• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 2,157 Views, 51 Comments

(SiC) Part 5 - Pinkie Pie the Evangelist - Brian Jacko

Pinkie Pie goes on a mission to win hearts for Jesus.

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If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them

Fluttershy was in her cottage talking to a stallion. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small bear walk into her house that she hadn't seen before.

"I can't believe you nursed him back to health. My wife and I thought he would be a goner for sure!" the stallion said.

The dog that Fluttershy nursed back to full health jumped on her and began licking her face.

Fluttershy giggled and pet the dog. "I just have a thing with animals," she said.

"How did you get into this whole taking care of animal business anyway? You're the best care giver I have ever seen."

"Well, it all started when I fell from the sky. I was a very weak flier and I didn't have the strength to stay in the air very long. Before I hit the ground, a bunch of butterflies caught me. I saw the wonders of God's creations. They were fascinating to me and I realized that I had a very special gift. I could communicate with them. I also became very inspired when I picked up the Bible and found one of my most favorite verses of all time. The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. I learned kindness from Christ."

"That's fascinating," the stallion said. "I was never really big on learning about God, but you saved my dog's life and I owe thanks to you. It's hard to find religious ponies that actually represent their God well. There was this crazy pink pony bouncing around town and standing on roof tops demanding that everypony repent of their sins now or face eternal damnation in Hell. It was insanity! No pony is going to want to even think about following their God if they are going to behave like that!"

Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth in shock. "Oh no! Not Pinkie Pie again."

"Do you know this pony?" the stallion asked.

"Yes! I mean no, I mean yes! I'm very sorry, but she can be a few apples short of a bushel sometimes. She doesn't mean any harm, but she is doing more damage than good from what I have heard."

"Well if you see this pony again, I'd stuff an apple in her mouth or at least tell her to be quiet. She can't shut her trap for more than a few seconds out there. It's a disgrace! Thank you for your kindness. Isn't there a well known Bible verse that I've heard before? It reminds me so much of you. Something about the meek and the Earth?"

Fluttershy perked up and said, "Oh! Do you mean the verse that says, "But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace?"

"Yeah! That's the one! You're a total sweetheart and you make Christians actually look good!" The stallion dropped a large bag of bits in front of her on her table. "Here's some money for healing my little doggie and there's a bit of extra change in there. I'd like for you to spend it on yourself and do something nice for yourself.

Fluttershy opened the bag and looked inside, "Oh my," she said. "That's an awful lot of money. You didn't have to give me all that. Thank you so much."

"What do you think you'll do with it?" he asked.

"I'm going to spend all the extra bits on buying special healing herbs from a special friend of mine named Zecora, so that I can help nurse more of the woodland critters back to health. I would spend all of the money on them, but I need to buy food for myself sometimes too," she shyly admitted.

"Truly, I say to you. The world needs more like your kind. Bless your heart."

"I have a little something for you," Fluttershy said. She looked at her book shelf and realized that her stash of Bibles that Twilight had given her in order to give out to other ponies was empty. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess I ran out of Bibles to give away. I will have to get some more. There's a library nearby and the owner gives out free copies of Bibles."

"That's incredibly sweet of you to think of me like that. I think I'll stop by and pick one up. Thanks again for showing me kindness! Take care!"

Fluttershy smiled and waved good bye to him. She heard a thud and looked over to where that strange bear that she had never seen before was. "Um, Hi there. I don't think we have met before. Are you hungry?"'

Pinkie Pie popped out of the mouth of the bear. It was only a costume of an animal.

"Um, Pinkie Pie. Why are you dressed up as a bear? You're not spying on me, are you?"

"Maybe," Pinkie Pie answered. "You seem to know how to win hearts for Jesus with your kindness, so I want to learn from the best! I'm going to be helping you nurse animals back to health, so that the next time a customer comes back to you, we can say that we are a team and minister to that pony and I can officially win my first heart for Jesus with you. As they say, if you can't beat them, join them!"

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy said. "I really don't think that's a good idea and..."

Pinkie Pie cut Fluttershy's sentence off when she put her front hoof to her mouth and silenced her. "Don't worry! I'll be careful! I just want to help you out!"

Fluttershy nodded her head ok innocently and backed away from Pinkie's front hoof so that she could speak. "Well, I guess you could help me since I'm so busy taking care of so many of my critters as well as other ponies who bring their pets to me. You could help me by feeding a very sick dog that I have. He is in the kitchen laying in the dog bed and his food and water bowls are right next to him. He will get up on his own to eat. In the basement are special bags of food and his bag of food that I made up is colored blue. DO NOT feed him any of the other bags of food down there. All he needs is one cup of dog food. The other bags are for my different animals. I have to go to the store now, but I'll be back later."

Pinkie Pie saluted Fluttershy and then happily bounced into the back of her kitchen and then went down into the basement. Her eyes widened at all of the bags that she had down there. She began to think for a moment and talked to herself. "Fluttershy said there was a certain colored bag of dog food that I was supposed use. I can't seem to remember what color she said it was." Her face was right in front of the blue bag of dog food that she was supposed to use. She stared at it for a moment and then a pink bag of food caught her eye that was nearby. "Ah-hah! Why wouldn't she feed her sick doggies from a pink bag of dog food? Pink is such a fun color!" Pinkie Pie dragged the dog food up the stairs and began singing. "You're more fun than the color pink, or balloons flying over your favorite drink! The love I feel is swim not sink as we party across this land!" She saw the sick dog and said, "Oh boy, do we have a treat for you!" Pinkie Pie opened up the bag and paused for a moment. "How much food am I supposed to give him again?" she asked herself. "Did she say one bowl of dog food or one cup?" Pinkie Pie shrugged and figured that the dog could always stop eating when he became full. She poured the entire bag of food into the bowl. The bowl couldn't even be seen anymore and there was just a massive mound of little brown nuggets that were piled up.

The dog came over and began to devour the food.

"Hello, I'm home! Pinkie Pie? How is our patient doing?" Fluttershy called out. She was holding some grocery bags.

"He's fine! Just taking a little nap," Pinkie Pie called back. "Actually, he's been taking a very long nap. I keep poking him with this stick, so I can throw it and play fetch with him, but he wont' wake up!"

Fluttershy dropped her groceries and rushed into the kitchen. She saw the empty pink bag of food that was not intended for dogs to eat. She saw the mound of nuggets piled high above the bowl. She saw the dog lying still on the floor as Pinkie Pie poked it hard several times in its side with the stick. Fluttershy rushed over and took his pulse. He was gone and tears welled up in her eyes. "He's dead, Pinkie Pie. You fed him the wrong bag of food and now he's dead. I left you one simple task to do and you ruined it. I'm probably going to be sued now and the owners are going to be heart broken."

"Wait a second," Pinkie Pie said. "If this food wasn't good for him, then wouldn't he sense that? Dogs aren't that dumb, right? Applejack's dog Winona is a genius."

Fluttershy wiped the tears away from her eyes and said, "Some dogs are like that, but dogs are scavengers and will eat many things that they shouldn't. I can't believe he's gone now. I spent weeks trying to nurse him back to health and he was doing so well too."

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy. Is there anything else I can do or help you with?" Pinkie Pie asked

"No!' Fluttershy said. "Please leave. I'm going to be in enough trouble as it is. I need to mourn for the loss of life." Fluttershy put her two front hooves together and began to pray over the dog.

Pinkie Pie slowly backed away and then left her house. She kicked a stone with her front hoof in frustration and watched it scuttle across the land. "There's got to be something I can do right around here! Oh! I know what I can do! If this doesn't work, then nothing will!" Pinkie Pie zipped off and headed on her way to Carousel Boutique.