• Member Since 27th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 7th, 2022



things with Gravity Falls. · 4:24am Apr 6th, 2014

and tonight came with the realization that Gravity Falls is frigging amazing and that it's already 6AM. I should go to sleep actually.

Report Antor · 326 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Your words did not go unheard, and were deeply appreciated.

Keep it toasty, Antor. :twilightsmile:

Hey, Antor!

Parents sure can be stressful. Especially if they're completely bat-wing insane!
Still, I'm glad we had this little talk. It was... interesting.

Thank you very much for the favourite and the support of this silly story, and I hope we can have a few more talks in the future.


- KR

I'm still laughing, it was only fair! great story!
:pinkiehappy: <( look at me I'm a great and powerful magician too! *bickering* *arguing* *shouting*)

Thanks for the fave on 'Unlikely Allies'! Much Appreciated!:pinkiehappy:

I certainly look forward to that! I can't say no to new readers. Definitely feel free to leave comments or thoughts. They always help in making myself better.

Thank you so much for your continued support. I do write like this a lot though, so if you read my other stories, you can bet no matter how wide or varied the topics or genres are, they will be around the same sort of body.

I would highly recommend you start off with a fic I wrote called Dreamflow. But of course, at your own time.

You've done more than I could possibly ask for already.

Thank you very much once again, and Merry Christmas.

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