• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of a Mighty Pirate - FoxVillain321

Guybrush Threepwood and his first mate get more then they could have ever imagined when a maelstrom shipwrecks them on an uncharted island.

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Chapter 5: Guybrush Threepwood: Destroyer of Worlds

Guybrush sat in the study, two guards standing in front of the doors out of the study so he could not get away. It was getting dark outside, the white, fluffy clouds twisting and warping into black, foreboding clouds. He watched from the window as a couple of flying guards tried to keep the clouds at bay.

“…Guybrush Treepwood.” The voice of the princess spoke up, him turning to the princess that was now sitting in front of him.

“I…did a bad thing, didn’t I?” Guybrush spoke, smiling sheepishly.

“…A very, VERY bad thing…” She said in the most serious tone he had ever heard.

She walked over to the window, watching the guards work. “What do you know about the Elements of Harmony? What has Twilight Sparkle told you?”

“Well, not a lot, honestly…I only heard of them when she said she was sending someone named Spike to get them…” He responded.

She nodded, walking back to him. She pulled out the case that held the Elements of Harmony and opened it. Inside, the once colorful gems were now a pitch black.

“That’s not supposed to happen, is it?” He responded again sheepishly.


It was one word, but Guybrush could hear the anger in her voice. She sighed and looked at the elements.

“Briefly, The Elements of Harmony are artifacts representing the aspects of harmony. Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. Together, they are a powerful force, able to defeat many great evils.” She explained.

“…So...Does that mean LeChuck is gone?! Woo! Break out the grog and…”

Guybrush was silenced by a harsh glare from Princess Celestia.

“When YOU decided to strike the rainbow from the elements, you added another element to the fray…Violence.” She growled.

“Th…that’s bad, yes?” Guybrush sheepishly replied as he slunk back in his chair.


Her outburst surprised him so much that he fell backwards out of the chair.

“Ow…my booty.” He groaned.

She growled, before taking deep breaths and calming herself.

“By adding a destructive and evil element to the group, you have corrupted the Elements of Harmony. Using them now, would spread disharmony everywhere.”

“That’s bad.” Guybrush commented.

“And by attacking that LeChuck pony with him in it, he will have the ability to use all of them.” She further explained.

“That’s worse!” Guybrush commented again.

“Much worse. Already he’s starting to spread his evil to the land of Equestria.” She said as she watched out the window, the dark clouds continuing to form.

He started backing away towards the exit, before hearing the “shink” of the spears blocking his way. He quickly walked back forward.

“Right, well, not to be rude but we have a ship to build and an island to sail to, and I’ve definitely overstayed my welcome, so…uh, if you’ll excuse me…” He started.

“YOU are not going ANYWHERE!” She growled as she stood in front of him.

“EEP!” He shouted as he jumped back.

“YOU caused this, and YOU are going to fix it!” She spoke in a commanding tone.

“Okay, okay!” He said as he gulped. “…Wait, how do I fix it?”

The princess walked to her private bookcase and pulled out a book. Closer inspection revealed it was called “Equestrian Lore, Vol. II”. She began to flip pages until she stopped at one page.

“When the elements left their shells, they went to the closest thing as a vessel, meaning LeChuck. If the lore of this book holds true, LeChuck cannot contain all of the elements of harmony within himself. The sheer power of the elements would destroy a pony from the inside out.” Celestia explained. “It is more than likely he had to find other ponies to house the elements.”

“So you’re saying…” Guybrush said as he began to piece things together.

“Find the ponies LeChuck gave the Elements of Harmony to and take them back.” She said as she walked to a chest. She opened it, levitating out a locket with an arcane symbol on it. “This is…”

“What’s that?” Guybrush asked, interrupting her explanation.

“…A Sealing Locket.” She replied. “Usually, if the need arises, I use it to seal a unicorns magic within the locket. Just open it, point it at the pony with the element, and it will be sucked into it…” she stomped a hoof in emphasis. “…Just like that.”

“Cool…What I do with it when I get one.” Guybrush asked.

“Bring it back to me and we’ll put it back in the Element’s jewel.” She replied. “Oh, and you may feel strange sensations when you seal an element into the locket. It can only absorb so much energy, so the rest will more than likely seal into you.”

“…Wait what?!” Guybrush exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, the locket will take the excess energy sealed into you and put it back into the jewel.” She reassured him.

“Oh.” Guybrush said as he put the locket into his pocket, looking at the book. “…Say can I take the book too?”

“I don’t see what use it will be to you, but go ahead.” Celestia replied, shrugging.

He put it in his pocket. Looking in there, he had his cutlass, five bottles of root beer, the Sealing Locket, a book titled “Equestrian Lore, Vol. II”, his spy glass, a bottle of sneezing powder, and Pinkie’s cupcake.

“Soooo…where do I start?” Guybrush questioned.

“I would start in Ponyville. There hasn’t been any sign of element activity going on, but when it does, word of it is very likely to spread into Ponyville.” She answered.

“Alright then, I just go get Winslow and…” Guybrush started as he stood up.

“I’m afraid he will not be accompanying you on this journey, at least not now.” The princess interrupted.

“What? Why?” Guybrush exclaimed.

“Because we need to make sure you are going to go through with this. We do not want you running off and leaving us with a mess.” She spoke as she looked him down.

“But I need him! He’s my First mate…And I…don’t know a thing about naval navigation…” He grumbled.

Celestia blinked a bit.

“…You’re a pirate, yes?” Celestia asked.

“Mighty Pirate ™. There’s a difference.” He replied.

“…Right…Well, why don’t we strike a bargain then. You bring back…let’s say…three elements. If you do, your first mate will be relinquished to you.” Celestia suggested.

“I guess that sounds fair.” Guybrush replied.

“Good. Well then, Twilight and her friends are waiting for you. They will be your companions for this quest. Now go, and hurry. The longer you wait, the closer Equestria creeps closer to chaos.”

“Well, this looks like a job for Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty…”

“NOW!” The princess shouted.

“Yipes!!” Guybrush shouted as he ran out of the study.


“…And so, until I get three of them. You’re stuck here…”

Guybrush was in a separate room, sitting with Winslow. He was given a few minutes with him to explain everything.

“Ah. Well, don’t worry Captain Threepwood! I’m certain you’ll find three of them in no time.” Winslow responded jovially.

“Yeah…about that…we…uh…have no clue where one is.” Guybrush admitted.

“…Ah…” Winslow commented. “…Well, no matter. I’m sure you’ll find one.”

“Yeah, but…” Guybrush started.

“Mr. Threepwood.” One of the pony guards interrupted him. “Times up.”

He sighed getting up. Winslow held out something to him.

“Here Captain. You might need these.” He said, smiling.

He took it, it being the box of matches from the shipwreck.

“Thanks Winslow, you’re the best first mate a Mighty Pirate™ could have.” He said as he walked out.

…Right into the glares of six angry mares.

“So…let me get this straight…you pretty much gave that LeChuck guy all the elements of harmony that he can use whenever he wants and in any way…” Twilight stated in an irritated tone.

“It was an accident! How did I know stabbing him would release unspeakable evil upon the world?!” Guybrush defended.

“We had everything under control!” Rainbow Dash growled.

They growled at him, before Fluttershy stepped in the way.

“Girls…I…I know Mr. Guybrush did something very bad, but he’s trying to do something about it…” She quietly stated.

“But Fluttershy…” Rainbow Dash began.

“…He’s still our new friend right?” Fluttershy interrupted her.

“Yep! Yep! He is! He is!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she bounced.

The two ponies stood by his side. The others looked skeptically at him.

“It looks like if I’m going to go on the quest with them, I should get them on my side.” He thought to himself.

He looked at Fluttershy.

“Hey Fluttershy.” He said to her.

“Yes, Guybrush?” She responded.

“How are we gonna get them on our side?” He asked.

“Well, maybe if you’re really, REALLY nice, they might join.” She said, smiling.

“How about we brainstorm ideas?” He suggested.

“Well…I don’t know about Twilight or Applejack, but Pinkie Pie might…Rainbow Dash is really loyal to her friends, so if we all joined you, she probably would join…um…if you had something Rarity made, and complemented it…she might forgive you…” She brainstormed.

“Thanks. See you.” He thanked her.

“Good luck.” She quietly said.

He then looked to Pinkie Pie.

“Hey Pinkie Pie.” He greeted her.

“Hiya!!” She replied as she bounced.

“Any ideas on how to get them on our side?” He asked.

“CUPCAKES!!” She shouted happily.

“…How about brainstorm ideas?” He suggested.

“OOOOO okay! Hmm…Well, I’m not sure about Rarity and Rainbow Dash, which is surprising since they’re my friends…OOO Twilight likes books! If you get her a special book, she might forgive you. And Applejack…Hmm… OOO if you really did it on accident, and could prove it, she might forgive you!” She thought out loud.

“Thanks. See you.” He bid farewell.

“Bubye now!!” She responded.

He looked around in the main hall. Beside the checkerboard floor and its fine purple rugs, the finely adorn walls, and the massive staircase, there was nothing of real importance. The way to the dungeon was blocked by guards, leaving two places open.

Guybrush went through one of them. He soon found that the room led to the guardroom. The guardroom seemed a little small, only having a few tables and chairs, it only having one window, most of the light coming from the lanterns. A white pegasus guard in gold armor stood on point, guarding a piece of paper on the table.

Guybrush looked at the paper.

“It’s a written description of what happened with The Elements of Harmawhatsit…Hey…this says it looked like it was an accident!” He said to himself.

“Stand back!” The guard commanded, lowering his spear towards him.

“Eep!” He squeaked, backing away.

He decided to talk to the guard.

“Hi there.” He greeted the guard.

The guard said nothing.

“You….Guarding stuff?” He asked.

The guard remained silent.

“Guarding the paper?” He further asked.

He gave a silent nod.

“You…need anything?” He asked.

He stayed quiet.

Guybrush heard a grumbling noise. He soon realized it came from the guard stomach. He thought, soon pulling out Pinkie’s cupcake. The guard looked at it.

“Hungry? It’s a special cupcake Pinkie Pie made.” He said.

The cupcake looked incredibly appetizing, having a delicious looking frosting and white cake base. The guard’s stomach growled more.

“You…could slip out and eat it. It wouldn’t take more than a minute.” He coaxed him.

The guard stood there, his eyes shifting left and right, before grabbing it and running into the closet. When the door was closed, Guybrush grabbed the paper.

“I’m sure he won’t miss it…at least for a bit…” he said to himself.

He walked back out to the hall and approached Applejack.

“Hey Applejack.” He greeted her.

“What do ya want?” She grunted.

He took out the paper. “Look! This proves that it was an accident. I didn’t mean to ruin anything.” He stated.

She took it, reading the paper. As she read, she got a guilty expression on her face.

“Ah…uh…Guess ah owe you an apology…” She sheepishly spoke. “Sorry…ah just…”

“Hey it’s no big deal.” He comented with a smile.

She walked over with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

“Great, now I only need…” He began.

“Ahem.” A stern voice came from behind him.

Guybrush turned to find the pegasus guard standing behind him with a scowl on his face.

“Oh…hi.” He said sheepishly, waving his hand at him.

He thwacked him with the wood part of his spear and took the paper back.

“Ow!” Guybrush whined as he rubbed his head.

He took a minute to gather his thoughts, before approaching Twilight.

“Hey Twilight.” He greeted her.

“Hmm?” She responded.

“So, uh…What do you do for a living?” He asked.

“I’m a librarian.” She responded.

“Soooo…you like books?” He inqured further.

“Oh of course!” She said as she smiled. “I love all kinds of books! One of my favorites right now is “Equestrian Lore, Vol I”!”

“Really…” He said with a smirk.

“Mhm. But I’m also almost done with it, and the second volume of it is so hard to find now.” She commented, sighing.

“Well…” He started as he started pulling out the princess’s book from his pocket.

“You have one!?” she gasped.

“I felt really bad about…well, everything, so I got you this book.” He told her, smiling.

She squealed and took it, hugging it. “Thank you thank you thank you! I forgive you Guyprish!”

“Guybrush.” He corrected her.

She walked over with the others.

“Great, now all I need is Rarity and Rainbow Dash to join.” He said to himself.

Guybrush decided to talk to Rarity.

“Hi Rarity.” He greeted her.

“Greetings.” She replied.

“Fluttershy said you make clothes.” He commented.

“Clothes?! Paleeeze! I don’t make clothes. I make works of art. Every outfit I make at the Carousel Boutique is finely crafted by a steady hoof, and only the finest cloth available. The cloth is my pastel and the sewing needle, my paintbrush…” she explained extravagantly.

“…So you make clothes.” Guybrush commented again.

She glared at him. He quickly backed away.

He looked around before walking into the other unknown room. The room seemed to be chock-full of cloaks and coats. He wandered around, looking at them all before seeing one adorned with gems.

“Wow. It’s really well made.” He said to himself.

He looked it over. It was a fine summer coat, albeit way too small for Guybrush. It had a tag on it. “Carousel Boutique. Size: Large. Do not machine wash.” He read aloud.

He put the coat in his pocket. “I’ll bring it right back...one of these days.” He commented.

He walked back out to Rarity.

“I found something in the coat closet.” He said to her as he pulled out the coat.

“Oh! I remember that one! It took two days to finish!” She commented.

“Well, it very well done. I might need you to make me a coa-uh…“work of art” like this.” He stated.

He blushed, flattered.

“So, can you forgive me? I need all the help I can get.” He asked.

“…Well…I suppose I can forgive you.” She sighed.

She walked next to him.

“Well Rainbow?” Applejack inqured.

“…Well what?” She responded, looking at them.

“Everypony else forgave him, sooo…” Applejack remarked.

“Pff! No way! I’m not gonna forgive him.” She grumped, folding her arms.

“Come on Rainbow Dash! We need your help too. And it better to forgive and forget than to let it ball up inside you.” Twilight commented.

“Come on Dashie! Don’t be such a sour puss!” Pinkie joked.

“…Fine.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “…I forgive you.” She grumbled.

“Thank you.” Guybrush thanked with a smile.

“But I’m watching you pal! Don’t try anything funny!” Rainbow retorted.

“A-alright!” He stuttered.

Soon they were all on his side, ready to go.

“Alright shipmates! Set sail for…Ponyville!” Guybrush shouted triumphantly.

“I’ll get the barrel!” Pinkie happily exclaimed, skipping to the barrel.
