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Where is everypony? Chapter 1

Chapter One Where is Everypony?

Ponyville wasn't very crowded today, in fact, it wasn't very much crowded at all. No pony was out, they all seemed to have liked staying inside. That is, except for Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Jewel....~

Pinkie Pie nudged her hoof to the cupcake at the counter, her eyes sparkling towards the customer. "Have a sun shiney day Mrs.Jewel" Pinkie spoke loudly, waving her hoof to her as she walked out. 'It's been a long day' thought Pinkie Pie as she began to walk out of the store. Everypony was gone, she couldn't see anypony at all from here, which was weird, obviously. She trotted happily towards the market, she knew that if anypony was going to be outside today, they must have been out buying lots of goodies. Pinkie Pie's gaze softened as she moved her head to look at both sides of the market. Still no pony around Pony Ville. "Why isn't any pony out today? It's sun shiney and happy out and everpony should be soaking up the fun!" Pinkie Pie remarked loudly, in the hopes that somepony would hear her. This was crazy, it wasn't even lunch time yet. She put a hoof to her temple, gritting her teeth as she moved along to the first pony's house she could think of that would know why no one was out today. Approaching Twilight Sparkle's library she nodded her head as she made her way through the door and into the middle of the room.

"Twwilliigghttt!" Pinkie Pie cooed loudly her eyes darting up to the roof to see if the other pony was there. "No pony? Really?" She inquired to herself softly looking around the large room a bit more. "Over here Pinkie!" The familiar voice called in response to Pinkie, the pink pony rushed to meet the voice, happy to see Twilight reading...whatever it was she was reading. "Whatcha doinnn?" Pinkie asked curiously, moving close to Twilight to peer over the shoulder of her fellow pony so that she could see what she was doing. It wasn't anything at all! Just a bunch of weird symbol looking things that Pinkie didn't recognize. Twilight inched her head to look at Pinkie, quickly covering the parchment with her hooves. "You're too nosy Pinkie, this is something for Princess Celestia. Sometimes I hate that you're so fast." Shaking her head unapprovingly, she let her gaze go back to Pinkie's an annoyed look on her face "what is it that you want?" Pinkie shrugged "geez so jumpy, I was just wondering if you knew why there is no pony outside today. The only customer at the shop was Mrs. Jewel and even she was acting funny." Nodding at herself, as if approving of her choice of words she waited for Twilight's answer to the question. "Look Pinkie, it has something to do with this paper I'm reading, it's a pretty complicated reason, actually." Twilight spoke matter-a-factly stuffing her nose back into the paper so that she could finish reading.

"Well, okay then, if you know and you don't want to tell me that's fine, I'll just ask Spike." Pinkie trotted through the back of her good friend, marching up happily to where Spike was sleeping. She cleared her throat, running a hoof through her mane. "SPIKKKEEEE" Pinkie called out sharply, disturbing the small purple dragon's slumber from the other side of the room. He jumped up, startled from Pinkie's loud bellow. "Pinkie, I know I'm your friend and all, but why are you bothering me?" Spike gave her a saddened look, biting at his lip a bit. Straightening her stance, she smiled "justtt wonderin' why everypony seems to not be outside today. I haven't seen any pony." Spike put out his hand, shooting her a look "Pinkie, go ask Twilight Sparkle. I haven't been feeling well today and having you come up and startle me like that has not been the highlight of my day," Pinkie gave him a pouted look, but again he flicked his hand towards the direction of the stairs. She trotted down disdainfully, already knowing what Twilight Sparkle would say if she asked again. Pinkie sighed looking at the door to the outside from the library making sure to glance at Twilight "I'm just gonna go ask.... Apple Jack. That's right, I'll ask Apple Jack!"

Before Twilight could reply, Pinkie was already out the door hopping along to the farm where she knew Apple Jack must be. The smell of trees made her smile widen, and she skipped into the barn contently. "Applleeeee Jacccckkk" Pinkie called out loudly, turning her head to look at the darker part of the barn. She skipped over to the corner where she was sure occupied Apple Jack's shadow. "Boo!" Pinkie bellowed, making the orange pony jump back a bit. "Hey, what's yer' reason for coming up and startlin' me like that? I'm workin' on somethin'." Apple Jack retorted loudly, giving Pinkie a stern look. Pinkie Pie's eyes widened and she hopped up joyfully "seems like everypony is working on something today. Didn't mean to make you mad Apple Jack, I was just wondering if you knew why every pony hasn't been outside today." Giving her friend a sad look, Apple Jack sighed pulling out a paper from her back pack with her teeth. "Read this" Apple Jack mumbled, mostly because of the paper in her mouth. Pinkie Pie shrugged taking it from Apple Jack so that she could read it. After a few moments Pinkie Pie screamed, causing Apple Jack to cover her mouth. "Now be quiet or your gonna startle ponies more than they already are." Gulping a bit, Pinkie nodded "okay." Apple Jack removed her hooves from Pinkie's mouth "that's what everypony is inside for." The pink pony looked at her in shock "how can it be back? How can...I thought that it was gone and everypony was okay and....." Sighing, Apple Jack shook her head "no Pinkie, Princess Celestia said herself it was back and that it was real..."

End of Chapter 1