• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 9,914 Views, 277 Comments

Nightmares Are Tragic - Jordan179

Nightmare Moon spends a thousand years banished to the Moon, then returns to seek her revenge. From HER point of view.

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Chapter 10: Reuniting With an Old Friend

"There it is!" cried the lavender unicorn. "The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony -- we made it!" She broke into a full gallop for the bridge.

"Twilight," called Applejack, "wait for us!" The Apple mare and the other four followed their leader.

Twilight, thought Nightmare Moon. At last I know my enemy's name. The better for my magics to bite!

At last I know the name of the little stargazer, thought the Moon Princess, remembering the filly standing on her balcony and looking up at the night sky with wondering eyes. Must she and I be enemies?

For a moment the Princess reeled before the sudden duality of her thoughts, before the Nightmare managed to regain control of herself.

"We're almost there!" said Twilight happily, looking back at her friends as she reached the stone pillars from which hung the bridge. "Whoa-ohh!' she cried in dismay as her front hooves fell on thin air where the broken bridge should have been. She recovered quickly, digging in her back hooves, but that was not enough to keep her from going over.

Yes! exulted the Nightmare, for a moment.

There was a flash of rainbow. The blue pegasus had Twilight by the tail, quickly dragging the lavender mage back up to safety. "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" asked Rainbow.

Yes! thought the Moon Princess in relief. She saved her!

Failure! scorned the Nightmare. A missed chance!

Killing anypony here wasn't part of the plan. And if they'd saved her the same way that they did on the cliff road, they might have all wound up on the bottom -- who knows what would have happened then? They might have even attuned directly with the Tree itself! It sounded plausible.

Pinkie Pie looked down into the misty abyss. "Now what?" she said, whining like a little filly frustrated by the withdrawal of some promised treat.

Rainbow gave her pink friend a sidelong glance. "Duh," she said, fluttering her wings, then taking off.

"Oh yeah!" realized Pinkie.

Rainbow did a perfect dive into the mists. In an instant she had the broken end of the bridge. With powerful wingbeats she climbed the other side of the canyon, quickly attaching one of the guy ropes..

She was unaware of the small cloud of shimmering plasma which followed her out of the mists.

"Rainbow," Nightmare Moon called, in a voice slightly distorted from her own. Forced to change it slightly to avoid being instantly recognized by the blue pegasus, she realized that she sounded a lot like Moondreamer. Well why not? If this is Dashie, that tone will only aid my geas!

Rainbow gasped in surprise and dropped the last rope. She looked around, searching for the speaker, and seeing nothing.

The Moon Princess, an ultraviolet-toned mist, rose from the canyon and drifted past the feet of the blue pegasus.

"Who's there?" challenged the pegasus.

"Rainbow," the Princess repeated.

The blue pegasus reared on her hind legs, wings flaring, and made boxing motions towards what she guessed was the source of the voice. "I ain't scared a'you!" she said defiantly. Seeing no one there, she whirled and faced on the opposite direction. "Show yourself!"

It is Dashie! the Moon Princess thought happily. The brashness, the bravado -- the hint of fear which she would die rather than let her foe see -- it's him! Her. The lifescent was now overwhelming in her soul, and in a thousand subtle ways it said Dash Firehooves.

She might have lost herself in the warm sensation, but she had a labor to perform.

"We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier in Equestria," said the Moon Princess, slowly applying and then increasing the power of her geas.

"Who?" Rainbow asked.

With all his arrogance, he was always thrown for a loop by unsolicited praise, reflected the Princess. She's the same.

"Why," laughed Nightmare Moon, "you. Of course."

The geas closed around the blue pegasus.

"Really?" Rainbow asked, almost squealing with delight. "I mean ..." she gathered her composure. "Oh yeah. Me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? Cause, I've been trying to get into that group for, like, ever ..."

Geases are most effective when subtle. Simply trying to seize control of Rainbow's mind would have engaged all her mental defenses, possibly enabling her to shake free and fly back to her friends before the Nightmare could have reacted. Nightmare Moon was mostly just suppressing Rainbow's natural suspicion of being addressed in such a fashion by a disembodied voice before an abandoned castle. Aside from that, Rainbow's own desire for glory was doing most of the work. "Work with the subject's wishes, not against them," the Moon Princess remembered someone -- her sister? -- telling her. She's a selfish monster, she thought, but she certainly understands spellcasting.

"No, Rainbow Dash," said Nightmare Moon, coalescing into her new form -- three forms -- in the nearby mists. The fact that 'Dash' actually was Dashie's last name in this life had come to her across their strengthening mind-link.

"We want you to join us."

The three pegasi whose form she had assumed -- the main one a mare, flanked by two stallions created from memories of her own Guardsponies -- galloped out of the mist. They were clad in the purple and yellow lightning-bolt livery one of her real Guards units had worn, complete with purple and yellow goggles for speed-flying. Their insignias were winged skulls.

"The Shadowbolts!"

Rainbow Dash frowned slightly. There was something not quite right about this, or them.

"We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest ..." boasted Nightmare Moon.

Technically true, thought the Moon Princess, since the abandonment of the Castle means that we are the only aerial team in the Everfree Forest, save perhaps for some woods rangers.

"... And soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria!"

Glory, she put into her geas. To be a Shadowbolt would be glorious ... Dangle the bait ...

"But first ..." Nightmare Moon said, bringing her face close to Rainbow's, looking into her big purple-red eyes, "we need a captain!" She darted off, trailing paramagnetism on the brain's own operating frequencies, began circling the blue pegasus.

Rainbow grinned in utter delight.

"The most magnificent --" said Nightmare Moon, completing the first circle,

"Yep," agreed Rainbow

"Swiftest --" The Moon Princess crossed over her own path, began to draw the invisible magical net more tightly around her subject.

"Yes," affirmed Rainbow.

"Bravest flyer in all the land," Nightmare Moon's hold on her was now almost complete.

"Yes," laughed Rainbow, smiling happily. "It's all true!"

"We need ..." the Moon Princess cried in what was almost the Royal Canterlot Voice, then dipped her mouth down to whisper the final word almost lovingly in Dashie's ear, "You."

"Woo-hoo!" shouted Rainbow Dash, leaping straight up three body lengths, "Sign me up!"

Dashie's mine, thought the Princess.

Something flared within the net.

"Just one thing," the blue pegasus said, darting over to the unfastened rope. "Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal."

What? Her previous mission should have become meaningless to her! What went wrong? Nightmare Moon swooped over to confront Rainbow at the bridge.

"No!" she cried in barely controlled rage. "It's them -- or us!"

Rainbow Dash cringed back from the anger of the Moon Princess. Her face bore a look of hurt ... of betrayal?

I'm acting in contrast to her ideals, her expectations, thought Nightmare Moon. I'm losing her! She could feel a psychic energy building within the blue pegasus, beating against the strands of the geas.

"Rainbow!" called Twilight across the abyss. "What's taking so long?" Her voice was tinged with concern. Suddenly she noticed the three strange pegasi. "Oh, no," she said, then called louder. "Rainbow!"

The energy flared brighter within Rainbow Dash. The strands began to stress before its force ...

Nightmare Moon saw that in a moment she would entirely lose her captive. Meddling mage! she thought, scowling at the lavender unicorn. Luckily, this is easily handled.

She raised the mists. Impenetrable fogs blocked the view of the other side of the canyon. A simple additional twist, and their density was such that they directly interfered with equine vocal frequencies.

"Don't listen to --" Twilight started to say, and then her voice vanished, muffled by the cloud.

Nightmare Moon returned her attention to Rainbow Dash, who stood trembling in the throes of an internal struggle.

"Well ...?" she asked.

"You," said Rainbow Dash softly.

Did she dare hope it? Was there recognition of her from Dashie, as well? The Moon Princess grinned in happy triumph, wings flaring.

"Thank you!" Rainbow said, putting her own face close to that of the Princess. "For the offer, I mean."

The Moon Princess gaped in dismay.

Rainbow tied the rope off tight.

"But ..." Rainbow launched herself above the pillars, hovered in midair, "I'm afraid I have to say 'no.'" Loyalty flared brightly around her.

Of course, thought the Princess. My own old Element. I should have known. And how could I have expected Dashie, of all ponies, to ever betray his friends?

She remembered Dash Firehooves, the bright soul that shone through all his arrogant, glory-seeking ways. She remembered his indomitable courage, his unbreakable loyalty, his willingness to sacrifice anything for his friends.

Yo, Joe, she mentally saluted him, in the manner of Dashie's old special-forces unit.

She smiled sadly.

You're not the one who has changed, she thought. I've had to adapt to an imperfect world, had to compromise myself -- but you've stayed pure. Please don't make me kill you.

The Nightmare scowled. This mawkishness gets me nowhere, she told herself, and they are crossing the bridge now. There is little time left.

She became vapor and wafted away.

I will win the final battle.

Author's Note:

Meeting an actual friend from her former life has shaken the Princess. Failing to capture him after almost succeeding has shaken her more. How will she react to the final revelation?

And yes, the Age of Wonders had a Joe team, and Dash Firehooves was a member. Why not? They're both owned by Hasbro ...