• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,973 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Drekzone Part 8

The lift stopped and opened its doors, showing Ethan a room he was not expecting to come up in. It was the hallway that led to Drek’s personal room, and standing in front of the doors waiting for Ethan was Kharon.

“Mr. Drek would like to speak with you,” the merc said.

“And if I told him to suck my dick instead?” Ethan asked the man with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a fifty floor story drop down from there,” Kharon replied flatly.

“Hmm... not sure which sounds worse honestly, he’s probably awful with his tongue,” Ethan mused with a slight frown. “Do you happen to know?”

“No,” the man said humorlessly. “Now are walking off or not?”

“Oh, I thought you’d be throwing me,” Ethan mused before shrugging and walking off the lift. “Alrighty then, you lead, I’ll follow.”

Kharon turned around and walked down the hallway, Ethan following along behind him.

“You know, you need to grow a sense of humor,” Ethan commented. “I mean, I’m sure you’ve got this whole ‘I’m a quiet badass’ thing going on, but you’re not going to pick up any chicks if you’re stiff as a board.”

“I do not need to pick up women like you do,” Kharon replied.

“Technically speaking, I don’t need to, and I usually don’t,” Ethan replied. “Married, remember?”

“Yet you flirt with every female you make eye contact with when you step out onto the arena,” the mercenary pointed out.

“Of course,” Ethan answered simply. “I’m making your boss money that way. That’s what he wants, right?”

“That’s what he wants, and you’re giving that perception to him,” Kharon stated.

Ethan shrugged. “You said it, not me,” the man replied.

“No, that’s what I’m reading from you,” the merc remarked.

“Read what you want, I won’t stop you from drawing your own conclusions,” Ethan said with a chuckle.

“You need a better face before you start grifting me,” Kharon said, glancing his head at Ethan. “Because you’re very poor at hiding your intentions to everyone.”

“I don’t know,” Ethan shrugged. “It’s worked out for me so far. Besides, you’re not that great at it yourself.”

“It’s not the right stage nor the right time,” the man replied. “For both me and you,” he added.

“Heh, well then, Kharon, I suggest that the pair of us wait for the time,” Ethan said with a small smile. “Of course, I’ll keep mine up, getting chicks is fun, even if I’m not going to do anything with them.”

Kharon rolled his eyes as they continued to walked down the hallway. The two reached the doors leading to Drek’s office, still guarded by heavily armed robots, and the merc stepped up to the door and pushed a button on a panel beside it. The door opened to reveal the fancy interior of the business alien’s room.

Ethan stepped inside and saw that Drek was sitting behind his desk, toying with something. The alien glanced up at the man and then back down at what he was toying.

“You know? You’re becoming quite the popular gladiator during these last few days,” Drek said become he stood up and tossed the thing in his hands at Ethan. The man caught it, and held it up to his face. It was an exact replica of himself, complete with red duster, bastard sword and Novasurge. “So much so, these things are selling like hot cakes,” the alien continued on, turning his back and walking up to his minibar.

“You know Drek... I find it a bit creepy that you’ve got a mini-me up here and that you’re playing with him,” Ethan said as he continued to examine the action figure. “It’s disturbing really.”

Drek chuckled lightly. “I was only examining my products, making sure it’s up to my standards,” he explained as he poured himself a drink. “Beside, it shouldn’t be as disturbing as what some of your ‘fans’ do to them,” he added, turning back around to face Ethan, a glass filled with red liquid swirling in his hand. “Especially the mix gender ones,” he concluded before taking a sip.

“That’s... odd,” Ethan mused. “Please tell me you’re not making full sized robot models...”

“Oooh, now that’s a thought,” the alien pondered with a small smile.

Ethan sighed. “May I keep this?” he inquired, holding up the action figure. “It’ll make a nice souvenir to give my son once I kill you and escape.”

Drek chuckled lightly once more, swirling the glass around. “You know, Glen was right. You talk a lot of escape, yet you don’t do anything about it.” He took quick sip. “I guess that’s why she’s a bit steamed about you huh? All talk, very little work?”

“Eh, Glen’s just adjusting; it’s hard to deal with my raw animal magnetism for the unversed,” Ethan replied with a chuckle. “Sparky took almost a week.”

“Yet that’s what you do a lot of times,” Drek stated again. “Talking without really thinking,” he clarified before taking a small sip. “For instance, thinking that some form of help is coming for you instead of accepting the inevitable.”

“Just a question, but do you have any idea who I’m friends with?” Ethan asked the man, raising an eyebrow slightly. “No no, seriously, do you have any idea?”

Drek chuckled lightly. “You’re friends with people who think they rule the multiverse, yet they can’t even manage to keep control of their own planets,” he answered. “They think their ‘flawless’ system doesn’t have a few holes in it to allow things like this -” he gestured around the room, especially the view overlooking the arena “- to happen. You have friends who have no idea where you are nor will they.” He leaned in a bit. “You have friends who are like other people’s friends that I haven't duped.” He leaned back and took a sip. “That’s what you have, Mr. Smith.”

Ethan actually chuckled at that. “Actually Drek, I have friends who are even now undoubtedly searching every bit of the multiverse for me and will eventually find me. I have friends who can shift celestial bodies with their minds alone, and they’re just the daughters. I have friends who can obliterate you so easily that to them, you’re nothing but a botfly,” Ethan explained in a casual tone. “They’ll get here soon, and when they do they’ll get me, Glen, and probably Merc boy over there out too. So, in closing, it’s in your best interest to release me now before they get here.”

Drek swirled the liquid in the glass. “Answer me this. Would your so-called friends risk the lives of other innocents to rescue you?” he asked, glancing up at the man. “Because, at the slightest hint of trouble, all I have to do is make one quick call and hundreds of worlds will burn.” He lifted up the glass and took a sip.

“Well you see, that’s actually a mistake on your part,” Ethan replied with a slight chuckle. “By taking me, you’ve alerted everyone to what you’re doing here. I kind of doubt that your friends have the power to fight my friends, and now that you’ve taken me, they’ll be on alert.” He then raised an eyebrow at Drek. “As for my friends, do you really think Twilight Sparkle would consider the consequences of her coming here and destroying your whole operation if she didn’t know the whole score?”

“Then I guess she won’t be able to help you out then,” Drek said. “For she doesn’t know it, nor will she.”

Ethan shrugged. “So you say,” the man said. “Now, are we done comparing dicks yet? I mean, we both know that I’m going to win this, it’s only a matter of time.”

Drek stared at Ethan for a while before a thin smile form at his lips. “Well… I guess we should get to the true point why I call you here. Though I’m starting to know what your answer is going to be.”

“Oh?” the man inquired.

The business man took another sip of his drink. “You see, you’re starting to quickly move up the ranks of both my tournament and in popularity with fans. Which is why these fights of yours are quickly increasing in difficulty,” he explained to Ethan. “And it will continue to do so, if you stay where you are that is,” he added, giving the man a small glance. “Join the ranks of my top gladiators, and well-”

“So, would you like me to suck your dick as well, or will whoring myself for money be enough to get a rise out of you?” Ethan asked him with a scoff. “Go fuck yourself.”

"Thought so,” Drek said with a small uncaring shrug. “Well, if you won’t join I’ll just continue with the current process you’re undergoing, until you eventually meet your end.”

Ethan shrugged. “No offense Dreky, but at the rate I’m going there won’t be anyone left to fight me.”

“Oh, I highly doubt that,” Drek replied with a small chuckle.

The man let out a slight sigh of boredom. “Can I go now? Your voice is giving me a migrane.”

Drek shrugged. “Go ahead, it’s break time for you anyways. You might as well relax before your next match,” he replied, waving the man off and turning around to face the view of the arena below. Ethan pivoted on his heel and offhandedly gave the alien the middle finger as he walked out of the office, Kharon behind him.

The two entered the hallway and walked their way back to the lift.

“So, you going to help me when my friends get here?” Ethan asked casually. “There’s a free ride home in it for you.”

“Your friends won’t be able to get here you know,” Kharon replied. “That and are you really going to let them risk the lives of millions for yours?”

“I trust them,” the man answered simply.

Kharon remained silent for some time. “Then you better hope your friends live up to your trust, else you will have innocent blood on your hands that will never wash clean.”

“Like I don’t already,” Ethan replied, a neutral expression on his face. “What’s a few more oceans of it?”

“An ocean can drown with a crashing wave other than a simple pool,” the merc replied.

“Well, I’m a good swimmer,” the man stated. “Besides... I’ve got my family.”

“And even family tend to drown with the person they are trying to save,” Kharon replied.

“Know this from personal experience, do you?” Ethan inquired.

“More than you know it,” the merc answer, still keeping his natural tone and expression.

“Sorry for your loss then,” Ethan said with a slight shrug. “But honestly, my family are good swimmers. My wife knows what it’s like to kill innocents, far better than I do. No offense, Kharon, but I doubt those you lost had carried the destruction of their entire home and the future of the world with them.”

“Then you know nothing about my world,” the merc replied.

“Nope, not a thing,” Ethan replied.

“Then you should have not make idle comparisons between our two worlds,” the merc said.

“You brought it up,” The Wanderer stated. “Now, I’m tired so I’ll be seeing you next time Biggus Dickus wants to compare shaft size.”

Kharon glanced at the man with a small flat look as they reached the doors to the lift. The merc went over to press a button to call the lift. “Don’t doubt him,” he told Ethan. “He has more teeth than you think,” he added as he turned and walk away.

Ethan shrugged and stepped into the lift.

The dark blue cloud of the nebula swirled in front of the mare as she gazed at from inside the station. The patterns her mind picked up from the mass of dust absorbed as she was oblivious to what was around her. So oblivious in fact that she didn’t notice Ethan sit down beside her and begin to stare out the window as well.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked her quietly.

Glen’s body jumped a bit at his voice as she glance at him with slightly narrowed eye. Yet, her harsh expression softened and she turn back at staring at the nebula. “Yeah...if there’s one thing Drek is good at is picking a beautiful spot to put this bloody hell hole in,” she commented.

“Yeah,” Ethan nodded as he leaned back and put his hands out to either side. “Sorry about earlier.”

“Finally learned to accept the fact?” she asked as she continued at staring at the swirling blue cloud.

“Not in the least,” he replied. “I meant sorry for getting mad at you for getting mad at me.”

The mare scoffed slightly. “Well how else was I supposed to act when you’re acting as if you were going to escape with no sort of plan and basically waiting it to be handed over to you on a bloody silver plate,” she stated with a low mutter.

Ethan chuckled softly. “Look Glen... just trust me okay? I save people, it’s what I do. I save those who can’t save themselves, and I save people who are stuck in impossible situations...” he trailed off and glanced at her. “But more than any of that; I keep my friends safe.”

Glen glance at the man for a few seconds before glancing back. “I ask again....prove it, for all I hear are words....and they aren’t worth much of a lick of salt around here.”

“I’m friends with a literal goddess,” Ethan said with a slight shrug. “She’s friends with hundreds if not thousands of other gods all of whom control at least a planet. And at the moment, they’re all looking for me.”

“Again, prove it,” Glen ask, her voice sounding agitated. “You can’t just say something without physical proof. I learned that much at least in the wastes,” she told the man.

Ethan nodded slightly, and then tapped his Pip-Boy a few times until it came to rest on a rather crowded picture. Standing in the center of the picture was Ethan himself, on either side of him was a large alicorn, one white with a rainbow mane, the other blue with a starry mane. On the white alicorn’s side, practically hugging her was a shorter purple alicorn with a lavender mane. On the blue alicorn’s side was... another white alicorn with a brown mane. However, as Glen looked at the picture, it seemed that particular alicorn was... different. Power seemed to exude from her even though she was captured within the image.

“Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and Faust,” Ethan stated, pointing to each.

Glen stared at the picture for a while before turning away. “So what? Alicorns are part of my enemies, and my Celestia and Luna are dead. That doesn’t bring me much confidence to me in your escape plan.”

“Fine, believe what you want,” Ethan told her with a small shrug. “It’s up to you Glen. You can keep on believing that things aren’t going to work if you really wish too, it’ll just make my ‘I told you so’ taste all the better in the end.”

The mare chuckle lightly. “And when you figure out your friends aren’t coming, the truth will finally sink into that thick skull of yours.”

“Alright, you know what; let’s make a bet,” Ethan said, leaning forward a bit. “I bet you that my friends will get us out of here within two weeks. If it takes longer then that, I won’t say a word about it ever again.”

Glen glanced over at Ethan. “And if they ever do ‘pop’ up, what then?”

“You have to apologize for being snippy,” he said.

The mare raised an eyebrow, but nodded her head. “Okay... that sounds fair,” she replied.

“Good,” Ethan replied with a chuckle. Then he took out the action figure and showed it to her. “Hey Glen, check it out, I’ve got my own action figure. It even has ‘kung fu grip’.”

Glen glanced at the toy and emitted a single chuckle. “Huh, only been here a couple of days and you have a toy line already,” she mused. “That must mean...”

“Yeah, Biggus Dickus already made his little offer, I told him to fuck himself,” Ethan said, picking up on where she was going.

The mare smiled slightly at the statement. “You do know those who deny his offer tend to not live very long, right?” she asked, mostly just to inform him.

“And yet you’re still here eh?” he replied, raising an eyebrow at the mare.

Glen’s eye widened at the sudden question, but she chuckled lightly. “Well, I guess some sayings aren’t all true, eh?”

“S’pose not, otherwise I’d have died a long time ago,” Ethan replied, chuckling as well. “Maybe Drek just likes you too much to put you up against anyone too difficult,” he added jokingly.

“Nah,” she replied with a short shake of her head. “Just some wasteland luck, I guess.”

“I can relate,” the man said. “Wasteland luck is all that’s kept me from being strapped to a table and having my organs removed.”

Glen slightly shuddered a bit. “I know the feeling… just wish it’d extend to things other than just staying alive,” she muttered.

“Well, if you’re looking to get a bit more lucky in another way then I could help you out; I doubt Cassie would mind in this case,” Ethan suggested, grinning goodnaturedly at her.

The mare chuckled lightly. “Don’t know, last time somepony offered me that I woke up with all my caps missing and an aching headache,” she told the man with a small smile. “That and he wasn’t that good in general.”

Ethan gave her a look of mock indignation. “Are you suggesting that I’m not only not good in bed, a complete fabrication as it is, but also that I’m a thief? Glen, I’m hurt, truly,” he said, holding a hand up to his chest and giving her his most hearbroken expression.

“Well, maybe I am,” she replied slyly.

“I guess I’ll just have to prove otherwise, eh?” Ethan inquired, wagging his eyebrows at her.

“Probably,” the mare answered with a small chuckle. “After all, proof speaks louder than words, eh?”

“It does indeed,” Ethan agreed. “So, where and when would you like to get this proof?”

Glen chuckled some more before shaking her head. “I don’t...maybe if your other statement ever comes true and we get out of this hell hole, otherwise this is the only place you can give your proof,” she replied.

“And it would be a horrible place for you to experience something so undeniably wonderful,” the man said with a chuckle. “Plus, when we get out, Cassie can join if you don’t mind.” The man smiled a little, and then scratched behind Glen’s ears a bit. “And don’t you worry, you’ll get your proof, for both.”

The mare’s head tilted towards the man’s hand before pulling away. “We’ll see,” she told him. “Until then...they’re just words.”

“But they’re good ones aren’t they?” he asked rhetorically before returning his gaze to the view of space.

The mare remained quiet as she gazed out into the swirling cloud of dark blue sparkling dust. “They’re the only good ones around here...” she muttered out softly as the two sat and stared into the nebula. Ethan put a comforting arm around her shoulder and pulled her a little closer to him. Time seemingly flew by as they spent the rest of the afternoon sitting around, doing nothing except enjoying the view.