• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 1,508 Views, 26 Comments

PONI - The Crimson Harbinger

UNSC ODST Kix awakes to find himself bound on an unknown planet. But stranger yet are his captors...

  • ...

Hunters and Introductions

There are several things that one does not do when fighting a hunter. One of those is to engage one in close quarters, and right now, that's exactly what Kix was planning on doing. The streets were designed for ponies and were therefore narrower than those on Earth or in New Mombasa, so he figured that the beast would have trouble maneuvering in the tight streets. Or at least, that's what he was counting on. He would need every advantage if he hoped to beat the creature with minimal casualties and damage.

The reality was much different.

The hunter, crazed with anger and confusion, came barreling down the street, it's enormous shield shattering through the sides of the houses that lined the streets, tearing gaps that revealed the quivering ponies within and knocking over streetlamps foolish enough to stand in the wake of it's rampage. The hunter came to a halt as it reached the center of a circular plaza, and roared at a pair of ponies it spotted cowering behind the shrubs in the yard. Kix wondered if the hunter would actually try to engage the defenseless ponies when it raised it's shield and charged. When Kix realized it meant to crush the equines, he jumped into action. He leapt from his hiding place on top of one of the houses and after landing on the cobblestone streets, made a mad dash right for the hunter, which had it's back to him.

Crap, he thought as the hunter closed in on the ponies. He wouldn't make in time, so he devised a plan to get it's attention. And of course, that plan involved shouting random insults at the top of his lungs. The sudden noise caught the hunter by surprise and it's attack halted as it turned around just in time to see the ODST barreling towards it, as well as giving the two mares their chance to escape. The hunter roared and raised it's shield again, this time managing to complete it's attack, the shield barely missing Kix as it slammed into the street.

"Too slow!" Kix yelled, side -stepping the attack, and cocked his shotgun. Too close. The hunter roared in reply, and received a shotgun shell to the face. The beast moaned as it staggered backwards, orange blood spraying onto the pavement. Of course, it was merely a scratch to the enormous alien, and it screamed in outrage as it shook off the pain.

Having learned from it's previous failed attempts to crush it's enemies mercilessly beneath it's shield arm, the hunter instead raised it's heavy fuel rod cannon and pointed it right at Kix.

Kix saw the bright green glow a little too late, and was sent hurtling through the air as the ground beneath exploded into green fire. He landed feet from his original standing point, and his shotgun clattered to the ground, just out of his reach. Kix groaned as he saw stars, and attempted to pull himself together. The hunter, however, wasted no time with such things and charged at him, it's heavy feet denting the ground as it sprinted right for him.

Kix finally pulled himself together at the last moment. His hands lashed out for the shotgun, raised it defensively, and just as the hunter was upon him, pulled the trigger.

There was the sound of thunder as the pellets ripped through the hunter's neck, blowing through the worm-like hive and spraying Kix with bright orange blood. The hunter's body, lifeless but still keeping the momentum from it's charge, toppled down upon Kix.

"Eeewwww, gross." He said, shoving the body off himself. "And I just had this cleaned." He said disgusted, referring to his blood soaked armor. "Thanks for nothing, you big jerk." He scoffed, giving the deceased hunter a firm kick. He was rewarded with a wet squishing sound as his foot sunk deep into the hunter's stomach, coating his once black boot bright orange.

"Daw, come on!"


Clunk SQUISH clunk SQUISH clunk SQUISH The sound was beginning to annoy Kix.

"I'd better get some answers for this," He grumbled, leaving an orange trail as he made his way up the courtyard steps. "And a towel."

"Human!" Kix turned as the guard ran towards him. "You have returned. Did you defeat the beast?"

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't." The guard chuckled.

"Did I say something funny?"


Kix was bored. The guard had ushered him into the main hall of the castle, told him the princesses would be with him any moment, and left. After that, absolutely nothing had happened. He wasn't complaining, he preferred sitting around and waiting over fighting a hunter any day, it's just that he had been waiting a long time. Suspiciously long.

"Eh, probably just doing..." He thought for a second before finishing, "whatever it is pony princesses do." He chuckled at the thought, ejecting an empty shotgun shell from his gun. He drew his combat knife, began carving, and before long, had his own crude representation of an alicorn.

"I'm a purty pony princess," he said in a high voice, making the figure trot across his lap, "and I like purty things!" He held it up to his knife.

"Like this?" He said normally, turning the knife.

"Yes! That's so purty." Kix chuckled. I am so nuts.

But awesome. His mind counter.

True. He nodded, and continued playing.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything too important." Kix jumped and the knife slipped, slicing the figures head clean off and launching it across the room, where it clattered to the floor.

"Geez Prism! Hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up on someone like that?!" Kix shouted, more embarrassed than angry.

"No," The white alicorn replied coldly, "you are in my castle, after all." She glared at him. "And my name isn't Prism." She added.

"Finally! It's about time y'all introduced yourselves!" Kix exclaimed.

"Indeed," She said, "I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna." The blue alicorn stepped forward.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Luna said, not looking very pleased at all.

"And this," Celestia continued, "Is my former student, Princess Twilight."

"Hello." Twilight said, showing no emotion.

"Twilight, why don't you introduce your friends." Celestia said.

"Fine. This is Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and that's Pinkie Pie." Each pony (except Pinkie, who was preoccupied with tracking down the figure's head) gave him a menacing glare.

Great, they all hate me.

"And what, pray tell, is your name?" Luna demanded.

"Name's Kix." He said, extending his hand. The mares gave him a strange look, and he realized his mistake. "Oh right, sorry." He said, returning his hand to his side, "no hands."

"Right, now that we've gotten that out of the way," Twilight spoke quickly, "it's time for you to go."

"Go?" Kix repeated. Twilight nodded. "So you're just gonna kick me off your planet?! After everything that I've done for you?! I am covered in hunter guts!" He gestured to his orange-soaked armor and boot. "Completely. Covered."

"Yes," She snapped, ignoring his complaints. "And we expect you to cooperate."

"Fine," Kix scowled. He couldn't believe he was letting a talking pony push him around, but the sooner he got out of this place, the better. "Just put me on the next cruiser off this planet and I'll be out of your hair. Or mane. Or whatever."

"Cruiser?" Now it was their turn to be confused.

"Yeah, you know. The things with big engines and slip space drives that fly up real high in the sky?" Silence was his only reply. "Wait, you guys do have cruisers, don't you?"

Their faces told him everything.

"Well crap."

Author's Note:

And yes, I realize all the dotted lines are different lengths. I'm too lazy to fix them now though.