• Published 16th Aug 2013
  • 523 Views, 8 Comments

The Quest For Iscanter - eternalsquire

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The Final Party

The Mane Six were all together once again after a year or more of separation due to essential errands across the entire world. They were immersed together within a large tub of hot bathwater. It was steaming hot and deep enough to reach their necks. They all sat and leaned back on the edge, their heads cushioned by towels.

"Oh, this feels WONDERFUL!", Pinkie Pie said.

"Every part of this entire day was wonderful!", Twilight Sparkle added.

"And so was Granduncle!", AppleJack said. "Oh, the stories he could tell!"

"The whole city is so beautiful, and the people so charming and polite.", Rarity commented.

"Wow! What a dinner they gave us!", Rainbow Dash said. "Plants farmed from water tanks? Of so many types? Amazing!"

"And the DUMPLINGS! And the CAKES! And the NOODLES!", Pinkie Pie exclaimed in wonderment. "What about you, Fluttershy?", Pinkie asked. "What was your favorite part?"

"Meeting and saying hello to all kinds of animals I never knew existed before.", Fluttershy answered softly. "Then, later, meeting and saying hello to the Emperor's court. They were very kind to me, and they told me a few of their ancient legends.. Then I met a wierd kind of fox in an underground grove. He had nine tails. He claimed to be a master of both enlightenment and total focus. He taught me some of the basics, then gave me a riddle to solve during the voyage."

"What was that riddle?", Twilight asked.

"What was your original face before you were foaled?", Fluttershy replied.

"That's nonsense!", Rainbow Dash judged.

"Oh, and do you ya'll remember the singin' contest after dessert at the Emperor's banquet?", AppleJack grinned. "They would play music and the contestants would have to sing the words?"

"Oh, you mean the 'carry oakie'?", Rarity replied.

"Yeah, Pinkie here wiped the floor with 'em!", AppleJack announced proudly.

"I was just doing what felt right.", Pinkie Pie told them all. She smiled at the memory.

Pinkie had been paying closer attention to the orchestra during the banquest than anyone could ever have suspected. After dessert, she found herself becoming increasingly jittery listening to the attempts of people attempting to sing from memory words from the old songs to music played by the orchestra.

Attendants had brought small cups of powerful rice wine warmed gently, meant to be sipped delicately. Some in the Mane Six turned up their noses at it. However, AppleJack had been exposed to fermented apple juice, Rarity had learned refined tastes, and of course Pinkie Pie was ready to try anything new at least once, even this.

Pinkie Pie was on the verge of discovering what happens when somepony has consumed too much of it at once. Her normal lack of inhibitions were now magnified from the sips of rice wine she had taken, by ten times.

The Emperor was sitting at the head of the banquest table, with Princess Celestia on one side and Twilight Sparkle on the other. Twilight's friends sat close by both sides. He was acting as the master of ceremonies for the singing contest, and announced each of six entrants of the best "carry-oakie" singers under the island.

The end of the first song was greeted by all the Imperial ponies including the Emperor shouting, "Banzai!". Celestia raised her eyebrows at this, then gazed at the Mane Six, commenting while shrugging her shoulders: "When in Roam, do as the Roamers do!"

At the end of the next song, Celestia sipped at her wine and shouted, "Banzai" with everyone else. The Mane Six got the hint, and at the end of third sing they joined her in sipping wine and cheering.

By the time the final 'scheduled' song in the contest ended with a cheer, Pinkie Pie was thoroughly intoxicated and therefore believed herself ready for anything. She turned to face the Emperor, asking, "Your Emperorship, may I play too?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled in embarassment while the Emperor and Celestia exchanged glances. The Emperor faced Pinkie, and nodded. Pinkie walked a little unevenly, to the orchestra on one side of the room.

She whispered to the first violinist, "Could you play the first background stuff we heard during dinner?".

The violinist asked, "You mean The Scarlet Scarf?".

"Yeah!", Pinkie Pie said, "Speed it up a little bit, too, would'ja? Add some brass, too!"

Pinkie Pie walked to the center of the banquet room, and announced to all: "I'm going with my friends and we hope we will all return safely. I understand there will be no use for parties and songs on board a ship, so I am going to sing my very last song that I will ever sing before we all come home again. Hit it!"

The opening melody of the Scarlet Scarf, played at a much higher pace on trumpets leading, suggested martial overtones rather than melancholy. A stagelight centered on Pinkie as she began to sing at the top of her lungs in ringing tones for all to hear.

We're off, to outer space!
We leave Equestria!
To save the pony race!
Our star trotters!

Searching very far out there,
Heading out to Iscanter,
We leave our families behind,
What are the perils we'll find?

We must be strong and brave,
Our land, we have to save!
If we fail then someday,
All we love, will vanish away!

We will fight and take them on!
We won't quit until were done,
We'll be back, we will arrive,
Our land once again will thrive...

With our star trotters!

When the final bars of the music faded, Pinkie knelt toward the Emperor and Celestia.

The Emperor stood from his place at the banquest table and raised his wine up. Celestia and the rest of the Mane Six rapidly followed suit, as nearly instantly later everypony else. Attendants quickly brought cups to the members of the orchestra, who promptly stood, then the attendants themselves provided themselves cups as well.

When all stood, the Emperor raised his cup in the air, then drank from it, then shouted: "BANZAI!"

The entire hall resounded from the response by everpony else: "BANZAI!"

Pinkie stood up as she all saw everypony in the room facing her and cheering: "BANZAI! BANZAI! BANZAI!"

Pinkie felt very happy. She had once again followed her destiny, having brought hope and joy during this very time when both were needed most.

. . .

The Emperor of The Crysanthemum Empire was preparing to end his day in his chambers. It was a long day and night, and he needed his sleep, it wasn't as if he was young any more.

There was a gentle tap at his door. "Come in.", he said.

An attendant came through the door. "I'm sorry, my lord.", the attendant said, "but there's someone here who wants to see you and will not take a refusal."

The Emperor smiled. "Only two would dare.", he said, "and one of them is completely passed out on rice wine after her bath. I think I know who the other is. Please let her in."

"Yes, my lord.", the attendant answered, and then departed.

The Emperor saw Princess Celestia walk through his door. "I wanted to give you my personal thanks", Celestia said, "for being such a gracious host the night before my little ponies launch. Our defense would also have been impossible without your help."

"I am honored to hear these thanks in person from such a highborn mare as yourself.", the Emperor replied.

"Do you remember the offer of an alliance you gave me a few years ago?", Celestia asked him.

"The offer is still available.", the Emperor said.

"I wish to accept it. You have shown yourself to be so completely honorable and selfless that I now find the prospects of our realms joining, along with you and I, far too difficult for me to resist.", Celestia replied with a smile. She then grimaced, saying, "Somepony had also recently and forcefully reminded me regarding the perils of solitude. May I kindly stay the night with you? Ceremonies can come eventually."

"Of course.", he said, "Make yourself comfortable. By the way, my personal name is Forest Frost."

"You don't seem to have a forest or frost relate cutie mark.", Celestia stated.

"No.", Forest Frost confirmed. "Upon ascending the Crysanthemum Throne, a special ceremony changes the mark. Are you ready to retire for the night, your Highness?"

"Please, call me Celestia.", the alicorn mare corrected him.

"Celestia. Please, call me Forest.", he said. Then, Forest turned off the lights.

[ "And that's a wrap for the script for this evening.", Derek said. "IQ-9, get the drawing, music, and voiceovers done by morning. Thank you all!" ]

Author's Note:

Five thumbs down? You must be kidding. I'm making serious adventure fiction here, and I'm following both the site's rules on keeping the story teen at most, and also the general rules of creative writing for making a well-structured story. Besides, who else but Pinkie could be able to sing her sensible version of the theme song? And the presence of sake? Get over it. A teen level story would allow mild consumption of alcoholic beverages by adult ponies during a state dinner.