Some time later, Discord and the other girls glanced up as a very dishelved Andrew staggered into view. Followed shortly by Fluttershy who didn’t stroll so much as seem to glide out of the privacy dome without using her wings.
Applejack smirked and was the first to speak up.
“Ah must say, ah am impressed! You don’t have nearly as many injuries as ah thought you would!”
Andrew turned a tired glare upon the earth pony.
“Shut up.”
Rarity chuckled and then rasied her hoof to her face in mock astonishment.
“Oh my, Fluttershy looks very satisfied...”
Andrew’s glare quickly turned upon her
“Shut up.”
Not wanting to be left out Rainbow Dash laughed and added her two bits.
“Gonna give Twilight the same treatment later?”
“Shut up.”
Before anyone else could chime in though, Fluttershy moved back and gently nuzzled Andrew. Letting a happy and utterly content sigh escape her lips.
“That was wonderful~...”
Andrew sighed, his hand automatically reaching to stroke Fluttershy’s mane. While doing this he let his eyes roll skyward as in a slightly exasperated voice he inquired.
“ Right... Shall we continue, or do you want to continue making comments on the shenanigans going on outside the sim?”
Twilight let out a giggle
“ Please, don’t make us choose!”
Andrew’s eyes shot towards her and in dull tone observed
“Et tu Twilight?”
Twilight gave Andrew a mischievous look.
“ Well, I kind of like teasing you too... At least I’m not also in the focus of it this time.”
Rainbow Dash smirked as they all settled down while Discord started up the sim.
“Oh, give us time, we’ll do it to you too...”
With that parting promise the group turned their attention back to the main show. Watching as Twilight, Fluttershy, Andrew, and Applejack approached Rarity’s boutique chatting to each other
*inside the Sim*.
Andrew paused just outside the door and stared at what Twilight had just said.
“ Seriously? She thinks that boulder is a diamond?”
Applejack Nodded.
“A-yup. A diamond named Tom, yeah.”
Andrew snorted in amusement as he rolled his eyes.
“This I have to see...”
As he opened the door Andrew immediately had to duck, as several knitting needles flew over his head. His eyes were wide as he stared blankly at the trunk of the tree that the needles had embedded themselves in deeply, still vibrating several seconds later.
“Bah! Why are you here? To steal my Tom away from me?!”
Andrew slowly looked at the lovely white mare inside the shop. Who was glaring in rage while standing in front of a large boulder. He turned his head towards applejack, who he noted was smirking in an ‘I told you so manner’.
Andrew shook his head and took a deep breath to steady himself. As he did so a idea occurred to him, as he tried to reply nonchalantly.
“ Just... The opposite, actually... “
As he regained his composure Andrew stood back up and smiled. Before he turned to face Rarity fully he paused long enough to give a comforting and conspiratorial wink to Fluttershy. Then struck a dramatic pose as he continued his declaration.
“ I'm here to steal... Your heart!”
Rarity gasped, raising one hoof to mouth in shock.
“ Ah?! My heart?!”
Andrew smiled and moved in a over dramatic fashion, mentally wondering just how many high school drama teachers would go into apoplexy if he tried this overacting back on earth.
“Don't say you never thought about it, Rarity. My hands on your flank, my lips on yours...”
Behind him the girls stood torn between shock and trying to fight off giggles from the performance. Applejack muttering to Twilight
“Dang, if he can't lay it on thick...”
Andrew finally with a flowering overwrought pose, his hands held to his chest.
“You stole my heart first! And I'm going to steal yours now!”
Rarity shook her head, a light grey blush on her de-colored face as she responded.
“Ha! Well... If you're going to steal my affections... YOU'LL HAVE TO DEFEAT TOM FOR THEM!”
With that She telekinetically launched the giant boulder at Andrew, who let out a strangled yelp as he barely dodged out of the way. Now clutching his chest for the very real reason to make sure his heart hadn’t stopped beating. He barely managed to maintain a semi-confident voice as he tried to catch his breath.
“Haa... Haa... I-I accept!”
Getting up and he pulled his combat staff off of his back. Extending it to full length he struck a taunting pose.
“Have at thee, TOM! Thou shall not stand in the way of my prize!”
With that Andrew began swinging at the boulder with his staff, spinning around it andover all making a big show of attacking "Tom". All the while Rarity giggled and clapped her hooves with glee. As she watched Rarity failed to notice Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight slowly sneaking up on her, Twilights horn glowing with the memory spell. She was too busy being utterly enraptured at the spectacle of the ‘battle’ before her, a greedy grin crossing her face.
“ Oh my! Two men, dueling for my affections! All for me! Mine mine mine mine-!”
Just as Andrew struck particularly loud blow before rolling away, Fluttershy and Applejack pounced. The startled Rarity barely had time to let out a small squeak of surprise before Twilight stuck her horn onto her forehead, unleashing the spell. Andrew stopped his roll and slowly stood, wheezing for breath as he leaned on his staff. He watched as the spell took effect and Rarity’s skin and mane regained their normal color.
After a moment Rarity blinked and looked around before scowling. She quickly grabbed ‘Tom’ and threw the boulder out the open door of the boutique, before turning a warning glare upon the rest of them
“ ... We will never speak of this again...”
Andrew nodded as he straightened from his exhausted posture.
“Works for me... I think I was starting to lose...”
As the other three girls giggled at his comment, Rarity blushed and gave Andrew a soft smile.
“ Though... Thank you so much, darling, for your efforts.”
Andrew chuckled and shrugged
“Eh, save the girl, beat the bad guy, it's what I'm good at.”
Fluttershy stopped her giggling to just Smiles warmly as she strode up and nuzzled Andrew affectionately. A slightly naughty tone entering her voice as she commented.
“ Mmm... Yes it is...”
Rarity blinked as she noted Twilight turning bright red. Then seemed to examine the two closely as Fluttershy seemed to purr while she nuzzled against Andrew. Her ears twitched as she sensed news that she needed to know more about.
“ Oho? Is he now?”
Twilight meeped her blush deepening, while Fluttershy seemed be torn between continuing her nuzzling or hiding from Rarity’s attention. This of course only fueled her curiosity and rarity stepped forward to press the issue. Only to stop as felt Applejacks hoof on her shoulder. Turning she saw the earth pony roll her eyes in exasperation.
“Oi, gossip later, save the world now.”
Rarity sighed and let up on her investigation.
“ Right, right... I suppose that does take precedence. So what is our next plan?”
Andrew scratched his chin, his free hand rubbing Fluttershy’s neck, none notice Twilight seeming to focus on said hand a wistful look on her face.
“I think Scootaloo mentioned that she met Pinkie on the bridge that lead to the Froggy bottom Bog pathway. “
Rarity nodded.
“Right then let us go find her next. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can tell me ALL the details Fluttershy….ooooh! We can make a SPA DATE OF IT!”
Andrew just shook his head as Rarity took the lead, the others following them. Fluttershy flushing. Not noticing Twilight remaining behind for a second staring at his retreating back lost in a private daydream. Before shaking her head and trotting after them to catch up
*outside the sim*
Discord stroked his chin and then tapped Andrew on the shoulder.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, but whatever happened to old Tom anyways?”
“Oh he’s being used to block the entrance to the Mirror Pool after the clone incident…”
Discord looked blankly at Andrew for a moment.
“Mirror pool? Clone Incident?”
“Would you two be quiet??!!! Some of us are trying ot watch this!”
Andrew rolled his eyes as Rainbow hushed the both of them. Standing up he gestured for Discord to follow him a bit away from the simulator screen. Once there, he proceeded to explain what happened when Pinkie wanted to be in two places at once. Partway through the explanation Discord raised a eyebrow and let loose a chuckle.
“A plethora of Pinkie Pies running amuck around Ponyville? And I missed it being stuck in stone in Canterlot. Shoot.”
Andrew shrugged and then shuddered as a memory struck him.
“Things didn’t really get bad until that one group of pinkie clones found a printed copy of Landsmen’s ‘nobody dies’ and decided the Ree were perfect role models.”
Discords eyes widened in surprised as his whole body suddenly shuddered. Which was kind of disconcerting as each limb took turns at random to go through the shudder instead of all at once.
“I have no idea what you are talking about or what the Ree are, yet I am finding myself feeling terror beyond anything the elements of Harmony ever produced in me… by several orders of a magnitude.”
Andrew just nodded sagely.
“Don’t worry. That is a PERFECTLY normal reaction… The things the Ree-Pinkie clones did…. “
At the sudden interruption both Andrew and Discord let out twin girlish shrieks of terror, leaping into the air. As he landed Andrew finding himself holding Discord Scooby doo style. Both of them craning their heads to see a giggling Pinkie.
“What are you two guys doing? Play time is over, we’re almost to the part where we cure Rainbow Dash!”
Andrew blinked than scowled.
“Nuts I missed your purification? I thought it would take longer for me and the girls to find you. Think we can rewind that bit?”
Pinkies eyes widened and she suddenly shook her head.
“Oh no we can’t do that!”
“why not? My simulator does have the full rewind, playback, and fast-forward features you know.”
Pinkie smiled.
“Oh that’s because the focus on your conversation here is being used as a segway. Since the author has no idea how to write up me being de-grayed and all. Focusing on you two covers for him.”
Andrew and Discord stare at Pinkie in incomprehension.
“Why are you looking so confused? It’s not like this is going to be the only time he does it!”
Pinkie suddenly turned her head to the side seeming to stare into nothing. Then started giggling even harder.
“And now he’s waving his arms at the screen yelling at me to stop breaking the fourth wall and revealing plot points and writing techniques. You know authors are SOOO funny when they do that!”
Andrew turned and looked blankly at Discord. Discord looked blankly at Andrew. The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Then Andrew let out a deep breath and turned back to Pinkie.
“How about we just utterly forget what you just told us. For the sake of our sanity, and me and Discord will join you girls back at the sim in a second.”
As Pinkie Pie trotted back to the girls and the simulator viewing, Andrew turned a questioning glance towards Discord. Who assumed a defensive posture as the two followed Pinkie’s path
“Hey don’t look at me! I may be the spirit of Chaos and all, but even I can’t come up with something crazy like that. It’s all natural for the pink one I tell you!”
Andrew rolled his eyes as he resumed his seat between Twilight and Fluttershy.
“Right. Anyways where are we?”
“Oh we just spotted Rainbow on her Fake Cloudsdale, and Twi is about to try and convince her to come down.”
*inside the sim*
Andrew and the girls stared up at the grey Rainbow Dash, who seemed utterly unconcerned at the happenings on the ground below. Frustrated Twilight tried to reach her Pegasus friend.
“Rainbow Dash! We don’t have time for this! We need your help to defeat Discord with your Element! LOYALTY!”
Rainbow snorted as she flipped over to stare down at them. She waved one free hoof dismissively.
“ Loyalty Schmaulty! Have you guys seen POnyville? It’s a DISASTER! I'm staying up here in Cloudsdale where everything is AWESOME!”
Andrew shook his head as he muttered under his breath.
“I knew it wouldn't be that easy.... although if Discord only flipped their element attribute...hmmmm....”
As a thoughtful look crossed his face, nearby Rarity gestured up at the small Cloud Rainbow was resting on.
“How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?”
Applejack, unable to resist, answered the rhetorical question.
“The same way he got you to think Tom was a bonafide Diamond and fiancée?”
Rarity glared at the ground and ground out.
“I thought we agreed never to speak of that again?”
Before Applejack could continue her playful teasing, Twilight interrupted drawing both their attention.
“Never mind girls... it looks like it’s time for plan B!”
Just as she turned to lead the rest away towards ‘plan B’, Andrew coughed.
“Wait a minute Twilight... I think I might have a better idea. You girls head over there a minute and wait for the right moment.”
Andrew watched as the girls moved towards the small grove of bushes and trees he had gestured at. Pausing to glance at him questioningly, Andrew smiled at them and gestured that they hide themselves. Once he was sure they were mostly hidden from view he turned back around, and cupped his hands to his mouth as he gazed up at Rainbow’s cloud.
Rainbow Dash groaned, as she lifted her head and glared downward at Andrew.
“ Oh what now? I wanted to take a NAP!”
Andrew chuckled and waved his hand in sympathy.
“I know I know, but before you do could you come down here for a moment, I have something to tell you.”
Rainbow snorted, burying her head back into the cloud as she shot back.
“ Shyeah right... so you can grab me? Do you think I am that dumb? Now go away! It’s time for a Rainbow flash power nap!”
Andrew shrugged and started to turn, hands in his pocket. Acting like he was walking away, then pausing and spoke as if conceding defeat.
“Okay.. I suppose if you don't WANT to hear what Soarin and Spitfire and the Wonderbolts wanted me to tell you....”
Rainbow Dash’s ears pricked and her head shot up out of the cloud to glare down at Andrews back.
“THE WONDERBOLTS???!! Your Bluffing! Why would they tell you a message for ME???”
Unseen by Rainbow, Andrew shot a triumphant smirk towards where Twilight and the rest were hiding. Then turned back around to face Rainbow, a serious look covering his face.
“Well you know how Discord is messing things up and all... they had to hurry and couldn't find you in time.. so they left a message with me...about the best flier in Equestria joining them....”
Rainbow cocked her head and thought and then hesitantly replied.
“Well that is true. I am the best.... But I told you I'm staying here where it’s awesome! Not fighting Discord!”
Andrew shook his head and let loose a chuckle.
“Oh no, you misunderstand me Rainbow... They weren't going to do that. They already knew that it’s far too late for Ponyville. No they told me they were going to set up a new all pegasus nation in the clouds. In a secret location of course, so Discord couldn't find them... An all Wonderbolt nation....”
Andrew let his speech trail off on that tempting bit of bait. His grin widened as he saw Rainbow Dash’s cloud floats a little closer to the ground. Rainbow herself seemingly uncertain as she replied back.
“ That does sound kind of neat..... I don't know.... what were they going to call it?”
“Umm.. uhhh..... Wonderbolt-topia! Yeah that's right.... That’s exactly what Soarin told me it was going to be called. Yessiree.”
Andrew grinned shakily as he gave his improvised answer to the unexpected question. A slight sheen of sweat crossing his brow as Rainbow rubbed her chin with one hoof.
Meanwhile over where the girls were hiding, Twilight let out a small groan as she facehoofed. Muttering in a low tone.
“Wonderboltopia? He cannot possibly think that Rainbow Dash is going to buy that...”
Just as she finished Rainbow sat up a bit taller on her cloud a excited look crossing her grey face.
“Wonderboltopia? Hey that does sound much cooler than the name Cloudsdale! “
Rainbow suddenly leaned forward looking suspicious again.
“But why do I have to come down to you to hear about it? I can talk to you perfectly fine up here!”
Andrew smirked, as he mentally pictured a fishing rod that he slowly reeled in. Regaining his composure he answered, as he idly rubbed his fingers on his jacket.
“Well it is a secret location after all. Complete with a secret password to get in... If I just shouted it out Discord might here. Or worse some non-awesome Pegasus might join Wonderboltopia instead. Of course if you want a lesser flier in the Wonderbolts…”
As he let the implications sink in, Rainbow snorted in derision. Her cloud now hovering just out of Andrew’s reach.
“ DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!! But I still don't see why I need to come down there... I’m close enough as it is!”
Andrew just shrugged and made as if to leave again. Calling over his shoulder as he began to walk away.
“ Okay, it’s your choice after all... I suppose I can find some other Pegasus to tell about Wonderboltopia and the password to get in. Hmm I wonder what Derpy is doing, her mail route might impress Soarin....”
Hearing Rainbows shriek of outrage at what he was pretending to be musing over, Andrew had to mentally command himself not to laugh
“WHAT?!! I'm ten, no, ten thousand times the flier that DERPY IS! ANDREW YOU STAY RIGHT THERE! I'm coming down!”
Unseen by both of them in the bushes Pinkie reached over to close Twilight's jaw. Which had nearly dropped to the ground in shock. While Rarity just shook her head and commented
“ I can't believe that worked.”
“Shhh.. Andrew may have the rope on the steer sugarcube, but he hasn’t hogtied her yet”
Applejack hissed in a low tone. The five mares watching as Andrew wiped his triumphant smirk off his face while turning to face Rainbow Dash as she glided to the ground a few paces away from Andrew and demanded
“Okay I’m here... Now spill!”
Andrew made an exaggerated pantomime of looking around, then crooked his finger towards Rainbow. Beckoning her closer as he replied
“ Oh come on Dashie we have to keep it a secret you know... Just come a little closer so I can whisper it into your ear. “
Rainbow cautiously began to creep closer to Andrew, while grumbling out loud.
“I swear if this is some weird human mating ritual...”
Andrew’s smile widened, as he continued speaking. His tone and volume getting lower with each word, encouraging Rainbow to inch closer so she could hear better.
“Oh trust me.. I just needed to keep everything a secret... until.... NOW!”
Shouting the last word, Andrew suddenly leapt up and onto the startled Rainbow Dash’s back. Before she could recover He quickly bearhugged her, interlocking his hands under her belly while using his arms to pin her wings to the side. As she realized what was going on Dash let out a yelp and started bucking her body trying to dislodge him. All while yelling and ranting at the top of her lungs.
Andrew grunted as Rainbow’s bucking shook his whole body. His head repeatedly slamming into Dash’s back painfully.
“ Wo-aahhh..... OW OW OW! T-t-th-i-i-s.... Wa-s-s-n't..... o-one.... of my... B-b-b-brighter IDEAS!... OW OUCH! ANY TIME GIRLS! BEFORE SHE PULVERIZES ME!”
Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity Charged out of the bushes towards the interlocked pair, each bearing several ropes in their mouths. With a synchronized cry the trio leapt on top of Andrew and Rainbow, a large dust cloud forming as they scuffled and fought. After a few minutes of various heads, hoofs, and feet popping out of the cloud at random, the scuffle took on a different tone. Slowly Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie backed out of the cloud at different points. Each holding a strand of rope in their mouths that lead back into the cloud.
As they pulled their respective ropes tight, the cloud began to settle. As the dust slowly cleared Andrews shadow head could just be made out appearing to look around in a limited manner. Than his aggrieved voice rang out across the clearing.
“This..... Isn't really much of an improvement....”
The last of the dust blew away to reveal Rainbow struggling in the secure grip of the ropes bound across her body in odd patterns across her body. A pattern that pinned one of her wings down completely while leaving the, leaving the other free... And also incidentally securely tied Andrew to her as well. With his arms in a rather compromising positions as he lay trapped across her back... Rainbow snorted in outrage
Andrew groaned as he hung his head as much as he could.
“This isn't exactly my idea of a picnic for me!”
He then turned to settle a glare on each of the three girls holding him and Dash captive via the ropes as he continued.
“And which one of you three has been learning Shibari anyway?”
Pinkie suddenly hopped up and down excitedly. Almost losing the grip on her rope as she answered.
Andrew blinked in surprise.
“ Huh... I would have thought Rarity as my first guess...”
The elegant white mare looked affronted as she mumbled around her rope.
“And what is that supposed to mean Exactly?”
Before Andrew could respond, and likely shove his foot deeper into his mouth, one of his hands trapped along Dash's flank twitched. Rainbow’s eyes suddenly widened as her free wing straightened to full extension and she let out a low moan of pleasure. After a second her free wing suddenly curled around and whapped Andrew upside the head.
“OW! HEY! This isn't MY idea!”
Rainbow ignored Andrews cry. As his attempts to struggle caused his hands to twitch some more, sending a look of pleasure and calculation crossing over the pegasus’s face.
“Well... Maybe I can.... Ooooh... Find a use for the perv after all.... And get one over Fluttershy in the process!”
Andrew groaned out loud in embarrassment.
“Whoo boy... And this is getting more awkward by the moment.... Twilight! WHERE ARE YOU? Any time now would be just grand.... what are you waiting for? An invita...... “
Andrew began to twist his head around towards the bushes trying to spot the unicorn. His complaints trialing off as he did, while his eyes widened in disbelief at what he saw.
“Are you and Fluttershy TAKING NOTES?!”
Both Twilight and Fluttershy sharply looked up from what they were doing and flushed. Quickly the two tried to hide their respective notebooks behind themselves. Twilights blush going deeper as she tried to justify herself.
“Umm... Important research?...”
Fluttershy on the other hand seemed to gather some confidence to herself and let a small naughty smile cross her face as she responded.
“Umm... Yes... Yes I was. For later Andrew”
Andrew let out an embarrassed groans as Fluttershy winked at him, before hanging his head in defeat. Which caused his hands to twitch yet again, releasing another pleased moan from Dash.
“You know you can always ditch the animal lover for someone radical like me perv! I'll give you a 20% more awesome ride! Guaranteed!”
Andrew looked up shooting a glare at Twilight.
“ ...Twilight... memory spell... NOW!”
Twilight reluctantly began to trot forward.
“Alright, alright, keep your hooves on.”
Andrew growled in annoyance.
“ I don’t have hooves!”
As Twilight approached closer with her horn glowing, Rainbow renewed her attempts to escape the ropes binding her. But the struggle was in vain. Twilight easily tapped Rainbow’s forehead with her glowing form, and as the spell hit her Rainbow found herself freezing in place. Slowly the sparkle of her normal color began to return down her body, erasing Discords grey corruption.
As the color began to return, the girls dropped the ropes in their mouth. With Pinkie giving her own strand a fancy little tug that somehow caused the knots binding Rainbow (and Andrew as well) to flow loose and fall to the ground. Applejack whistled impressed at the feat, as the last rope fell from Rainbow’s body just as her cutie mark flashed back into color.
Woozily Rainbow shook her head and looked around.
“Wha... What? What’s going on.. Wait... Why is Andrew on top of me... And his hands are...!!!!
Rainbow let out a loud outraged gasp
“Oh crap!”
With that Rainbow Dash gave a mighty buck. Andrew no longer securely griping her or even prepared for her reaction, found himself launched at a violent trajectory into the air. As she followed his path through the air Fluttershy let out a horrified gasp.
“ ...Tree...”
Fluttershy lamely trailed off as she and Twilight moved towards him. Andrew slowly slid down the trunk of the tree and then collapsed onto his back. Groaning as he lay upon the ground.
“Just who I always wanted to imitate....George of the jungle.... Owww..”.
As she trotted up Twilight called out
“Umm... I can kiss it and make it all better? “
Approaching while supporting the still woozy Rainbow, Applejack raised an eyebrow.
“ Shouldn't that be Fluttershy's job sugarcube?”
Twilight froze and her whole body flushed red.
“Fluttershy! Right... Fluttershy should kiss it and make it better... did I say me?”
Rainbow woozily stared at Twilight, while Fluttershy helped Andrew to his feet.
“ Hey, what's going on with you three now....!!! WAIT!”
Suddenly Dash stiffened as she shook off the last of the cobwebs cluttering her mind after the spell. Then she immediately began dashing around to every pony near her. Shooting out rapid fire questions.
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack all laughed happily. As one after another they dog piled a surprised Rainbow
“ YEAH!”
Twilight and Fluttershy quickly trotted over to join the group hug. With Andrew following shortly behind them rubbing his sore head, but still smiling widely. However all of them stopped what they were doing in order to turn and stare as a quartet of super long legged bunnies did a tango past them.
Twilight Chuckled weakly
“ Maybe... It’s a little early to do the group hug?”
Andrew gave Twilight a look.
“Ya think? Okay... we got the Team back together and in their right minds. Sooo Twi, break out the elements and we can go teach Discord a lesson!”
Twilight smiled enthusiastically for a moment
“ RIGHT! The Elements... The elements......”
Andrew stared at her as she trailed off sheepishly, then slowly buried his face into his hands.
“... Don't tell me...”
“ Eheh.... In all the rush to save our friendship... I um... Sort of left them back at the... library.”
“I asked you not to tell me that.”
Andrew sighed. He then glanced in the direction of Ponyville Library from the field where they all stood. A glance that went smack dab through the thickest areas of Chaos that the town had turned into. He sighed again.
“Of course it would be that way.”
Andrew looked to his side and suddenly clapped his hands.
“Okay, new plan. We need to regroup and figure out how to get to the Elements, WITHOUT tipping off Discord we've broken his spell on you girls.”
Rarity let out a gasp as her eyes widened in realization
“That's right! Until we can use the elements he can just mess up our minds again!”
Pinkie frowned as her mane deflated slightly.
“But where can we go that Discord can't find us?”
Andrew scratched his chin for second, before smiling as a plan occurred to him.
“I have an idea. When this mess started I was over at Zecora's. On my way back to Ponyville it seemed like Discords little playzone ended at the Everfree forest, right at the border. Whatever keeps Equestrian order magic from affecting that area seems to do the same for Discords abilities as well. So if we move to the outskirts of the Everfree we should be safe from in the short term, and be able to come up with a plan safely. Part of the forest isn’t too far from here anyway.”
Twilight nodded eagerly
“It’s as good a plan as any.... Let’s go!”
With that Andrew and the Mane 6 starting running off towards the Everfree. As they jogged, Rainbow moved up to match speed with Andrew in the back of the group. Looking aside she fidgeted for a few seconds. Then asked him the question that was bothering her.
“ By the way Andrew.... About that Wonderbolttopia....”
Andrew gave her a flat look.
“Rainbow... do I LOOK like Applejack? I ain't the element of Honesty., I was lying the whole time”
Rainbow Dash scowled.
“ REALLY? … Awwwww.....”
As they reached the edge of the forest, dissapering into the trees Andrew rolled his eyes skywards.
Pinkie Pie emulating the Ree?
**Curls into a corner and cries**
mwahahahah... traumatization is a a success ^_^
i have no idea who/what the ree is and i am deadly wondering
IT was a inside joke from the forum I wrote it up from the fic I noted.
Essentially in the NGE fic Nobody Dies by Gregg Landsman
allt he Rei clones become active... and somewhat insane in a crackish sort of way... and weree collectivily known as teh Ree.