• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 485 Views, 2 Comments

The Offspring Story Book - The Lion Infinity

Cherilee's students are getting tired of lame horror stories. They want something scarier, something graphic and violent! So...Cherilee finds a strange book in Twilights library...

  • ...

Chapter One: Signs...

"The night sky seems calm. Even with all this chaos inside...," said the gray mare, leaning against a door staring out a window in her bedroom. She was tired. Tired of running but, she had to hold on for a little while longer...for the children. Khale was a young mare. She was kind and always wanted to help other ponies in a time of need. The orphanage she ran with her friend was the perfect way to support her village. She loved her work, she loved the children. Although, her love would be tested, by the end of this story she would be faced with the ultimate decision. The door pulsed behind her. She knew what it was, she wasn't sure if she could fight any longer though. It was cold that Hearth Warming Eve but, the door...It was warm, relaxing. She almost lost herself in false security. "No! No, I will not fall for that!" Khale scrambled away from the door. On the other side a loud banging noise could be heard. It got louder and louder. Khale was frozen with fear. She had run out of places to hide. She backed away from the door slowly as it began to give way. The hinges creaked with each push. The wood groaned and splintered. The banging on the door was relentless. Khales body shook every time contact was made with the outside force behind the door."Stop it! Just stop already!" kale yelled helplessly at the entity destroying the door."I said-" she stopped mid sentence. The banging had stopped. Khale let out a shaky breath. The room was finally silent. The air was freezing cold. The warmth the darkness brought was overwhelming. Khale knew that it was strong, tempting and seductive. She had to keep her sanity, for the children...for everyone."It's too hard...I can't...I can't do this anymore...," Khale wept as she fell to the ground. She whimpered, curling into a ball on the freezing floor. Her tears fell slowy down her face, the icy liquid made her shiver. Khale slowly turned her gaze back to the damaged door. She could feel it, it was only a matter of time. She could make a stand. She could fight back. Could she? The door opened slowly. Black oily tendrils crept through. They caressed the floors surface. The warmth of the darkness radiated like the sun. It tickled the frightened mars coat with whispers of promises. Soon, the darkness engulfed the room, in a inky black blanket. Khale closed her eyes, hoping to shut the sight out. She tried to fight, she tried to run. She wanted to save every pony but, she couldn't. She could feel the tendrils tear into her skin, the entered effortlessly. Small stings where all she felt as they entered her body. She could feel the tendrils envade her, she whimpered as they entered her veins. They twirled inside her bones and squirmed under her skin."Please...enough...," Khale rasped, her energy had been stolen by the dark entity. She closed her eyes one last time. The tendrils enveloped her entire body in a loving, crushing embrace. Then, darkness...

"Khale...! Khale....!" a muffled voice called out," Wake up already! The kids are waiting!"

Khale slowly opened her eyes to her friend Sweetie. They both ran the orphanage together for their village. Because of the war, some families were torn apart, ponies were orphaned. Khale and Sweetie took it upon themselves to start a foster home to help ponies that didn't have a home, find one," Sorry...I was having a weird dream...Oh no!" Khale yelled.

"Your damn right oh no! The meet and greet is about to began and your still in bed!" Sweetie exclaimed. "Look, I gave you a little more time to sleep because you weren't feeling well," Sweetie said walking over to the drapes and pulling them open,"...but you can't sleep here forever. Hurry up! I'll keep everyone calm...*sigh* Feels like only yesterday we were the ones that needed homes..." A sad smile appeared on Sweeties face. Khale began to reach out and hug Sweetie but, she turned away an headed for the door.

"I know it was hard Sweetie, thats why we started this place up. I'l get ready and, sorry about sleeping in like that. That never happens," Khale said, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry Khale, when your flat on your plot i'll be there to pick ya back up," Sweetie smiled brightly and left Khale to herself. Outside the door she could hear Sweetie yelling at the kids to stop running in the hall.

" *sigh* What a strange dream...thats the third time so far. It wasn't scary, it was..." Khale got a shiver down her spine. She decided to forget about the dream and began to get ready. Today, she would have to say goodbye to some of the ponies she grew to love. She cherished the children, like they were her own but, there has to be a time when they must find a real family...One that can provide for them. A family thats right for them...

Khale made her way down the stairs when she finished getting ready. She wore her sun dress today. It was hoof stitched by her grand mother. The mint green dress was accented with gold trimmings, and silver tulips were patterned around it. She wore her fiery orange mane in a bun held together by two jade butterfly clamps. Khale wanted to look presentable for todays adoption and, this was only one out of the two nicest outfits she had. She always wore them when 'certain' ponies would be present. There guest today would be a mix of parents looking for a child, and Canterlot ponies rating them. It was a process that she thought was a little demeaning. The children had to look there best and so did she but, they had to do a good job of presenting the children. It made her feel like it was an acution and not an adoption. Her and Sweetie agreed that the only thing that was important in these situations is that the children would always be comfortable and the future parents are suitable.

Khale made her way at the end of the stair case. The children were all lined up and dressed appropriately." Alright my little ponies, it's that time again. You all look so very nice this morning...," Khale smiled warmly at all the children. They gave there own greetings and gestures of approval.

"Where were you! I was waiting for this whole time! I needed help with my bow again...!" a small sea green filly yelled aloud to Khale. She had on a frilly white dress with a bright pink bow in her terra cotta mane.

"Jo, i'm sorry...I've seem to have slept a little longer than I wanted to. Oh, and Baker honey. I'm very sorry for missing your breakfast, I haven't been showing you all the attention you deserve lately. I promise, that when today is over i'll make sure I have a small gift for each of you," Khale smiled as she gained there approval of that idea. She loved making them happy. She wasn't sure why her sleeping was getting in the way of that but, Khale was determined not to let that interfere anymore.

An older colt huffed," Yeah sure, we all know once some of us get adopted that won't matter anymore...You'll just forget about it..." The buck was wearing a red bow tie around his neck. The sandy colt had smudges of dirt on his face. He was upset. Khale knew that some of the ponies here would not get there presents if they were adopted today. She also knew that she would be too sad to even remember that she promised to do so. It was only once...just once, that she forgot.

"Your right Heavy Hoof...I have forgotten before. And it's true, I won't see some of you again. I wanted it to be a surprise...your gifts will be available to you depending on what happens in the next few hours," Khale walked over to the young buck. He was the oldest of the ponies around him. He had been helping Gramps in the shop earlier, not having time to clean up. Khale licked her hoof and rubbed the smudges away from his face. Heavey Hoof blushed," I love you all, it's hard to watch you go. Me and Sweetie work hard to keep you all healthy and prepared for a new life. But you deserve something special every now and again...I'm sorry Heavy Hoof. Can you forgive me?"

"...Yeah sure...sorry Khale," Heavy Hoof blushed again," I just...it sucks ya' know?"

"Watch your language Heavy, and yes, it does..." Khale looked over at Sweetie. They both exchanged sad smiles.

"Ok kidos, we can't just sit around sobbing over each other! Now get in position and look adorable!" Sweetie yelled, her uplifting tone put a spring in everyones step.

A few minutes had passed and the Orphange had already gotten a few visitors. The wealthier ponies were on a different mission of course...

Sweetie quickly pulled Khale to the side,"*sigh* it's those stiffs from Canterlot. There still 'sponsoring' this place. I think there trying to see if its even worth it."

"I hope they don't stop funding us...we have worked so hard. Theres only so many things we can do outside of the orphanage that can help keep this place running," Khale said, a worried expression on her face.

"Don't even think about it like that. We've been doin good so far right?" Sweetie reassured Khale, placing a hoof on her shoulder." I have been thinking though..."

"What, what is it?"

"It wouldn't hurt to have some more hooves on deck. These kids are a handful and, only two of them are old enough to do the jobs at Gramps. Too many dangerous jobs for the little ones...," Sweetie said. cringing a little.

Khale thought about it. She was sure that Sweetie just wanted some stallion around that was good with kids. That couldn't happen. Khale believed Sweetie would get...distracted...However, it was true, they did need more ponies to run things smoother here," Well...one condition..."

"Condition?" Sweetie asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes. No stallions." Khale said smirking at Sweetie.

"I...fine. I don't see why not, I could find some very..." Sweetie trailed of, as the Canterlot ponies approached them,"...Crap, the stiffs."

Khale and Sweetie turned there attention the two ponies aprroching them. One was a buck who wore a black suit, his bow tie was yellow. He had a small mustache and a monocle that was on his right eye. The light yellow stallion had his yellow mane combed back and a very disdained look on his face. The other pony was a mare with a large yellow dress, and a ridiculous yellow mane that towered over her in a bee hive type fashion. She had a bright yellow stone on the necklace she wore around her neck. She had a curios look in her eyes when she spotted the two, " Well, I must say, you two have been very productive. Eight I believe, were adopted two months ago. Giving these poor ponies a place to live is a very admirable thing. Don't you agree Perish?"

The yellow buck, eyed Khale and Sweetie. He didn't seem impressed," Yes, I suppose. But sister we can't depend on that to happen often. This place seems to be caring for the children but, that doesn't mean it will be worth the money we put into it."

"Oh Perish stop being up tight. What kinda of ponies would we be if we didn't give to our...less fortunate neighbors," The yellow mare smiled wide at Khale and Sweetie.

Something about the way she said that made Sweetie angry. Khale noticed it immediately and changed the subject," Um, yes..we do our best. We don't rely on other ponies to pull us out of a jam though. If push comes to shove, i'm sure will manage."

"Oh, so you won't be needing our money after all," The yellow stallion declared," In that case..."

"No! Thats not what she meant," Sweetie interjected," We can hold are own, but it'd be barley scraping by. We'd have to overwork ourselves if we didn't have your...charity."

"Hmmm, see Perish. They need our help, by the looks of things I say we had something to do with the turn out so far yes?" The yellow mare smiled again. It Made Khale and Sweetie cringe inwardly.

"Yes...Thank you...," Khale said, trying hard to be sincere.

"Don't thank us yet, we keep track of this place. We expect whatever you make over the next few months makes it to the right ponies, yes...?" The yellow stallion glared at Khale," I'd hate for you to start owing bits."

"We will make sure of that, our store front has been doing exceptionally well this past year. We hope to make enough to cover the last loan you gave us. Oh, thanks again for that," Khale said, a nervous smile etching on her face.

The yellow stallion huffed,"Like I said, Don't thank us yet."

The yellow mare chuckled, "Perish dear, stop being so...,"

"Its fine, really. We almost have all we need to pay you back. We are very grateful." Khale smiled more genuinely this time.

The two ponies gave Khale and Sweetie another look over. They seemed to be judging them, silently, with there eyes. The yellow mare smiled," Well...we approve. We'll leave for now. Me and my brother have pressing matters to attend to back in Canterlot. Keep up the good work you two." The yellow mare and here brother left the orphanage through the front door.

"Urgh...I hate talking to those stuffy ponies. There just so...urgh," Sweetie looked over her shoulder. Her expression changed to a surprised one. Sweetie nudged Khale. Khale turned to Sweetie who was pointing to the small filly Lemon Spice. The lime green filly was wearing a small yellow sundress. She seemed to be having fun with the couple that took interest in her. Khale and sweetie never saw the little filly so happy...

"Wow, its as if they were meant to find the little filly," Khale said with a sad smile.

"Yeah...jeez, that filly always made some wonderful candles ya know. I guess we know how that visits going to end..." Sweetie began to walk over to the couple before turning back to Khale." You should check on the others, I got this one."

"Right. We'll meet up in the kitchen when we are done?" Khale asked. They had some plans to go over. Some of the children wanted to visit the market today.

"Of course Khale, now hurry up. We have work to do." Sweetie said with a playful tone.

The kitchen had an alluring aroma coming from it. Khale made her way inside to find Baker making her signature banana nut bread. A middle aged mare was smiling at the filly as Baker pulled the freshly made dessert out of the stove. The older mare ran a bakery in town, she had been looking for replacements after her apprentice was caught steeling bits from the coffers."Your very good at that Baker, you sure you don't have your cutie mark yet?" The older mare asked the blushing filly.

"....Um...no...I haven't noticed anything yet. But, I wont stop baking until It happens!" The chocolate filly flushed even more.

The older mare giggled, a twinkle in her eye made Khale feel...happy. A kind of happy that could only come from being able to pair the two together. Khale cleared her throat to get their attention,"I see you two are getting along. I knew, soon enough, that you'd come around Chef."

The older mare looked down at the smiling filly, then back at Khale,"I won't lie Khale, she's defiantly got talent. Not only that, she's as cute as a button for sure."

"T-thanks...," The chocolate filly blushed again.

"So...there isn't much you have to do to adopt. The proper papers can be signed in our office, then you can be on your way Chef," informed Khale, she gave Baker a look that reassured the filly they would keep in touch.

"Really huh....Ok Khale, I wouldn't mind having a daughter. Especially one as amazing as her," The older mare rustled the fillies mane.

The filly blushed bright once again. She then started to hug the older mares hoof," T-thanks Mrs. Chef!"

Khale looked at the two happily laugh together as they continued to bake. She had a strange pain tear at her heart but, she swallowed the pain and moved on upstairs. As she made her way up, she could hear ponies applauding in one of the rooms. Khale peeked inside the bedroom of Caster. He was a small unicorn buck that had been able to master levitation. He was being praised by two unicorn ponies that each wore glasses. They seemed to take a liking to him, Khale left them be until they were ready to sign the papers and make it official. Khale was over joyed to see her little ponies happy, for them to have someone outside the orphanage take interest in them. It was a magical sight sometimes but, Sweetie and Khale agreed that it was a bitter sweet moment...more often than not. Unfortunately, not all of her ponies would be able to share in that glorious feeling. The feeling of another pony appreciating something they can do. Khale reached Heavy Hoofs room. He was laying at the edge of his bed. He didn't look happy and, he didn't look up when Khale sat next to him. He was angry, that no pony really thought of him as...useful,"Heavy...honey, whats wrong?" Khale asked, putting her hoof around the young buck.

"You know whats wrong," He sniffed," No pony out there needs a earth pony who can lift boxes and crates. I can't be of use to those..."

"Heavy dear, your not telling me that your useless are you...?" Khale put her hoof under the bucks chin and turned his face to hers.

Heavys eyes were puffy, he swept Khales hoof away and returned his gaze to the floor,"...Yeah, its true though...I am..."

"No it isn't!" Khale yelled. Heavy was frightened, he never heard her yell before," You have brought so many smiles in this place with your jokes, even if they are inappropriate. You make us all smile when we'er feeling down. And gramps couldn't possible move all those heavy crates without you. He's a strong stallion but he needs you Heavy..."

Heavy smiled slightly, he hugged Khale. He was embarrassed but happy that he could hear someone tell him that," Y-your right, I just...."

"It's ok Heavy..." Khale cooed, hugging him back.

"You know I haven't made a joke since I was a little colt right. I haven't made anyone smile for a long time..." Heavy said in a sad tone.

"Thats nonsense Heavy, you make me smile everyday...I just wish you knew how much we all love you sweetie," Khales soft voice relaxed Heavy. It reassured him, that everything was going to be fine. Heavy was still a little down but, he had something to think about instead of groveling in his bed. Khale left him to his thoughts and entered the hall way. Khale was feeling better about the adoptions so far, it was time for them to have a family that would care for them exclusively. Children will come and go but, she would never forget the experiences they had together.

*Boom* *Boom* *boom*

Khale quickly turned to her attention to the wooden door at the end of the hall. The creaking noise was eerily familiar. The wooden door screeched and splintered as the booming continued. Khale wasn't scared, not exactly. She was confused at why she wasn't afraid. Her fear was replaced by a curiosity that urgently needed to be fulfilled. She slowly started walking down the large hall way. The orphanage was a big place. It could hold as many as twenty plus ponies. Rooms on this floor were on the left and right side of the hallway. The problem with the door at the end of the hall was...well, there wasn't a door at the end of the hall. There is, but there shouldn't be. The booming got louder, and Khale got closer. The door was resilient, sturdy. The violent force behind it must have been toying with her, yeah, the thought crossed her mind. Why wouldn't the door just brake apart already? Khale reached the door, the noise had stopped. It pulsed with a dark aura. She could feel the warmth tickle her coat as her hoof reached for the knob. Whispers started to flow in her mind like smoke. They were, soft, assuring. She could feel a blissful smile creep up on her face. She was afraid...not what was behind the door but, that she had already trusted the presence before she knew what it was. Khale hesitated only for a second,"I...I need to know...I need to find out. All I have to do is open the door."

Right before Khale could reach the knob, Sweetie called out to her from the opposite end of the hallway," Hey you still alive Khale!?"

Khale quickly turned to her friend, then back at the door. It had vanished, she could still feel the warmth from its presence. Slowly, that faded as well. She turned to her friend once more and trotted quickly to her. She didn't dare look back...

Sweetie and Khale finally finished up the last order of business. The papers were signed, the ponies bags were packed, and ever pony had already said there goodbyes. All except for Baker, the chocolate filly, had made a close friend in the orphanage. Her departure would greatly impact the two. A filly with red and cream colored swirls on her coat gave Baker an incredibly long goodbye hug. They both cried, but tears of joy had been shed as well as sorrow. The two would help each other in the kitchen, although, baker was the teacher most times. As the two mares parted, the finally said goodbye. Baker promised that she would visit when she could, which made Pastry extremely happy. The others waved goodbye and that was that.

"So, Needlle and Thread is with the carpenter ponies," Sweetie stated filing the papers in a desk drawer labeled: Needle and Thread.

"Lemon Spice is with the traveling couple, the peddlers I presume..." said Khale opening another drawer from the wooden desk.

"Caster, with the scholars, not a surprise there," Sweetie chuckled," I guess he'll be wearing glasses to match the family huh?!"

Khale had a flat expression her face," That was a very poor excuse of a joke Sweetie...Anyway, Baker is with chef. I hope we can see her again sometime."

"Don't worry Khale, we'll get to that later. Lets just get to the kitchen, i'm sure everyone is excited about going to the market today."

The children that were still reaminig in the orphanage waited in the kitchen for the two care takers. The two mares entered after a few minutes had passed. Khale saw that Heavy was present and gave him a warm smile. He smiled back, he still looked upset but, better...

"Ok we all ready to go!" Sweetie yelled. The kitchen was filled with the children roaring in agreement for the market and the same for staying home. They couldn't seem to make up there minds.

"I don't feel like going to the stinky market!" A white filly with a yellow green mane yelled.

"Hahaha yeah it stinks! It stinks!" A smaller buck yelled, banging on pots.

Khale and Sweetie underestimated the gravity of the situation. They hadn't realized that there would be two sides of the matter. More uproars against going to the market rose. The same went for those wanting to go. Heavy covered his head trying to block out all the yelling. Khale and Sweetie exchanged looks and sighed," Nothing changes does it," Sweetie said, stepping forward."Alright! Everyone quiet!"

All the ponies quickly quieted down and turned there attention to Khale and Sweetie. Khale steeped forward and began to speak," Ok, every pony who wants to go to the market raise your hoof!"

"Alright, thats Mar, Rising Sun, Starlight, Heavy, Jo, and...Pastry," Sweetie said, counting the hooves raised," Then that leaves me Milly, Ring Tosser, Moon Jumper, Hop, Pots and Pans, Black Berry, Apple sauce, and Lotus...You go on Khale, i'll go next time alright?"

Khale hugged Sweetie titghtly,"Good luck, you know how rowdy they can get sometimes."

"Yeah yeah, just bring me back that fancy Canterlot wine i've had my eye on," Sweetie said with a smirk.

Khale smiled brightly at Sweetie before leading her ponies to the market. They had all gotten out of there nicer clothing from earlier and were ready to trek through the busy town streets. The cobble stones had only covered so much of the road, so most of the path was dirt. It had rained recently so, the mud made it difficult for some ponies to pull wagons through. Trips to the market could get bothersome, but with all the extra help Sweetie and Khale had, they were't too worried with getting the supplies they needed. Today wasn't a normal supply run though, it was more of a...selfish endeavor for the ponies today.

"Hey...Mrs. Khale...?" spoke Jo, trotting close to the caretakers side.

"Yes Jo?"

Jo furrowed her brow at the mare," Are you really going to give us presents?"

"Of course Jo. Sweetie is giving the ponies back home there presents right now...why, whats the matter..." Khale asked, puzzled at the question.

A candy red earth pony mare with a white mane appeared on the opposite side of Khale," She wants to know what her gift is obviously. She's been bothering Sweetie about it all day..."

"Hey! Shut up Mar!" Jo yelled blushing," I just...I was waitin on sumthin special!"

Khale was surprised at Jo's outburst but, it only showed her how much this 'present' meant to her," Jo don't be rude. And Mar, don't belittle her. You two are always doing this, your like siblings, sisters...It's actually kinda of cute sometimes. But you two should really be nice to each other."

Mar and Jo looked over at each other. They both spoke at the same time," Sorry..."

"Good...," Khale turned her head to the ponies behind her," Stay close every pony, we are about to stop at this jewelry stand." Khale and her ponies got as close to the stand as possible. Ponies all around were trying to sell wares and food, wagons and carts. The streets were always busy. Khale knew it was dangerous at times but she was confident in her children to stay close and clear of wagons."Hey Jo, I've been noticing how much you wanted this pendent here...It's important to you...." Khale said her smile beaming at Jo.

"...It's no big deal..." Jo said kicking the mud beneath her,"...I mean, it's just a rusty piece of metal..."

The pendent was rusty, but the beautiful pink gem inside matched the fillies pink eyes. She wouldn't admit it but, the pendent actually belonged to her mother once. After loosing her Mother to bandit ponies, that was all she had left. It was stolen along with countless other possessions when she found out her father was planning on leaving her here the same day. It broke the filly, made her hardened in some ways. She would never be the same, but she could at least have something that would make her feel...closer to normal,"I believe It is a big deal Jo," Khale turned to the merchant zebra mare," I'll take that pendant there..."

"Really now...fifty bits please....Thank you, here you go little one..." said the Zebra mare, pendant in hoof.

Jo's pink eyes light up. She carefully clasped the pendent in her hooves,"...T-thank you Mrs.Khale...."

Khale smiled, feeing Jo's hapiness sprout right before her eyes. The zebra mare leaned in and placed her hoof on top of the pendent," You know...that rust is just a disguise. Beautiful treasures like that have a way of keeping themselves hidden," The zebras hoof lifted from the pendent. The metal was cured, and the gem shined like the sun in the sky. Jo was in awe at the perfection, Khale herself was taken aback."See...thats what it really looks like, one day, everyone will be able to see such beauty in you little one."

"Jo, what do we say...?" Khale nudged Jo with her hoof.

"Oh, um, thank you nice jewelry zebra lady!" Jo squeaked and put the pendent in her mane.

Khale and the zebra smiled as the filly danced happily with her new treasure," How...did you do that...?" Khale asked.

"I don't believe you'd be so impressed if I shared how simple it was," The zebra replied with a sly chuckle.

Khale smirked, unsure of how to feel about the deception," Well, are you more than just a peddler?"

"Hmp, oh pony, i'm just a harmless zebra selling harmless junk. Theres nothing more I could be." The zebra smiled and nodded," But I do have one trick i've been good at since I was a little filly."

"Really...what is it?" Khale asked, her curiosity scaring her a little. She started to shake with anticipation.

"Hmmm, your really that interested huh?" The zebra leaned closer," Well, I do a little hoof reading. Every pony has a different future to be told. I read it off of your hoof...ridiclous huh...?"

Khale felt a strange urge to indulge in the hoof reading. She felt odd, like she needed to know what the future had in store for her," Read my hoof, please!"

Khales hoof nearly jabbed the zebra in the eye, she took her hoof and began," Jeesh pony, patience. I'm already starting."

"I'm so sorry, i've been jumpy lately and..." Khale trailed off. The zebra had stopped, her expression was alarming," What...what is it?"

"Nothing....," The zebra said, holding Khales hoof firmly.

Khale relaxed and exhaled,"Oh...well, then..."

"No pony, you misunderstand. There is nothing, I read your hoof, I get a vision. It's a spiritual thing...a glimpse. Sometimes its vague or even wrong...but I've never received 'nothing' before. I'm sorry pony...maybe i'm not feeling well." The zebra carefully returned Khales hoof back to her.

"No its fine, I was just hoping....Oh, never mind. This was foolish of me. I'm sorry to keep you." Khale gathered her ponies and they all crossed the street together. The zebra watched them as the crossed the busy, muddy road.

The zebra shook her head solemnly," Poor pony...such a nice pony and no future...she doesn't deserve that..."

Khale and her ponies had finally returned to the orphanage. It was late and the others were already getting ready for bed. Khale had made a few stops around the village for the kids. Pastry wanted to see baker, even though they had only just saw each other earlier. Her new mom seemed to really enjoy the company. Mar had been wanting a new brush for some time now so, Khale found a suitable one in one of the kiosk in town. Of cousres Mar complained but, quickly fell in love with the simple hair brush after a while. Khale knew she'd like the colorful patterns and the detailed design. The others returned to find their gifts waiting for them on their beds. It wasn't how she wanted to surprise them...she wanted it to be special...Khale took there happiness as a reward regardless.

The children were restless at night at times but, they would end up sleeping safe and sound in there rooms. The night was calm, and the house was peaceful. "Goodnight Khale, i'll see ya up earlier tomorrow right!?" Sweetie called out.

"Of course Sweetie! GoodNight!" Khale replied from her bedroom. She was tired, more so than usual but it was a nice feeling to be able to rest. Although she couldn't help but dwell on the zebra mares words...'nothing'...just like the end of her dream. There was nothing....just, darkness...

Ponyville Schoolhouse at night:

Cherilee closed the book and looked up at the children from her desk," Thats the end of chapter one, what do think so far my little ponies?"

Every pony had their own opinion about the story. It was expected of course, Cherilee wanted to make sure she could possible read it again the next night. They did want a new story right, something different, something more...grown up" I think it was boring," huffed Diamond Tiara.

"Yeah, I agree, pretty boring," Seconded Silver Spoon.

"Boring...really?" Cherilee said a little deflated," Well..."

"It wasn't too bad. Me and Baker have something in common," Sweetie Bell chimed, a smile on face,"...we can both bake stuff!"

Applebloom spoke up after Sweetie Belle had finished, " Maybe it was a little...uh, boring in the middle part. I think it was still good though..."

"Thats not the only thing you and Baker have in common Sweetie Belle!," Diamond Tiara said a smug look on her face,"Both of you are blank flanks!

Diamond Tiara started to laugh and Silver Spoon had joined her. Cherilee wasn't especially surprised at the behavior but at the same time, she wasn't happy about it either. Before she could intervene, Scootaloo spoke up against the two snooty fillies,"At least there actually good at something! You two are only good at being jerks!" Diamonad Tiara gasped, then she furrowed her brow and scowled at Scootaloo.

Diamond was about to shoot back with something else but, Cherilee stepped in before things escalated any further," Thats enough every pony! I would like to know if you all would like me to read this story again. I will admit, its a little slow at first, but it picks up a little later in the story. So what do you say, shall we continue this tale for another night." Cherilee Looked over her students and saw most show there signs of approval.

"The banging at the door was pretty cool!" Snips said, his voice breaking a little.

His friend snails nodded in a approval as well, in a goofy manner," Yup, it was...cool, eh"

Cherilee was happy to see that her little ponies had even a slight interest in the story. She wanted them to enjoy it enough to continue and be mature enough to handle its darker sides. She dismissed them and reminded them to tell their parents that this was an ongoing event for the night time. They all left the school house and trotted back home. Cherilee smiled to herself," Hmmm, me and Khale have something in common. We both love are little ponies."

Later that night, Cherilee was asleep in her bed. She realized it had gotten extremely cold inside and decided to bring extra blankets to the bedroom. She didn't think much of it really, it was just a freakish temperature drop...right? She was having a pleasant dream, were all of her little ponies were having fun together. No arguments or snide remarks. They were all a happy family, similar to Khale and her family at the orphanage. She felt good about the story, it could teach a valuable lesson to the ponies, about family, not just the one your born with, the one you make for your own.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Cherilees door began to creak, the noise got louder and the door was starting to splinter. She shot up from her sleeping position and watched as the door received even louder bangs on the other side. She was frightened, a story is a story. It's not like those things could really happen, but once they do...Her fear subsided after a while, the force on the other side was relentless but, she couldn't help but giggle at its feeble attempts to break the simple door down. It was still strange, she wasn't sure what to do. She was in no position to handle whatever it was outside, she was curious though. Cheerilee climbed out of her bed and slowly trotted to the door. The closer she got, the quieter the banging would get. And as she approached she noticed how much warmer it was than the rest of the room. The icy cold she had been experiencing was annoying but, this warm presence....Her hoof reached for the handle, the door pulsed and vibrated softly...she hesitated...,"No, this is just like the story...I must be dreaming anyway...I'll just..."

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Cherilee squeaked loudly as the door rattled again. The force on the other side didn't seem to appreciate that choice. She tried to back away but found her movement halted by an invisible appendage. She could fill silky, oily, tentacle like appendages slither around her. Her eyes went wide as she gained awareness of the foreign feeling. The tentacles wrapped slowly around her body, a slight squeeze made her gasp. The appendages were strong, she felt like she was being cradled carefully. As if the appendages wanted to be carful enough not to break her. Cherilee tried desperately to relax but she had trouble concentrating, a larger appendage had been coiling around her neck. It slowly began to constrict, it squeezed and squeezed, she could feel her breath becoming harder and harder to come forth. She wanted to yell for help but she couldn't, the tentacle made it clear that it wasn't letting go. Small popping sounds started to make her feel nauseous. Cherilee felt her neck creak under the pressure, she gasped for air but, the effort was wasted. Cherilee thought of all the little ponies in her class, her students, she wanted to be there when they succeeded. She wanted to watch them grow and, become the best they could be but, she was understanding her situation well at this point. Tears fell from her face...she gasped one more time...the appendage loosened for a moment, then quickly shifted and snapped her neck clean. The pain was incredible, but brief, she didn't feel much after that. Cherilee was dead but, for some reason she could still see. Her gaze however, was fixed to the ground. The invisible appendages laid her body gently to the floor of her bedroom. Her vision began to fade to black...all she could see was darkness...

Author's Note:

This is the first and only chapter until I finish my first story. I just had to at least get this out of my head.

Tell me what you think and all that good stuff. Oh and if you have any questions or something ya don't like, please let me know. Don't know if i'll actually do anything but, let me know anyway. ^~^