• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 645 Views, 37 Comments

Derpy Hooves: An unexpected journey - atomicbrony45

Derpy Hooves is a simple pony from ponyville who is always looking to have fun and adventure. So one day she is surprised to find Twilight Sparkle appear at her door offering her what could possibly the chance of a life time.

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Chapter one: Discussions over dinner

Derpy Looked at her door in shock, nopony ever knocked on her door. She stared at the door in disbelief for a while until three more knocks startled her from her shock, she waltzed over to her door and opened it and much the surprise of her eyes she saw five ponies. AppleJack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie pie.
All of them looked at Derpy quite confused except for Twilight who politely asked

"May we come in Derpy, I know this is a bit sudden and all but we need you to join us on a bit of an adventure before we came to you. We wanted to give you two days notice and to explain what it is we wish to do, do you understand."

Derpy replied with a quick nod and a quiet "come in I was just about to make dinner."

After everypony had a seat and was chatting away Derpy proceeded to start making a soup pot big enough for six ponies plus a little extra for later. About half way through making the soup AppleJack yelled into the kitchen

"Derpy something smells great, I didn't know you could cook."

"Yeah my grandma taught me the recipe for this soup, as well as a few other things" replied Derpy a little embarrassed at the thought of Applejack complimenting her.

"Derpy I hope you made some of your amazing, super fantastic tasty muffins for an after dinner treat because they are AMAZING!" Pinkie pie shouted practically deafening everypony in the house.

"Don't worry Pinkie I always have some muffins ready." Derpy replied heartily. After the soup was done and the bowls were practically licked clean and put next to the sink then Twilight began to to explain why they had come to Derpy's house.

"Derpy the reason we are here is to ask you to take part in an adventure, now I'm not saying it will be one hundred percent safe, it is a long journey almost one year to be precise but I wouldn't have asked you unless I was sure that you had something like a special skill to bring on this journey."

Derpy stopped Twilight on the spot with a sad laugh and she said in a very un-cheery voice

"I have no special talent's that's why I'm called Derpy Hooves my only talent is s-s-screwing up and breaking stuff on ac-ac-acident."

And with that Derpy started to cry quietly into her hoove. All looked at Twilight expecting her to say something to calm the distressed mare but instead it was Applejack who said

"Now that is no way to talk about yourself, sure you may mess up sometimes but we all do that. (they all murmured in agreement) So what if people call y'all names because they don't understand you, that just makes them bigot's because they are unwilling to get to know you. I hardly knew you before today but after I meant you and have seen what your really like I can agree that you are one of the nicest ponies I have every met. We turned up un-invited to your house and you took us in an gave us such a superb dinner (again they all murmured in agreement) so don't y'all tell me that you don't have any special talent sugarcube." All looked at Applejack but all Derpy could do was hug her.

After that was over Derpy had calmed down enough to say

"Thanks Twilight for the offer but I have to turn you down on that adventure, I just cant I have a job to do and an old pet Chameleon called Maui to look after." She pointed to the location were she thought she saw him last, but it turned out he was resting on the bookshelf dammed near invisible to the untrained eye.

"That's why Pinkie and Fluttershy are here they are going to look after all our pets except Winona as the CMC and Big Mac will be looking after her, Fluttershy is going to take over your job as the mail mare for Ponyville for the time your are gone, that is if your coming with us" explained Rainbow Dash.

"Like I said before were sorry this is sudden but maybe if Applejack told you what it is we are going to go on this journey for you might reconsider" Twilight said after a moment of silence.
Pinkie Pie and Flutter Shy left the house before Applejack started to tell the story, as they were both not going on the long, arduous journey. So Applejack began to explain the story of why her family actually came to the area we now know as Ponyville.
This was a long tale so Applejack decided to shorten it were appropriate leaving out the bit's of history they already knew.

"Now y'all know the tale of how my family came to this area we all call home well that's not the whole truth you see the reason my family was traveling well more like running was because they were refugees from a land many, many miles away from here called Ponybor in which we owned a large apple orchard much like we do today" explained Applejack.

"Now not many ponies know about Ponybor as it is so very far away but it was once a great and prosperous place well that is until the great dragon Teine Sealgiare heard of the cities wealth and wished to claim it as his own, my family was busy bucking apples the day the great dragon Teine arrived. The only warning they got was when the dog's started howling and the tree's shook so violently that all the apples fell from the tree's, then they saw the colossal shadow of the dragon and a wind so powerful that it blew their doors open, the next thing they saw was Teine flying over to the town outside the mountain and using his fire setting it ablaze so quickly hardly anypony was able to escape with any food or belongings, all they could think of was to run from the danger that had appeared out of the horizon. After a while my family gathered their senses and packed up everything they could and just started walking away from the lands they had owned for nearly two hundred years the last thing they saw was Teine smashing down Ponybor's front gate and entering the mountain. Over the next few days they could all they could see when the turned back was a giant column of smoke getting smaller with each passing day and then they arrived after almost a year of travel in the valley we all live in today." Applejack ended with a long breath and a mouthful of apple cider from her mug.

"Wow Applejack that was a great tale but I still don't get why you need me to help you in this" Derpy asked still confused as to the matter which had brought the group here.

It was Twilight who replied to this "We need you because we needed another pony to help us that's all no special reason, if you want to come on this journey then you will have to meet us at the north bridge of Ponyville at dawn in two days time, until then Derpy goodbye."

After Twilight was done they all got up and said their thanks to Derpy for the wonderful meal and for her hospitality. Derpy was still confused about what the hay just happened but she decided to sleep on it as she was needed for another mail run tomorrow.

It was the night before when she made her decision on what whether to go or not, she packed her bags and put a note through Fluttershys door and looked at the dawn which was rising over the north bridge and said "Once more forward unto dawn". And with that she walked towards the four pony silhouettes standing on the bridge, she stared confused at the four silhouettes. Wait a minute four?

Author's Note:

It's done finally. Wait four ponies, she only met three find out who the new pony is in the next chapter.

Teine Sealgaire translates as Fire Hunter in Scottish/Irish Gaelic.

Thanks to all who read my novel I will keep writing more as time goes on and remember to leave a comment and a like if you want. Do feel free to send me a message with any queries you may have and I will try to answer them. Stay awesome my fellow bronies and pegasisters.