• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 1,988 Views, 42 Comments

The Psychopath - The Psychopath

A new pony arrives a year after the events of Holed Memories. This won't end well.

  • ...

Cutie Mark Crusader Pranksters

Pinkie Pie woke up in her house-tent. She stretched and limbered herself back to her typical Pinkie self. As she went to her bed to wake Psycho up , she discovered that he was already gone. Quite alot of things were going to happen now, and they weren't good things. Bullseye was also going to visit the town again after being given a day off for R&R.The recruits needed it.Being a Royal guard trainer was quite a hard task. But , let's stay with Psycho right now , and his hiding within a bush in front of the school he saw the previous day.

The CMC were walking towards the school , half-asleep. He knew what they had been trying to do and attempt to drag them into his world. He popped out of the bushes wit his head upside-down , even though his body was right-side up.

"Heloooooooo." he said , clenching his teeth back together.
"Uhhh, hi?" said Sweetie Belle , nervously.
"You three have been trying to get your cutie marks , no?"
"How did you know?" spewed Scootaloo. The other two gave her a look , just asking her to keep quiet so that this weirdo would go away.
"Oh? Pinkie Pie told me."
"Pinkie Pie? How do ya know about Pinkie Pie?" asked Apple Bloom.
"Because she's extremely funny and has shown me quite a few things I don't know myself."
"Prove us that ya know about Pinkie."
"Lemme see," Psycho took off his hat and started swinging his hooves around his body , changing his appearance:" Crazy curly hair?"
"What the...?"
"All pink?"
"How is he-"
"Kind of small? Bounces around alot like this?"
"Hey mister , how're y'all doing that?"
"Doin' what?"
"Changin' the way you look."
"I ain't doin' that."

Psycho was still bouncing around the group looking like Pinkie Pie, but quickly remorphed into himself.

"Say , how about I show you three how to prank properly? Maybe you'll get your cutie marks like this?"
"Sorry , sir , but we have to get to school now. I don't want to be late or Rarity will scold me."

*Ding dong! Ding dong!"

The three gasped.

"Oh no! Were late. This is all your fault!"

As Sweetie Belle and the others started to run for their school , Psycho popped his head out of the ground. The three skid to a halt, surprised. Psycho's headless body came right next to him and plopped it's head back on.

"A good prankster knows how to do things thoroughly. I know you three have been having problems with certain tiara and spoon characters, aye?" Watch and be amazed as the great and powerful Psycho deals with your school problem!"

Great and powerful? The three fillies wondered where they had heard that phrase.

Psycho came back in a pirate unform , holding some sort of remote in his hands.

"Arr! These landlubbers don't know nuffin' bout the harsh life at the sea!"
"What are you talking about?" asked Scootaloo.
"Watch 'n learn ye freshwater sailors! Yu'll learn a thing or two, savvy?"
"Savvy? What does that-"

*click, BOOM* Some wierd brown substance splatter against the windows of the school. Two fillies galloped out , all covered in the sticky substance. Psycho changed into a hipster costume now.

"Now then , the last piece of my "chef d'oeuvre". Gumballs. They inexplicably explain something that makes no sense and highlights your ignorance for associating them with something totally unrelated. GRRRRRAAAAAAAHAHAHA!"

*click* Four metal buckets on the top of the school roof toppled over and covered the fillies with cinnamon and gumballs.

"RELEASE THE HOUNDS!" Scottish accent Psycho.

Suddenly , several small dogs started chasing after the two fillies , who ran away crying. Cheerilee tried catching up to them, but to no avail.

"Hey , that was pretty mean." whispered Applebloom.
"Who cares? They've always been mean , snooty brats. They deserve this!" snapped Scootaloo.
"And you three no longer have school!"
"Hey , that's right! Maybe Rainbow Dash has some awesome new tricks to show us." Before anypony could move , Psycho was lying on the floor right in front of them.
"Why not heed my advice and try pranking? I'm sure you'll find it to be fun AND funny."
"And we'll learn how ta do that thing ya did with yer head?" Applebloom's eyes were sparkling.
"Maybe. If you be good,humhum,let's say trainees."
"What do we do first?" asked Sweetie Belle.
"First? We travel through Ponyville. GRAB MY HAT!"

The three fillies shrugged at eachother and touched his hat with their hooves , after climbing onto his back. He was still lying down.


Psycho blasted off while not moving. He seemed to be "driving" himself as he slid along the dirt. Terrible omens for Ponyville...maybe.

This is meant to be a cliffhanger to what the CMC are going to do to Ponyville while guided by Psycho. No. It won't be pretty. Maybe if I added some red there it would be....hmmmmm.