• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 10,982 Views, 315 Comments

Star Gazing - Konseiga

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I’ve gone to spend most of the day with Princess Luna. We’ll be at the lake for the first part, and then go where our hooves take us after that. If our friends ask where I am, tell them where we are, but ask them to not bother us unless absolutely necessary.


Satisfied, Twilight set down her quill with a smile. While she loved all of her friends to death and beyond, today was going to be special. She could just feel it.

“Twiiiiiiliiiiiight…” Luna called up the stairs.


“I am anxious to start the sandwich-making!” Luna called back. Twilight could just picture one of Luna’s front hooves going into the air as she said that.

“Alright, alright! I’m coming,” Twilight said with a laugh. “Yeesh.”

After pinning the note to the front door, Twilight beckoned for Luna to follow her back into the kitchen. Opening up the icebox, she floated out a loaf of poppy seed bread and a large container of greens.

“What manner of baked good is this?” Luna asked, sniffing at the loaf of bread.

Twilight giggled. “It’s bread,” she said patiently. Luna just gave her a blank look. “Err, bread is kind of like…” shoot. What would Luna know that I could compare bread to? “Oh! It’s like a cupcake minus the frosting.”

Luna just shook her head. “That seems silly.”

“Here, just try a piece,” Twilight insisted, taking the bread out of its protective wax parchment wrapping.

Luna levitated out a slice. “It is cut in the most peculiar manner, too.” Tentatively, she nibbled at the corner of the slice. Then she took another bite, larger this time, chewing it with a thoughtful look in her eye. “It is certainly not as sugary sweet as cupcakes are,” she said slowly, “but I can see the appeal. The plainness it has can sometimes be desirable.”

Twilight giggled again, levitating out two pieces of bread and setting them on the counter. “Here, try this!” she said, floating out four or five dandelions and a slice of tomato and squishing them between the two slices of bread.

Luna enveloped the sandwich in her own magic and gave Twilight a skeptical look. Twilight nodded fiercely, and Luna took a bite out of the corner.

“Mmm. MMM!” Luna’s eyes went wide and she looked at the sandwich with wonder. “Ffw cnf anftngg-“ she swallowed her mouthful of sandwich, “that is so simple be so good?”

“The wonders of sandwiches, Princess,” Twilight said with a smile, already levitating out more slices of bread. “Did you see how I made them?”

“Oh, yes, I did. Twilight, I could eat these all day! They’re right up there with glorious Moon Pies on Princess Luna’s Deliciousness Detector!”

Twilight couldn’t help herself. She collapsed on the floor laughing, tears streaming from her eyes as she struggled to breathe. Luna just rolled her eyes.

“Are you done?” the alicorn asked shortly.

“Haha... yeah,” Twilight replied, wiping the tears from her eyes and standing back up.

“Hmph. Let us commence with the sandwich making!”


Thirty minutes and six sandwiches later, Luna and Twilight departed the library, making for the lake. Twilight had an insulated icebox with two containers of their favorite ginger peach tea and the sandwiches floating beside her, while Luna had taken the picnic blanket.

“It’s really lovely today!” Twilight said happily. Even though it was only around eight o’clock in the morning, there was a warm breeze that wove its way through Ponyville, and the temperature was like the old tale of Goldimane: not too hot, and not too cold.

“Agreed,” Luna said. Before they left, she had donned her necklace again, the magic inside of it transforming her back into the real Princess Luna, with flowing stars in her mane and tail. “Summer has always been one of my favorite seasons, even before my… incident.”

Twilight pressed against the now familiar side of Luna. “I’m glad we got that all straightened out,” she said, ears twitching as she thought she heard a pony chuckle. Glancing around, she determined that it was simply her imagination; there wasn’t another equine soul in sight.

“I am, as well,” Princess Luna said gratefully. “Now, where is the lake?”

“It isn’t really that far away from here,” Twilight said, gesturing towards Canterlot. The palace shone, and even from the many miles that separated Equestria’s capitol and Ponyville, Twilight and Luna could see it. “All we have to do is walk towards Canterlot and we’ll be there in almost no time at all.”

They walked in silence for a while, and then Luna spoke. “Tell me about your friends.”

Twilight was slightly surprised at the question. “Well, what do want to know?”

“What are they like? What are their personalities like?”

“Well, I guess we can start with Rainbow Dash,” Twilight smiled and looked up at the sky. “She’s energetic, outgoing, flashy, and confident. Sometimes, she can be arrogant, but it’s usually well earned. She’s an amazing flyer, and she’s most at home in the sky. She’s also loyal to the bitter end, hence her embodiment of the Element of Loyalty.”

Luna nodded. That made sense, from what she had observed from the rainbow pegasus thus far. “Is there anything going on between Rainbow Dash and the orange earth pony?” Luna inquired.

Twilight stumbled over her own hooves, blushing ferociously. “W-we try to keep that as hush hush as possible, you know?” the unicorn said. “Ponyville is kind of a small town, and rumors spread quickly. Plus, a pairing of two mares is still a little bit of a shock to some ponies. Not traditional, you know? Even though Princess Celestia has endorsed mare and mare relationships, some towns are just slow to accept new ideas.”

“I understand,” Luna nodded. Luna herself had always been an advocate of the freedom of expression ever since she returned from the moon, and relationships had been one of her focal points.

“Speaking of Applejack,” Twilight said, deciding it was a good segue into describing her best friend, “she’s one of the hardest workers Ponyville has to offer. She and Big Macintosh, her brother, support the entire Apple family on their work in the orchards. She’s strong and kind, and rather understanding, if a little stubborn. She’s Rainbow Dash’s biggest athletic rival, too. Remember when I told you about the Running of the Leaves?”

Luna nodded. “And I’m still impressed you took fifth.”

Twilight blushed, but continued. “Ever since that day, the two have been inseparable training partners. Those two are as fit as any pony in Equestria. And, of course, Applejack can be honest, even brutally so. It’s why she’s the Element of Honesty.”

“I see. What about the yellow pegasus? Fluttershy?” Luna inquired. “I bet Rainbow Dash doesn’t hold a hoof to Fluttershy’s outgoing attitude!” The alicorn was fondly recalling what she could remember of the party.

Twilight giggled. “Actually, Fluttershy is extremely, well, shy. She’s been on the ground ever since she was a little filly, and she grew up around animals. Her kindness has earned her the trust of many of them, including a giant bear that she occasionally gives massages to.”

“Scaring the living daylights out of you in the process,” Luna interjected. She remembered that story from Twilight’s recollections. “Also, I remember now. Fluttershy was the pony you took me to see to try and reign in my ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE!”

Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy is the meekest and kindest pony you will ever meet. She’s the only pony that Discord had to cheat with to make her turn on me.”

“And it still didn’t work,” Luna said with a smile.

“Right. There isn’t much else to say about Fluttershy, other than she’s the Element of Kindness.”

“So who’s next?”

“Well, there’s only two left, Pinkie Pie and Rarity”

“Tell me about Rarity, then.”

Twilight smiled. “Rarity is a fashionista. She owns Carousel Boutique all by her lonesome. Have you been there?”

Luna shook her head. “No, I haven’t. Remind me to do that sometime.”

“The dresses she makes are fabulous. She’s been able to support both herself and her sister by selling them to various celebrities and the wealthy elite class back in Canterlot. She’s the Element of Generosity, and I’m reminded of it almost every day.”

“How so?”

“It seems that, no matter where we are or what happens; Rarity always has something that she’s willing to give up, or part with, to ensure the happiness of her friends.”

“Oh,” Luna cast her eyes downward. “It must be nice, to have friends like that…”

Twilight pressed against Luna’s side, nuzzling her neck. Luna smiled at the gesture, brightening slightly.

“That leaves us with Pinkie Pie, then,” Luna prompted.

Twilight nodded. “Oh, where to begin with Pinkie Pie? You know how, supposedly, unicorns are supposed to be the only race of the three gifted with magic, right?” Luna nodded. “Well, I thought that until I met Pinkie Pie. Not only does she seem to disregard all the laws of physics, but she can fit in impossibly small spaces and has a tendency to pop out of anywhere at any time with not warning whatsoever! Plus, she has a ‘Pinkie Sense’, which basically amounts to a varying sequence of gyrating body parts to warn her of things to happen.”

Luna laughed a little.

“Oh, you laugh, but I’ve experienced this first hand!”

“Yes, Twilight, I remember,” Luna replied. “You told me about this, remember?”

“Oh, right… Then you know she can go a little crazy, too.” Luna nodded again. “It’s only fitting that she be the Element of Laughter. She makes it a point to welcome every new pony in Ponyville, or throw the best parties, or just generally make everypony laugh.”

“I see. Thank you for sharing, Twilight,” Princess Luna smiled at the lavender unicorn, who looked at her curiously.

“Why did you ask?”

“Oh, well…” Luna paused, gazing at the ground. “Maybe, if I get to know them better, I get to know you better. That was my thought process, at least.”

Twilight smiled for the thousandth time at the midnight blue alicorn. I really do love this pony. And, at this point, I don’t care if it’s unrequited.

“Oh, wow. We’re here already!” a sparkling blue body of water had caught Twilight’s gaze. “That was a shorter trip than usual.”

“Time flies in good company,” Luna quipped, floating the picnic blanket down to a suitable clearing next to the shore line.

Twilight just stuck her tongue out at the Princess. “When I find good company, then, I’ll let them know!”

Luna glowered at Twilight. “Go on, little unicorn, keep teasing me. See what happens.”

“Oh yeah? Wha- hee haha!!” Twilight snorted and clutched at her side, where a long piece of cattail grass had begun tickling her. The grass was wrapped in the soft glow of Luna’s magic, and was mercilessly tickling its victim.

“Hee haha! Stop! Hahaha! You win!” Twilight’s eyes started streaming tears again, she was laughing so hard.

“What’s that?” Luna called, turning an ear toward the unicorn. “I can’t quite hear you. Who’s the best company in Equestria?” The cattail continued its relentless assault on Twilight’s sides.

“You are, hee hee hahaha!!”


“P-p-princess Luna is! HahaHAHA!”

“I thought as much,” Luna smirked and let the cattail fall, released from her magic. Twilight just lay in the grass, breathing heavily and still giggling.

Spreading the blanket out, Luna situated herself on it in a comfortable position. It wasn’t long before Twilight had brushed herself off and joined her.

“It’s been so long since I’ve actually relaxed like this,” Luna murmured quietly, her eyes closing. Twilight muttered in agreement.

As Luna sank deep within herself, Twilight felt an unfamiliar blackness in the corner of her mind. She probed it mentally, and the blackness latched onto her probe and at away at her vision, dragging her down into unconsciousness.


“How strong are you, really?”

Twilight shrugged, her wings tucked against her side. There had been another change of scenery; now she was in an elaborate, yet deserted ballroom. I have no way of knowing that. I’m not that strong.

“Aren’t you, though?" The silky voice wrapped itself around Twilight. The familiarity of it made the purple alicorn relax.

I wouldn’t be anything without my friends. I know that much.

“Aahh, your friends. Tell me, Twilight, do you think it was a simple coincidence that all the bearers of the Elements of Harmony just HAPPENED to be in Ponyville?"

The nagging doubt that had planted itself in Twilight’s head tugged uncomfortably at her mind.

“It’s no coincidence, Twilight. You aren’t just the bearer of Magic, you ARE Magic. Your mere presence is powerful and influential enough to alter the destiny of ponies around you. You were powerful enough that Princess Celestia herself swooped you up as her personal protégé before a potential rival could find you. And now…”

And now?

“And now you’ve attracted the attention of one of the most powerful ponies in the world. Don’t buy in to the garbage that ponies say, ‘opposites attract.’ Powerful ponies attract powerful ponies. And your attraction with Luna goes far beyond mere friendship.”

Twilight bristled. That’s personal.

“I know, Twilight. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. You know this will end in betrayal.”

I refuse to believe that.

“Make of it what you will. I just don't want you to get hurt,” the voice wound itself around Twilight, encasing her in its silvery voice. “Have you decided on how to treat your power?”

Twilight sighed. Yes.

“And your decision is…?”

Twilight almost hated herself. Teach me as you will. I want to harness my power, to control and employ it.

If the voice had a physical manifestation, it would have grinned. Instead, it simply said, “First, there is one thing we must do. And really, it’s the only thing we have to do.”

And what is that?

“Remove something. Be warned, this may sting a little.”

Twilight felt a curious sensation inside of her head, as if a steady pressure was building. Then, something grabbed her mind and yanked, and Twilight let loose a bloodcurdling scream.


“Twilight! Twilight!”

Twilight was hit smack in the face with a load of water. Coughing (why was my mouth open?) violently, Twilight shook her head to try and get the water out of her eyes.

“Are you okay?” a very worried looking Luna was standing over her, the icebox dripping wet and floating next to her.

“I’m fine, other than soaking wet.”

Luna flinched at her words, and Twilight marveled at how cold her words had sounded. Softening her tone, the unicorn resumed, “Why? What happened?”

“We were meditating. It was pretty quiet, save for the occasional bird chirping in the trees. And you just suddenly screamed out like a dying pony. Your eyes were still closed, and I thought you were stuck in a trance. So…” she gestured at the icebox.

“Did you at least save the sandwiches?”

Luna smiled wryly and gestured to the side. The blanket and the sandwiches had been moved and were resting there, undisturbed, with the tea sitting next to them.

“Excellent,” Twilight said, waving away Luna’s worries with a flippant hoof. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

Luna cast one last worried look at Twilight (who was attempting to drain the water from her ears by pounding a hoof on one side of her head) and floated their lunch over from its resting place.


The shadow swirled, cackling gleefully. Slowly, it began to take a definite shape. Four legs extended downward out of it’s torso as a neck extended upward. An angled head began to take shape, with a horn sprouting out of the top. Wings began to extend from its torso, and a long tail extended out the back.

“Alicorns,” the shadow tutted, “are such useless and quixotic creatures. Always doing ‘what’s best for ponykind’ or ‘saving the world’. Such weakness…” the shadow shook its head in pity. “However, I do find their form quite convenient and pleasing. I’m sure Twilight won’t mind a few… renovations.”

Cackling again, the shadow returned to its shapelessness. “Now that I’ve shattered Twilight’s morals, it shouldn’t be long before I can claim complete control of her weakened mind. She is still ‘sick’, after all. Would that make me a virus?” the shadow swirled in place, pondering this silently. “Ah, it matters not. What matters now is the last step.”

Floating over to the imposing door, the shadow reached out a tentative strand of blackness towards the soft blue light, half expecting to be rejected by that accursed crescent moon. The strand hit the blue light with a soft whump

…and pushed right through, coming into contact with the door. “Ha! It seems that love does not conquer all!” the shadow gloated, and furiously began retracing its spindly lines. “That’s one obstacle down, and five to go! And oh, I will relish the pain Twilight is going to feel. Perhaps I will throw whatever is left of her conscious in here. That would be a suitable change role change. Perhaps I’ll let her watch as I destroy her friends, her teacher AND her lover mare. Or perhaps I’ll just snuff out her mind altogether. It really doesn’t matter…”

And with those words, the door began to look less imposing, and the five locks began to lose their color.