• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 1,988 Views, 42 Comments

The Psychopath - The Psychopath

A new pony arrives a year after the events of Holed Memories. This won't end well.

  • ...

Introductions and degradations

Pinkie decided to introduce her new friend to Rainbow Dash , who was the closest nearby and was training her aerial acrobatics near the outside of the town , in the park , to be more precise. Some of her fans had stopped and were watching her show off. Some triple aerial flips here, an impossible U-turn while still moving forwrd , her normal day. During the trip , Psycho would hop on two legs and tilt to the side , hopping once more , before repeating the process with the other two legs. Some ponies saw what he did and steered clear of him while his eyes continued to swirl and his smile still brightened up Pinkie's mood. Some of the fashion lovers tried saying things to Pinkie that wouldn't be too appreciated by anypony, but Psycho "detected" these sentences and would intervene directly.

One such example was a simplistic black-orange pegasi with a turquoise colored , curled mane.Psycho started to act like a very well behaved butler.

"I'm sorry m'am , but you cannot talk to her Pinkieness without an appointment."
"Move aside you...you...ech.What is that HORRID style? And that top hat, it's been cut."
"Why yes it has , and look what I can do with it."

Psycho reached in there and dissappeared halfway inside of his hat. Despite there being a massive hole in it , both Pinkie and the pegasi couldn't see anything but what was behind Psycho. He then pulled out some small jar full of an orange substance that had a flour-like material floating around in it. The inward portions of Psycho's eyes stared at it while his smile grew ever larger.

"Here , have a taste!"

He broke the jar on his head and , while the glass flung everywhere, the liquid remained in place.

"How is that even *splash* EWWWWW!"

Psycho threw the liquids over the pony who seemed to have been covered in a torrent of the "orange-juice". He pulled the jar back and put it back in his hat , just as he flipped the hat to put it back on his head , in a sightly tilted manner, just to cover his right ear.

"Why would you do that?"
"You don't like it?" he mood swinged to anger"I WORKED AND TOILED ENDLIESSLY TO MAKE THAT!!"
"PFFFPPFFFF AHAHAHA!!! She's all orange now! HahAAAAAha!"
"What do you mean?"

The pegasi bore a confused expression on her face. Psycho took a (hoof?) mirror from under his torn jacket and threw it in the face of the pegasi.

"THERE! I hope yer happy now." he started to pout.

The pegasi flipped the mirror over to see her "horrid" appearance. She was now the same bright color as the orange liquid and both her mane and tail were white. Strangely , she didn't look wet at all.She lift her forelegs on her mane and brushed through them , her lower jaw shaking in horror.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! I look hideous!" she started to cry.
"Ugh! So many insensitive people around her. Shall we , like , go Pinkie Pie?"

Psycho adopted the over-exerting attention mare personality. The pony tried brushing everything off her coat and mane and her eyes started to tear as she couldn't remove it.

"Hold on! I'll help you!" yelled a familiar voice.
"Wha-*splash*" The pegasi was flooded by the water coming from a tiny cloud that Rainbow Dash hopped on , just like when she met Twilight Sparkle for the first time.
The now light-orange pegasi, although annoyed that she was now dripping wet , discovered , to her horror, that the substance did not come off. She gallopped away , crying. Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the ground as she watched the poor pony gallop away while crying, attracting the attention of others, especially as she knocked own some.

"Wow Pinkie Pie-" said Rainbow Dash after she turned around:"-nice prank. But , what did you make that from?"
"You silly! I didn't make that, Psycho di....where'd he go?" Pinkie had grabbed her friend's head to twist it to where Psycho was , but he dissappeared.

Rainbow just looked as confused as ever as Pinkie Pie performed her typical craziness , plopping about everywhere looking for her new friend.

"Who are you looking for?"
"For Psy-.......cho......"

Pinkie Pie had gone behind a very large tree and apparently stretched three times her body length , but looked twice in Rainbow's direction as Psycho's top hat sat on Rainbow's head. It started to slowly move up as Psycho moved slowly upwards with a type of constipated head (more like the me gusta face) and stopped after his head completely exited Rainbow Dash's mane.

"Pfff. Hey Rainbow , do this." Pinkie motioned her hoof to stroke her mane.
"Just do it. It'll be funny."

As Rainbow Dash was about to stroke her mane, she felt her hoof bump into something. She first took it for a pony being on her back , but noticed that there was noone, and started to turn pale.

"I iz a hat, with a hat. INCEPTION!"
"AAAAAHHH! GET IT OFF GET IT O-where'd it go?"

As Rainbow Dash was trying to reclaim her self , she saw a pony dancing on his sides , hopping towards Pinkie Pie and stopping right next to her.He then started to imitate her movements.

"This is Psycho. I found him as he came into town pranking everypony in awesome ways! Although some of them were quite scary."
"Wait , so it was him in my mane."
"EEEEYUP!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she and Psycho bounced high into the air , a gleeful facial expression with too many similarities adorning their faces.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Get in my mane!"

Psycho squinted his eyes and started to talk like the ponies of the east.

"It a very secret secret. I can no tell you because it so secret , that the secret is kept secret."
"Sounds secrety." said Pinkie Pie

Psycho had jumped back in caution and looked shocked.

"You just...awwww,never mind."
"Never mind what?"

Rainbow Dash started getting frustrated by this pony. He was so ANNOYING! But not in the good way , not in the Pinkie Pie way. No , it was much more different, and he even gave out a sinister aura about himself. Something strange , especially as his eyes were swirls , his name was "Psycho" and , if judge by the part of his flank left in the open by a ripped hole , he had a swirly cutie-mark , just like his eyes , but this one had two yellow stars accompaning the swirl.

"Wow. I know what Rarity means now by "horrid clothing tastes"."
"Watchoo talkin' bout?" Psycho pushed out his lower lip.
"That's a great idea Rainbow Dash! We can go see Rarity and Motel and see how they are doing. Race you there!"
"I don't even know where it is."
"Oh. Well , you see that tall white building with the pink decorations?"
"Yes! Race you there."
"You're on!Heheheh"

As they took off , the top of Rarity's boutique crept closer. Everything looked like it was of bright lines. Then suddenly, *BONK*! Psycho had smashed into a wall and fell on his backside in a rather pained manner. Pinkie laughed and arrived at Rarity's shop first. Pinkie started to do a dance , knowing that she had won the race and would be seeing Psycho would arrive , all tuckered out. That's what she thought.

"What took you so long darling?"

Psycho was on a foldable chair , that he was lying down on , and was sipping a cocktail that came out of nowhere.

"Wow! How'd you do that? I mean , I can do those too, but how did you?"

Psycho spat out the straw from his mouth , letting it twirl in his glass. He regained his smile as he stood up and threw the glass at a passer-by, who yelped in fright and had the reflex to cover their face. The glass exploded into confetti and sparkles. The pony lowered his hoof and yelled at Psycho , who just gave his creepy stare, tilting his head almost 90 °. The pony decided that it wasn't worth it and the best method would be to get far away.

"Woah! I have those too."
"Really? Can you show me later?"
"Sure. Let's go see Rarity now. I hope she feels better now.It has been two days."
"Hey , that looks like fun, lemme try that! Weee!"

They both curled into balls and burst into the boutique like this , toppling over a mannequin and slamming into a shelf , causing the shelved tissues , cloths , rolls of string , and other much needed material for sewing and crafting clothes to come crashing to the floor.

Motel was busy measuring something on a design sheet when he jumped. He had a pencil in his mouth and measuring tape on his ear. He just stared at the catastrophe. Rarity came barging in, furious.

"PINKIE PIE! WHAT DID YOU DO?! AND YOU....you....who are you? Oh dear Equestria , you have a horrid fashion sense my dear."

Pinkie Pie jumped back on her feet.

"This is Psycho. He's a great prankster."
"Prankster. When did he arrive?"
"This morning!"
"Oh..." Rarity was sure that this character with bad fashion tastes would have ruined the dress that she and Motel toiled difficultly on for several weeks. They were going to make it again , but with different designs.
"Um, pleased to meet you, Psycho was it? What a peculiar name."

*WOOSH* Psycho managed to switch places with a mannequin without the blue robe and special wide hat from moving. The long blue feather on the hat was a simplistic touch. The lower of the robe was adorned with sparkles and a darker shade of blue to resemble the sea. The back was also adorned with more jewels dark waves. It was a work-in-progress. Psycho started posing, his eyes swirling quickly as he did variations of each.

"I am the queen of mount chocofort. All shall adore me and my giant blue hat with a fluffy feather. Muahahaha!"

Rarity was about to strangle him went he suddenly reappeared next to Pinkie Pie, the mannequin back in place.
ANOTHER PINKIE PIE?! thought Rarity.

"What do you need , mon ami?" asked Motel , the pencil still in his mouth.
"Well , I heard that this Rarity character was the prettiest and most talented fashion designer in AAALLLLLL of Equestria and I wondered if I could receive clothing from her."

Rarity started to flaunt her ego.
Oh no. I swear , that stallion must be doing this on purpose. thought Motel. He was exasperated.

"Oh, huhuhu. I suppose I AM the most talented fashion designer in Equestria...fine dear , I'll make you a new outfit."
"Now just wait while I get my measuring tools."

Psycho looked like he was panicking and started to sweat quite alot as he shook. Rarity noticed and asked:
"What's wrong?"
"Am I going to have to stay still?"
"Of course, darling. How ever do you want me to measure a MOVING pony?"

Psycho dropped his hindlegs on the floor and reached his forelegs out to the roof: