• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 710 Views, 7 Comments

Story Of An Alicorn: Luna's Nightmare - Applepip

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Darkside's floating head disappears amid a fit of laughter; Valder and Luna stare at the air until they realise Darkside is not coming back. Valder frowns before walking away, Luna following after him. Both of them walked for 2 hours, not saying much; just glancing at different landmarks as they walk pass them. Luna stops, just before bumping into Valders flank.

Luna walks around and stops, seeing Valder staring at the floor. A look of anger on his face as he surveys a small road way.

“Father, what's wrong?” Valder at first doesn't respond, but after turning and seeing Luna his face softens into a smile.

“I'm sorry Luna, I can't help but seem, all this is familiar.” Valder extends a hoof gesturing to the town now closer.

“I have to admit, all this does seem familiar to me too!” Luna replies.

“I guess, some of Darkside's memories are coming back to me!” Valder rubs his temple.

Luna puts one hoof on Valders shoulder.

“Father, I don't want to hear about him, you're here now; and together we will find a way to beat him and HER!”

Valder notices the raise in Luna's voice, though he says nothing about it.

“Lets go, the town should be down this road; maybe there's still somepony there or at least something to tell us where we are.” Luna nods her agreement.

As the town comes into view, Valder and Luna notice several ponies building a barricade. The barricade looked rushed; only a few items bore any strength and though there were posts, it wouldn't take much too break it. For a few minutes Luna and Valder watched the ponies add more stuff to the barricade, until one pony stopped to stare at them.

Looking around frantically the pony gestured over to them, “Psst! Come quick!” It says hushed, still looking around.

Looking around, Valder and Luna approached the hushed pony. “What's going on?” Luna asks.

“You shouldn't be out there, what if the chaos army catches you!” Upon hearing this Luna drops her head, ears flat.

“Luna, what's wrong!” Valder asks, putting a wing around her.

“Wait! Did you say Luna?” The unknown pony asks.

“Yes, why?” Valder replies.

“It's just that, well, one of the princesses is called Luna.” The mare states.

Luna perks up a bit upon hearing her name spoken, “Um, excuse me!” Luna says. “Can you tell me something? Are the princesses here?”

The pony shakes her head, “No! Goodness No! If they were here the army of chaos would burn this town down, and kill everypony.”

“Just to ask, Where are we exactly?” Valder questions, looking around.

“You don't know?” The mare asks. Valder shakes his head. “You're in what's left of Erlincolt, not much to look at but...It has it's own charm.” The pony sighs, “But now with the two armies surrounding us, I think Erlincolt is in it's final days.”

Valder and Luna look at one another, Luna gives a gesture for Valder to follow her out of ear shot of the mare.

“Father, we need to leave; now!” Luna says abruptly.

“Why? Luna, Tell me what's wrong?”

“Father, I know now where we are! Erlincolt was the first major battle between our rebellion and Discords army.” Luna replies, anguish on her face.

“Luna, why are you so upset?” Valder gives her a small hug.

“Because the town doesn't survive!” Valder reels back, “during the battle several units from Discords army broke off from our fight and levelled the town. But the worst thing they did was kill virtually everypony in it, only a few survived; out of a town of three hundred!” Luna breaks down, tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Is...Is she going to be alright?” The town mare asks, slowly approaching.

“Yes, she will be fine,” Valder looks up at the mare. “What's your name?” He asks.

“It's Cutter, Saw Cutter.” Valder nods.

“Thank you, Miss Cutter; My name is Valder and this is Luna.” Luna stops crying and looks up nodding, trying to look presentable.

“Hmm, your names are weird, they don't match your looks at all!” Saw Cutter replies.

“What do you mean?” Luna asks.

“Well, Valder your a pegasis and Luna your a unicorn.”

“That can't be! We are both alicorns.” Valder says.

“Look for yourself,” Cutter tosses a broken piece of glass to Valder, who finds that his magic doesn't work and drops it; Luna however catches it before it hits the ground and levitates it up to them both.

Valder presses his hoof to his face as his eye's widen in shock, before him a brown pegasis sits mimicking his action; while Luna sits quietly, looking at the white unicorn staring back at her.

“This is impossible!” Valder states, then a realisation comes to his mind, “Darkside!” He says in a loud tone. A small fit of laughter falls on the breeze passing by.

“Shush! We don't say his name around here!” Valder and Luna look back to Saw, who makes a 'lower your volume' gesture with both forelegs.

“Why?” Luna asks.

“Why? Because Darkside is evil, and the one in charge of the chaos army!” Cutter says, shivering after saying it.

Valder stands up and walks to the barricade, giving it a small kick. “You know this barricade won't stop anything!” To prove this point he kicks a small wood plank, and the section of barricade falls out.

Several ponies nearby come over and shout at him, Valder just walks away further into town.

“Is he alright?” Cutter asks Luna.

“I'm not sure, let me go talk to him; It was nice meeting you Cutter!” Cutter nods.

“Same to you...Uh...Luna!” Cutter walks back to the other ponies rebuilding the barricade.

Luna gallops to catch up to Valder, she finds him striding pass ponies too afraid to speak.

“Father!” Valder keeps walking, “FATHER!” Luna shouts causing Valder to turn, but what she sees next shocks her even more; Valders eye's were glowing white. “Father! What was that about?”

Valder stares at her, “I AM SICK OF THESE GAMES!” He finally speaks, but not in his standard voice but the royal Canterlot voice. “DARKSIDE IS PLAYING US FOR FOOLS, THIS TOWN IS DONE FOR; YOU SAID SO YOURSELF!”

Several ponies nearby turn to hear the conversation, some ask questions to Luna.

“What does he mean?”

“Are we done for?”

“Are we going to die?”

Luna grabs Valder and she moves him off to another area, “Father! Please! Speak to me!” She shakes Valder by the shoulders.

Valder looks down to her, the light still blinding in his eyes. Luna reaches up and places her front hoof on his face. “Father, please! Come back to me!” Valder stares back unmoving until the light drops from his eye's, “Father!” Luna hugs him, and to her delight she feels his wing wrap around her.

“I'm sorry,” Valder whispers into her ear. “I'm so sorry!”

“I'm glad your back,” Luna says, Tears flowing down her cheeks. “What was that? You used the Canterlot voice!”

“I don't know, I felt so angry; and it happened! I can't explain it!” Valder lowers his head to rest on Luna's shoulder.

“Father, what do we do?” At that time Cutter comes around the corner.

“Um, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude; I'll just go!” Cutter says backing away.

“No, wait! Cutter!” Valder calls out, “It's OK, we're just having a family moment.”

“Oh, I see, so you're...” Cutter asks.

“Yes, we are father and daughter!” Valder replies.

“Well, um, I'm just here to say the town elder would like a word.”

“Oh, what about?” Luna asks.

“Nothing much, just how long you will be staying.”

“Well, lead on Cutter.” Valder gestures with his hoof.

For several minutes, Valder and Luna are lead through many different side roads and back alleys. Saw Cutter leads them to a small building near the centre of town adorned with the towns heraldry.

Saw Cutter knocks on the door. Swiftly a small slit on the door opens, “I've come to see the town elder!” Cutter says to the figure behind the slit, The figure looks to Valder and Luna. “They are friends, the elder requested them.” Cutter replies to the figures glare.

After a few more seconds the door opens revealing a well built stallion, who quickly gestures for them to enter. “The elder is upstairs, in his chambers,” The pony states pointing a hoof aloft.

“Thank you, Cassius.” Cutter says while nodding. Valder and Luna just nod appreciation, to which the pony mimics.

“Seems like there's a lot of protection here,” Valder states; looking at all the guards positioned in different places.

“Yes, this is the towns main public building, it houses all of the towns records and important information.” Cutter replies.

“Impressive!” Luna states looking around.

“Thank you, coming from somepony who has never been here before, it's a nice welcome.” Cutter reaches a door guarded by two earth ponies, Valder of which notices there armour seems worn and dull; probably never been maintained in a long while. “Is my father in?” Cutter asks.

“Yes, my lady,” the first guard answers.

“He is waiting for you and your...Guests.” The second guard adds, looking Valder and Luna over.

The guards push open the door to reveal a large chamber decorated in finery, several book cases full of books and scrolls permeate one side of the room; while a large desk sits at the other. A hunched figure wearing a long red robe sits writing at the desk, the pony's mane a silver colour mixed with some darker grey shades.

“Father!” Cutter shouts running over to the desk.

“Ah, my daughter! So nice to see you,” the figure looks over to Valder and Luna. “Are these the guests you told me about?”

“Yes father, they came from the main road!” Cutter says the last bit with some apprehension.

“Hm, not many ponies travel the road as of late,” the elder says, rising and walking to Valder and Luna. “It has become too dangerous to walk to the city, with the armies surrounding us!” The elder comes within two feet of Valder and Luna giving them 'the one eye' look.

“We are sorry to be a problem for you!” Luna replies.

“Not at all! We like getting new visitors, though you couldn't have come at a worst time!” The elder approaches the room only window. “I would just ask one thing?” He turns back around.

“And what would that be?” Valder asks.

“Who's side are you on?” Valder and Luna stiffen up at his question. “Well?”

“At this point, no pony's!” Valder quickly responds, Luna just nods.

“Well then, we will get along just fine!” The elder gives a small smile. “I think I should introduce myself, Cutter, Wood Cutter at your service!” The elder gives a small bow.

“Nice to meet you Wood Cutter, I'm Luna and this is my father Valder.” Luna replies, giving a small bow of her own; to which Valder follows.

“Such, um, strange names for your appearance.” Wood Cutter replies, glancing back and forth between Valder and Luna.

“Yes, your daughter explained that already,” Valder says gesturing to Saw.

“I hope you didn't take offence?”

“No, not at all, It's a family thing!” Luna states.

“So, how long will you be staying in my town?” Wood Cutter asks, sitting back to the desk.

“We're not sure, not long; but beyond that!” Valder shrugs.

“Very well, I hope you find our town to your liking. Though most places have up and left, so there isn't much left to see.”

“That's fine Mr Cutter, I'm sure we can find something to occupy ourselves.” Valder replies, heading for the door.

Before Valder can open the door, a large stallion bursts in; completely out of breath.

“Sir! We have bad news!” The stallion shouts.

“What is it, Maximus?” Wood Cutter asks.

“The chaos army is on the move!” Wood Cutter stands up, abruptly.


“Yes sir! But it gets worse; They are heading here!” Wood Cutter now starts to pace about the room.

“Dammit! What about the princesses army?”

“They are moving too! Both are going to converge here!” The stallion starts to panic.

“Maximus! Assemble the militia.”

“Yes sir! Right away!” The stallion bolts back out the door getting the two guards too follow.

“Mr Valder, Miss Luna; I would suggest you take shelter with the others civilians.” Wood Cutter says. “Saw, you go with them!”

“Father, no!” Saw replies.

“No arguments! I don't want my only child being caught up in this!” Wood states to Saw.

“*Sigh* Fine!” Saw finally answers, “I guess you better follow me.” Saw says to Valder and Luna.

Valder turns back to Wood Cutter, “Good luck, Mister Cutter!” Valder says.

“I will need it! But thank you, just you and your daughter be safe!” Valder and Wood Cutter exchange bows.

As Valder and Luna leave with Saw, Wood Cutter glances back to the window. The stallion from before enters the room.

“Sir, the men are waiting.”

“Thank you, Maximus.” Wood Cutter says turning around, grabbing his armour and sword from a nearby glass case. He removes his robe and begins to fasten his armour on.

“Sir! Are we going to fight?” Maximus asks.

“Yes, my friend. For my ancestors are my witness, Erlincolt will not fall, while I draw breath.”

“Of course sir.”

“Now let us go, we have a town to protect!”