly remembered that name as one that Spike told him about.

“Big Mac? Who’s that?” 64 said, not wanting to try and make a guess.

“Oh, he’s mah big brother. Strongest stallion in all of Ponyville!” Applejack boasted.

“Well it’s too bad I’m not a stallion then, because I can bet bits to berries that I’m stronger than him.” 64 said with a smug grin on his face.

“Yeah, Yeah, whatever keeps your ego afloat…”

The two continued their walk to the Carousel Boutique, each going back in forth in conversation.

“HEY! YOU!” A voice said, as a blue and Rainbow blur suddenly swept over 64 as he ducked, narrowly avoiding it. 64 looked up at the assailant as it began to make a turn around, and decided to try out a technique Shining Armor had taught him.

Charging his hands with red magic he steadied himself on the ground, ready to parry a projectile. It continued at him as he put his hands straight out, and gripped the Pegasus’s wing He pivoted on his right foot and swung the Pegasus around before slamming it into the ground, as dust kicked up everywhere.

“Hey! Let go of me!” The voice yelled as 64 was able to identify it.

“Listen Rainbow, I can’t have you attacking me in a public place like this, so let’s call a truce for whatever this is huh?” 64 asked, releasing his grip from Rainbow Dash and standing back up. She stood up as well and shook all of the dirt off of her, scowling at 64.

“The reason I did that is because Twilight told us all about what you did to Princess Celestia! That was horrible!” Rainbow Dash yelled, sending a punch into 64’s unprotected stomach. He simply rubbed the pain away and smiled, pissing Rainbow dash off even more.

Applejack was using her hat to try and muffle her laughs, as Rainbow Dash turned on her as well.

“What AJ? You try punching him then!”

Applejack stopped laughing as she waved her hood. “Ah’m not laughin’ at your punch Rainbow. Ah’m laughin’ at that story! That thing was priceless!” Applejack said, seeing the story as hilarious as 64 did.

“What?! He embarrassed Princess Celestia in front of the entire population of Canterlot! How are you not mad at him?!”

“Because, compared to what Celestia has done to him in his past, ah think that was nothing. If anything it could ‘ave been a lot worse.”

The two began to scowl at each other as Fluttershy made herself apparent.

“Um… girls? We’re supposed to get to Rarity’s, I can see Pinkie Pie and Twilight are already there…” Fluttershy whispered, stopping the arguments.

“Rainbow, could I make it up to you if I get you a pass to the VIP section? The Wonderbolts are gonna be there, and I know three of them personally.” 64 said, as Rainbow Dash shot up from her stare down with Applejack and zoomed to him, flying up to his eye level.

“What?! You know the Wonderbolts?!” she screamed. 64 wiped his face of her spit, and continued.

“Yeah, they aren’t just an Aerial Performance group, they’re part of the Equestrian Military. Whenever I was on a job and needed some equipment I didn’t have, they would drop supply crates to my location. Sometimes they would provide aerial support and tell me what was up ahead. Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin all helped me in some way, so I’m pretty sure I can ask one more favor and get you inside.” 64 said.

Rainbow squealed in excitement and flew upwards, obviously over excited.

“Alright, Fluttershy’s right we gotta get going.” 64 said as the group continued, walking towards the Boutique.

Rarity could be seen scolding Pinkie Pie, and Twilight was still studying the book she was reading last night.

“Where are the others? It's getting late.” Rarity said, as Applejack spoke up.

“Hold your horses, girl. We're here.”

“Perfect! I’m ready!” Twilight said, slamming her book shut and standing up. Spike placed an apple onto the ground and backed away, as the rest of the company decided to do the same.

64 nudged Rarity as Twilight prepared and spoke, “Hey Rarity, is my suit ready?”

“Yes 64, I do hope you’ll like it. I had a feeling you wouldn’t particularly like the usual designs I give my clothing, so I went for a more plain look. It’s a simple Jet Black 3 piece, so I hope you’ll like it. Oh! And thank you so much for that lovely Rose Ruby! I remember losing one 6 months ago, and I haven’t been able to find one ever since!” Rarity said, as we both saw the apple on the ground suddenly expand into a grand Carriage, complete with reigns and driver’s seat.

“It was no trouble. Mind if I grab the suit?”

“Not at all, do be careful for Sweetie Belle in there. She has a problem with overreacting anything strange.”

“Got it.”

64 turned away from the group and entered the Carousel Boutique, seeing his suit ready on a rack. Looking at the suit he saw it also came along with a Red Undershirt, his favorite color.

“Damn Rarity, this is awesome…” 64 muttered, taking the coat off of the rack and carefully folding it over his arm. He did the same with the pants that came along with it, and walked out of the Boutique, seeing Rarity flirting with two stallions, most likely to get them to pull the carriage for the ladies.

“Well girls, now that I’ve delivered the tickets and gotten my suit, I do believe it’s high time for me to head back to Canterlot. I still gotta help set up for the Gala tonight.” 64 said, as Pinkie tackled him to the ground. Luckily the clothing he had was covered in plastic.

“WHAT?! You can’t do that! Aren’t you going to come with us!?” Pinkie yelled, as Twilight puller her off of him.

“No Pinkie, he’s working security at the Grand Galloping Gala and he needs to get there a bit earlier. Don’t worry, we’ll probably see him later anyway. Right 64?” Twilight said, as all of the girls looked expectantly.

64 nodded his head, “Oh yea, you’ll probably see me walking around, but don’t get too exciting about being able to talk, I gotta be paying attention to everything. I’ll see you all later!” 64 said, standing up and waving to all of the mares, walking away. He reached for the necklace charm and held it in his palm, channeling magic into it.

“This is Biped ready for pick up.” He said into it, looking up in the sky. 4 Pegasi came into view with a Chariot behind them, as 64 gripped the clothing under his arms a bit tighter. They landed onto the ground but continued running, rolling up to 64. He ran alongside them before hopping onto the Chariot, whistling to give the signal for takeoff.

They were back in the air as the mares on the ground looked up in awe, wondering how 64 managed to do that.

“Alright, now all I gotta do I get back and get ready. I hope these clothes actually fit…” 64 said, sitting down and looking at the dirty plastic wrapping surrounding the clothing.

64 POV

After arriving in Canterlot the first thing I did was check to see if the suit fit, and as I expected it fit perfectly. It wasn’t too tight that it restricted my movements, but it wasn’t too loose that it would feel a bit saggy.

It was nearly time for the Gala opening, and the festivities were starting up. Tables were being set up, dance floors were being laid out, and the Equestria Symphony Orchestra, were tuning their instruments.

I knew this was going to be a suit and tie thing, but I never thought it would be this boring! All of the stuffy prissy ponies were waiting outside for the doors to open, and just by listening to their conversations they each had an ulterior motive for attending. Some wanted to get closer to the Canterlot elites, some eligible bachelors came to find the daughters of rich dignitaries, and others came to simply see who was richer than the other.

I was the one who was going to open the doors for everypony, and I could already see some of the looks of disgust I was receiving. Some recognized me from the Courtroom 6 months ago, so they happily smiled and waved at me.

Shining Armor walked up to me clad in his battle armor, which struck me as odd.

“Hey Shining, what’s with the get up? I thought you were bringing Cadence to this thing?” I asked, as he sighed.

“I was, but Princess Celestia wanted me to guard the border of Canterlot along with a few other Squads. I had the whole date planned out too…” Shining said dejectedly. My wristwatch suddenly started to buzz, ringing 5PM.

“Well I gotta open these doors. I hope you have a good time guarding the place. See ya.” I said to Shining Armor, who walked away with 4 other Royal Guards. The ponies in the crowd looked at me with anger, no longer wanting to wait any longer.

I sighed, “This better be worth my time, and these ponies better behave themselves.”

I opened the large Palace doors, and instantly regretted it.

Author's Note:

Well The Grand Galloping Gala is on! From here things will only being to heat up, so get ready!

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