• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of a Mighty Pirate - FoxVillain321

Guybrush Threepwood and his first mate get more then they could have ever imagined when a maelstrom shipwrecks them on an uncharted island.

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Chapter 3: The Train and the Forest

“Fresh fish! Straight from Horse Shoe Bay!”

As Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™, entered the coastal city of Baltimare, he smelled the familiar sent of fish. The entire group walked into the market street. Guybrush swore it would look like a normal harbor, if the entire populace wasn’t ponies. The houses looked like the ones he saw on Mêlée Island, just smaller. Perhaps it was to accommodate for the ponies shorter statures.

The market was buzzing with activity. Thousands of ponies were out and about. Some ponies were bargaining and haggling with the market vendors for better prices, sometimes paying with gold coins. Some were talking and having a good time. Some were on their way to the harbor to go sailing or fishing. Others were hard at work, sweeping the grounds and repairing boats.

As Guybrush and Winslow traversed further with six ponies they met, a sudden hush fell upon the entire crowd of ponies. Guybrush looked around to see thousands of eyes staring at him and Winslow. A small foal walked up to Guybrush and began pulling on his pants. “Excuse me mister, but what are you?” The foal asked.

“I’m Guybrush Threepwood, mighty…” Guybrush stopped mid-sentence. Guybrush thought that announcing that he was a pirate may not be the best idea.

“Mighty what?” the foal asked.

Uh…nevermind.” Guybrush said. He looked around at some of the stalls. One of them was selling sodas. “Oh hey! Excuse me…Pardon me…Oh, sorry…” He apologized as he made his way through the crowd of ponies to the soda stall. “Can I get a bottle of root beer?” Guybrush asked. The unicorn mare behind the stall stared at him for a minute, then shook her head and smiled pleasantly at Guybrush.

Certainly, sir. That’ll be two bits.” She replied.

Guybrush reached into his pocket and pulled out a strawberry-sized ruby. The unicorn gasped as the ruby sparkled in the sunlight. “Is that…real?” She asked, looking intently at the priceless gem.

“I’m not sure what a bit is, but will this work?” Guybrush asked as he placed the gem on the stall.

The unicorns jaw dropped as she held the ruby in her hoof. “It is! It is real!!” She exclaimed. “Oh my Celestia…Here! Take the whole pack!” She hands Guybrush a six pack of bottled root beer, runs over to Guybrush and hugs him. “Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me! I have enough money to finally move to Canterlot and tryout for the royal guard!” She then latched herself to the stall and galloped away.

The rest of the crowd began talking about Guybrush and began praising him for his kind actions.

“Well Captain Threepwood, it looks like you just became the talk of the town.” Winslow chuckled.

“What’cha get all that root beer for?” Applejack asked.

“We’re going to need them to take down LeChuck.” Guybrush stated, taking out the bottles one by one and putting them in his pants.

How…How are you doing that!?” Twilight asked, watching in befuddlement as Guybrush dropped the last bottle of root beer in his pocket.

“I have deep pockets.” Guybrush replied.

As the group walked towards the train station, the city once again filled with noise.

“That was very generous of you, Mr. Threepwood.” Fluttershy spoke up.

“Well, I have plenty of booty back on my ship, and it was the only thing of value I had on me.” Guybrush stated.

“Nevertheless, it was still very generous of you.” Rarity stated.

“That must be the train, Captain Threepwood.” Winslow said, pointing towards a large train.

Guybrush gave the train a once-over. He had seen trains in books before, but he had never seen a train this…colorful. This was the first time that Guybrush saw an engine that was a bright magenta.

“Ok, so now if we take the train to Ponyville, we can walk straight to the Everfree forest.” Twilight said looking at the map. Winslow nearly tripped as he ran over to the map.

“Captain Threepwood, if you please…” Winslow said, standing next to the map.

Guybrush sighed. “Can’t go anywhere without me pointing at the map. Twilight, where exactly are we going?”

“We are heading off to the town of Ponyville.” She responded as she pointed to the town on the map. Guybrush pointed at Ponyville on the map. “Mr. Winslow, set a course for Ponyville!”

“Aye, aye sir! Ladies first.” He said as he ushered the mares onto the train.

“My, you are the charmer.” Rarity commented as she walked onto the train.

As the mares walked in, Guybrush and Winslow followed. A train whistle blew and the train jerked forward. Guybrush jumped at the jerk. He had never been on a train before. “Yipes!” He shouted in fear.

“Heh, you okay Guybrush?” Rainbow chuckled.

“Yeah…I’ve never been on a train before.” He admits, rubbing the back of his head.

Guybrush walked further into the train car. He looked at all the red seats and picked one. He sat down in it and watched the scenery pass by through the train’s window while Winslow walked further into the train car. The bright and colorful scenery seemed to pass by slowly at first, and then whizzed pass at a rapid rate. He thought he had never gone this fast before, except maybe for the time in Big Whoop when he rode the Roller Coaster of Death.

He began thinking about his red-headed plunder bunny, Elaine. His wife must be worried sick about him. How was she taking Guybrush’s sudden disappearance? Where would she go to look for him? Heck, where even was Guybrush? What could he do to…

“HIYEEE!!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she dropped next to Guybrush from seemingly out of nowhere.

“AAAUGH!” Guybrush yelled in surprise as he jumped from his seat, flopping onto the floor. He picked himself off the floor and brushed himself off and smiled nicely at Pinkie Pie. “Oh, hi Pinkie Pie…uh…how did you do that?”

“How did I do what?” She giggles.

“But-but you just…I...I just saw you...” He stuttered. He pointed up at the ceiling, then to Pinkie Pie. “Err…nevermind.”

“Excuse me Mr. Threepgood. But may I ask you a question?” Twilight asked as she walked over to Guybrush.

“Sure, go right ahead. And it’s Threepwood.” Guybrush responded as he sat back down in the seat.

“Right, sorry…That little green pony…LeChuck, wasn’t it? Who is he?” Twilight asked as she sat down in the opposite seat.

“Well, I guess you could call him the Ghost/Zombie/Demon/Statue/Walrus/Pirate LeChuck. Now I guess he can add pony to his list of names. I first met him when I first came to Mêlée Island…

…And that’s when I met my plunder bunny…

…and then I sprayed him with the root beer, and his head skyrocketed!...

…I thought I was done with him after I defeated him the first time…

…That’s when Largo took the beard…

…Honestly he smelled ten times worse as a zombie…

…Then I fought him, using a voodoo doll against him…

…I got tricked and I was stuck in Big Whoop…

…I got off the boat, but when I proposed to Elaine and gave her the ring, she turned to gold…

…When I freed my wife from her gold prison, LeChuck’s men grabbed us and took us back to Big Whoop…

…A big firey demon LeChuck!...

…My wifes house was being destroyed!...

…And he was masquerading as Charles L. Charles the whole time…

…So there I was, fighting a giant statue of LeChuck, using the ancient art of Monkey Kombat…

…So a stabbed him with the improvised “root grog, and I kinda released the Pox of LeChuck on every pirate in the Caribbean without knowing it…

…He double crossed us and I died…

…and the last time I saw him, he was destroyed in between the living world and the dead world.”

“Wow…that’s amazing Mr. Threepwood!” Twilight gasped in awe. “You are the most incredible pirate I've ever seen!”

Guybrush grinned and rubbed the back of his head at Twilight’s comment.

“Hey, Guybrush!” Rainbow called out from a couple seats away. “Fancy an arm-wrestling match!?”

“Uh..sure!” Guybrush replied, walking over to Rainbow Dash’s seat. He sat down in the opposite seat of Rainbow Dash. She pulled up the fold-in table and put a foreleg up on the table. “You ready to get your flank whipped by the fastest flyer in Equestria?” Rainbow jeered.

“Only if you’re ready to fall to Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™!” He laughed as he took a firm grip of Rainbow Dash’s hoof. The rest of the ponies walked over to the commotion, along with Winslow.

“Go Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Yay…go Rainbow Dash…woohoo…” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

The rest of the ponies cheered for Rainbow Dash.

“You can do it, Captain Threepwood!” Winslow shouted.

“Alright!” Applejack said, as she put a hoof on the two’s hand and hoof. “Ah want this to be ah fair fight. No regrips, and no usin’ the table for lev’rage. Got it?”

“Got it!” Rainbow stated.

“Loud and clear.” Guybrush said.

“Alright! Three…two… one… go!”

Applejack released the two’s hand and hoof. Rainbow and Guybrush began to pull the others arm down. At first, it leaned Rainbow’s way. Then it leaned Guybrush’s way. As it reached back to the middle and the two competitors began to sweat, the ponies began to cheer even louder.

“You’re doing marvelous, darling!” Rarity cheered.

“Ya got em on the ropes, sugarcube!” Applejack hollered.

“Give her what for, Captain!” Winslow shouted.

“Erg…Heh, even the smartest ponies know to avoid getting close to get into competition with me!” Rainbow grunted.

“Agh…even before they smell your breath?” Guybrush laughed.

“WHAT! Grr…I…I’ve fought timberwolves smarter than you!” Rainbow growled.

“Good to know you went to your family reunion!” Guybrush shot back.

“You…YOU…EEEARGH!!” Rainbow fumed. Her hoof started to lean towards her.

“Goodness! Guybrush has himself quite the silver tongue.” Rarity commented.

“Give her another, sir!” Winslow cheered.

“I once owned a dog that was smarter than you!” Guybrush jeered.

“O-oh yeah?!” Rainbow growled.

“Yeah and you know what? You fight like a dairy farmer!” Guybrush jeered again as his hand began to push Rainbow’s hoof towards the table.


The thud of Rainbow’s hoof against the table makes all the noise that was needed. Rainbow looked in shock at her hoof.

“Yeah! I won!” Guybrush cheered, jumping up from the table.

“Astounding job, sir! I must say, your insults are still strong as ever!” Winslow complements as he shakes Guybrush’s hand.

Rainbow Dash sat at her seat.

“I…I lost?” Rainbow Dash questioned. She then crossed her forearms and frowned. “I HATE losing…” She pouted.

“Cheer up, sugarcube. You can’t win em all.” Applejack said to Rainbow Dash, patting her back.


As the train jerked to a stop, Guybrush jumped again. He longed for the open seas and the rocking of his boat, and began to detest the sudden stops and gos of mechanized transport.

“Everypony entering Ponyville, please exit the train car through the front.” A stallion said from the front.

Guybrush hurried out of the train. As he stepped out, he looked out at Ponyville. It wasn't very far from here, and he could see a large official building in the middle of the town. The houses looked like simple cottages with thatched roofs.

“Is that where we’re going?” Guybrush asked.

“Not quite yet.” Twilight replied. “First, we need to go to Zecora. If you’re looking for anything supernatural, she’d be the zebra to ask.”

“Great, so…where does she live?” Guybrush inquired.

“In the Everfree forest.” Twilight responded.

The ponies began to walk toward a very dark and foreboding forest. Guybrush gulped and followed the ponies toward the forest, with Winslow right behind him.

“Uh…There isn't anything dangerous in there, right?” Guybrush inqured.

“Oh, don’t worry…we’ll be right next to you…” Fluttershy comforted Guybrush. “Besides, you are a brave and mighty pirate.”

Guybrush felt a little nervous. Yeah, he was a “Mighty Pirate™” but if there were talking ponies here, what could be waiting for them in these woods? These thoughts troubled him as he walked into the forest with the ponies.

“Uh…What exactly is in these woods?” Guybrush asked the ponies.

Rainbow smirked. She thought of how she could get back at Guybrush for beating her in arm-wrestling.

“Only some of the most fearsome creatures of Equestria. There’s the timberwolves, wolves made completely of wood and an insatiable appetite for flesh. Then, there are the manticores. Large lion like beasts with scorpion tails and wings. And those are some of the weaker things in these woods.” Rainbow replied in a spooky voice.

Guybrush gulped harder.

“Wait…did you hear that?” Rainbow asked as she looked around frantically.

“Hear what, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie questioned.

“That! It’s coming from over there!” She exclaimed, pointing into some bushes.

“Uh, we may want to keep moving Captain Threepwood.” Winslow spoke with some fear in his voice.

Guybrush nodded and began to move onward hurriedly, looking frantically left and right in fright.

Rainbow snuck behind Guybrush and Winslow. She took a deep breath and roared her best timberwolf roar. Fluttershy squeaked in fear.

“YIPES!!” Guybrush shouted as he jumped into Winslow’s arms.

“PERMISSION TO HEAD FOR THE HILLS, SIR!!” Winslow yelled as he carried Guybrush further into the forest.

Rainbow laughed and laughed as the two sped off. She almost got into a choking fit for laughing so hard. The rest of the ponies looked disapprovingly at her.

“That was a mean trick, Rainbow…” Applejack grumbled.


“I…I think we lost it sir…” Winslow pants as he droped Guybrush on the ground. “Oh, terribly sorry, Captain.”

Guybrush stood back up, and began to dust himself off. “It’s alright, Mr. Winslow.” Guybrush said as he looked around. “Where exactly are we?”

“I am not sure, sir.” Winslow responded. “But it safe to assume we are still in the forest.”

Guybrush continued to look around; noticing that they were surrounded by thick shrubbery and the sky was blocked out by the many trees. Guybrush struggled to see anything and checked his pants for a light source. He sighed as he could only find his spyglass, his cutlass, the six bottles of root beer, and Pinkie Pie’s cupcake.

Suddenly, one of the bushes began to shift and shake. Guybrush jumped back in fear. “Who’s there! I’m warning you. I’m Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate.” He spoke with obvious fear in his voice. He pulled out his cutlass and pointed it at the bush, only to drop it onto the ground. The cutlass clanged against the cold ground as a hoof stepped on it. Guybrush looked to see a hooded pony looking straight at him.

“Uhm…h-h-hi…” Guybrush studdered.

The figure picked up the sword.

“I do not know exactly what you are. Perhaps a creature from somewhere afar?” The hooded pony spoke in a deep rhythmic tone.

“Uh…I’m Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™, and that’s my cutlass you’re holding.” Guybrush stated, pointing at the sword.

The figure looked at the sword. “This sword is quite different from the ones the guards use. Is this the blade that your kind tends to choose?” It asked in rhyme.

“Err…yeah, it’s all the rage with pirates nowadays.” Guybrush replied.

The figure pulls its hood down to reveal a female zebra with a black and white mohawk and turquoise eyes. She had a large gold earring and several neck rings. Her head was a light gray with patches dark gray.

“Oh, thank goodness…you’re a pony.” Guybrush sighed in relief.

“I FOUND HIM! I FOUND HIM! I FOUND HIM! I FOUND HIM!” Pinkie Pie shouted in a sing-song tune as she jumped from the bushes and began bouncing around Guybrush.

“Hey Pinkie Pie.” Guybrush said, still heaving sighs of relief.

“Zecora! Just the Zebra we’re looking for!” Twilight exclaimed as she and the other ponies climbed out of the bushes.

“Ah, Twilight and her friends have come to visit me. What brings you all to the forest of Everfree?” Zecora asked Twilight.

“Uh…well…you see…Our new friend Guythrush…” Twilight began.

“Guybrush.” The pirate captain corrected.

“Right…well…there’s this miniature pony running about named LeChuck. He doesn't seem to pose a threat right now, but our bipedal friend says that he is in fact a very dangerous ghost/zombie/demon/statue/walrus/pony pirate and…well…he’s supposed to be good at…voodoo…” Twilight explained sheepishly.

Zecora groaned. “I thought all of you knew, but I don’t do voodoo.” She said, obviously displeased with the assumption.

“Nononono! I’m not telling you to do it. See, Guybrush needs somepony with knowledge on it.” Twilight stated quickly.

“Just because I want to make sure he can't get any of his power back.” Guybrush added.

Zecora looked them over and nodded. “I do not think there is voodoo power here, but I will make sure to ease your fear.” She waved a hoof at them, beckoning to follow.

The ponies, Guybrush, and Winslow followed Zecora through the forest. As they twisted and turned along the paths, Guybrush could make out a small hut in the cover of the trees. The hut reminded him of…the Voodoo Lady’s hut. He narrowed his eyes as he walk in, almost bumping his head on a mask. As Guybrush looked around, he could see jars of mysterious substances, weird tribal masks on the walls, and a cauldron in the middle of the room.

“Psst…Winslow.” Guybrush whispered to Winslow as he pulled him to a corner.

“Yes, captain Threepwood?” He whispered back.

“Doesn't this place remind you of a certain someone we know?” He whispered again.

“Indeed sir, but as the pony…er…zebra said…she does not practice voodoo…” He comforted Guybrush.

“ I know…but LeChuck being back has got me thinking. There’s only one person who could have brought him back…” Guybrush stated.

“Aye sir…I am aware of that as well...but we do not have time to dwell on that now. If LeChuck gets his power back, he’ll more then likely kill you again…and since you don’t seem to have a way back in your possession, I deem it very unlikely that you’ll make it back alive.” Winslow explained.

Guybrush nodded as he walked back to the ponies. Winslow was right. There wasn't anything he could do about the Voodoo Lady right now. LeChuck was looking for a way to regain his power, and if he got it…Guybrush shuddered just thinking about it.

“Well, one thing is for sure…LeChuck is going down.” Guybrush said to himself.