• Published 15th Sep 2013
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(SiC) Part 5 - Pinkie Pie the Evangelist - Brian Jacko

Pinkie Pie goes on a mission to win hearts for Jesus.

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I Can Do All Things

After trying some more tactics, Pinkie Pie decided to see how her friends behave when it came to planting seeds inside pony's hearts. Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the bushes. She was wearing binoculars around her neck and put them against her eyes. "Rainbow Dash," she said. "The coolest of all ponies. I bet she knows a thing or two on how to convert ponies to Christianity."

Rainbow Dash was busy clearing the skies away one by one. She came across a large group of clouds and decided to kick things into over drive. She began to fly around in circles rapidly and unleashed a colorful rainbow tornado that cleared away the clouds. Rainbow Dash wiped the sweat off her brow. She suddenly heard some hooves stomping against the ground with approval. She turned around and saw that there was a group of ponies watching her.

"Hey! That was incredible! You're Rainbow Dash, aren't you?" A stallion in the group asked.

"Hey, yeah! Clearing the skies is one of my specialties. This mare can do lots of other tricks as well," she said with the utmost confidence.

"What inspires you to do these incredible tasks? Is there like a motto or saying that you go by?" the stallion asked.

"Actually," Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah! There is. Want to hear it?"

"Sure!" the stallion said.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me," she said.

"Wow, so you're a Christian I take it."

"Yup! The love of Christ and the message of the Gospel gives me the confidence that I need to pull through the storms!"

"Hey, do you have a moment to tell me more about your God? I have heard much about Him, but there was somepony in town who was just a loud mouth and sounded like she didn't even know what she was talking about. She said terrible things about my sins."

"Uh oh," Rainbow Dash said. "Was she a pink pony who had balloons as a cutie mark?"

"Yeah! That's the one!" he said. "That pony is a nut case!"

"Hey, I'm really sorry about that. She can be a bit too outgoing sometimes," Rainbow admitted.

"That's ok," the stallion said. "I'd never listen to her anyway. Would you mind telling me more about God?" The stallion looked back at his friends and asked, "Do you all want to hear more about Rainbow Dash's faith?"

The rest of his friends murmured with approval.

Rainbow Dash sat down on a rock nearby and began telling them stories of the Bible.

Pinkie Pie took the binoculars away from her face and said, "So, awesome tricks and being totally cool gets ponies to come to Christ. Idea time!"

Pinkie Pie stood by the lake with her new contraption. "If I'm going to win hearts for Jesus, then I need to impress ponies." Pinkie Pie felt a hoof tap on her shoulder and turned around. She was met with Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Pinks," Rainbow said. "I heard some more ponies were complaining about you. I thought we told you to calm down about this conversion thing. It's almost like you're this crazy Evangelist who wants to preach to the masses non-stop. What the heck is this enormous contraption anyway?"

"I'm renting it for a little while to prove a point. It's a wave maker!" Pinkie Pie said.

"A wave what?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie Pie switched the machine on and said, "Just wait and see!" Pinkie Pie took a surf board that was leaning against the machine. "Surfs up, Dashie!"

The machine began to make waves in the lake.

There were many ponies who were sunning themselves by this lake.

Pinkie Pie shouted out to them all, "Hey! Guess what everypony? I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!"

The ponies all watched as Pinkie Pie went into the lake and tried to balance herself on the surf board.

"This isn't going to end well," Rainbow Dash said.

A wave came by and Pinkie Pie did her best to ride it. Surprisingly, she did quite well for a moment, and then lost her balance. She fell hard against the surf board and fell off. Pinkie Pie rose back up to the surface of the water and said, "Oops! Don't worry! That wasn't God's fault. I made a mistake. Let me try this again." Pinkie Pie got back on her surf board and tried several times. Each time was a disaster.

One of the ponies in the crowd yelled out, "It's nice to see that Christ can't even keep an idiot pony on top of a surf board for more than two seconds. Why don't you try walking on water like Jesus did if you can do all things through Christ? Oh wait, I guess fairy tales aren't real!" The pony then began to laugh.

"I'll get it! Just give me a chance!" Pinkie Pie said. Pinkie Pie looked over at Rainbow Dash who was dragging her front hoof across her neck as if to tell her to cut the act now. Pinkie Pie sighed and said to herself, "Or maybe not." Pinkie Pie swam back over and turned the giant wave machine off.

Rainbow Dash face hoofed and said, "Pinkie Pie. It is not wise to go boasting about talents you don't have and then trying to bring God into all of this! You're making the faith look terrible!"

"But I'm trying so hard!" Pinkie Pie said with tears in her eyes. "I just want to see one pony come to know Jesus.

"Well you're going to have to come up with a new tactic because this is clearly not working. Leave the sports and games to me please. That's my specialty."

Pinkie Pie sighed and walked away with her head hanging low and her ears drooping.

Rainbow Dash looked over to the crowd who were still laughing and mocking at what they had just seen. Rainbow Dash wanted to go over and say something, but she figured that right now might not be the best time to do so. She would say a prayer for them all later today. More importantly, she would also say a prayer for Pinkie Pie to stop this new obsession that she acquired. Right now, she had to take off and see her boyfriend, Soarin' because they had both planned a special date today.