• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,226 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. The Finale Part 2

Author's Note:

New chapter for you guys who were patient enough to wait. I guarantee you there are only like 1 of you.

Chapter 65

3rd Person POV

Inferno was what he yelled, and the heat from his words was beginning to singe the ends of everyone’s mane. From his mouth spewed pieces of lava, charring the floor where it landed. His glare literally sent a blinding light towards whoever it was directed to, and right now his glare was locked onto the Changeling Queen standing in front of him.

Chrysalis was gaping at this creature in front of her, her horn glowing in preparation to defend herself. She was so distracted by the Inferno burning in front of her that she didn’t notice Twilight Sparkle once again was sneaking behind her to reach Princess Cadence, who was also frozen in fear at the events unfolding around her. Using her magic to dispel the goo holding Cadence to the altar, Twilight freed the Princess of Love.

“Quick! Go to him while you still have the chance!” Twilight urged, pushing her soon to be sister in law towards her fiance. Cadence was shaken out of her stupor at Twilight’s words, and rushed towards the complacent Shining Armor.

She looked over her stunned love, seeing his eyes glazed over by the magic Chrysalis was using to control him. Seeing him this helpless, and none the wiser to anything going on around him…

She was forced to tears at the sight, reaching out a tentative hoof to touch his face. Cadence choked on a sob and threw her legs around his neck, tears now streaming down her face at the loss of her love. So overcome with emotions, she didn’t realize that her horn was now beginning to charge magic, sparking and buzzing to life with love magic.

“Stay down you fleshy whelp!” Chrysalis threatened, once again sending concussive blasts of magic at Inferno, who only slightly flinched when an explosive blast hit. Where they struck pieces of rock were being blown off, showing flowing lava underneath the stone layer of the creature who was recovering from the hits. The exposed portions of his body slowly began to regenerate, once again being covered by the molten rocks.

YOU MUST HAVE A DEATHWISH!” Inferno yelled, his right arm lashing out and sending a fiery whip toward Chrysalis who was forced to take to the air. The whip nearly struck Cadence and Shining Armor, the heat causing Cadence to yelp and recoil in fear. The shock was enough to send a pulse of love magic into Shining Armor’s horn, breaking through the mind numbing spell that Chrysalis was using to keep Shining Armor in her grasp.

Slowly as the world came back into focus, Shining Armor blinked and groaned in confusion, rubbing the side of his head with his hoof and looking around. He felt the intense heat in the room, but had no idea where it was coming from. “H-Huh? Wha? I-Is the wedding over?” He asked, still dazed and disoriented as to where he was.

He looked to his fiancee and saw her disheveled state, and was about to ask her what had happened, until a very loud scream of pain assaulted everyone’s ears. Shining’s eyes darted towards the two combatants in the room, seeing Queen Chrysalis struggle to free herself from tendril of flames coming from Inferno’s left arm.

“What in Celestia’s name is going on?! What is that thing!?” Shining yelled out, standing in front of Cadence as if to protect her.

“It’s 64! He suddenly changed into that… thing! He said his name is Inferno!” Cadence replied, almost shaking at what was going on. Chrysalis, as she was still in the air, spun around in an attempt to free herself from the burning grasp of Inferno. The beast jumped as the Changeling Queen spun and got lifted off of the ground, pulled along as Chrysalis came to a stop.

Using his momentum Inferno pulled the tendril towards himself with both hands, making the tyro queen come along with it. With one hand extending outwards, Inferno caught the Changeling Queen by the neck and gripped it hard enough to block her flow of air, causing her to choke and gasp at the burning and searing pain around her neck.

I’m going to squash you like the tiny bug you are…” Inferno growled, a guttural vibration resonating deep within his throat. Chrysalis, not seeing any other way out of the monster’s grasp, charged her horn once again and began blasting it at Inferno’s face at close range, making him yell out in pain and drop her.

Now free, Chrysalis saw no point in staying in the room and flew out of the Balcony window, taking to the skies of the burning and crumbling Canterlot. Inferno cleared his eyes and watched her go, before growling once again and steadying himself. “You thought that you could just leave after you destroy what is rightfully mine to end?! I will not allow you to end it like that!” Inferno called, before dashing out of the same balcony window and leaping a great distance to catch up with the Changeling Queen.

“Your spell, perform your spell!” Twilight urged Shining Armor, everyone safe for the moment. Shining nodded and began to charge magic into his horn, but all that was able to come of it was a small spark of rose colored magic. He began to strain more and more in an attempt to try and conjure the spell, but its already taxing supply of magic it needed was too much for Shining to handle.

“N-No… My magic is useless now. I don’t have the strength to repel them…” Shining admitted, his brow furrowed and sweat dripping down his forehead. Cadence stepped towards him.

“My love will give you strength.” Cadence assured, wrapping her forelegs around Shining’s neck. With a newfound strength, Shining began to pour more and more energy into his magic, desperately trying to build up the magic needed for the shield. Cadence was trying to use her magic to help amplify the power Shining’s horn was giving off, but she felt blocked off and weak. “I… can barely use my love magic. What’s going on?”

“Twilight, try and get me down from here.” Celestia called, her voice hard and urgent. Twilight nodded, and tried to use her magic to get Celestia down from her Rehabilitation pod. It took a lot more effort than Twilight thought was necessary, and began sweating from the amount of concentration she needed. Once Celestia was free, She flayed her wings out and gently descended to the ground, trying her best to shake off the green goo still staining her white fur.

“Princess Celestia, what’s going on? Why is it so hard to use our magic? Why did 64 turn into that thing?! Why did-” Twilight was about to go on another tirade, but Princess Celestia stopped her with a quick stamp of her hoof.

“Ease yourself Twilight… So I can begin to explain.” Celestia began, her voice now with a tired tone behind it. “First of all, Shining Armor, are you feeling well?”

“I’ve… I’ve felt better. Ah, I can’t remember much of what’s happened… The last thing I remember is getting dressed this morning… then Cadence… I think… walked in and tried to help me with my migraines.” Shining Armor explained, still rubbing the side of his head in pain.

“It seems Chrysalis was under our nose the entire time… Twilight, I want to express my sincerest apologies for doubting you as I did.” Celestia apologized, Twilight simply waving it off.

“That’s the least of our worries right now. What we do need to worry about is-”

As Twilight was speaking, everyone’s eyes darted to a gargantuan blast of flames blasting into the sky outside. Everypony ran outside to the balcony to watch the spectacle, before they all saw the other jaw dropping occurrence.

They saw the creature know as Inferno, standing atop a spire in the distance, with his mouth spewing out the massive fireball which they saw. Standing across from him was Chrysalis, but behind her was an entire horde of Changeling drones. It wasn’t every single Changeling in the assault, but it was still an incredible amount.

“Drones! Assemble!” Chrysalis commanded, continuing to stare down Inferno who was glaring at her menacingly. The drones behind her began to shift and move, slowly forming into some strange object.

“What in the hay are they doin’?!” Applejack yelped, seeing the Changeling Drones buzzing and flying around.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never seen a horde of Changeling’s moving with this level of organization. Either they’ve prepared for something like this, or Chrysalis has an amazing level of control over her drones…” Celestia answered, trying her best to explain the strange phenomenon.

Inferno watched as the Changelings moved and shifted, until they were finally done and ready to assist Chrysalis. The Queen herself allowed herself to fly backwards into the center of the massive formation, keeping herself as safe as she could. “So you human whelp… I hope you are ready to perish!” Chrysalis cried, as her giant formation buzzed loudly.

Every changeling in that mass had moved, shifted, and formed into one, giant Changeling Drone. The Changeling Gargantuan stomped its massive hoof down onto the ground, sending quakes throughout all of Canterlot, reaching the Palace and causing everypony to steady themselves.

“My word! Is that what I think it is!?” Rarity exclaimed, seeing the massive changeling formation.

Inferno’s eyes narrowed, seeing his new opponent. He stood straight on the tip of the spire and concentrated, focusing on every fire which was lit in the city. He brought his arms straight above his head, and used his magic to pull every fire towards himself, making arcs of fire fly through the air from the ground up to him.

Your ashes will decorate this mountainside!” Inferno taunted, the fire he was gathering forming into a large ball above his head. The day was beginning to enter its afternoon stages, with the sun still high in the air. Not that anyone would be able to tell, thanks to the changeling drones still swarming in the sky and effectively blocking out the sun from Canterlot.

Even with that coupled with the light and heat coming off of Inferno and his creation was beginning to blind those who stared for a bit too long, and literally set puddles of water on the ground ablaze.

“Forward Changelings! Crush the human!” Chrysalis commanded, making the mass move forward. Although the Changeling Gargantuan was big, it wasn’t slow. It jumped forward towards Inferno, ready to crush him underneath their massive weight. As the changeling’s neared, Inferno strained and wound back his arms, before bringing them forward and tossing the massive fireball towards the Gargantuan Changeling.

The two forces collided in mid air, a screeching sound coming from the changelings who were unfortunate enough to be hit by the massive fireball. Inferno’s attack was heavy enough to stop the Changelings barrage, as the massive beast simply landed fell onto a few buildings in a commercial district.

Going on the offensive, Inferno leapt from the spire towards the Changeling Gargantuan, landing onto its head and beginning to smash away at the outer layer with his fists beginning to burn. Everypony in the Palace watched as the Gargantuan began to thrash and smash at its own head to get him off, but to no avail.

“Your highness, why couldn’t Cadence or Twilight use their magic? They both said their magic’s weren’t working correctly.” Shining asked. He saw that Celestia had a saddened, yet hard look in her eyes, as if she was remembering something.

“That creature… that thing that has taken over 64’s body and mind… It’s filling the air with Chaotic Magic, the same that Discord possesses. The malicious energy it permeates into the air is powerful enough where it can interfere with all of our magics.” Celestia told, lighting her own horn up in demonstration.

Where a normal illumination spell would take little to no effort to perform, even in her fatigued state, her spell flickered to life, only being able to light up the room with a dim spark. The darkness that the changelings blocking the sun were casting still remained in the Wedding Hall.

“The only magic that would be able to combat the Chaotic Magic would be magic of the same kind, which Chrysalis was able to create using the love she drained from Shining Armor.” Celestia continued.

Their attention on Celestia was suddenly disrupted by a deafening screech coming from the Changeling Gargantuan, as a stream of flames and light came erupting from its forehead. Inferno was attempting to burn his way to the center of the Gargantuan to get to Chrysalis, burning anything in his path.

Following another screech, the Changeling drones making up the Gargantuan head dispersed into small swarms, flying in arcs away from the rest of the body before zooming back towards the now exposed Inferno.

Inferno saw this and was soon swarmed by the drones, as they each tried to grab him and lift him away. Those that tried to get a grip on him found that their legs immediately bursted into flames upon contact with his molten skin, and that any use of magic was weakened and useless.

Still their resistance was enough to knock Inferno off balance, losing his grip on the Gargantuan and causing him to go plummeting towards the ground. Like a meteor falling through the atmosphere, he was engulfed in flames as he descended, before crashing into the ground below. From the scorched and smoky hole he left indented into the ground, he slowly rose and stared up at the Gargantuan, who had now regained it’s head. Gaining speed and rushing forward, Inferno pushed off of the ground and leapt towards the Gargantuan’s leg, plunging his fist deep within the mass of Changeling drones.

Now climbing upwards and charring any Changeling’s that dared to attack him, Inferno was still being spectated by the ponies standing on top of the wedding hall balcony. Celestia looked up at the now smoky sky, the smell of fires and decay prevalent in the air. There were no more drones in the city streets, every single one of them being tasked with aiding their queen in defeating the monstrous beast which was literally burning a hole straight through their defenses.

The Solar Princess wanted to intervene and stop the madness, but even a simple flap of her wings was enough to send her into another bout of exhaustion. Twilight saw this and rushed in to help, putting herself beside Princess Celestia to act as a base. “Thank you Twilight…” The Princess strained, still holding a steely gaze in her eyes. “With the Changeling’s occupied, I believe now would be a perfect time to once again attempt to retrieve the Elements.”

Twilight looked around and exchanged looks with her friends, seeing they too thought it was a good idea. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back with those elements this time.” Twilight nodded, making sure to set the Princess down carefully. “C’mon girls! While the Changelings are distracted!”

And with that, Twilight and her friends went rushing out of the door towards the Elements once again, this time with hopes of success.

Twilight Sparkle POV

As fast as our legs could carry us, we all ran frantically through the Palace grounds, following the same path that we did last time. Although we were all focused on getting to the Elements of Harmony, we couldn’t drown out the sounds of the battle going on in the middle of downtown Canterlot. The buzzing chirps of thousands of fighting changelings did little to mask the roars of Inferno, who would blast a flaming ball of magic into the air every few seconds. The air was thick with heat waves, the sweat on our fur evaporating mere seconds after surfacing, and many of the surrounding flora was already ignited in flames.

The changelings that flew overhead paid no mind to us, instead focusing on the beast whipping around flames left and right as if they were made of nothing. There was now a noticeable dull ache in my horn, possibly from all of the chaotic magic in the air. I was suddenly reminded of the statue of Discord, knowing that even the smallest of amount of disharmony was capable of allowing him to escape and wreak havoc.

“Twi! The tower! Look at it!” Rainbow Dash shouted, a noticeable tiredness in her voice. I was shaken out of my train of thought to see that the bridge which led to the Tower of Harmony was destroyed, and the Tower was partially destroyed. I was able to see into the Tower and saw that the door which kept them secure was still intact, meaning that the Elements were still safe.

“Rarity, we need to try and form some sort of solid bridge to get across.” I suggested, knowing that with the strain that would put on a single unicorn would probably be too much to bear. She nodded at me and prepared her horn, as we both began to try and conjure some sort of pathway to get across the perilous drop.

The both of us strained and grunted, a slow mixture of azure and raspberry colored magic solidifying in front of us, albeit a bit weak. The bridge slowly extended forward, creeping at a painfully sluggish pace before it finally reached the other end. Both Rarity and I were straining to keep this rudimentary spell active, my eyes clenched tightly shut as sweat beaded on my forehead before evaporating into mist.

“Okay girls, one at a time!” I called out, not sure how strong this bridge actually was. In her delightfully optimistic fashion, Pinkie Pie was the first one to bounce across, both me and Rarity straining at each of the bounces she gave against our magic. Applejack was the next one across, taking a running leap as far as she could across the bridge to lessen her strain on us.

As Fluttershy was about to take her first tentative steps across the bridge, Rarity gave a short grunt and nearly buckled onto the ground, the integrity of our bridge beginning to wane and fade. “Fluttershy hurry!” Rarity gasped, as the reserved pegasus ran across the bridge as quickly as she could, her wings failing due to the excess chaotic magic in the air. As soon as she was across the opening, Rarity fell to the ground and groaned, her horn flickering one last time before the bridge finally gave out and disappeared.

“Rarity!” I gasped, rushing over to the exhausted mare and seeing her horn beginning to spark and fizzle thanks to over exertion. “Gosh, this magic restriction is getting worse than I thought it would be…”

“I’m terribly sorry Twilight, but it seems we’re going to need to find another way across the broken bridge.” Rarity apologized, but I returned her apology with a shake of my head.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for, but you’re right. Rainbow, can you see any other way we can get across? Some wooden planks or anything we can lay across?” I asked, looking up at the pegasus in question. She was still able to get airborne, but the strain and fatigue on her face was showing that she was already tired.

“Nothing I can see around here, just a lot of stone rubble from other parts of the Palace. We can probably find a big enough piece and-” Rainbow explained, but another powerful roar cut her off as our attention was brought elsewhere.

Inferno’s battle against the Gargantuan Changeling was beginning to escalate, with him standing on the head of the immense beast with fiery tendrils extending from his arms and wrapping around the Changeling’s neck, making it look as if Inferno was trying to tame the mighty beast. As the forces battled for dominance, the Gargantuan Changeling bucked its legs and kicked part of the Palace wall, sending an enormous piece of debris heading straight for us.

“Girls! Look out!” I yelled, running and leaping to safety as the piece of Palace came crashing down to the ground, kicking up rubble and dust everywhere, diminishing visibility to nearly nothing. I kept my eyes clenched shut and my hooves over my head until the shaking and quaking stopped, the sounds of roaring and battle the only prominent sounds in the air.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, trying to make out anything through the obscuring cloud of dust. “Girls?! Are you all okay?!” I exclaimed frantically, before receiving various responses back.

“I’m okey-dokie over here! Hey that was fun! Can we do that again?” Pinkie answered, before an irate voice responded.

“Are ya crazy?! We were nearly flattened into mush! We ain’t goin’ through that again.” Applejack scolded, as I saw her silhouette across the opening using her stetson to wave away some of the dust.

I was beginning to dust myself off when I heard Rainbow Dash cry out. “Agh! Guys, my wing’s stuck over here!” She yelled, not in pain, but instead in annoyance. I scanned the area and saw her attempting to pull her wing out from under a piece of fallen debris.

“Rainbow! Are you hurt?” I questioned, helping her by carefully lifting up the pieces of debris and gently tugging her wing out. As we pulled out her wing, I saw that there was already some bruising beginning to form, and she winced as she brought her wing back into herself.

“I don’t think it’s anything too bad, but I’m grounded for now…” She winced, trying to massage the wing against herself using her hoof. As the two conversed, Rarity made herself apparent by coughing lightly, getting rid of some of the dust she was breathing in.

“Not to interrupt, but I don’t think we’ll have anymore trouble with getting across the bridge darlings.” Rarity announced, showing that as the dust cleared, a piece of debris which was large enough had fallen from the Palace wall, filling in the large gap in the bridge.

Not one to waste an opportunity when I see it, I walked over to the debris and climbed up on top of it, Rarity and Rainbow Dash following close behind me. Once our party was once again reunited, albeit a lot more dusty and dirty, we set off into the tower to retrieve the Elements.

“Fluttershy, are you doing okay?” I asked, seeing her a bit shaken up. She nodded at me, but I was able to see that she was less than eager to keep moving. “Don’t worry, as soon as I get his door opened, we’re gonna get back to Celestia and use the Elements to put an end to all of this.”

“I know that Twilight, but that’s not what I’m worried about.” Fluttershy admitted as we walked towards the Vault Door. “What about 64? What are we going to do with him?”

I stopped and looked at her, a bit confused about what she was asking. “What do you mean? We’re gonna do what we always do in these situations. Use the Elements of Harmony to-”

“But don’t you remember the last time we used the Elements on him?” She interrupted, stopping my train of thoughts in my tracks.

“She’s right, what are we gonna do? Turn ‘im into stone again? And it ain’t like we got some new fangled magic sword to bring ‘im back neither.” Applejack said, giving her input into the situation.

“But you guys remember what happened to Nightmare Moon right? When we blasted her with the Elements she didn’t turn into stone, the Nightmare part of her just got destroyed, right?” Rainbow interjected, as I just stared at the lock on the door, pondering what should be done.

Of course I hadn’t thought of what to do about 64. Right now, he was a burning monster trying to kill every last changeling out there in Canterlot. You could say he was saving the town, but what he said in the Wedding Hall still sounded through my head.

You thought that you could just leave after you destroy what is rightfully mine to end?!

To end what? Canterlot? Celestia? There was no secret that although 64 was now loyal to Equestria, he still held a fair amount of contempt for Celestia. Of course he was intelligent enough to realize that his vision of hatred and revenge wouldn’t solve anything, but now…?

Now 64 had the means to get his revenge, and it didn’t seem like he was too reluctant to use it.

I kept my gaze on the locked door, seeing the only barrier between me and the Elements of Harmony. For tools that were only supposed to be used in the most dire circumstances, these things were seeing more and more time outside of their vault than ponies should be comfortable with. Discord should’ve been the last time these things had to be used for another millennium, with new bearers and new problems, not for the same silly reasons Celestia and Luna had to use them for. Although I doubt anypony had seen an invasion as large as this on something as benign as a Royal Wedding.

With a sigh of reluctance, I slowly began to cast the spell to open the doors, the task being considerably more difficult than it should’ve been thanks to all of the interference. As the first set of security runes began to be unlocked, the ground trembled and shook once again, nearly knocking us all to the ground and throwing off my concentration.

“What in the hay was that?” Rainbow asked aloud, as if we weren’t all already thinking it. As I stayed in concentration opening the door, the rest of the girls went over to a window to take a look at was going on.

“Holy turnover! How in the hay is he-!?”

“There’s no way! No way in Equestria!”

“My goodness!”

I was almost brought out of concentration by their shocked exclamations, but it was for nothing as I felt an immense wave of chaotic magic blast through the air, like a shockwave of a breeze from Tartarus itself. There was no way anypony in Canterlot still had magic they could still use, not after a blast like that. My horn felt as if there was a bonfire sitting directly on top of it, and the moisture in my mouth was beginning to boil to almost painful temperatures.

“I can’t get the door open!” I yelled out, now not knowing what to do.

“Forget the door Twilight! Get over here!” Rainbow Dash shouted right back at me, waving me over as frantically as she could. I shook my head and went over to her, also looking out of the same window everypony else was staring through.

When I saw what was going on outside, I didn’t gasp dramatically. I didn’t stiffen up in fear and begin to shake. There wasn’t a dropped jaw, followed by a comical use of a hoof to keep it shut. I used what I thought was necessary, and from where I was standing, it was a perfect way to sum up my feelings on what was going on.


3rd Person POV

Battles between hero and villain are often painted in a romantic light. Where a hero, righteous of heart and purpose, fights against a villain, their heart stricken with malice and ill-will, in a battle of brains and brawn. Both foes are powerful, and each of some sort of trick up their sleeve in a last ditch effort to win the fight.

Of course, in these battles, the Hero always triumphs, his selfless heart and righteous courage being the tools necessary to win over the forces of evil, banishing it away and bringing forth an age of peace and prosperity. Evil is always dashed away with, either as a husk of its former self, with its tail between its legs and head hung low, or reformed to see the errors of their ways to join the truly correct side, the side of Good.

But Evil is never killed. No, Good can never kill Evil, lest it risk becoming the very idea which Evil was trying to uphold. Evil is always cast away, or changed. Any other action by Good is unheard of, blasphemous of itself.

That is why 64 has never, ever in his entire life, seen himself as the good guy. He might’ve tried at first, to try and paint himself as the beacon of hope or as the one true benevolent force in Equestria, but that was an illusion quickly broken by the real world.

You don’t try and reason with Evil. If you’re lucky, you grab hold of it and burn it into ashes. Of course, he wasn’t 64, but Inferno knew well enough that Evil wasn’t to be reasoned with.

But when Evil is a Gargantuan Changeling the height of Canterlot Palace itself, it’s hard to grab hold of. So what was there to do? Just try and hug it’s leg as tight as you could and try to burn it like that? Maybe try to cover it with an enormous blanket and try to smother it?

No. The smartest and easiest solution of course, would to simply become as large as Evil itself. Bringing forth all of the heat in the air, Inferno focus it into himself, before allowing his magic to expand outwards slowly. But instead of allowing all of this energy to simply be formed into a ball, Inferno focused it, using his body as the canvas for the work of art he was trying to create.

Standing across from his opponent, demolished buildings and burning chunks of land standing between them, Inferno’s body slowly began to rise from the ground, an orange outline of his own body slowly expanding outward from him. He grew slowly at first, his eyes closed in concentration as he knew this was a delicate creation made from fire and hatred.

The legs of his orange outline began rising higher, his torso expanding and his arms growing, along with a head now growing from the neck of the torso, each limb becoming more and more pronounced as Inferno remained in the chest cavity of the beast, guiding the gargantuan like the pilot of the fires of Tartarus itself.

As Inferno opened his eyes, two blinding white lights emerged in the outlines head, placed where eyes would normally be. The titan stood as tall as the Gargantuan, mimicking the same bipedal shape Inferno stood with. Those looking on with gaped mouths and shocked expressions weren’t sure if this great beast would help save Canterlot, or only assist in destroying it further.

Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor watched from the Wedding Hall as Inferno took a careful step forward, before going into a rushing charge towards The Changeling Gargantuan and colliding with it, a flurry of blows and blasts being exchanged between the titans.

There was no finesse or grace to the battle, as most think a fight between to large forces are more reliant on skill or technique. No, this was a brawl, a mass of uncoordinated blows and clumsy strikes. Most of the attacks from both sides missed or only grazed, but when they connected, it was as if there were shockwaves of magic sent in all directions.

A fist collided with the side of the Changeling Gargantuan’s head, sending dozens of changeling drones flying off of the collective mass of the beast in heaps of charred chitin. The Gargantuan stumbled, quick to divert drones towards the now damaged part of the head. It was as if for every drone that Inferno was able to send to its doom, another 5 were able to take its place. Inferno continued with his momentum, sending more and more blows towards the Gargantuan, and each of those blows only resulting in more changelings taking the place of the ones killed.

WHY DON’T YOU STAY DEAD!?” Inferno cried, sending his open palm towards the face of his opponent. He connected, digging his fingers into the surface of the many changelings taking the shape of the face. He began ripping and tearing away at the face as fast as he could, holding tight with his left hand around the Gargantuan’s neck and his right mercilessly clawing away.

The Changeling Gargantuan began to struggle, shaking and sending bolts of magic into the beastial form of Inferno. Angered by this retaliation, Inferno gripped both sides of the Gargantuan’s head with immense strength, and sent his forehead crashing into his oppositions face, sending a ferocious shockwave of chaotic magic into the surrounding area.

Those spectating this clash of titans were nearly sent to the floor at the raw power exhibited in the display, in both spectacle and ferocity. The changeling Gargantuan was losing power, seen with some parts of its body having changelings simply going limp and falling to their death from exhaustion.

Twilight Sparkle had to stay grounded as the blast quickly made its way to the tower she and her friends were in. There was a terrible rumbling of stone and grating shrill shrieks of steel which pounded all of their ears, making Twilight look behind her. The shockwave blast had been enough to destroy the vault door to the Elements of Harmony.

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she sprung into action, grabbing the Element of Harmony and placing them onto her back. “C’mon girls! Back to Princess Celestia! Now!” She called out, grabbing the attention of all of her friends as they began their mad dash back to the Wedding Hall.

Inside of the Gargantuan’s head, Queen Chrysalis was quickly losing composure. That headbutt had drained the entirety of the love that she had extracted from Shining Armor, and she was losing her grip on the changeling drones quickly defecting from her hive in an attempt to save their own lives. She was quickly running out of options, and as she was beginning to form a plan, she saw something she was terrified of seeing at the moment.

As another palmful of Changeling drones was ripped away from the Gargantuan, Chrysalis saw light beginning to feed into her small nest. Seeing light rapidly fill her vision, she squinted her eyes in an attempt to filter what see what was in front of her. As her vision cleared, she gasped to what was in front of her.

Inferno, still inside of his own gargantuan creation, was glaring daggers into Queen Chrysalis. She was now completely exposed, the front of the face of her Gargantuan now broken away into nothing. She stood perfectly petrified as she stared forward, seeing the monstrous being she once taunted inside of the Wedding Hall now glaring at her with her completely at his mercy. She had never felt the powerless before, this absolutely defeated. Now it was time for her judgement.

Inferno and his Gargantuan reared their fist back, almost painfully slow in Chrysalis’s eyes, before their eyes quickly flashed in blinding white light. With enough force to move an entire mountain into an ocean, the fiery fist went sailing towards Chrysalis, as things slowed down all around them.

Chrysalis stared with wide eyes at what was coming, her shell chipped and cracked in many places. In a last ditch effort, her horn was trying to spark any sort of magic, but none could be conjured.

Celestia and the others in the Wedding Hall stared in awe, never seeing a battle end with such a ferocious blow before.

The Bearers of Harmony were getting nearer and nearer to the Wedding Hall, only a few halls away in the Palace.

Inferno’s face was twisted into one of fury and anger, putting every ounce of hatred and malice as he could into this one attack.

The blow connected with the remnants of the Changeling Gargantuan’s head, time once again returning to it’s normal speed. When it connected, a blast of magic was released into the air once again, with Changelings being sent in nearly every direction from the sheer force of the blast. The rest of the Changeling Gargantuan began to completely crumble away, the black mass of drones simply dropping where they were onto the ground.

Inferno squinted to see where Queen Chrysalis was falling, and saw her quickly descending towards the ground. “OH NO YOU DON’T.” He growled, ejecting himself from his Gargantuan and sailing forwards towards the Changeling Queen. He intercepted her from midair, grabbing her around the neck and continuing to sail forward towards the Palace.

Celestia gasped as she saw Inferno and Chrysalis sailing towards the Wedding Hall window and quickly shoved Cadence and Shining Armor out of the way, just before the two combatants shattered through the stain glass window.

Chrysalis and Inferno both went rolling away from each other as they hit the ground, both of them smouldering with smoke rising off of them. Inferno was the first to stand up, dusting himself off a bit and glancing towards the defeated Changeling Queen.

So… you thought you could just take over like that? Just a bit of scare tactics and flashy love magic and you’d be set?” Inferno began, sauntering his way over towards Chrysalis. “Didn’t expect the embodiment of fire itself did you?”

Chrysalis glared up at him with tears in her eyes, giving a bit of defiance in her defeat. Inferno was taking deep breaths, as if he was trying to calm himself down. Shining Armor stepped forward, a careful stare boring into Inferno’s back.

“64… stand down now.” Shining began. “We can now take Chrysalis into custody and begin to repair any and all damage made to-”

Damage?! Custody?! You clearly have me mistaken for somebody else!” Inferno roared, turning towards Shining Armor and glowing a bit brighter with magic. “I am NOT, 64. I. AM INFERNO. And you will address me as such…

“64!” Another voice yelled. All heads turned towards a new voice in the room, a buzzing and chirping voice. “What’s going on!? What happened to you?!”

Inferno stared at the Changeling pup on the ground, now conscious, yet frightened and shaking. Ghost looked around at what was going on. The last thing he remembered was being trapped in the Crystal caverns deep underneath Canterlot, but now as he looked around he was a destroyed Wedding Hall, a few ponies lying either dead or unconscious in the room, and a bipedal resembling 64, but covered head to toe in molten rock and fire.

“Ghost, get over here now.” Shining ordered, not taking his eyes away from Inferno. “Inferno, for the last time stand down!”

Never! You expect me to give up this chance? Get revenge for all the pain and suffering THAT mare has caused!” Inferno countered, pointing a hand towards Celestia. “ALL THOSE YEARS OF TERROR, OF TORTURE, OF MURDER! Those foals… all dead… all dead for a damn EXPERIMENT DOOMED TO DIE!

Everypony in the room was silent, Inferno continuing. “YOUR PROJECTS… most failed… most… nothing… FOR NOTHING!” He roared, his words beginning to slur as they were filled with more and more malice. “ALL THOSE DEAD… mourned for... CHILDREN! they… why’d they… YOU!

Shining Armor stepped in front of Celestia protectively, as Inferno began to move forward, his hands beginning to charge with magic. He was going to get his revenge, revenge for what she did to him, and revenge for all of the countless murders she had committed before he was brought into existence. Even if it was with his last dying breath, Inferno would use it to try and end Celestia once and for all.

“64 no!” Ghost yelled, jumping onto Inferno’s back and wrapping his hooves around his neck. Inferno was knocked off balance at this, reaching behind him to try and rid the changeling pup off his back. Shining Armor took his chance to act, rushing forward and ramming into Inferno’s stomach hard enough to send the Biped onto a knee.

“Girls! Now!” Shining Armor yelled, looking towards the door leading into the Wedding Hall. Twilight blasted both doors down with a concussive spell, with the rest of her friends behind her all wearing their respective Elements of Harmony. Already fully charged, they sent the blast straight towards Inferno, whose eyes widened at the technicolor blast of magic being sent towards him.

With one last motion, 64 gripped Ghost by the scruff of his neck and threw him aside,just as the Elements of Harmony came into contact with his body. The ribbons of rainbow magic went zipping and zooming around his body, seeping into his volcanic armor and and turning his skin white. With a roar, a blast of Harmonious magic went blasting from 64 and throughout Canterlot, the wave of Rainbow magic being sent in all directions.

Dead plant life once again came back to life, the fires still stoking the destroyed buildings were snuffed out, and the grey skies were once again brought to a cheery blue.

But, even with the Harmonious magic, there was still damage throughout the city. Buildings were still either partially or completely demolished, and there was still several bodies still littering the streets of Canterlot.

The capital city still held the remains of a warzone, as did many who had survived the entire ordeal. The blinding light emitting from 64 was now gone, and the biped was still standing on two feet, although he was bleeding from the mouth, bruises already covered most of his face and body, and there wasn’t a shred of clothing on the man. His long shaggy hair nearly covered his eyes, which tears began to seep down from.

Everypony stared at 64 as he struggled to stay standing, swaying left and right a bit in an attempt to keep his strength. Celestia and Shining Armor were still being very cautious towards the human, not sure if he was still hostile or not.

With heavy gasps and wobbly feet, 64 struggled to get words out.

“You…… you might… wanna check…… the dungeon…… there might be… might be…… flooding……” And with that, 64 fell to his knees, then onto his face, completely and utterly unconscious.

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