• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 266 Views, 0 Comments

Alive: The Final Pony Evolution - TimeRarity64

A strange event is occurring upon the world when cases of caused disasters and unexplained suicides are being reported. This all started when "They" came, the disturbance.

  • ...

And Then They Arrived

Alive: The Final Pony Evolution

(My Little Pony and Alive The Final Evolution are copyrighted to their rightful owners along with the characters shown and mentioned within this fic. I take no credit whatsoever and give my thanks and proudness to the two owners of their characters for bringing such beauty and greatness into the world. Enjoy.)


‘We were all still alive here on this world...and then they arrived.’

The air was heavy as the sky was cloudy. Pegasi had been working hard on preparing the winter and have been scheduled to do so all over the Northern Region near the Gryphon Kingdom. Unicorns assisted alongside Earth ponies which were all so peaceful until the day when unicorns and the two rulers within a castle located in the city of Canterlot felt a disturbance in the air. A landslide had happened far in the north that wiped out an entire village, causing many crowds to gasp and mourn for the loss of so many lives. A forest fire, spotted further down in the Southern Borders had purged away a village clean from any inhabitants causing ponies to become alarm and question these strange epidemics.

It took two weeks for the rulers of Equestria to stand up from their thrones and investigate the strange natural disasters as well as the disturbance in the air. Eventually, to their dismay of horror, reports of bodies torn apart or mutilated in unnatural ways not familiar to that of any weapon but more of some nature used element caught their attention. They investigated for days, until they finally, on the end of the week, discovered the source to the disturbance and the strange natural disasters. These disasters were caused by the disturbance with intentions from the one who cast it from the start.

It confused the princesses to figure out who was the disturber, but when more reports came in, they were baffled to find out it had been from multiple creatures; ponies, gryphons, diamond dogs, manticores, dragons, and even chimeras. These reports both frightened and induced curiosity into the princesses as they began seeking out sources to lead them to these causers of havoc. None would realize yet, that those causers of havoc are not the only ones affected by the strange disturbance in the air, for there were also others right her under her nose that had the same potential skills to cause even more destruction than the others.

“TWILIGHT, DID YOU HEAR?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she burst into Twilight’s room. Rainbow Dash was a pegasus with a baby blue coat, rainbow mane and tail, and had the cutie mark of a rainbow bolt striking down from a white cloud. The pegasus’ also had purple eyes that went along with her tomboyish sportsman attitude.

Twilight, a purple alicorn with a dark mane with pink highlights that led down in the middle and matched with her black tail stared at her friend startled from her abrupt entrance from the ceiling inside her home. Her cutie mark was a shining star that sparkled while her eyes were, too, purple. The alicorn shook her head and gave her friend and angry stare, causing the pegasus to realize her mistake of entrance and chuckled in embarrassment.

“Now,” she sighed, “what happened today?”

The pegasus did not waited to explain. “Rose Luck committed suicide!”

Twilight stared at her friend in disbelief. “W-what, but why would she do that?” She asked.

“I don’t know, Lily told me that the mare simply smiled and plunged her own weed cutters into her throat.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“That’s terrible,” Twilight began with a tone of shock, “her life was so perfect; she had a colt and husband for Celestia sake, what drove her to just…kill herself?”

Rainbow Dash could see the confusion spread across the young new princess’ face as she struggled taking in the strange loss of a neighborhood friend. “Look, it’s best to not worry about that,” she reassured, “you got other things to worry about, like getting ready for that meeting with Celestia.”

A memory clicked in as the lavender mare gasped and rushed into her closet near the steps that led towards her bedroom. “I almost forgot, thank you for reminding me, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders, but expected her friend to be alright once she handled important matters with her teacher, Celestia.

“Hey, I’m gonna leave you alone to do whatever it is you gotta do, okay?” Rainbow Dash called out.

“Yeah, yeah, I will talk to you later; have a great day, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled as she continued to scramble around books and papers from her closet.

Rumors of Rose Bud’s death had spread like a swarm of locust in the rural town of Ponyville. Ponies mourn the death of an old friend, but many also questioned the strange happening to this. Pinkie Pie, however, did not feel the slightest level of gloom and continued to cheer ponies up from the sudden loss. She sent pastry gifts to the son of Rose Bud and her husband named Gentle Thorn. While preparing gifts time by time or every once an hour a day, the pink, cotton candy mane and tail puffy, mare with blue eyes and balloons for a cutie mark continued throwing parties to assist ponies to get rid of their grief and move on.

This worked, however, not with Rose Bud’s family. A few days passed and Gentle Thorn went into a deep depression. He had been spotted leaving his young son home alone and going into bars, drinking until he passed out and was carried off to his house by co-workers from his job or friends. Many of the town’s folks pitied the man and were astonished to see his son focusing on his studies and assisting on ridding his dad’s troubles. It was heart-aching to many to see such tragedy be brought upon the family for it was not normal for a pony to kill themselves in town, but normal for a pony to die of old age. Rose Bud was still a mare not even close to her olden years.

The shy mare within the cottage stared blankly into her wall as her wings were bruised and her mane was ruffled with scratches that matched the ones on her coat. Her name was Fluttershy, a timid mare that had a strong heart to protect her friends when needed the most and animals that she so admired. She was a pegasus, but mostly bound to the earth which she preferred better than the high sky where her race resided the most in. Her mane and tail was pink, her eyes were blue, and her coat was yellow. Her cutie mark was fluttering butterflies which went well for her name she was very proud of.

Angel, a white small rabbit snuggled up next to her, attempting to bring her attention to him from her traumatic experience with the untold horrors she encountered in the Everfree. It all began on an errand in retrieving a potion for a sick bird from Zecora, a zebra alchemist, but ended in drastic results when she came across a pony. It was no ordinary pony, but there was a manticore behind it that charged at her without hesitation.

She flew as fast as she could away from it, going through bushes and leaves on the branches, but the thing persisted on her tail without daring to stop and give up. It took her long to finally become exhausted and begin slowing down. The manticore took this as an advantage and struck her hard with the side of its scorpion tail that sent her flying into the bushes, crying out in pain.

Then, she felt that pulse in the ground that caused her to freeze up and black out. The next second passed and she had awoken into the grotesque scene before her. The manticore had been crushed into the ground with chunks of the ground that split from both sides and pressed into its back. She did not stay to observe the corpse and quickly escaped the area and back into her home. That was the reason why she stared at the wall. The strange thing, however, that had her question a few times before remaining silent…how did her wounds that obviously were bad, healed so quickly?

“Finally, everything is set up and ready to go. It took many days to prepare and retrieve the results I needed, but in the end, it will all pay off.” Twilight said as she levitated folders into her saddle bag that was strapped to her back.

When she took a step forward, she quickly paused and glanced back spotting a small baby purple dragon with green eyes and green spikes on his head leading down to his back and tail fetching stuff in the fridge. She made an annoyed facial expression before levitating him onto her back, causing him to stare at her confuse and surprise.

“Come on, Spike,” she said, “we have to leave today to Celestia’s castle, you can eat over there.”

“But Twilight, it’s going to take long.” Spike complained, folding his arms.

“Don’t worry, I will just fly us to the train station and we can take a ride there, there will be no need to hassle over about anything.” She said, her tone being reassuring and gentle.

Spike took a moment to think before shrugging his shoulders. “Okay, do you have everything you need?” He asked.

“Yeah, all I need is to make a good impression on my first meeting. The Gryphon king is visiting and is curious to my skills in meetings, Princess Celestia informed me to do my very best and speak about climate control problems. The gryphons, as you know, love snow, but since the planet’s north and south poles are changing, they are getting more heat than cold winds and snow, and so on.”

“It seems pretty simple to me since you had over a week to research this topic.” Spike said.

“I just hope everything works out in the way I want it, for now, let’s just get there and hope for the best I do great.” She said, opening the door. When she opened the door, though, her eyes slowly wandered onto the figure that descended from the sky smiling at her softly. She smiled back, but had no time to avoid the plummeting horror that befell from the sky.

Everything became silent as Twilight stared down at the body in front of her. Her eyes became widened with shock as her mouth gaped open. Tears began to stream down her quivering face as her body started trembling. What rest on the ground dead in front of her…was her.

“Twilight?” Spike called, causing her to snap out of her gaze as she found that she was not on the ground. She turned to Spike, staring at him confused before glancing around. “Twilight, are you okay?” Spike asked.

“I,” she paused before beginning in a frightened tone hidden behind her calm exterior, “am alright, just tired, that’s all, there’s nothing to worry about.” She started to walk, but kept her awareness high. Whatever that was did not happen on short notice or by coincidence. Something had to be the cause of that, perhaps, hallucination or illusion.

-To Be Continued-

Author's Note:

I have not once found a crossover with this manga series, so I might as well be the "First" or perhaps "Second" to do so. Tell me what you think and if you have advice, do share, I am open for anybody's opinion or critique. Stay safe out there and have a great day. Thank you for reading.