• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,974 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Glen's Luna Part 5

In the blink of an eye Glen found herself standing in... the most incredible place she’d ever seen devoted solely to the art of bathing. The walls and floor were white marble tile and a wall to wall mirror spanned the far wall. The center of the room was taken up by a large tub easily four times the size of Celestia and filled with already bubbling was sunken low into the ground while several showerheads around the side provided extra water from above. Off to the side of the room, a hot tub with sizzling bubbles and steam was easily visible. The entire room had a steamy temperature that was a bit much at first... but the longer Glen was in it the more it grew on her.

“It’s very... humid,” Glen said, stating the very obvious but her gaze was still drawn to the room.

“It is indeed,” Luna agreed with a smile as she nodded towards a pony shaped armour rack by the door. “You may put your armour on that and the staff will deal with cleaning it.”

Glen nodded her head slowly as it was craned upward to the panting of a night sky on the ceiling. As she watched, the stars shimmered and blinked down at her, perfectly matching the night sky. The mare walked unhurriedly towards the armor rack and began to unfasten her battle saddle and pull off her armor, her eye still studying the room.

As she did so, Luna watched, her eyes watching Glen not quite fixatedly, but more of with appreciation. The mare took the last piece of her armor off, showing a fairly clean body save for her face and tail and the tip of her hooves that she used to take everything off. What Luna noticed most of all were the firm muscles and long healed scars that made her all the more alluring to the mare. Glen then turned around and glanced at Luna and their eyes met.

Surprising even herself, Luna blushed, she’d just been ogling Glen’s flank like a filly on her first night on the town.

Glen herself was feeling a bit... awkward. Not because they about to take a bath together, but just something about just seeing the alicorn herself. After a whole week absent of lessons and all of a sudden seeing Luna join in her with battle, Glen was feeling a... pleasant, sincere feeling towards Luna. A feeling that... she never really felt before; a feeling that caused the mare to slowly blush.

“Sooo...” Glen slowly said, her eye shifting away from Luna’s, a hoof casually moving up to rub the back of her head.

“Indeed...” Luna stated slowly before trailing off, her blush intensifying. Then she shook her head and gestured towards the large tub. “Come Glen, let us clean up and then soak,” she said, walking towards the tub, her tail swishing obviously from side to side.

“Right,” the pony replied as she walked up towards the tub. She walked down the steps leading to the tub and stuck a hoof into it and found that the water was the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Glen continued stepping down, slowly submerging her body into the water.

Luna was already a bit deeper in, beneath one of the shower heads, her starry mane losing its ethereal appearance and becoming a darker blue as the water poured over it, washing out dirt and blood. Glen did the same thing too, though it was one where the tub didn’t get too deep for her. Luna looked over at her, blushed at her thoughtlessness, and moved to one of the shower heads closer to her. The brown mare noticed the movement, but didn’t glance towards the alicorn’s direction, a sudden feel of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

The two rinsed and soaked their manes until they were flat and soaked before applying shampoo. Glen finally shot a look over towards Luna and found that the alicorn was in the midst of squirting a jet of shampoo into her mane, beside her a large bristled brush was held in her magic. Luna caught her glance and raised an eyebrow, the brush hovering a bit closer to Glen.

“May I?” Luna asked her.

“Umm... sure,” Glen replied, trying not to sound so stiff as the feeling in her stomach intensified.

Luna smiled and the brush, which was covered in shampoo began to scrounge its way over Glen’s hide, removing a great deal of dirt from her time in the forest. The alicorn was very thorough as well as very talented with her brushing and soon Glen found herself in a state of bliss.

A small smile grew on the Glen’s face as Luna continued to brush her mane, the same smile Ethan obtained when he scratched her behind her ears. However this time, Glen didn’t try to stop it. Luna grinned as she continued to brush and rub the mare, working over her entire body while liberally applying soap and shampoo where necessary.

“So,” Luna said as she continued to brush the mare. “I take it you enjoyed the gift that Ethan gave you.”

“Hmm?” Glen murmured out as she was heavily distracted from the brushing. “Oh, the armor and saddle, yeah,” she replied as shook her head to clear it. “The battle saddle is better than my old one and the armor was a nice bonus.”

“Well that is splendid to hear,” Luna said with a smile. “I know that young Twilight worked very hard on the enhancements for both, as a way of apologizing to you for the rather unpleasant training regimen.”

“I see... well, I guess they make good apology gifts,” Glen said.

“She truly forgot how you would feel about being weaponless,” Luna continued, shaking her head. “I gave a her stern tongue lashing while you were gone.”

“Along with a few other things I hope,” Glen murmured.

“Well, I can only do so much,” Luna said. “Tia would be mad at me if I hurt her love too severely. Not to mention that Twilight is no pushover herself, even if she is not nearly as powerful as I.” Then the alicorn shrugged.

“Yeah well, why the hell does she needs guards for in the first place then?” Glen asked. “Other than to send ponies to run through her insane course.”

Luna looked over at Glen with a small frown. “Because Glen, you are not her guard. You are the ponies of Equestria’s guard. While it is true that you spend most of your time at her side, your first loyalty is always to save those who cannot fight for themselves,” Luna explained. “Twilight’s courses may be insane, but they prepare you for the troubles and trials you will face should we ever be invaded or if you are needed on the battlefield.”

“Well I’ve already been it these kind of troubles and more in my wasteland and in Drek’s hellhole tournament,” Glen pointed out.

“True, but remember, the training was not made with you in mind,” Luna pointed out, still brushing out Glen’s furr. “Our Guard units have... failed in the past and Twilight’s Dusk Guard are an experiment by the three of us to see if we cannot produce a better guard system. One that our little ponies can count on not to fail when they need it,” there was a touch of guilt in the alicorn’s voice, as well as melancholy.

Glen frowned and couldn’t think of anything to say to that and the two lapsed into heavy silence as Luna turned the brush to her own side as opposed to Glen’s.

“Sorry... I did not mean to kill the mood,” Luna apologized, her head bowed. “It was all going so well too... it was stupid of me.”

“No, just... let’s change the topic, I had enough of insane courses and questioning Twilight’s sanity,” Glen said.

Luna nodded. “Indeed. So... how did your nightly adventures go without me to supervise? Were they as tiring?”

“No... they were fine, they were just... not very thrilling,” the mare replied with a small shrug.

“Doing nightly activities by oneself usually is not,” Luna said. “I can speak from experience.”

“Yeah...” Glen agreed slowly.

Luna looked over at Glen and saw that her face was lost in thought as a frown crossed the edges of her lips.

“Is something the matter Glen?” Luna asked her, concern coloring her voice.

“No...” Glen replied, though her shook her head while a look of confusion slowly emerged. “I mean... maybe, I’ve just...” she trailed off. “I think that...”

Luna moved a bit closer to the other mare, they were both clean by now, more soggy than anything else.

“Think what Glen?” Luna asked in a low voice, her face not terribly far away from the other mare’s.

Glen’s eye glanced up at Luna’s. “I think... that I... really missed you during my time in forest and...” she trailed off, a light shade of red underlining her cheeks.

“And?” Luna asked, a note of hungry insistence leaking into her voice.

“And... I think I’m... starting to grow... some feelings towards you,” Glen continued slowly and hesitantly with each word she spoke.

“Would these... happen to be... romantic feelings?” Luna asked her slowly, looking at the mare with hope hidden in her eyes.

The mare glanced her eye downwards. “Maybe... though to be honest, I quite don’t... know.”

“What do you mean?” Luna inquired, confusion in her voice.

“I mean... I’m experiencing emotions that I never quite felt before and they only pop up... when I’m around you,” Glen explained.

Luna stared at her for a moment before finally saying. “Then... I propose a test to see if your emotions are truly romantic... would you be opposed?”

“What kind of test?” the mare inquired.

“A... very special kind,” Luna answered her softly.

“That doesn’t really answer my ques-”

Glen was cut off in mid sentence by a pair of soft, warm, luscious, lips closed over her own and Luna kissed her, staring into her eye with both of hers. Luna held the kiss for several long seconds before she pulled away leaving Glen a speechless pony.

A feeling of euphoria and pent up emotions filled Luna’s mind as she pulled away and she smiled coyly down at Glen.

“Does that answer your question Glen?” she asked her succulently.

The brown mare blinked slowly. “I... I... wow...” she said, her face stuck in pure shock.

“Did... did that answer the... other question?” Luna asked her hesitantly. “About... the feelings?”

“I think...” Glen started off, before a small smile formed on the edge of her lips. “I think that did.”

“And?” Luna asked breathlessly.

“And... I liked it,” the mare added.

To her surprise, Luna let out a very un-princess-like SQUEEEEEE before grabbing Glen in her front hooves and pulling her into a hot, hungry kiss that lasted for a full thirty seconds before she broke it.

Glen let out a raspy exhale as she breathed in and out heavily to refill her lungs, while Luna blushed crimson.

“My... apologies Glen... I have been resisting the urge to do that to you for two very long weeks and you seemed to miss every single one of my signs,” Luna confessed.

“Wait… I did?” Glen asked dumbfounded. Her mind wandered back over the last to weeks and a small ‘oh’ formed on her lips. “Hehe... I’m not used to others ponies hitting on me... not in this kind of way of course.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Glen, I literally had you bury your muzzle in my plot... I thought you would have realized...”

“My mind was elsewhere at the time!” Glen stated, defending herself.

“And my every sentence to you was an innuendo of some sort!” Luna continued. “I took every opportunity to reveal my marehood to you yet you ignored it each and every time!”

“What? It’s not like I look at other’s plots for a living?” the pony replied.

Luna looked at her and sighed, then chuckled.

“Here I am complaining... I have no reason to complain,” she said, her face getting closer to Glen’s. “I am here with the pony that I love, and she has finally returned my affections,” the mare continued, moving in to give Glen a slow kiss. Glen actually tilted her head into the kiss this time, and Luna replied in kind by deepening the kiss. They stayed like that for a long moment in the steam filled bathing room until Luna finally broke it. “I don’t suppose that you would rather continue this elsewhere... say my bedroom, would you?”

“I think... I have no objections to the thought,” Glen replied with a coy smile.

Excelent,” Luna replied before her horn flashed and they both vanished.

All was silent in the bathroom before a quiet curse sounded from the side of the room where a familiar cat had been observing.

“Damn... there goes my money.”

Glen awoke the next morning curled up beside a very warm furry chest with a light feathery wing placed gently across her side. She let out a yawn and stretched out her hooves, and despite what had happened last night, she felt very relaxed and refreshed.

“Well good morning my little pony,” Luna said as she stirred from her sleep and craned her neck down at Glen.

“Morning,” the mare replied, smacking her lips a bit.

“How did you sleep?” Luna inquired as she too rose from the bed and began to stretch out her back and wings, keeping her rear facing Glen as she did so.

“Like a rock,” Glen replied, a small smile growing across her lips.

Luna did a few more, most likely unnecessary stretches, and then turned back to Glen, kissing her slowly before pulling away.

“Good, that makes me very happy to hear,” Luna replied with a smile of her own. “So... I take it you enjoyed last night?”

“It... was like nothing I have ever experienced before,” Glen replied with a slow nod of her head.

Luna let out a slow chuckle. “That is the first time I have ever heard of making love being described like that,” she told the mare with an indulgent smile. “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself... though that was fairly obvious from all the screams.”

A deep shade of blush cover Glen’s cheeks. “Well... I wasn’t expecting that kind of sudden pleasure and...”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get used to that,” Luna said, enjoying the blush. “Though that just means that I have more of a challenge in the future if I wish to elicit that response again,” she added in a silky voice. “Would you enjoy that?” she added with a purr.

Glen chuckle a bit embarrassed as her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red, but Luna only nuzzled her.

“I will take that as a yes,” Luna said, kissing her on the tip of her nose. Then Luna looked to the clock on the wall and frowned. “Hmm, would you care to go to breakfast dear? If not... there is always another meal available to you.” she asked Glen with a frown.

The mare’s stomach suddenly growled, causing Glen to glance down at it. “Hehe... I think I’ll take the breakfast.”

Luna chuckled and gave her another kiss. “I suppose the other can wait till this evening,” she said with a smile. “Provided you don’t have other plans of course,” she added jokingly.

“Well, if I do, there’s always the night visits,” Glen commented with a smile.

“Oh my, I had completely forgotten about that,” Luna said with wide eyes as she led the other mare out of her bedroom. “I assure you... last night was nothing compared to what we can do in the realm of dreams.”

“Then I can’t wait till it’s time to go to sleep,” Glen replied with a sly smile which Luna returned.

A thought occurred to Luna. “Wait here for a moment my dear,” the alicorn said before she vanished in a small flash of light.

Glen blinked, a bit surprised at the sudden teleportation, but she didn’t have to wait for long as Luna popped back in. Held in her magical gaze was a small night blue package which Luna sat down in front of Glen.

“Here... I made you a gift while you were out in the forest and got so caught up with... well, you, that I had forgotten to give to you,” the alicorn said with a small blush.

Glen glanced at the present with a curious eye before she bent down to opened it. When she open the lid a small surprised gasp left her lips as she saw what lay within. Wrapped in blue velvet was a glass eye, perfectly crafted to look like the one that she had spent so long creating within the dream realm.

“It is magical, virtually indestructible, and will attune with your flesh eye so that it does not hang listlessly or drift as the normal variety often do,” Luna explained to her. “It will not restore your vision, but it will decrease the number of stares you get... it will also move your mane out of your beautiful face,” she finished, giving the mare a soft smile.

Glen started at the glass eye, her mouth a jar with small awe. “Why... what makes me so... special?” she asked, glancing up at Luna.

“What?” Luna asked, confusion filling her voice.

“How can a Goddess like you fall in love with a simple earth pony like me?” Glen asked.

“Goddess? You overvalue me,” Luna said with a sad shake of her head. “I am merely a half-divine.” Then her eyes hardened. “And how dare you call yourself simple?! You are nothing remotely close to simple!”

Glen jerked back and dropped her head. “I... just... You’re a Goddess! And I’m... I’m just an earth pony! A one eyed ugl-”

Luna’s lips locked over hers before she could finish the word and she held Glen her silent prisoner for a moment. When she finally released her Luna stared right into Glen’s eye.

“Glen, you are not ugly!” she said in a soft, fierce voice. “I have made love to the most beautiful mares and the most handsome stallions in all the land for the last four thousand years. I have met with the noble ladies of the Griffins and the strong willed masters of the Hippogriffs. I have even, once, made passionate love to a dragon in the middle of a volcano. But none, and I mean none of them could ever compare to you!”

Glen stared at Luna, a nagging look dancing in her eye . “So why... what makes me so special?”

“Your spirit,” Luna answered softly. “You have seen so many hardships, so many battles, so much death... and yet you remain pure... it fills your body with light, Glen.”

“Pure... but... but I’ve done some bad things and-”

“But they have not marred your soul Glen... they have not touched what is most precious about you,” Luna said softly, yet her words cut through Glen’s own like a knife. “You have come out alive in the end and for that I am forever grateful... but most importantly, you have emerged from your trials a good pony.”

Glen’s eye began to get watery as small droplets of tear started to build up. “I... I... thank you...” she said, a small sob rolling in her throat. Luna stepped forward and simply engulfed the smaller mare in a hug, pulling her wings around her to conceal her from all. Glen’s entire world was blue and staring down at her was Luna.

“My Glen... you need never thank me again for something that needs no thanks,” Luna said softly.

The earth pony gave a weak smile before she leaned into the alicorn and wept happily into Luna’s fur. Luna held her close and they stayed like that for ten long minutes, Glen pouring out her grief in long rushing streams of tears until she could cry no more. Luna bent down and gently kissed her forehead before she used her magic to levitate the glass eye up and into the mare’s empty eye socket.

The eye stood frozen for a moment, and then as if it was completely natural, followed the other as it gazed up lovingly at Luna. Glen blinked a few times and hesitantly move her mane out of her face.

“How do I... how do I look?” she asked the alicorn with a nervous glance.

“Like the most beautiful pony in the land,” Luna said softly. “Of course, you already were.”

A pleasant smile grew on Glen’s face as the two continued to stared at each other lovingly, until something else voiced it’s mood.


Glen blushed as her stomach whined at her for not being fed and she chuckled lightly in embarrassment.

“Mayhaps we should hurry onto breakfast, hmm?” Luna asked her with a raised eyebrow. “Else you may begin to eat me... and not in the fun way.”

“Heheh... yeah, let’s,” Glen agreed, pushing herself off of Luna’s chest. “Ahem... so shall we continue to the dining hall?”

“Of course,” Luna said, leading the way, her tail swaying friskily behind her. Glen followed a few feet behind, enjoying the show.

Author's Note:

Ed2481: And done, that’s two sidestories done.

Omega_code: Yep, and what a fun ride it has been. Hard to believe a character I made up on the fly became so popular.

Ed2481: Yeah, tell me about it. This is going to be the last you’ll hear of Glen for a while though, I have to finish High School Wanderings... probably focus on that this week. As usual, thanks go to Speven for pre-reading for us.

Omega_code: Ja, danke schön Herr Speven.

Speven: At least you guys are consistent. There are always things you get right, and things you don’t.

Ed2481: Daww, we love you too.