• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 386 Views, 6 Comments

A Spark in the darkness - Burly Bubble

Many people are born with special talents, though not many are born with special disadvantages.

  • ...

Plans are changing a bit.

Mystic chuckled to himself. 'That's why she didn't react or try to baby me. The princess probably didn't mention it and this lady didn't even notice.' Mystic thought to himself. Unfortunately he had thought out loud. It was under his breath, but still out loud. A moment passed and Mystic heard a small gasp. 'Seems like she noticed now.' he thought with a sigh.

"Oh my goodness... I- I'm so sorry!" Twilight turned a bright shade of red, "I didn't even notice..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to it." Mystic said with a careless tone, hoping it would defuse the situation.

Mystic was genuinely used to these situations. Ponies would notice his eyes then fawn all over him and treat him like a baby, although he actually wasn't that old, being about the age of a second grader. However when he passed advance classes, magic and otherwise, he had expected to be treated normally. And he was for a while. He made friends with some of his classmates, and his teachers held him to deadlines like every other pony. It had actually been a few months since he'd last gotten this reaction. Mystic groaned, realizing he would have to deal with this treatment for a while, being in a new place with new ponies.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" Twilight asked frantically.

"Huh?" Mystic asked confused, then realized he'd groaned out loud, "Oh, nothing. Just remembering something unpleasant. Seriously though, I'm fine. The princess sent me here because I'm smart, not because I need help with blindness."

Mystic sat for a moment, seething at being reintroduced to this treatment. Then, he promptly facehoofed. This was probably the reason he was treated like this. He was acting like a brat...

"I apologize." Mystic began, "I tend to get a little upset when people act like I need special attention."

Twilight stared at the young colt, wondering what to say. Everything was moving a little to fast for her. After his little gentlecolt routine she hadn't expected his blunt replies, and she certainly hadn't expected an immediate apology. Twilight wished she could start the encounter over. Maybe...

"How about we start over?" Twilight asked unconvincingly, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, you must be Mystic Spark. Pleased to meet you."

The little colt sat awkwardly for a few moments before returning the greeting. He supposed both of them did things a little foolishly, so he decided her idea was best.

"Now then, I had some plans to show you around town today. Would you like to do that or rest here at the library? I know that carriage ride can be a little uncomfortable." Twilight said happily, obviously glad the colt had accepted her offer to restart.

Mystic was still trying to figure this mare out. First she was quite jovial, then she freaked out when embarrassed, and now she was able to act like it didn't even happen. He shrugged, deciding not to think about it. He was about to answer her question when he felt a small pressure in his body. Great, today is just full of things trying to be awkward.

"Uh, before I choose, may I be excused for a moment? Nature calls." Mystic said sheepishly.

This made Twilight giggle.

"Sure, go ahead."

Mystic quickly turned around and headed for the door. He stopped just in front of the door and cocked his head to the side a bit, then took a couple steps to the side before opening the door with magic, the door swinging right over where he had stood originally. Twilight observed this, but filed the matter behind other thoughts. Mystic exited the room and shut the door behind him. With him gone, Twilight was now able to freak out.

'Okay, this is too weird. I'm glad we were able to start over, but I don't know if I can handle this.' she thought frantically. 'And how did he do that with the door? I thought he couldn't see. Memory? He had, in fact, walked through the doorway while entering. Maybe he memorized it's position.' she thought weakly. Twilight sighed, deciding to ask him when he returned. And so, she waited.

Mystic returned after a couple minutes and neatly closed the door behind him. He started forward, then stopped and turned his head for a moment before walking straight to Twilight and sitting down in front of her.

"We still have plenty of daylight, I think it would be lovely if you showed me around." he said brightly.

Twilight frowned. He'd done it again. Despite him being blind he'd known exactly where something was. She'd even moved a bit since he left, as she tended to pace while thinking.

"Just wondering, but how did you do that?" she asked.

"Do what?" he asked in return, a confused look on his face.

"You knew exactly where I was and earlier you walked directly to the door, but moved so it wouldn't swing right into you when you opened it. I thought you couldn't see."

"Well, when I walked to you, I heard you breathing so I followed that sound, but you're right about the door. I may be blind but I'm fortunate enough to be a unicorn." he said, tapping his horn.

"Using a little magic, I can create a visual in my head of my surroundings. I'm not great at it yet though, I can only create a visual about 1.5 meters in radius." Mystic finished matter-of-factly.

Twilight frowned again. This whole day had been very weird so far. Like a badly written novel. His explanation sounded reasonable though. She had read about and tested that spell herself, but found it redundant unless she wanted to see something on the other side of a wall. She shrugged, deciding it made sense for a blind unicorn to work on spells to see.

"That makes sense. I suppose we can start our little tour now, unless you have any questions for me."

"Nope." he said with a smile.

"Well then, let's get going."

Twilight walked out of the library with Mystic in tow. She stopped for a moment and decided where to go first. Carousel Boutique? No. The colt had already said he didn't like being fawned over and she knew Rarity would be inconsolable at seeing the blind young colt. SweetApple Acres? Maybe, though a farm may be a little dangerous for a blind colt. Sugarcube Corner? No, just no. She wouldn't subject the poor colt to that on his first day. Visit Rainbow? No, she doubted they could even if they wanted. Having no wings usually made it hard to visit a pegasus' house.

Twilight sighed, realizing their first stop should have been obvious. Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy's kindness was unparalleled. There was no way visiting her could go wrong and after making a friend here in town, everywhere else would probably be less daunting. Twilight turned and started towards Fluttershy's cottage with Mystic. This was definitely a good choice... she hoped.

Author's Note:

Still gonna make edits here and there, but here's another part. It's a bit scatterbrained but I'm really really tired. I'll edit this when I'm more awake.