• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 63 Comments

Tales of a Mighty Pirate - FoxVillain321

Guybrush Threepwood and his first mate get more then they could have ever imagined when a maelstrom shipwrecks them on an uncharted island.

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Chapter 2: Back and Bigger then Ever?

“What even is it?” The purple horned, flying horse asked.

Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™ found himself pinned down in the sand by a blue flying horse. He stared in silence as the small group of multicolored horses stared at him. Winslow rolled around in the sand, trying to free himself.

“I dunno, sugarcube.” The orange horse with a cowgirl hat replied. “Whatever it is, it ain’t a pony.”

“It definitely has an impeccable taste in clothing.” The white horned horse commented. “Just look at its jacket. Finely sown…you can’t even see the stitch work.”

“Ooo! Ooo! Does it like to party? I hope it likes partying!” The pink horse shouted with glee.

“Um…it-it doesn’t look too scary. It looks more scared of us.” The yellow flying horse stated softly.

“Hmph, serves it right for trying to scare us.” The blue flying horse growled.

“Don’t worry, Captain Threepwood!” Winslow shouted, still rolling around. “I’ll get out of these bindings in no time!”

The yellow horse jumped and hid behind the rest of the horses.

“Threepwood? What’s a Threepwood?” the purple horse asked.

“I dunno. Maybe some kinda tree?” the orange horse guessed.

“It my last name.” Guybrush stated.

The ponies stared at the creature. “You have a name?” The blue horse asked, surprised.

“Yeah. Guybrush. Guybrush Threepwood, and you’re kinda standing on my ribcage.” He replied.

“Rainbow, would you kindly get off the well-dressed creature?” The white horse asks the blue horse. The blue horse stepped off Guybrush. He stood up and walked over to Winslow. “You need any help, Mr. Winslow?” Guybrush asked

“Well, if you wouldn’t mind Captain Threepwood.” Winslow replied, smiling.

Guybrush untied the ropes binding Winslow’s hands and feet together. “Ah, thank you, sir. Turns out, it’s far more difficult to untie yourself when you’re tied like that than I first thought.”

“Okay, now that Winslow is back on his feet, what are you guys? Horses that can talk?” Guybrush asked.

“Beg pardon? Didja just call me a horse? Them’s fightin words.” The orange horse replied, irritated.

“Of all the nerve!” the white horse scoffed. The rest of them showed irritation for being called horses.

“Er… perhaps I should have said that differently.” Guybrush said to himself.

“Mares, do not get angry.” The purple horse said. “They don’t know anything about us. Mr. Greepthood…”

“Threepwood.” Guybrush corrected.

“Right, sorry.” The purple horse apologized. “Mr. Threepwood. From now on, please refer to us as ponies, not horses. We are not horses, and refuse to be called horses.”

“Right. Got it.” Guybrush stated.

“Now, I think we should be good mares, and welcome them.” The purple pony said. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Aha! Royalty! A pleasure to meet you, princess. My name is Reginald Van Winslow.” Winslow greeted Twilight as he walked over to her, knelt down, took her hoof and kissed the top of it. Twilight blushed as the blue winged pony gagged.

“Well, aren’t you the charmer.” Twilight spoke as Winslow stood back up. Guybrush walked over to Winslow and waved hello at Twilight.

“Howdy partners. Name’s Applejack! Good to meetcha.” the orange pony said as she shook both Guybrush’s and Winslow’s hand.

“My name is Rarity, and I must say, your outfit is spectacular.” Rarity complemented Guybrush. “Who does your clothes?”

“Uhh…It think I bought this outfit at Scabb Island.” Guybrush replies.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! I like partying! And cupcakes! And fun! What do you do for fun Guybrush? Do you like partying? Say, why are you called Guybrush? You don’t look like a brush to me. Ooo, Is it because you like to brush things? You know, I haven’t seen anything like you anywhere in Equestria. Do you get lonely from being all alone? Because I would get bored being all alone. Say Guybrush, would you like a cupcake?” the pink pony interrupted, bouncing around. Then from out of nowhere, she pulled out a pink cupcake.

“Uh…thanks?” Guybrush thanked Pinkie Pie, putting the treat in his pocket.

“Quiet a strange one isn’t she, sir.” Winslow commented. “She reminds me of this one lady back on Plunder Island. We would lie on the beach and I would rub lotion on her…”

“Thanks Mr. Winslow, but I don’t need to know any more.” Guybrush interrupted.

“I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria, and don’t forget it.” The blue pony with the rainbow hair stated proudly.

“Right, I’ll try to remember that.” Guybrush replied.

“I say, wasn’t their six of you?” Winslow asked.

The ponies looked around and noticed that one of them was missing. They looked behind them and moved out of the way. A yellow winged pony was hiding her face in her hooves and trembling. She looked up and squeaked.

“Hi there. Who are you?” Guybrush asked.

“I…I’m…Fluttershy…” the yellow winged pony murmured.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.” Guybrush stated.

Im…Fluttershy…” She murmured again.

“Fludderbuy? That a strange name.” Guybrush comments.

“It’s actually Fluttershy, Mr. Threepwood. Sorry, she’s very shy around new ponies.” Twilight said, rubbing Fluttershy’s back.

“Well, there’s no need to be afraid of Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™.” Gubrush reassured.

“Wait…you’re a pirate?!” Twilight gasped.

Guybrush wondered if it was a good idea that he announced to six foreign creatures that he was a pirate.

“Uh…did I say pirate? I meant window washer.” Guybrush said, grinning nervously.

“Really? Why was the word pirate trademarked?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Wow, no one ever notices that. Good eye!” Guybrush complemented Pinkie Pie.

“So, you’re a pirate?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah…But I’m not pirating now.” Guybrush stated. “I’m actually trying to get back to Mêlée Island. So if you can show us the nearest shipyard…”

“What in tarnation is a “Maylay Island”?” Applejack asked.

“I’ve never heard of an island called Maylay, Mr. Threepwood.” Twilight told Guybrush.

“What?!” Guybrush blurted. “Wh-what about Plunder Island?”

“Nope, can’t says I have.” Applejack states.

“Booty Island?” Guybrush asks.

“I apologize, but I have not heard of that island.” Rarity replies.

“Phatt Island? The Jerkbait Islands? Blood Island?”

The ponies shook their heads at Guybrush. “Mr. Winslow!” Guybrush shouted.

“I’m standing right here, sir. No need to shout.” Winslow said as he covered his ears.

“Oh…sorry.” Guybrush apologized.

“Well, it looks like were in quite a pickle sir. So, what are your orders?” Winslow asked.

Guybrush stood still, thinking about what to do next. After a minute, he spoke. “Do you know anyone who has been off this island?” He asked.

The ponies thought about it for a minute. “Umm…do you think Princess Celestia has been outside of Equestria?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s quite possible.” Twilight replied. “She’s been around Equestria longer than most ponies and…” She pauses as she sniffs the air. “Do you mares smell something funny?”

The ponies begin sniffing the air. The all agree they smell something funny. A couple pointed out that it smelled like coleslaw.

“Captain Threepwood…” Winslow whispers. “Do you know what that means?”

“THREEPWOOD!” a booming voice came from above. All of the ponies jumped. Fluttershy ran behind Guybrush and began cowering, nearly crying.

A green wisp lowered down from the sky, face-to ethereal face to Guybrush.

“LeChuck!” Guybrush shouted in surprise. “Uh…you look great! Did you lose weight?”

“Aye, thanks for noticing. It a new diet called HAVING YOUR SOUL RIPPED FROM YOUR BODY!” the wisp shouted. “And now that I have found you, I’ve come to get my revenge!”

“Wait…Why me!?” Guybrush exclaimed. “Elaine and Morgan stabbed you, not me! Why come after me?!”

“Aye, but I can forgive Elaine, and Morgan no longer poses a threat to me.” The wisp stated.

Rainbow Dash began floating around the wisp. She tried to poke it.

“Hey, go away ya filthy flying horse!” The wisp shouted.

“HEY! No pony calls me a filthy flying horse!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily. She took a swing at the wisp with her hoof. Her hoof flied right through the wisp.

“Haha! Ya can’t hurt me, I’m a voodoo pirate God!” The wisp shouted.

The wisp flew at Rainbow Dash, only to go right through her.

“HA! Some pirate God! I didn’t even feel that!” Rainbow Dash shot back.

“Garr…” The wisp growled. It floated around the beach for a minute. “Ha! No matter, there is a body lying deep within the sands. I shall take it, and show you the true power of a voodoo pirate God!”

The wisp began seeping into the ground. After a minute, the sands started to shift as a glowing green hoof emerged from the sand.

“ZOMBIE!!” Pinkie Pie shouted. She started running around in panic. Fluttershy began whimpering loudly.

A short, green glowing pony clawed its way from its sandy tomb. It had a large scraggly black beard, a short untidy black mane, and a long black tail. Its eyes glowed a brilliant shade of emerald green.

“HARHARHAR! Cower before the mighty voodoo pirate God, for you…WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME!!” The new resurrected LeChuck pony shouted.

The ponies were giggling at LeChuck. Winslow began chuckling, and Guybrush just smiled innocently.

“Why are you laughing?! Tell me, or so help me I’ll keelhaul the lot of ya!” The pony LeChuck yelled.

“Nothing!” Twilight snickered. “Nothing at all, you are absolutely terrifying!”

“Yeah! Even if you are short!” Pinkie chimed in.

“WHAT!!” LeChuck bellowed. “What do ya mean short!!”

“Put it this way.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to LeChuck. She stood twice the height of the glowing green pony. “You probably aren’t gonna win the Tallest Pony of Equstria award…maybe the shortest though.”

“AAARR!!” LeChuck roared as he tried to attack Rainbow Dash. Rainbow put a hoof to the pony LeChuck’s head and held him back. The ponies laughed as LeChuck continued to try and fail to lay a hoof on Rainbow Dash. LeChuck backed off and chuckled. “Well, I may be small, but I still have me voodoo!” LeChuck stood triumphantly as he pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash. They both stood there for a minute.

“Uh…What are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked.

LeChuck looked at her funnily. “Why aren’t you screaming in pain!? You’re supposed to be floating in midair, being skewered by spikes!” LeChuck stated angrily. LeChuck point a hoof at Rainbow again, this time screwing up his face in concentration. His face started turning a bright red. After a few more tries, he started rubbing his temple with his hoof.

“What…what happened to me voodoo?! Why is it not working?” LeChuck growled. “Grr…This isn’t the end Threepwood! Once I figure out what’s wrong with my powers, you will pay dearly.”

“…can I call you Lil’Chuck from now on?” Guybrush asked.

The ponies laughed at Guybrush’s question

“GAR!!”LeChuck roared as he ran off toward the woods.

“Hey! You might wanna pick up some stilts before you come back!” Rainbow Dash joked.

The ponies began jabbering and joking about how ridiculous the LeChuck guy was.

“Captain Threepwood.” Winslow whispered. “Can I talk to you privately for a minute?”

Winslow motioned to Guybrush to follow him. Guybrush and Winslow walked a few meters away from the ponies.

“What’s up, Winslow?” Guybrush asked.

“Well sir, it’s about LeChuck.” Winslow replied. “I’m, well…I’m worried, sir. If he’s back, the entire world is in grave danger.”

“I wouldn’t worry.” Guybrush said. “He doesn’t seem to have any power in this form, so he shouldn’t pose a threat.”

“Aye, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get his power back.” Winslow stated.

“So, what are you thinking?” Guybrush asked.

“I’m thinking were going to need help. First things first, since we won’t be leaving anytime soon without a ship and we haven’t a clue where we are, we had better find someone on this island who knows a thing or two about voodoo.” Winslow explained.

“You think the hor…ponies may know someone with voodoo powers?” Guybrush asked.

“It wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” Winslow replied. Guybrush and Winslow walked back over to the ponies.

“Excuse me, but can I ask you girls a question?” Guybrush asked the ponies.

“Of course! What do you need Mr. Threepwood?” Twilight replied, smiling.

“Do you know anyone who might know something about voodoo?” Guybrush asked.

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. “Well, Zecora knows a lot of that mystic mumbo jumbo stuff. Maybe she can help.” She said as pleasantly as she could.

“Somethin’ wrong Twi?” Applejack asked.

“It’s nothing.” She said. “Well, we won’t learn anything just standing here. Let’s go to the nearest town and get on the train.”

“A train? They have trains? What kinda place is this? Guybrush wondered to himself.

The ponies started walking away. “I get to sit with Brushguy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Well, sir.” Winslow laughed. “It seems we’ve stumbled upon another adventure.”

“Yeah, and with an angry mini-LeChuck pony, you know it’s going to be one of those days.” Guybrush replied. “Come on, let’s follow them.”