• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 7,159 Views, 18 Comments

Illegal Heritage - ZhaoZoharEX

My name is [NAME CLASSIFIED]. I used to belong to a powerful organization that effectively controls Equestria, albeit unofficially. Then I was approached by a journalist. Heh. Why not? I feel the need to get this off my chest.

  • ...

File 01

Author's Note:

Originally, this project was meant to build up to the reveal of the narrator's identity. Keep that in mind as you read this, even though now it's pretty obvious because of the tags and the cover art.



"Thank you for agreeing to do this."

No problem. So what do you want to talk about first?

"I was wondering what your connection to the rumors are? You being part of this organization I've heard about."

The Order of the Four Clans yes? For as long as I can recall, I have been part of this organization.
An order dedicated to three goals:

One: The regulation of nobility and political stability the nation we live in, by any means necessary

Two: Establishing union of nations and races worldwide.

Three: The search and acquisition of treasures our ancestors crafted for a specific purpose.

My family has served one of the four clans that lead this organization and has been a driving force in the search for its treasures. I lived a sheltered life for much of my youth, away from public eyes, for I was born from a taboo that would bring shame to the clan if brought to attention. My parents kept me in the dark from the family’s true purpose; for my own safety of course. I learned early, however, just how easy it is to commit those same taboos.

When it was time, I came under mentorship of the clan’s head. My talents proved…. extraordinary. I caught the eye of the order’s Grandmaster, who decided to give me a position as his personal protegee. He told me I had a gift, a blessing if you will. I wanted so much to believe his words… So I did. Foolishly, I will admit.

“So what made you doubt his words Mrs-”

Please! Do not address me by that name. Not here at least. I do not want them to hear me.

I will tell you, but I think we should start at the beginning. It all started when I met the heads of the four clans…

“Mentor? I need to ask you something.”

“Speak, and I shall answer with the best of my ability.”

“I was wondering, why out of all the other agents out there, you chose me? I may have this powerful magic, but there are many agents far better suited for this job, far better trained and with far more experience.”

“You don’t seem to comprehend my choice in you. I chose you because you are inexperienced. I have a job I wish for you to take and when you complete it, you will understand.”

I didn’t quite know what he meant at the time, but as he was the Grandmaster and I did know him fondly by this point, I had no real reason to question him. We were heading to a large meeting room in the headquarters of the order. The control center of our agents stationed around the world. Within were several other agents, a few ponies, a changeling, a minotaur, and a griffon. The room looked like a large corridor with stained glass windows depicting the four clans. At the end of the hall was an altar with several pedestals lined around it. I found myself staring at the altar for who knows what reason.

“You like?”

I turned around to see the source of the voice. It was a light cerulean Earth mare. She had a white mane and had an air of authority about her. I could see from the crest on her sleeve that she belonged to one of the families, not just serving them like my family did.

“I just had them installed not four hours ago. My father’s request from the Grandmaster.”

“What… are they for exactly?”

“The treasures once they are found. So far we have none yet to occupy them with. My name is [NAME CLASSIFIED] by the way. What is yours?”

“Can’t say.”

“No? Why not?”

“My mentor told me not to tell my real name to anyone, even within the order. At least not right now. Sorry.”

“Oh I see. Well, what could I call you for now?”

“I go by my alias Pandora. It’s what Mentor calls me.”

“Ah! Exhilarating! Very well I shall go by Aperture then.”

“Why that name?”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

I chuckled out loud at this point. She was quirky and strange, but somewhat pleasant to talk to. Because of my upbringing, I wasn't allowed to socialize with anyone outside the clan. As a result, I wasn't much for making friends. That changed when the mentor took me under his wing. He encouraged me to talk to everyone I met. I still didn't do much though. Heh, old habits die hard I guess. Others walked into the room and it was time to begin whatever it was that was to be done.

“All rise!” said the Grandmaster standing at a large circular table. He then picked up a clipboard. “Let us take roll call! Headmistress Aroma, Cardinal House?”

“Present,” the tall gray Earth mare stated.

“Headmaster Sundowner, Polar House?”

“Yes,” the Griffon stated.

“Headmaster Monsoon, Torrent House?”

“Aye,” the Changeling admiral said

“And Headmaster Bastion, Luster House?

“Check.” The Minotaur replied.

The clan heads took their seats, their assistants standing next to them. Mentor also took his seat and gestured me to stand beside him. It would seem that Aperture was assistant to Headmistress Aroma, meaning she belonged to the Cardinal House. I myself belong to that Clan but since Mentor took me in, I'd lived within his mansion and didn't communicate much with anyone else. I had never seen Aperture before that day. That aside, the Heads gave their salute to the Grandmaster, who saluted back.

“Now then, let’s carry this meeting. I trust you four have this planned out?” the Grandmaster said.

“Our clan’s agents have discovered another of the order’s treasures. It appears to be the Lion,” Monsoon said emotionless. “It looks to be within the castle walls, within the inner sanctum of the royal court.”

“I see. It may prove difficult to retrieve it without setting off alarms. Do we have any inside agents?”

“We have none, I am afraid,” Aroma interjected. “But I don’t know how much help they would be anyway. If we could wait longer, perhaps we can inform the rest of the clan of the tactics needed to take it.”

“We can’t afford to wait!” Bastion said, pounding his fist on the table. “If they find out just what the Lion is capable of, they won’t hesitate to use it for their ill purposes. Especially with ‘him’ in their ranks.”

“Who do you mean by ‘him’?” Sundowner questioned.

“The rogue agent of course! Have you not been updated in the last meeting? He was one of yours!”

“This was not brought to my attention, Sir Bastion. I fear our couriers were lost during the last assignment.”

“Your excuses do little to put me at ease, Sundowner. How long until your best agent is ready to work again?”

“I do not know. He nearly lost a wing during the last confrontation. What about everyone else here? What about your agents?”

“My son is a rather influential figure in Equestria. I’m sure he would be a good start to obtaining the Lion,” Aroma stated.

“Our prime minister is being uncooperative. His insubordination is going to complicate things. His son isn't faring much better with serious illness,” Bastion snarled.

“Our queen is trying to multitask with the responsibilities of her royal duties, her assignments of our order, and the newly born Princess Chrysalis,” Monsoon sighed. “With so much stress on her, I will not burden her more than she already is.”

The clan heads went back and forth with talks of politics and assignments while Mentor and I observed. This was a rather dull discussion to me, but Mentor listened patiently. He finally stood up after a few minutes.

“Why don’t we send a spy in the midst? Someone can work to within court ranks and gain knowledge of the layout.”

Aroma sighed. “We have agents in Canterlot already. Wouldn't it make more sense to use them?”

“No. If they were caught, they could be traced back to you. That would be damaging to us as well. No, we need a blank slate. And I have a good candidate.”

“And he chose you?”

In a matter of speaking. He didn't tell anyone outside of that room. Only the clan heads and their assistants knew of his choice. Most of those weren't pleased, myself included, but I did have a friend who would go with me to Canterlot.


Precisely. She was a very friendly pony and having her as a partner made things fun. Of course, we had to assume identities while living here.

And it appears our half hour is up. Come back tomorrow and I will tell you more. This has been liberating.



Later that evening…

“Jess? Vat do you vant?- Oh it’s you!”

“Hi old friend. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“No no no, not at all! Come right in! I alvays make time for you my dear friend!”

“Thank you.”

“Would you care for some tea?”

“No, I won’t be staying for long. By the way, I noticed you dropped your accent just now.”

“Yes well, it’s just us at the moment. I have no reason to use it around you. So what do you need?”

“It appears we have a rodent running around. If you have the time, I would like for you to notify the other houses in the city.”

“Oh? What kind of rodent?”

“The journalist kind.”

“Yes, I can see where that would be troublesome for us. Would you like for us to trail him?”

“If you can. If he is working alone, we can deal with him right then and there. If he is working for someone else, we will have to plan this carefully. He does not seem to know my current position within the order. Nevertheless, use prudence when looking into his profile.”

“What about you? What will you do?”

“What else? He wants to interview me, whether it be for profit or evidence. So I will give it to him. If he continues his interviewing style, he won’t have the chance to submit his tapes.”

“Are you sure that’s wise?”

“Honestly, I don’t know yet. But if he is after what I think he’s after, this may prove to be the most efficient way of uprooting his plan.”

“If you are willing to go through with this, then I shall support your idea. Anything else you need?”

“Yes actually. I wanted to give you this. You did need a new camera, didn’t you?”

“You are too kind! What do I owe you?”

“It’s a gift. For your career. It does have a special feature too, but I will teach you to use it tomorrow. For now, have a good night, Aperture.”

“Please. Call me Photo Finish.”