• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 646 Views, 37 Comments

Derpy Hooves: An unexpected journey - atomicbrony45

Derpy Hooves is a simple pony from ponyville who is always looking to have fun and adventure. So one day she is surprised to find Twilight Sparkle appear at her door offering her what could possibly the chance of a life time.

  • ...

Chapter three: The highwaycolt

"Get up or I'll splatter your heads over the wall" the voice repeated louder this time to make sure they were all well awake and well aware of the situation. The five of them sat up slowly, still groggy from being woken up so suddenly, then they turned to face where the voice was coming from, what they say next shocked them, for it was a highwaycolt who had awoken them. The highwaycolt had a snow white coat, a charcoal black tail and mane, emerald green eyes, a sage green overcoat with a pointed hood, a black belt holding his overcoat on with an unusual symbol as the buckle and a black neckerchief covering his face.

"Alright open the bags and empty them in front of me" said the highwaycolt in a slightly weaker voice than before as if something pained him.

"Now hold on just a minute there mister, we don't have to do anything for you" said Applejack while Rainbow Dash calmly stood up.

"Sit back down miss or we will be having a problem" the object held by the highwaycolt's magic motioned her back to a sitting position but Rainbow stood her ground.

"No you listen to me we are having a problem right now, your threatening my friends and me right now, that's my problem" Rainbow said with a raised voice. The highwaycolt just stared with a menacing gaze switching between the five of them every couple of seconds.

"Rainbow, sit down, you don't know the damage those weapons can do" Twilight said still quite shaken from being woke up in such a manner.

"Those weapons don't look like much, what are they anyway? asked Rainbow puzzled. The highwaycolt sighed and raised the second weapon pointed at Twilight and aimed it at a nearby crow, *BANG* a small cloud of smoke blew out from the small weapon and when Rainbow opened her eyes and looked at the spot where what was left of the crow was sitting, she sat down a look of terror on her face. He floated the weapon back into it's holster useless having fired its only shot.

"Any more questions?" the highwaycolt asked.

"No, good. Arrgghh sweet, Celestia" the highwaycolt reached into his coat and winced as he touched whatever had caused him the pain, he withdrew his hoof from his overcoat tentatively, it was washed red with blood. His blood.

"Ha, well that's not good" he said just before his eyes crossed, rolled till they could see the whites of them and then he collapsed to the floor, his magic failed and the five remaining weapons fell to the floor simultaneously.

"Is he dead?" asked Blazing Streak as Rainbow Dash walked over and prodded they colt slowly with her hoof.

"I don't think so, I think he just passed out" said Rainbow clueless as to what had happened.

"What do we do with him, we can't just leave him here, can we?" asked Derpy who was beginning to get worried.

"No your right, Derpy, we can't just leave him, he could die and then we would be no better than him, but the one problem that I see is that none of us have any actual medical experience, even I have only ever read books on medical practice" Twilight said calmly.

"I actually have medical experience." All eyes turned and looked at Derpy, amazed as to what she had just said.

"Wait you have medical experience?" Asked Rainbow Dash with a expression of sheer amazement.

"Yes I worked with nurse, Redheart for four months, about two years ago I think. In fact now that I think about it I actually stitched up you Blazing Streak after Applejack brought you in after you got that big gash on your side" Derpy replied. They were still in shock from the previous statement.

"Right what do you need?" Asked Twilight calmly, breaking the silence after what seem liked an age.

"I'll need you to help me get his coat off, Rainbow could you fill the skins of water, Applejack could you get the bandages from, Twilight's pack ready for later and, Blazing get me two really short but sturdy sticks, right lets move ponies we have a highwaycolt to save!" Derpy yelled in a louder voice than anypony thought possible. They all nodded in reply and off they went doing there various tasks, after Twilight had removed the sage green jacket from the highwaycolts figure Derpy went to inspect the wound on his side.

It was a small round hole no wider than a marble next to the colts cutie mark: which consisted of a skull and two knives crossed through it, Depry leaned in to get a closer look at the wound which was bleeding profusely , she could tell right away that it was infected, not just because of the smell but the colour of the wound it was black, yellow and festering.

"I got the sticks you asked for, but I still don't get why you need them" Blazing Streak said puzzled.

"I need them to pull out what ever is in the wound, I just wish, Rainbow would hurry with the water" as soon as she finished, as if on que Rainbow appeared with the water skins and asked.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah could you put the water into the pots and Blazing could you heat them up till one is boiling, so we don't give him another infection from the dirt on the sticks and the other heat it up till it's lukewarm, so we can clean out the wound but not burn him" after Derpy had told them what to do they did so as fast as they could. While they waited for the water to boil on the fire created by Blazing Streak, Applejack asked.
"What do we do now?"

"Now we wait" Derpy replied.


Derpy decided after about five minutes of boiling the sticks would be clean enough to do their intended job.

"Alright, Twilight I need you to use your magic to open the wound just a little bit more" Twilight nodded in reply to Derpy and began to widen the wound with her magic.

"Okay I'm definitely feeling something in the wound, alright the sticks are on either side of the object, now all I need to do is pull it up slowly, to prevent it from bleeding to heavily" Derpy explained to herself while she extracted the object.
It landed on the rocky floor with a small *tink* giving them the impression that the object was metal. "Alright Applejack hand me the pot of warm water and a bandage" Applejack handed the water to Derpy with a small nod.

Derpy proceeded to pour the warm water over the wound slowly and every so often she would wipe the wound with the clean bandage. "Alright Applejack help me tie the bandage around the wound." Once more Applejack complied with Derpy's orders.

"Hang on just a minute!" Applejack excalimed. "This ain't no colt, this here's a mare."

Silence ripelled through the ponies at the new statment.

"Are you sure?" Asked Derpy while she checked. "Okay you are right thats a mare but it doesn't change the fact that he, er I mean she is hurt and is in need of care."

"Your right Derpy, by the way how long do you reckon before she is concious?" Asked Blazing Streak.

"It's hard to tell it could be a few hours or a few days, the infection was pretty bad so we will just have to camp here for a while, to let her recover" Derpy replied unsure of the actual answer.

"Well if were gonna be here for a couple of days we might as well try to fix up the building a bit, to make it a bit more weather proof" said Applejack whilst she went to her bag to grab her small hatchet.


"Oh thank, Celestia, your awake" said Derpy in a cheerful voice aimed at the highwaymare who was lying down on her back looking at the cross eyed mare with confusion.

"W-w-water" the highwaymare coughed in her rough colt voice.

"Okay" Derpy said while she picked up the spare water skin and gently fed the highwaymare the water.

"By the way you can drop the colt voice act, we know your a mare" Derpy explained as the highwaymare drank greedily from the water skin, as Derpy said this her eyes widend in surprise at this statement.

"Why did you save me?" The highwaymare asked with her rasping voice.

"Because if we didn't we would have been no better than animals" replied Derpy. The highwaymare stared at the cross eyed mare trying to figure out her intentions.

"How did you save me?" Asked the highwaymare her voice still rasping.

"By removing this metal ball from the wound in your side and by cleaning your wound regularly" Derpy replied while handing the metal ball to the mare so she could see it clearly.

"Where are the others? I thought there were five of you" as if on que with the end of the statment Twilight arrived back.

"Hello Derpy, welcome back to the land of the living highwaymare" Twilight said in a cheerful tone with a smile on her face while she eyed the mare with suspision.

"Hello to you too and thanks for saving me... er."

"Twilight, my name is Twilight. But I didn't save you, I helped, but I didn't save you" Twilight explained to the mare.

"But then who saved me?" asked the mare.

"I did" replied Derpy her smile widening . "I removed the metal ball from your side and kept your wound clean." The mare just stared at Derpy with a look of confusion when she said.

"Y-y-you removed it, oh sweet, Celestia" and with that the mares eyes again crossed and she passed into darkness once more. It was around midday before she woke up again.


"Ugh my head is killing me" said the mare to herself while she sat up and looked around, she heard laughter outside and shakily stood up, leaning on the wall for support she started shuffling towards her bag and overcoat.

"Right just grab my stuff and leave, I've been delayed for far too long now" she said to herself.

"Delayed from what?" Derpy asked, slighty startling the mare.

"Personal bussiness" the mare replied nervously.

"Won't you at least have lunch before you leave, you haven't eaten much" Derpy said with a look on her face that would melt anyponyies heart.

"But I'm already late as it is" she said while looking at Derpys adorable cross eyed face. "Ugh fine I guess I can stay for another hour or two." They walked up towards the fire where the others were sitting and talking.

"Look who's finally up and about" said Twilight as Derpy and the mare sat down next to the fire.

"Alright I think the soups done, bout time too, i'm starvin" said Applejack as she started filling everponies bowls with the mushroom soup. She handed each of them their bowls and asked.

"So highwaymare, got a name?"

"I'd rather not tell you my real name if thats alright, so just call me firefly" she replied.

"But my nicknames firefly, it'll just get confusing for all of us. So don't you have another nickname for us to call you by or you could just tell us your name, y'know make it easier for everypony besides we'll probably never see you again" said Blazing Streak.

"My name is Blood Dawn, so just call me Dawn" said the now named mare.

"Blood Dawn? Hmm that's an unusual name but Dawns nice. So Dawn you've already met me, this is Applejack, thats Rainbow Dash, She's Blazing Streak and this is Derpy the one who saved you" Twilight explained, Dawn got a nod or a wave from each of them as Twilight said their names.

"By the way how long was I out for?" asked Dawn.

"The first time you passed out was for four days, the second time that was just for two hours" explained Twilight.

"Four days, wow I slept a long time, I guess that explained why I was so hungry" said Dawn, finishing of her bowl of soup, still amazed at the fact she had slept so long.

"So what are you doing out here Dawn" asked Rainbow.

"I could ask you the same question, but if you must know i'am traveling to Glaspony to visit my..." Dawn seemed to falter at the last part before she finally said. "My brother, there I have answered you. so tell me where you are going?"

"We are going to Glaspony as well for ten days, before we continue to ponybor" Derpy explained before anypony could stop her.

"Ponybor, ha ha ha you must be joking, wait your serious, dear Celestia your serious" said Dawn while looking at all their faces, she was dumbfounded.

"Yes we're serious, after all you seem to have your hooves on some of the weapon technology from there" said Twilight holding up the weapons that Dawn had used to threaten them.

"You know what they are!" exclaimed Dawn.

"Yes, we all do, I told them about these flintlock weapons of yours, they were standard issue for the gaurds of Ponybor, I would very much like to know how you came by them" explained Twilight.

"Well I guess I can tell you about them but can we at least start traveling, we are still at least a week away from Glaspony and i'd like to get there some time this month" said Dawn while she looked in the direction of Glaspony. They all agreed that it was in everyponies best interest to reach Glaspony before the end of the month, so they packed their bags, donned their travel cloaks, Dawn with help from Twilight got her sage overcoat on, put out the fire and continued their long walk to the town of Glaspony.

Author's Note:

Again I'm sorry I took so long to post this piece, I will try to speed up next time.

I love references especially when they are in a book, the original books this chapter is based off of are "The highwayman's footsteps" and "The highwayman's curse" which were based off of a poem written by Alfred Noyes.

There are a few more references in this chapter see if you can spot them, if you spot them leave them in the comments and say what they are a reference to.

Stay awesome my fellow bronies and pegasisters.