• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 267 Views, 0 Comments

Alive: The Final Pony Evolution - TimeRarity64

A strange event is occurring upon the world when cases of caused disasters and unexplained suicides are being reported. This all started when "They" came, the disturbance.

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Cometh the Lunar Recon squad


‘We are cautious of danger, but oblivious to its point of existence.’

Shimmering Lion was a quiet and calm young colt four years older than Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, as well as Applebloom. He had a peach color coat and a neatly trimmed mane with a long tail that had a white strap tied at the end of the tip. The colt also had blue eyes, but no cutie mark. He had been struggling in moving on with his mother’s passing, but also struggled with the point of his father’s drunkard state. The stallion did not become sober in a whole week and his support in keeping the bills running and the stallion at work was not doing so great.

The fact that the colt had been outside often was because he was kicked out of the house most of the time. Nopony was aware of this for they were too distracted on the fact that the colt and stallion had lost someone dear to them in their family. He never bothered telling them, nor actually cared for their pity. All that matter was living his life and keeping his special talent secret. A talent he called a curse that caused his father to blame him for Rose Bud’s death. Secretly, deep down in the colt, he believed it was because of this special curse he was given that his mother killed herself in attempt to escape from him.

Who would accept an earth pony that can do things unicorns can? It was not remarkable and since he believed that it was his fault, he believed that he had no right in hating his father or denying the judgment he had casted upon him. The colt, just like his father, was in depression, but never bothered to show it for it will break his character. This town was full of gossip, for everypony knew everypony, therefore, privacy was impossible.

The colt had slept only for a little time whenever he snuck into his house at night, but attempted not to in order to save his mind from the brutal nightmares of his mother blaming him for her suicide. It was intentional, he knew that, but there was nothing else around him to blame or find reasons to figure why. The only thing that was left was him and his curse.

Pinkie Pie eventually came by in her happy demeanor, which he founded annoying and unavoidable, and greeted him. Her voice was irritating: “HELLO SHIMMERING, how are you?! Did you like the gifts I gave you and your dad?! Were they tasty?!” As if he did not hear her the first time. The colt did not answer and continued walking down the cobblestone street. He had no place to go, but he did not want to stay in the area where the party mare would continuously annoy him. He had lost his mother and been kicked out the house again, sleep was deprived due to nightmares, thus making him go into an insomniac mood, and the last he wanted was have her talk to him. Eventually, the party mare stopped and stared at him confused as he continued off.

Finally, when he got away from her as far as possible, he found himself standing in front of the Mayor’s building. This town was annoying to him, but at least safe to live in. Safe…was not the right word he would imagine it in its full glory, but he believed that it was the best to provide for him than being in the blasted cities. He was not deaf from the folks he pasted by along the way, for he heard of the devastating reports of caused disasters by others that were called “Disturbers” and were gifted like him. Or maybe cursed and are trying to survive from the horrible persecution their own kind has casted upon them.

The colt turned around, getting a good view of the many thoroughfares of the small rural town as he sat down on the wooden stairs. He did not care much for this town, but it was beautiful to look at once in a while. When he glanced up at the sky, he noticed how dawn was approaching, therefore, Celestia was about to lower the sun and Luna was about take her role in watching over the country.

]i\‘Would it not be fun in killing somepony with this power like those Disturbers?’

He shook his head, ridding away that dark thought. Killing was wrong; he would never want to take another pony’s life. But then it struck him hard, for thoughts transcribed into his head. He had already done and it was his mother’s life that he took. When she plunged those sharp blades into her throat, she smiled at him, as if mocking him that she was never going to kill her by his own hooves. He never planned to, or wanted to as well.

His began spiraling out in control when confusion had boiled into him harder than he could imagine. He did not want to kill again, that was for sure, but did it really matter. The colt was smart enough to know that it would be a matter of time before his curse become the spotlight central within the small town. Others would consider him a monster or even those “Disturbers”, but he was none of that. But if he told them, it would not matter, they would not care.

The colt was beginning to lose it in this quandary. Until, a soft hoof rested on his right shoulder. His eyes became widened as his body ceased trembling. He turned to his right and saw Pinkie Pie smiling softly at him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, sitting down next to him.

He did not know how to answer her as he remained silent.

He looked away to the side, biting his lower lip in sadness and fear. Was she not aware of him being a monster? Of course, she did not know his curse. The curse that had his mother killed. The pink mare tapped his shoulder again and spoke up.

“Now don’t do that, you might hurt yourself. If I bothered you in anyway, I’m sorry for doing so. I was just wondering if you were feeling any better after Rose Bud’s passing.” She said, softly smiling at him.

“Obviously, you should have known that I haven’t been.” He said in a cold tone, glaring at her angrily, but the pink mare did not faze. Her smile still contained that beaming soft smile that managed to ease his anger down and stare at the ground frowning.

“True, I should have, but when I noticed your look over here, it struck me with clarity that you were still frowning like a frowning pants! So, how about I make that frown go upside-down?” She asked.

The colt took a second to think about before shrugging his shoulders. He sighed and got up from the wooden base boards of the porch and nodded his head at the mare, remaining calm. Pinkie Pie giggled and hopped off.

“Come on; let’s go to Sugar Cube Corners!”

The hot water rained down on the blue coated pegasus as he struggled taking in deep breaths. His dark blue mane was wet and flat on his neck and forehead as his wings were covered in scratches. Soarin’, was his name, had blue eyes and a cutie mark with two wings opened wide as a thunderbolt was in the middle of them. He closed his eyes and looked up as the water washed away the dirt on his coat. Eventually, after a few more minutes of cleaning himself, he turned off the water and exited out of the shower. Drying himself off with a towel, and putting on his goggles that stood on his forehead, the pegasus trotted out the bathroom.

He soon stopped in the living room and glanced around. When the coast was clear he smirked and flew onto the blue couch facing the large HDTV screen. The stallion released a pleasant sigh of relief before looking around on the table for the remote. Sadly, he could find it and grumbled to himself.

“Time to do this,” he muttered, “with a touch…of…lightning.” He glared at the T.V. pointing his right hoof. Nothing happened, causing the pegasus to blankly stare at the black screen. He started waving his hoof up and down, but again nothing happened. Eventually, he got up from the couch and jumped on top of the table, standing on his hind-legs performing random karate stances.

“This darn screen thinks it can stay off from my mighty powers? Well, let’s see if you survive, “What are you doing?” Spitfire’s voice cut the stallion off as he started panicking. He lost balance on the table and fell back on the couch, panting in relief that it saved his fall. He peeked over the ledge of the couch, glaring at captain and teammate with a cautious gaze.

“If I told you, I will have to kill you.” He said, causing the mare to roll her eyes finding his antics stupid.

Spitfire had a yellow coat with a yellow and orange blazing mane and tail. Though it was not on fire, most ponies around could confuse it to look like it. The pegasus eyes were amber and her cutie mark was a fire bird (I honestly believe that is what it looks like as seen from the wiki pics). Compare to her and Soarin’, the two were clearly opposites. Soarin’ was an easy-going pegasus that was pretty much lay back and foalish most of the time while she was practically the mature version of him. She was serious, but had control in her temper and moods, allowing chances to be given to anypony that might step out of line.

“Have you seen, Rainbow Dash lately?” She asked.

“Nope,” he answered, “I haven’t seen her in quite a while. I just got out of the shower.”

She noticed his flat mane that would usually go back to its combed up style like he usually liked it. Walking towards the TV, she clicked a button on the side and watched it turned on to the news channel.

“Do you know where the remote is?” Soarin’ asked, looking around.

“Beats me, the last time I seen it, you crushed it after playing on the table again with those hooves of yours.” Spitfire said, looking back at him. Soarin’ blinked twice before rubbing the back of his head lightly, chuckling in guilt.

“Oh yeah, I remembered that.”

“I do remember getting a new one, so whatever happened to it, we got to wait a week before I get a new one if we can find this one.” She said.

“Today, a giant split in the canyon had been spotted near the town of Applepolosa after an earthquake happened. The towns nearby did not feel anything earthquake strangely even after it had shook down a few buildings and devastated some of the native lands belonging to the Buffalos. The residents of Applepolosa had promised to help any native and fellow townsmen anyway they could in order to get through the traumatizing event.”

Spitfire and Soarin’ both stared at the TV screen in shock as they showed footage of a massive split in the canyon that stretched miles ahead. Within the great split was only darkness that led down to abysmal lengths.

Soarin’ whistled in astonishment as he started chuckling lightly. “Dang, that has be stretching down into the core of the earth, huh?”

“This is not the time to be joking, Soarin’.” Spitfire said, glaring at him. “I bet a lot of innocent ponies or natives had to be either killed or severely hurt from that earthquake. It’s the first time an earthquake like that happened in the canyons.

Soarin’ lifted his hooves, surrendering. “Hey, I’m just commenting on that giant long hole. I do hope a lot of those natives and any traveler or inhabitant within that area survived. It’d really suck if they didn’t.” He said in a sincere tone, staring at the screen nervously.

“What do you think could have caused that?” Spitfire asked.

“Beats me, probably a rock in the earth slipped?”

“Maybe.” Spitfire muttered.

“That mare said that nopony in any city outside of the canyon felt it, that has to be crazy.” Soarin’ said, his tone becoming serious.

“You know…I am finding that stranger than the earthquake. If it was some natural earthquake, it would have affected the towns nearby. Now I know we are in Cloudsdale, but we would be the first to be call to help anypony in need by the princesses.”

“What are you trying to get at?” Soarin’ asked.

“I don’t think this was natural, I think that this was intentional.”

“Intentional, you mean just like those strange suicides with no clear explanations to why they happened?” He asked staring at his captain of the Wonderbolts confused.

“Yeah, it might have been one of those “Disturbers” and if so, why would they targeted anypony in the canyon. Applepolosa is not much of a fighting town or heavily populated area. It’s more of a pit stop for any traveler coming by. The natives are peaceful and have no intention to fighting unless you start one with them first. Like, come on, Soarin’ it has to be clearly intentionally caused by a “Disturber”.”

Soarin’ took a second to think over Spitfire’s theory before looking at her with a serious expression. “This has to be something we need to report to the princess.”

“There will be no need of that.”

The two pegasi turned their heads to the exit of their home and saw before them their ruler of the night, Princess Luna.

“Hereby where our ears are perked, thou shall order you to work with us.”

“What?” Soarin’ asked, tilting his head right.

“Thou will work with us!” Luna repeated.

“Say what again?” Soarin’ questioned, causing Luna to become irritated.

“Does thou not know what we are saying or clearly speak the equine-psuedo-modern language?”

“I’m sorry, say what-ugh!” Soarin’ was cut off after Spitfire rammed her right hoof into his stomach, causing him to collapse onto the floor, groaning in pain.

“Please, Princess Luna, forgive his foolishness, but we cannot understand you if you are talking in second person and using that kind of language or words of choice. Do you think you can talk like us?” Spitfire asked, smiling nervously after feeling a wave of embarrassment from Soarin’s behavior. She felt sad for hitting him though, knowing that he really could not understand her.

“What I…wished to say is that I have ordered you two to…work for me.” She took her time pausing, making sure her directed words were in first person and clearly modern than pseudo or old.

“For what, might I ask?” Spitfire asked, becoming shocked.

“To hunt down these “Distubers”. We will be known for now on as the Lunar Recon Squad.” She answered.

-To Be Continued-