• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 1,988 Views, 42 Comments

The Psychopath - The Psychopath

A new pony arrives a year after the events of Holed Memories. This won't end well.

  • ...

Finding a room

It had taken three hours.THREE. HOURS. To measure Psycho and get the proper outfit for him. While he was slightly bigger then Pinkie Pie , his constant need to twist and turn rendered Rarity and Motel incapable of working for the rest of the day. Even Pinkie Pie had trouble calming her new friend down. The suit came out nicely. Although , it was a bit simplistic in design, a touch Motel added. It was a blue tuxedo with long sleeves whose ends stopped in dark blue, vertical spikes. That was the tissue color , mind you. The entire tuxedo in itself was light blue and the chest bore a yellow, plain shirt sporting swirls that covered the entirety. They were two swirls that spread all over both the yellow shirt and the blue suit. They were supposed to put Psycho's "eyes" into valor. Not something easily done. He really loved swirls. Rarity tried to patch up his hat and give Psycho a better one , but he'd grab it with his forelegs and hold it tightly against his chest as he protested against her attempts and fashion sense.

After about an hour, both Motel and Rarity gave up and decided to leave the situation be. Psycho put his hat back on and tilted it back over his right ear , a glamorous smile of victory painted on his face.No , really. He literally PAINTED it on his face.

It was already the afternoon , and Pinkie Pie took her new friend to grab a bite at Applejack's. The cowpony had invited Pinkie Pie over to help her mood. She saw her friend starting to look bad over the days as everypony started acting mean to her. But , this would prove to be a bad idea. Psycho isn't your average prankster.He had something planned before he even knew it.

The two friends started walking towards Applejack's farm as they saw the school where Applebloom , Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle had class every day. The bell had rung and everypony was running out in joy as they rushed home , eager to start playing with their friens and/or toys. The CMC had gathered in front of a tree and started to talk about how they would try to earn their cutie marks today. They were too far to be heard. The three had seen Pinkie Pie and shouted :"Hey Pinkie Pie!" as she passed by. Pinkie jumped up and started waving her hoof violently around as she shouted her own hello. Psycho was nowhere to be seen. Pinkie didn't even notice his dissappearance until he was seen right next to the Applefarm entrance , stretching and twisting.

"Hey Psycho! Wait a minute , you beat me again!"
"Maybe. Weren't we going to eat some food? I'M STARVING! Look at my stomach! It ate itself."

Psycho stood up and showed a hole in the place of his stomach where he passed a hoof through.

"HA! They're just over there , follow me."
Pinkie started to bounce to Applejack's house as Psycho followed right behind her , while walking backwards. They both ended up inside Applejack's house , right behind the orange pony , with no explainable reason. Psycho was impressed that another pony had the same "talents" as he did, but he kept his massive smile on his face as his eyes continued to swirl.

"WAAAAAH!Pinkie , why'd y'all go 'n have ta do that fer?"
"Well lookee 'ere. Them folks dun know how's ta speak the outbacks." said Psycho , while wearing some sort of hay-made costume that came from nowhere. He even had a piece of stray in his mouth , and sported an emotionless face. Applejack tried to say something, but her mouth just remained open without emitting any sound. Psycho just bobbed his head downwards as he gave off a silent laugh. Applejack looked at Pinkie PIe after becoming herself again.

"Whose yer new friend Pinkie?"
"He's Psycho! He's a great prankster, just like me. Although some of them are...wierd."
"Pinkie Pie usin' wierd in 'er sentences? Not possible! Ya mean pranks ya didn't know 'bout?"

Applejack sighed in relief. She thought there was a pony worse than Pinkie Pie. She saw Big Mac come into the dining room. The room everypony was in had a MASSIVE wooden table used for family reunions. There were several tapestries made by hoof from the apple family that adorned the brownish walls. There wasn't much else besides a small tree right next to the door leading to the room. Psycho spotted yet another victim for today. He zipped up to Big Mac, gave a scary grin and took out a lighter from who knows where and lit Big M's straw on fire. Psycho started to speak in a strange wheezy voice:

"That's it boy. Now ya know why ah like ya. You know how to get a job done right."

Psycho tapped the stallion twice on the face with his hoof before zipping back next to Pinkie. Before Anyone could react , the piece of straw blew up in Big Macintosh's face. His head was civereded in soot and ash , and was confused.Pinkie laughed , but Psycho didn't look pleased.

"Meh. Nothing special."
"How did ya....it wasn't even...." Applejack was stuttering.

Psycho popped up under her hat, just showing his head , and said:

"Some pranks are unseeable. WHY ARE YOU STILL LOOKING?!* slap*" Psycho had an angry mood swing and smashed an apple pie on the cowgirl's face. He then jumped back onto Pinkie's head and lowered himself to nearly dissappear in her mane. As Applejack rubbed the pie off her face, Pinkie started laughing strongly. So hard she fell on the floor , tossing Psycho against the wall. Even Big Macintosh put a hoof to his mouth as he tried not to laugh at her.

Pinkie , despite her giggling , still managed to tell her own joke:

"Hey Rarity! I didn't know you were passing by!"
"Rarity? Where?"
"Take dis a mirror. It a good omen." said Psycho as he tossed it towards her. It fell short , but slid across the floor and right under her nose.
"What the?!"

Both Pinkie Pie and Psycho were rolling on the floor. It wasn't the fact that Applejack now had the facial make-up of Rarity that was hilarious , it was the fact that the cowpony absolutely HATED that sort of thing and that she was absolutely furious with her new "prissy" appearance. Even her mane had been changed to look more laid back. Granny Smith was there as well and saw the whole thing. She may be old , but she had her suspicions. How did Psycho pull that off with just an apple pie to the face?

"Well , lookit this fellow 'ere. He's real good with the prankin'. I've never seen that sorta thing before. The ponies of today have sure gotten alot craftier."
"Craftier? He turned me inta Rarity! This'll come off, right?"

Psycho was rubbing his chin and looking as pensive as he could look. He was sitting. Pinkie just stared at him, still chuckling a bit.

"Why not ask Rarity?"

Applejack tried to grab Psycho , but he literally jumped all the way to the ceiling and started to gallop away on his new center of gravity. Applejack was already weirded out , so this new feat didn't hinder her needs to crush him. Psycho galopped outside and shut the door as he landed back on his hooves and started running for the acres. Applejack was close to this annoying character. Big Mac had wiped the black smear off his face and the three ponies watched as Applejack chased the constantly laughing Psycho. Pinkie grabbed a giant foam "hand" with "#1!" on it and started waving the thing in the air.

"GO PSYCHO...no wait...GO APPLEJACK....no....Psycho...Applejack....I wonder which I should cheer for....oh well. GO PONIES!"
"WHAT?!" yelled Granny Smith.

Suddenly , while watching the chase from afar , Psycho went behind a tree and dissappeared , while...Applety...passed behind it and stopped, looking around in confusion.

Pinkie , Granny Smith , and Big Mac turned around to see Psycho drinking from an apple. It was turned into a glass for applejuice.

"How did ya-" before Big Mac could say anything,Applejack screamed. Apparently , a few of the apples on the apple trees were attacking her. Well, "few" may not be the best term.

"Mhhmmmhhaa." chuckled Psycho.

Apple Jack had already started to crush the apples as Big Macintosh ran to her aid. Granny Smith had already adorned her "pan" armor and chased after the "varmits".

Pinkie actually looked worried.

"Uhhh, Psycho?"
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"MMMYYYEEESSSS! No, wait...no."
"What do they do?"

Psycho pointed towards Applejack as she destroyed an apple , that exploded into a bunch of juice. One could hear her curse as she became all sticky and covered with pieces of apples. The other two coming to her aid fell under the prank.

"I'd say this is a sticky situation , but I'm stuck on this pulping situation."
"Haha! I think we should go now."
"Awww. But I had more."

But Pinkie had already "teleported" away.

"None can run away from the pizza pony! Wooosh!"

Psycho activated some sort of trap underneath him , flinging him high and far away. He landed right in front of the bakery, where Pinkie was waiting for him. She was hanging out of the window.

"Ugh. I'm tired. Can't prank properly. I need to rest."
"But we didn't even eat yet!" cried Pinkie Pie.
"*gasp* You are right. Let us feast upon this dinner!" Psycho was rolling his "R"s. While the cakes seemed wary of this new prankster , it was obvious that he was unusually tired. After eating , Pinkie invited him to her room, where he was given her bed for a short while. Pinkie managed to make a decent bed for herself. A type of tent-like thing. But , despite it being barely 6 P.M., Psycho was already asleep, and Pinkie decided to leave to go see her friends who didn't meet him yet...well...A friend.

Psycho was already starting to smile wildly in his sleep. His new pranks tomorrow would be a blast.