• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,860 Views, 41 Comments

SPAT [Special Ponies And Tactics] - JustDing

One-shot stories, MLP / S.W.A.T 4 crossover

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219 Wheatherfields Canterlot Church, Hostage Rescue / Barricaded Suspects



"Commander twenty Silver, Central BCC, Canterlot Sector emergence situation mission tasks."

"You on, go ahead!"

"A entry team is requested at Sankt Faust Church in Canterlot for an hostage barricade situation. Canterlot was attacked around the time of the royal wedding as swarms of Changelings broke through the shield. All civilians could be brought to safety and most of the changelings have been neutralized. But the solar princess, Princess Cadance, the captain of the Royal Guard and some civilians are still inside the church. The Captain requests your arrival at highground."

"Understood, Silver out."

BRIEFING: Today, Canterlot was in the depths of doom as swarms of Changelins bursted through the magical shield which was casted by Captain Shining Armor. They caused heavy damage to the streets and houses of the city, but they were soon stopped by the Royal Guards army. From earlier reports of civilians and Royal Guards, the solar princess was injured by Queen Chrysalis as she fought back to protect her subjects in the church. To the funny part, Queen Chrysalis hide herself as Princess Cadance, but the real Princess Cadance entered the church, along with a civilian, one of the bearer of elements of harmony, into the church. That was the point where the hell broke loose.

All who were inside the church were taken as hostages by Queen Chrysalis.

The status of Princess Celestia and the hostage are unknown. When we encounter Queen Chrysalis, caution is advised due of her advanced strength of magic. We should use her to force her folk to surrender.

Rescue all civilians -do not take them to custody this time.
Secure the princesses
Neutralize Queen Chrysalis

Princess Celestia (age unknown, presumably more than thousand years), she has been injured as she tried to protect her subjects.

Princess Cadance (27), she entered the church with Twilight Sparkle. Her status is unknown.

The bearer of the elements of harmony. They participated to the wedding. Their status is unknown.

Queen Chrysalis (age unknown), she brought the real Princess Cadance to a unknown place and took Cadance's form to hide herself and infiltrate Canterlot. Now she is in the church.

Changelings, propably more than hundreds are in the church. They follow Chrysalis commands.


10:00 Start of wedding

10:20 Real Cadance entered the church.

10:21 Princess Celestia has been injured. Directly after, Changelins teared the shield apart and attacked the city.

10:25 SPAT jumped in automatically due of the circumstances.

10:30 Tactical entry


16th August, 10.30 am
219 Wheatherfields Road
St. Faust Church
Barricaded Suspects / Hostage Rescue


A closed black chariot drives to the St. Faust church of Canterlot, riding around debris and Royal Guard blockades as it drove on its own, moving by magic to the destination it was needed at. The magical black chariot easily swerved around many onlookers and other chariots which were stopped by the canterlot guard to allow the black chariot to arrive at its destination quickly.

The black chariot looked like something from the grim reaper's garage, painted black as night with its windows tinted so black that no pony could see inside of it if they tried.

The only thing that offered any identification to the owners of the vehicle were four great white letters are written on the left and right sides of the chariot.


With a slight jerk the black Chariot stopped some meters from a crowd of ponies. Its rear doors opened swiftly as four heavily armed and armored unicorns jumped out.

"To Highground, GO GO GO!", one of them yelled with power in his voice while he and his squad made their way through the crowd of ponies towards the church.

At the same time, at top of a building next to the church, a door opened and a brown unicorn with charcoal mane stepped out of the doorway. He crouched down to prevent from being spotted by the Changeling Queen. He carried a sniper rifle in his magical grip.

"Sierra One to TOC, I'm in position and ready.", said the unicorn to the highground through his own radio as he lied on his belly, the barrel of the sniper rifle poked out at the edge of the roof.

The Royal guard were doing their best to keep the reporters and onlookers away from the SPAT agents so that they could get to the SPAT highground set up under a tent near the church quickly.

"This is central BCC. Multiple squad units are responding to Command Post at 219 Wheatherfields Canterlot Church to Hostage Barricade Situation, please stand by," the mare said back at HQ to Silver Vest, the SPAT squad leader.

He stood at a royal guard command center, looking over the building plans with three other S.P.A.T. unicorns, -Iron Steel, Golden Plate and Ferrum- some metres in front of the Church of Canterlot. The captain of the SPAT, Sunny Bonds, a fourtythree years old ex-Royal Guard member, put a headset on his head and gave the entry team the sign to start. He stayed at Highground to command further options, for example to call more ambulance chariots or trailers.

A red ribbon created the border for ponies which were not S.P.A.T. members. A large crowd of ponies has been formed in front of this line, even Princess Luna was with them. But she was not allowed to enter the area... some normal Royal Guards were talking to the ponies, trying to calm them down.

Silver Vest was equipped with a Colt M4A1, a taser gun, a sting grenade, a breaching shotgun and an optiwand. He had dark blue fur and blue stroked mane.

Iron Steel is equipped with a silenced HK MP5, a Colt M1911, a smoke grenade, pepper spray and three bags of C4. He had grey-blue fur and a grey mane.

Golden Plate is equipped with a Nova Pump shotgun, a Glock 18, a flashbang, a optiwand and a plier. He had grey fur and black mane.

Ferrum is equipped with a GB36s, a taser gun, a sting grenade, pepper spray and a breaching shotgun. He had darkgreen fur and brown mane and he was also the bulkiest.

Everypony of them wore a bulletproof vest, enchanted with a anti-magic spell, black suits, headsets, bulletproof helmet, balaclava and protective pads on each leg.

S.P.A.T., or in full length 'Special Ponies And Tactics', was a newly formed group of Elite Guards. They were responsible for missions that prove too difficult or deadly for the normal Royal Guards.

Each pony that wished to join up with SPAT goes through a different apprenticeship than that of a normal Royal Guard.

It is harder.

It is longer.

And it was painful at times with how far they must push themselves.

Not every pony managed to pass the apprenticeship. From the 100 ponies that were chosen, only 10 become part of the Elite Guard for the Royal Guard and only one, maybe three at most, of them will become a member of S.P.A.T.

Pegasi and Earth ponies were not allowed to enter the S.P.A.T. training course due to the need for advanced devices and tactics that can only be accomplished through the use of magic. Only for a few exceptions, like undercover agents.

The reason for the SPAT's deployment this day was due to the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza being interrupted. That wedding was held in the same church the SPAT agents were preparing to breach.

Silver Vest checked his gear one final time before carrying his M4 with his magic, the rest of his equipment strapped on his back and sides.

He trotted to the doors of the church, while the royal guard was patroling the perimeter to hide their entry. That way the hostage takers would not know exactly where they would be attacked from.

Silver waited for his squad to hide within some nearby bushes, their weapons trained on the windows while he checked if the door was locked.

To his annoyance they were...

-Stealth Music-

"Elements, stack up with me," he commanded, his voice slightly hushed as his helmet communicated his words to his teammates. His squad followed him and and stopped at the sides of the door.

"Mirror under the door," he commanded to Golden Plate.

Golden Plate trots to the door, strapped his Nova Pump on his side, took out the optiwand and put the end with the camera through the space of the floor and door. He looked at the screen carefully, counting the number of ponies he spotted and making sure he had given a thorough viewing of the room.

After a while, he puts the optiwand back on his back, unstraps his Nova Pump and gives a report.

"Several suspects, all are Changelings, along with who appears to be Queen Chrysalis. They all are unarmed but their species can perform magic. Princess Celestia is placed in a cocoon which hangs from the ceiling. Captain Shining Armor is at the altar but unmoving. Princess Cadenza stands next to Shining Armor, her hooves are engulfed in the same green slime the changelings threw all over the city," Golden Plate said in one breath, before Silver reported this new information to HQ.

"Any other civilians?" Ferrum asked, fumbling at his GB36s with his magic.

"Civilian Twilight Sparkle is there along with five other civilians. One unicorn, two pegasi and two earth ponies. Looks like all the Elements of Harmony. They have all been taken as hostages, surrounded by a crowd of changelings."

Silver Vest began thinking on the next plan. They could not just breach through the main entrance and confront the changelings. There were way too many changelings and if alerted they could panic and kill their hostages.

"It's better for everypony if we try to take changelings into custody without needlessly wasting life.", Silver thought and shivered as he had a bad thought. "And if a stray bullet were to hit the solar princess... Still the lives of the Hostages take priority, we must be ready to take the lives of the Changelings if it will guaruntee the safety of the civilians."

Silver then heard his radio click with a message from the SPAT sniper.

-Ambience Music-

"Sierra One to entry team, confirming visual on main target Queen Chrysalis. She appears to be standing at the Altar... singing." reported the S.P.A.T. Sniper. The unicorn with the name Quick Scope positioned himself on the roof of a building next to the church and aimed with a Arctic Warfare through the windows of the church, while lying flat on his belly. Of course, literally everything could be end by him. But SPAT was not like kill all suspects and then everything will be fine. He has no fire permission, only when the entry team or the hostages lives are in sudden danger. Or he get the command to shoot at a target.

"Copy that.", Silver Vest said.

Silver Vest then finished forming a plan. They would have to stun and restrain Queen Chrysalis. With her captured,the rest of her changeling would give up quickly and they can set free the hostages.

But first they would need to find a way inside for all this to work.

Silver Vest trotted around the corner of the church, remembering the plans he looked at earlier, and finally found what he was looking for.

The backdoor, and it just so happen to be unlocked.

"Fall in and stack up." he commanded and pointed a hoof at the door before he put his M4 on his side and took out his optiwand. After mirroring the door, he said "One changeling. Don't fire at him with unsilenced weapons." Though the thick rock and woodwork of the church would muffle some of the noise, Silve did not want to risk it too much. He took a look back inside and watched the target.

A sleepy looking changeling walked around in a room filled with cleaning supplies for the janitors. The changeling was propably positioned there for guarding this room for unwanted intruders, but the changeling queen must not have thought anyone would try and get in since she only posted one guard.

The rest of his squad were stacking up behind him once he relayed the information and put the optiwand away. Each one of them felt their heart beeting with anxiety as they know that failure in this mission could mean the death of their princess and many others.

Silver switched to his taser gun and made sure it was loaded while feeling sweat forming under his balaclava.

"We Open and clear in three......two.....one.", he said as if it where a whisper but it was loud enough for his friends to hear as they all sprung into action.

Silver Vest slammed into the door with a shoulder while opening the handle with his magic.

Once inside, he shouted "POLICE! HOOVES UP AND HIT THE FLOOR!" while he aimed his taser gun at the chest of the changeling.

But the panicked insect could only jump in the air in a panic and looked at them in confusion as the SPAT agents rushed into the room. They quickly surrounded him faster than anything the Changeling had ever seen.

Iron Steel shouted "SHOW ME YOUR HOOVES!" while he aimed the barrel of his suppressed MP5 at the head of the changeling.

The changeling knew that at this point fighting back would only get him killed, so he let fall down himself onto his haunched with his forehooves in the air in a show of surrender.

"Suspect has complied.", Ferrum said as he drew out hoofcuffs from a saddle bag. These hoofcuffs were made of normal plastic but they were enchanted with an ancient magic spell, not known by many outside of Celestia and the SPAT teams, which disabled the magic of the one who was cuffed up with it. Ferrum put the Changelings forehooves behind it's back and restrained the holed appendage firmly.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect has been cuffed and is ready for transport," Silver Vest reported to Highground. The changeling mumbled something about wanting his queen, the equivelant would be a pony asking for their mother.

"Roger that, continue mission."

Silver Vest made a hoof signal with some swift movements before he and his team were silently moving through the room to the next door.

"Check behind the door," he whispered to Golden Plate and the unicorn drew out his optiwand.
After mirroring under the door, he said while drawing back his optiwand "Two suspects, changelings armed with spears, guarding one hostage. Hostage seems to be a pegasus guard, on the floor but I couldn't spot much else."

The best option might have been to throw a flashbang in and clear the room. But that would mean confronting every changeling and securing them in a panicked state once they lost their sight and hearing, including the civilians. Even then, the flashbang causes a loud bang and that would attract more changelings. So there was really only one option.

"Open and clear.", he said, wishing he had gone with a sting grenade but it was too risky.

Stinging them all with a sting grenade would have been better a idea than the flash. A sting grenade is filled with rubber balls, and when the grenade explodes, the rubber balls are sent flying in all directions. The balls impact the skin of anything within range and cause pain but not as much noise. The only problem is if the Hostage was forced to kneel then the sting grenade might send a rubber ball flying into their eye.

"DROP THE WEAPONS! ON YOUR HAUNCHES, DO IT NOW!" Silver Vest shouted and the others after Golden Plate had bucked the door open with his hindlegs and they all rushed into the room. One of the changelings bared his fangs and with a hiss he charged at them, the end of the spear pointed at Silver Vests heart.

Ferrum reacted fast as the SPAT's long-year training took over his body.

He drew out his taser gun out of its holster in one swift motion, aimed at the changelings chest and pushed the trigger with his magic. Two needles, connected by a wire to the tazer, piercing through the skin of the changeling. Although changelings have exoskeletons, the needles were not having any trouble with it.

The changeling shrieked in pain as it's body met 10000 Volts of pure electricity and it fell to the ground twitching as it's muscles spasms. Even a little bit of drool escaped its mouth as it never felt that pain before.

The second changeling dropped his spear in terror while he galloped to another door, trying to escape. Iron Steel fired a short burst at the changelings hindlegs with his silenced MP5. His action would have fallen under 'Unauthorized use of force', but the Changeling could have warned it's queen. It fell to the ground, holding its legs in pain and unable to move. Iron Steel walked to the injured changeling, examined his wound and reported "TOC, this is entry team. Suspect injured and in need of medical attention."

He had paid attention not to hit an arterial vein, every S.P.A.T. member knew how to injure a suspect in a such way that it will not injure him severely or even kill him. But just enough to incapacitate them with pain. Such as the changeling on the floor who looked ready to start crying.

"Medics are informed, continue mission."

The tased changeling tries to stand up, but Ferrum yelled "STAY ON THE GROUND!!!"

The beligerent Changeling doesn't listen though, it forces itself to stood up and tried to attack Ferrum in rage. He instantly holstered his taser gun, he had forgotten to replace the spent cartridge with a new one, while he also drew out the pepper spray and sprayed a full load of cheyenne pepper into the face of the changeling. It started to cough heavily and sneezes., no longer being able to focus on anything but the intense burning in its eyes and face.

"I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN, STAY ON THE GROUND!" shouted Ferrum in the changeling's ear.
This time it complied, fearing more of the pepper spray. It sat itself down and Ferrum was able to cuff his hooves. Once then chageling was down he drew out his taser gun, removed the empty cartridge and placed a new one in. A red blinking light on the rear of the taser gun indicated that it was ready for the next tasing.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect is cuffed and ready for take into custody."

"Transporters are informed, continue mission."

Silver Vest turned his attention to the hostage, the pegasus was injured. His left wing was broken and looked like it had been for a while. It did not seem to be a heavy break but the guard grunted in pain and shivered in discomfort.

"I...im sorry, I tried to stop them." The guard said, Silver hunched down and patted his uninjured side.

"Hey, you did your best, Guard, just lie down and let us take over this." Silver said before getting on his radio.

"TOC, this is entry team. Civilian on the ground, alive but in need of a medic."

"Copy that, EMT's are standing by."

"Form up on me." Silver ordered and the team rejoined him.

They all head through a corridor, after making sure it was secure, which led to the doors to the wedding hall. The S.P.A.T. ponies could now hear Queen Chrysalis arguing with one of the hostages but were unable to hear the full conversation.

"...and it was alway my dream... I am much stronger now than Princess Celestia..."

"Mirror under the door," Silver Vest commanded. Golden Plate drew out his optiwand and did what he was commanded. He slowly moved the camera around as he scanned the room and reported what he had spotted.

"Queen Chrysalis stands next to Shining Armor. His eyes are green and he seems to be under some type of spell."

"Sounds like Chrysalis has him under mind control." Ferrum replied.

"Be careful she might use him to attack us." Silver ordered while Golden Plate kept looking.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza stands some meters in front of the door, that means banging or stinging is out of question," he replied as he drew back his optiwand.

"I suggest that Sierra One should incapacitate Chrysalis, while she is distracted we breach through the door and confront the changelings. Then we divide and secure the changelings and Hostages." Iron Steel said as he checked his MP5's chamber.

"Good Idea," Silver Vest said and he talked to Quick Scope, "Entry team to Sierra one, Do you have visual contact on Chrysalis?"

"Yes, confirming visual on target." Quick Scope said back as he looked through the scope.

"At my sign, shoot at one of her upper legs. Pay attention to not hit a vital spot," he said and mentioned Ferrum via hoofsign to draw out his breaching shotgun.

"Get ready..."

(Stop Music here.)

A breaching shotgun was designed to blow away the lock of a door. The muzzle is crafted in a such way that the pellets will penetrate the lock away door with ease, but ponies behind the door will not be injured in any way. Additionally, it prevent the barrel from splitting up.

"I'm ready..." Ferrum whispered, pointing the muzzle of the shotgun at the lock of the door and felt each second ticking by as if it were an hour. The time has come to show all what SPAT can really do.

"Sierra One, on my sign... now!"

Quick Scope aimed with his AWM at the upper leg of Chrysalis right foreleg and pushed the trigger. The sniper rifle was loaded with jacketed-hollow-point (JHP) ammunition, the bullet will not pierce through organic matter. It will stick in the matter and cause extreme pain.

A single bullet pierced it's way through a window of the church and finally met it's destination.

That destination being one of Queen Chrysali's legs. She howled in pain and surprise as she fell with her upper body to the ground, her rear remained in the air as she was in too much pain to correct herself.

The changelings were looking in horror at their now whimpering Queen. Shining Armor snapped out from his paralysis and looked around confused and at the Queen of the changelings, who did not look so proud anymore.

-Action Music-


The sound echoed loudly throughout the hall as the door's handle flew off and the door being bucked open by Golden Plate's hindlegs.

"Move in, go go go!" Silver shouted as he felt his heart slamming against his ribcage as he led the charge.


Silver Vest held his M4 at the ready, showing everypony that he was ready to shoot any attackers, Iron Steel and Golden Plate were doing the same with their firearms. Only Ferrum aimed with his GB36s at Queen Chrysalis, making sure the changeling queen was secured.

The sight of a weapon pointed at their queen terrified every changeling in the room.

"Here's Sierra One, confirm visual sight with entry team.", Quick Scope reported and aimed at a Changeling at the edge of his view since Chrysalis has alreay been secured.

The hostages, which were still surrounded by changelings, began to cheer in joy, happy to finally being rescued.

"I SAID EVERYPONY ON THE GROUND!" Silver Vest shouted once more.

And now everypony lied down on the ground, even Shining Armor. The S.P.A.T. did not show up many times, but they have a greater priority than the normal Royal Guards. Golden Plate trotted over to Princess Cadance to remove the slime and reassured her calmly but determined to get down on the floor, before he turned around and secured the hall with the others.

One would think the SPAT officers were being unnecesarily rough with the civilians and VIPs, but it was for their own good in case one of the suspects tried to go down with a fight. They did not want a pony standing up and getting caught in the crossfire.

Rescue all hostages Completed

Iron Steel went over to the injured Chrysalis who shoot a death glare up to him.

He slipped out a pair of hoofcufs.

"Show me your hooves!" he ordered in a commanding tone.

"Go to Tartarus!" and she started to channel energy into her horn, making it glow bright green.

"She won't comply.", Ferrum said, but kept his weapon at the changling swarm since he knew what was happening next.

"If thats the way you want it..." Iron Steel said calmly. Then he drew out the pepper spray and sprayed a load of pepper spray into her face for so long it was all she can taste and smell.

She immediately stopped summoning the spell and started to cough and sneeze heavily. It hurt her nostrils and lungs as she tried to breathe, her eyes were red and watery.

Some changelings were making gestures to attack them and they got into position.

But a warning burst from Silver Vests M4 made them reconsider as he released the bullets into the ground in front of the changelings, kicking some dust in the air.

"Anything funny again and I will put you down." Silver Vest warned.

At that point, every changeling sat down on the floor, some angry and others whimpering. They realized that the SPAT had the cards now. They know the drill. If they do nothing, then nothing will happen to them or their queen. Golden Plate and Iron Steel were starting to restrain all changelings, while Silver Vest secured the insects.

"I SAID! SHOW ME YOUR BUCKING HOOVES!" Iron Steel yelled, his command clear and loud for Queen Chrysalis. She was still coughing and sneezing as she held her hooves in the air, a sign that she surrender.

Iron Steel instantly cuff her hooves and said into his radio "TOC, this entry team. Suspects and Hostages have been secured. Area's clear, Royal Guards may come in! Main target is in need of medical attention, no other injuries present."

"Good work entry team. Go back to HQ for debrief."

Outside, Sunny Bonds turned to Princess Luna and said "The church has been cleared. You can enter the hall with a bunch of Royal Guards to escort all changelings out."

She nodded quickly. Even she was surprised that not the elements of harmony saved a lot of lifes, but a group of four best trained and equipped unicorns.

At this point Celestia was kicking and struggling inside of her cocoon from the cieling, wanting to be released. She has been long enough in there upside down and she felt her stomach wincing...

Bring order to chaos Completed

The doors of the church were swinging open and a group of ten Royal Guards galloped into the wedding hall, along with Princess Luna. Two Royal Pegasus Guards were helping Princess Celestia to get out from the cocoon. The other Royal Guards were taking care of the changelings, escorting them out from the church after they had put bags over the changelings heads.

After five minutes, all changelings were escorted out, with the exception of Queen Chrysalis. Some medic ponies were taking care of her bullet wound. Despite she was trying to take over Equestria, she was still a living being with emotions and needs, so she was treated like one.

Every SPAT pony took off his helmet and balaclava to let the sweat dry which has formed under them.

"That was bucking hardcore...", Golden Plate snickered as he ruffled his mane to get it back to it's normal form. It was sticking on his head like glue.

Silver Vest spotted the crown of the solar princess lying on the ground. He picked it up with his magic and trotted over to the princess who was asking her sister about the situation around Canterlot.

"Your highness, here is your crown.", he said and saluted the princess while holding her crown with his magic.

"Thanks you very much... you're from that new unit. S.P.A.T., Are you not? I must say, I was really amazed at your actions, Mister..." she asked and noticed his name stitched into his vest.

"Ah, yes, Silver Vest. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much of your team's past mission." she said smiling and took her crown, placing it where it belonged.

She then went to the restrained Queen of the changelings, followed by Silver Vest and her guards. Ferrum and Iron Steel were securing her by pointing their weapons at her. Without her magic, she was helpless but it never hurt to be cautious.

"Good work, but now I will take it from here," Princess Celestia said. They both salute and holstered their weapons on their backs before they went to the captain of the Royal Guards, Shining Armor. Silver Vest and Golden Plate were walking to him, too.

"That was impressive, guys! I owe so much! You can be sure to always have a good word from me." Shining Armor said happily as he wrapped his foreleg around Princess Cadance.

"That's right, without you four, Queen Chrysalis would now rule over Equestria and I would have lost my husband," Princess Cadance as she gave each S.P.A.T. member a short hug. The cheeks of Silver Vest and Golden Plate were going red at how they were being hugged by such a beautiful mare, and a princess at the same time.

"Don't look so rigid you four. You all earned this," Shining laughed and looked to Princess Celestia, who was still arguing calmly with Queen Chrysalis. Princess Luna joined her sister but just gave angry glares to Chrysalis.

The four SPAT officers then spotted the bearers of the Elements of Harmony walking up to them.

"Oh, thank you so much. I was so afraid..." Twilight Sparkle said as she furiously shook Silver Vest's hoof and continued talking, and talking and talking as her attention drew to all the advanced equipment the officers had.

"You four were just amazing! If you ever come to ponyville il throw you a party. OR maybe il make you a cake, or maybe a song.", Pinkie Pie said happily before gasping "Or maybe I can do all of that, oohohoh I know I'll make a cake that plays music!!"

"I hate to admit it... but you guys just might be cooler than me...but only by like...20%" Rainbow Dash muttered and looked to Ferrum who gave her a wink.

"Thanks... you saved us...you are real heroes.", Fluttershy said, still unsure towards them but fairly comfortable considering they saved the lifes of everyone in the church, even the lifes of Changelings.

"That was one of the best actions Ah' ever witnessed! Yall aughta bee in the movies.", Applejack said in her typical southern accent while she tipped her hat to each one.

"Darlings, Such bravery and such finesse. Oh and such dashing uniforms. If any of you ever need suits made I would be happy to do it for free. In fact all of you are always welcome to come have tea at my boutique whenever you wish.", said Rarity to all of them, but she was paying special attention to Golden Plate, the youngest of the group who was rather handsome to Rarity's eyes. Golden Plate only blushed in response.

"Okay, it looks like everything is okay now. We must go back to the HQ for debriefing, Goodbye!" Silver Vest said, taking a moment to nod to each of the rescued hostages.

Once all that was done they began trotting out from the church and back to the chariot they had first arrived in, Royal guard officers keeping the press from bothering them as the Chariot moved on its own by magic and traveled back to HQ. The wedding continued without any other disturbance and it found a happy end, thanks to the SPAT.

Queen Chrysalis and her folk did not received any punishment. In fact, Princess Celestia offered that her folk could live under the population of Equestria as long as they do not do anything harmful to the ponies. The Queen took her offer eagerly and said she was sorry for what she did, but she had not seen any other option for her two million childrens.

At the end, everypony was happy.

Author's Note:

I think I have something against Queen Chrysalis... that bitch annoyed me so much in the wedding episode. Maybe she sung too much?